Set Theory

"One very important genus of complex ideas that we encounter everywhere are those in which the idea of collection (Inbegriff ) appears. There are many types of the latter [...] I must first determine with more precision the concept I associate with the word collection. I use this word in the same sense as it is used in the common usage and thus understand by a collection of certain things exactly the same as what one would express by the words: a combination (Verbindung) or association (Vereinigung) of these things, a gathering (Zusammensein) of the latter, a whole (Ganzes) in which they occur as parts (Teile). Hence the mere idea of a collection does not allow us to determine in which order and sequence the things that are put together appear or, indeed, whether there is or can be such an order. [...] A collection, it seems to me, is nothing other than something complex (das Zusammengesetztheit hat)." (Bernard Bolzano, "Wissenschaftslehre" ["Theory of Science"], 1837)

"[a set is] an embodiment of the idea or concept which we conceive when we regard the arrangement of its parts as a matter of indifference." (Bernard Bolzano, 1847)

"[...] from that circumstance alone we are not allowed to conclude that both sets, if they are infinite, are equal to each other with respect to the multiplicity of their parts (that is, if we abstract from all differences between them); [...] Equality of those multiplicities can only be inferred when some other reason is added, for instance that both sets have absolutely equal grounds of determination, i.e., that their mode of formation is absolutely equal." (Bernard Bolzano, "Paradoxien des Unedlichen", 1851)

"If two well-defined manifolds M and N can be coordinated with each other univocally and completely, element by element (which, if possible in one way, can always happen in many others), we shall employ in the sequel the expression, that those manifolds have the same power or, also, that they are equivalent." (Georg Cantor, "Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1878)

"I say that a manifold (a collection, a set) of elements that belong to any conceptual sphere is well-defined, when on the basis of its definition and as a consequence of the logical principle of excluded middle it must be regarded as internally determined, both whether an object pertaining to the same conceptual sphere belongs or not as an element to the manifold, and whether two objects belonging to the set are equal to each other or not, despite formal differences in the ways of determination." (Georg Cantor, "Ober unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten", 1879)

"Most of the difficulties of principle that are found in mathematics have their origins, it seems to me, in ignorance of the possibility of a purely arithmetical theory of magnitudes and manifolds." (Georg Cantor, "Ober unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten", 1879)

"The concept of power, which includes as a special case the concept of whole number, that foundation of the theory of number, and which ought to be considered as the most general genuine origin of sets [Moment bei Mannigfaltigkeiten], is by no means restricted to linear point sets, but can be regarded as an attribute of any well-defined collection, whatever may be the character of its elements. [...] Set theory in the conception used here, if we only consider mathematics for now and forget other applications, includes the areas of arithmetic, function theory and geometry. It contains them in terms of the concept of power and brings them all together in a higher unity. Discontinuity and continuity are similarly considered from the same point of view and are thus measured with the same measure." (Georg Cantor, "Ober unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten", 1879)

"The old and oft-repeated proposition 'Totum est majus sua parte' [the whole is larger than the part] may be applied without proof only in the case of entities that are based upon whole and part; then and only then is it an undeniable consequence of the concepts 'totum' and 'pars'. Unfortunately, however, this 'axiom' is used innumerably often without any basis and in neglect of the necessary distinction between 'reality' and 'quantity' , on the one hand, and 'number' and 'set', on the other, precisely in the sense in which it is generally false." (Georg Cantor, "Über unendliche, lineare Punktmannigfaltigkeiten", Mathematische Annalen 20, 1882)

"By a manifold or a set I understand in general every Many that can be thought of as One, i.e., every collection of determinate elements which can be bound up into a whole through a law, and with this I believe to define something that is akin to the Platonic εἷδος [form] or ἷδεα [idea]." (Georg Cantor, "Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1883) 

"If we now notice that all of the numbers previously obtained and their next successors fulfill a certain condition, [that the set of their predecessors is denumerable,] then this condition offers itself, if it is imposed as a requirement on all numbers to be formed next, as a new third principle [...] which I shall call principle of restriction or limitation and which, as I shall show, yields the result that the second number-class (II) defined with its assistance not only has a higher power than [the first number-class] (I), but precisely the next higher, that is, the second power." (Georg Cantor, "Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1883) 

"The foregoing account of my researches in the theory of manifolds has reached a point where further progress depends on extending the concept of true integral number beyond the previous boundaries; this extension lies in a direction which, to my knowledge, no one has yet attempted to explore.
My dependence on this extension of number concept is so great, that without it I should be unable to take freely the smallest step further in the theory of sets." (Georg Cantor, "Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1883) 

To the thought of considering the infinitely great not merely in the form of what grows without limits - and in the closely related form of the convergent infinite series first introduced in the seventeenth century-, but also fixing it mathematically by numbers in the determinate form of the completed-infinite, I have been logically compelled in the course of scientific exertions and attempts which have lasted many years, almost against my will, for it contradicts traditions which had become precious to me; and therefore I believe that no arguments can be made good against it which I would not know how to meet. (Georg Cantor, "Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre", 1883)

"In calling arithmetic (algebra, analysis) just a part of logic, I declare already that I take the number-concept to be completely independent of the ideas or intuitions of space and time, that I see it as an immediate product of the pure laws of thought." (Richard Dedekind, "Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?", 1888)

"Since the examination of consistency is a task that cannot be avoided, it appears necessary to axiomatize logic itself and to prove that number theory and set theory are only parts of logic. This method was prepared long ago (not least by Frege’s profound investigations); it has been most successfully explained by the acute mathematician and logician Russell. One could regard the completion of this magnificent Russellian enterprise of the axiomatization of logic as the crowning achievement of the work of axiomatization as a whole." (David Hilbert, "Axiomatisches Denken" ["Axiomatic Thinking"], [address] 1917)

"It seems clear that [set theory] violates against the essence of the continuum, which, by its very nature, cannot at all be battered into a single set of elements. Not the relationship of an element to a set, but of a part to a whole ought to be taken as a basis for the analysis of a continuum." (Hermann Weyl, "Reimanns geometrische Ideen, ihre Auswirkungen und ihre Verknüpfung mit der Gruppentheorie", 1925)

"To say that mathematics in general has been reduced to logic hints at some new firming up of mathematics at its foundations. This is misleading. Set theory is less settled and more conjectural than the classical mathematical superstructure than can be founded upon it." (Willard van Orman Quine, "Elementary Logic", 1941)

"The emphasis on mathematical methods seems to be shifted more towards combinatorics and set theory - and away from the algorithm of differential equations which dominates mathematical physics." (Oskar Morgenstern, "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior", 1944)

"But, despite their remoteness from sense experience, we do have something like a perception of the objects of set theory, as is seen from the fact that the axioms force themselves upon us as being true. I don't see any reason why we should have less confidence in this kind of perception, i.e., in mathematical intuition, than in sense perception, which induces us to build up physical theories and to expect that future sense perception will agree with them and, moreover, to believe that a question not decidable now has meaning and may be decided in future." (Kurt Gödel, "What is Cantor’s Continuum problem?", American Mathematical Monthly 54, 1947)

"Every mathematician agrees that every mathematician must know some set theory; the disagreement begins in trying to decide how much is some. [...] The student's task in learning set theory is to steep himself in unfamiliar but essentially shallow generalities till they become so familiar that they can be used with almost no conscious effort. In other words, general set theory is pretty trivial stuff really, but, if you want to be a mathematician, you need some, and here it is; read it, absorb it, and forget it [...] the language and notation are those of ordinary informal mathematics. A more important way in which the naive point of view predominates is that set theory is regarded as a body of facts, of which the axioms are a brief and convenient summary; in the orthodox axiomatic view the logical relations among various axioms are the central objects of study." (Paul R Halmos, "Naive Set Theory", 1960)

"A set is formed by the grouping together of single objects into a whole. A set is a plurality thought of as a unit. If these or similar statements were set down as definitions, then it could be objected with good reason that they define idem per idemi or even obscurum per obscurius. However, we can consider them as expository, as references to a primitive concept, familiar to us all, whose resolution into more fundamental concepts would perhaps be neither competent nor necessary." (Felix Hausdorff, "Set Theory", 1962)

"Categorical algebra has developed in recent years as an effective method of organizing parts of mathematics. Typically, this sort of organization uses notions such as that of the category G of all groups. [...] This raises the problem of finding some axiomatization of set theory - or of some foundational discipline like set theory - which will be adequate and appropriate to realizing this intent. This problem may turn out to have revolutionary implications vis-`a-vis the accepted views of the role of set theory." (Saunders Mac Lane, "Categorical algebra and set-theoretic foundations", 1967)

 "A manifold, roughly, is a topological space in which some neighborhood of each point admits a coordinate system, consisting of real coordinate functions on the points of the neighborhood, which determine the position of points and the topology of that neighborhood; that is, the space is locally cartesian. Moreover, the passage from one coordinate system to another is smooth in the overlapping region, so that the meaning of 'differentiable' curve, function, or map is consistent when referred to either system." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"Set theory is concerned with abstract objects and their relation to various collections which contain them. We do not define what a set is but accept it as a primitive notion. We gain an intuitive feeling for the meaning of sets and, consequently, an idea of their usage from merely listing some of the synonyms: class, collection, conglomeration, bunch, aggregate. Similarly, the notion of an object is primitive, with synonyms element and point. Finally, the relation between elements and sets, the idea of an element being in a set, is primitive." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"The mathematical models for many physical systems have manifolds as the basic objects of study, upon which further structure may be defined to obtain whatever system is in question. The concept generalizes and includes the special cases of the cartesian line, plane, space, and the surfaces which are studied in advanced calculus. The theory of these spaces which generalizes to manifolds includes the ideas of differentiable functions, smooth curves, tangent vectors, and vector fields. However, the notions of distance between points and straight lines (or shortest paths) are not part of the idea of a manifold but arise as consequences of additional structure, which may or may not be assumed and in any case is not unique." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"In set theory, perhaps more than in any other branch of mathematics, it is vital to set up a collection of symbolic abbreviations for various logical concepts. Because the basic assumptions of set theory are absolutely minimal, all but the most trivial assertions about sets tend to be logically complex, and a good system of abbreviations helps to make otherwise complex statements."  (Keith Devlin, "Sets, Functions, and Logic: An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics", 1979)

"The axiom of choice has many important consequences in set theory. It is used in the proof that every infinite set has a denumerable subset, and in the proof that every set has at least one well-ordering. From the latter, it follows that the power of every set is an aleph. Since any two alephs are comparable, so are any two transfinite powers of sets. The axiom of choice is also essential in the arithmetic of transfinite numbers." (R Bunn, "Developments in the Foundations of Mathematics, 1870-1910", 1980)

"It is a remarkable empirical fact that mathematics can be based on set theory. More precisely, all mathematical objects can be coded as sets (in the cumulative hierarchy built by transfinitely iterating the power set operation, starting with the empty set). And all their crucial properties can be proved from the axioms of set theory. [...] At first sight, category theory seems to be an exception to this general phenomenon. It deals with objects, like the categories of sets, of groups etc. that are as big as the whole universe of sets and that therefore do not admit any evident coding as sets. Furthermore, category theory involves constructions, like the functor category, that lead from these large categories to even larger ones. Thus, category theory is not just another field whose set-theoretic foundation can be left as an exercise. An interaction between category theory and set theory arises because there is a real question: What is the appropriate set-theoretic foundation for category theory?" (Andreas Blass, "The interaction between category theory and set theory", Mathematical Applications of Category Theory, 1983)

"Set theory is peculiarly important [...] because mathematics can be exhibited as involving nothing but set-theoretical propositions about set-theoretical entities." (David M Armstrong, "A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility", 1989)

"Does set theory, once we get beyond the integers, refer to an existing reality, or must it be regarded, as formalists would regard it, as an interesting formal game? [...] A typical argument for the objective reality of set theory is that it is obtained by extrapolation from our intuitions of finite objects, and people see no reason why this has less validity. Moreover, set theory has been studied for a long time with no hint of a contradiction. It is suggested that this cannot be an accident, and thus set theory reflects an existing reality. In particular, the Continuum Hypothesis and related statements are true or false, and our task is to resolve them." (Paul Cohen, "Skolem and pessimism about proof in mathematics", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 363 (1835), 2005)

"Set theory is unusual in that it deals with remarkably simple but apparently ineffable objects. A set is a collection, a class, an ensemble, a batch, a bunch, a lot, a troop, a tribe. To anyone incapable of grasping the concept of a set, these verbal digressions are apt to be of little help. […] A set may contain finitely many or infinitely many members. For that matter, a set such as {} may contain no members whatsoever, its parentheses vibrating around a mathematical black hole. To the empty set is reserved the symbol Ø, the figure now in use in daily life to signify access denied or don’t go, symbolic spillovers, I suppose, from its original suggestion of a canceled eye." (David Berlinski, "Infinite Ascent: A short history of mathematics", 2005)

"In each branch of mathematics it is essential to recognize when two structures are equivalent. For example two sets are equivalent, as far as set theory is concerned, if there exists a bijective function which maps one set onto the other. Two groups are equivalent, known as isomorphic, if there exists a a homomorphism of one to the other which is one-to-one and onto. Two topological spaces are equivalent, known as homeomorphic, if there exists a homeomorphism of one onto the other." (Sydney A Morris, "Topology without Tears", 2011)

"A very basic observation concerning a fundamental property of the world we live in is the existence of objects that can be distinguished from each other. For the definition of a set, it is indeed of crucial importance that things have individuality, because in order to decide whether objects belong to a particular set they must be distinguishable from objects that are not in the set. Without having made the basic experience of individuality of objects, it would be difficult to imagine or appreciate the concept of a set." (Alfred S Posamentier & Bernd Thaller, "Numbers: Their tales, types, and treasures", 2015)

"Moreover, there is still another important observation that seems to be essential for the idea to group objects into a set: This is the human ability to recognize similarities in different objects. Usually, a collection, or group, consists of objects that somehow belong together, objects that share a common property. While a mathematical set could also be a completely arbitrary collection of unrelated objects, this is usually not what we want to count. We count coins or hours or people, but we usually do not mix these categories." (Alfred S Posamentier & Bernd Thaller, "Numbers: Their tales, types, and treasures", 2015)

“At the basis of the distance concept lies, for example, the concept of convergent point sequence and their defined limits, and one can, by choosing these ideas as those fundamental to point set theory, eliminate the notions of distance.” (Felix Hausdorff)

"A set is a Many that allows itself to be thought of as a One." (Georg Cantor)

"An infinite set is one that can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself." (Georg Cantor)

"Everyone agrees that, whether or not one believes that set theory refers to an existing reality, there is a beauty in its simplicity and in its scope." (Paul Cohen)

"There is an old maxim that says that two empires that are too large will collapse. The analog in set theory is that two different theories that are too powerful must necessarily contradict each other." (Saharon Shelah)

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