11 November 2023

On Mind: The Mind of God

"[…] what is physical is subject to the laws of mathematics, and what is spiritual to the laws of God, and the laws of mathematics are but the expression of the thoughts of God." (Thomas Hill, "Uses of Mathesis", Bibliotheca Sacra Vol. 32, 1875)

"It is true that impatience, the mother of stupidity, praises brevity, as if such persons had not life long enough to serve them to acquire a complete knowledge of one single subject, such as the human body; and then they want to comprehend the mind of God in which the universe is included, weighing it minutely and mincing it into infinite parts, as if they had to dissect it!" (Leonardo da Vinci, "The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci", 1888) 

"Toward the end of the last century, many physicists felt that the mathematical description of physics was getting ever more complicated. Instead, the mathematics involved has become ever more abstract, rather than more complicated. The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated. He also appears to like group theory." (Anthony Zee, "Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics", 1986)

"[…] the search for a Theory of Everything also raises interesting philosophical questions. Some physicists, [Stephen] Hawking among them, would regard the construction of a Theory of Everything as being, in some sense, reading the mind of God. Or at least unravelling the inner secrets of physical reality. Others simply argue that a physical theory is just a description of reality, rather like a map." (Peter Coles, "Hawking and the Mind of God", 2000)

"To look at the development of physics since Newton is to observe a struggle to define the limits of science. Part of this process has been the intrusion of scientific methods and ideas into domains that have traditionally been the province of metaphysics or religion. In this conflict, Hawking’s phrase ‘to know the Mind of God’ is just one example of a border infringement. But by playing the God card, Hawking has cleverly fanned the flames of his own publicity, appealing directly to the popular allure of the scientist-as-priest." (Peter Coles, "Hawking and the Mind of God", 2000)

"The universe is a symphony of strings, and the mind of God that Einstein eloquently wrote about for thirty years would be cosmic music resonating through eleven-dimensional hyper space." (Michio Kaku, "Parallel Worlds: A journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos", 2004)

"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." (Albert Einstein)

"The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God." (Euclid)

"Time and the heavens came into being at the same instant, in order that, if they were ever to dissolve, they might be dissolved together. Such was the mind and thought of God in the creation of time." (Plato)

"Why waste words? Geometry existed before the Creation, is co-eternal with the mind of God, is God himself (what exists in God that is not God himself?): geometry provided God with a model for the Creation and was implanted into man, together with God's own likeness - and not merely conveyed to his mind through the eyes." (Johannes Kepler)

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