13 November 2019

Florian Cajori - Collected Quotes

"The best review of arithmetic consists in the study of algebra." (Florian Cajori, "Teaching and History of Mathematics in U. S.", 1896)

"The contemplation of the various steps by which mankind has come into possession of the vast stock of mathematical knowledge can hardly fail to interest the mathematician. He takes pride in the fact that his science, more than any other, is an exact science, and that hardly anything ever done in mathematics has proved to be useless." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematics", 1893)

"The history of mathematics is important […] as a valuable contribution to the history of civilisation. Human progress is closely identified with scientific thought. Mathematical and physical researches are a reliable record of intellectual progress. The history of mathematics is one of the large windows through which the philosophic eye looks into past ages and traces the line of intellectual development." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematics", 1893)

"The history of mathematics may be instructive as well as agreeable; it may not only remind us of what we have, but may also teach us to increase our store." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematics", 1893)

"This history constitutes a mirror of past and present conditions in mathematics which can be made to bear on the notational problems now confronting mathematics. The successes and failures of the past will contribute to a more speedy solution of notational problems of the present time." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematical Notations", 1928)

"One of the most baneful delusions by which the minds, not only of students, but even of many teachers of mathematics in our classical colleges, have been afflicted is that mathematics can be mastered by the favored few, but lies beyond the grasp and power of the ordinary mind." (Florian Cajori, "The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States", 1890)

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