13 December 2019

Bertrand de Jouvenel - Collected Quotes

"[…] the social scientist who lacks a mathematical mind and regards a mathematical formula as a magic recipe, rather than as the formulation of a supposition, does not hold forth much promise. A mathematical formula is never more than a precise statement. It must not be made into a Procrustean bed - and that is what one is driven to by the desire to quantify at any cost. It is utterly implausible that a mathematical formula should make the future known to us, and those who think it can, would once have believed in witchcraft. The chief merit of mathematicization is that it compels us to become conscious of what we are assuming." (Bertrand de Jouvenel, "The Art of Conjecture", 1967)

"We defined the art of conjecture, or stochastic art, as the art of evaluating as exactly as possible the probabilities of things, so that in our judgments and actions we can always base ourselves on what has been found to be the best, the most appropriate, the most certain, the best advised; this is the only object of the wisdom of the philosopher and the prudence of the statesman." (Bertrand de Jouvenel, "The Art of Conjecture", 1967)

"I believe neither in chance nor in miracle, but only in phenomena regulated by laws." (Bertrand de Jouvenel)

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