18 August 2019

John Wallis - Collected Quotes

"Indeed, many geometric things can be discovered or elucidated by algebraic principles, and yet it does not follow that algebra is geometrical, or even that it is based on geometric principles (as some would seem to think). This close affinity of arithmetic and geometry comes about, rather, because geometry is, as it were, subordinate to arithmetic, and applies universal principles of arithmetic to its special objects." (John Wallis, "Mathesis Universalis", 1657)

"We have before had occasion (in the Solution of some Quadratick and Cubick Equations) to make mention of Negative Squares, and Imaginary Roots, (as contradistinguished to what they call Real Roots, whether affirmative or Negative) […].These ‘Imaginary’ Quantities (as they are commonly called) arising from ‘Supposed’ Root of a Negative Square, (when they happen) are reputed to imply that the Case proposed is Impossible." (John Wallis, "A Treatise of Algebra, Both Historical and Practical", 1673)

"[…] whereas Nature, in propriety of Speech, doth not admit more than Three (Local) Dimensions, (Length, Breadth and Thickness, in Lines, Surfaces and Solids) it may justly seem improper to talk of a Solid (of three Dimensions) drawn into a Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, or further Dimension." (John Wallis, "Treatise of Algebra", 1685)

"According to this Method [of indivisibles], a Line is considered as consisting of an Innumerable Multitude of Points: A Surface, of Lines […]: A Solid, of Plains, or other Surfaces […]. Now this is not to be so understood, as if those Lines (which have no breadth) could fill up a Surface; or those Plains or Surfaces, (which have no thickness) could complete a Solid. But by such Lines are to be understood, small Surfaces, (of such a length, but very narrow) […]." (John Wallis, "Treatise of Algebra", 1685)

"These Imaginary Quantities (as they are commonly called) arising from the Supposed Root of a Negative Square (when they happen,) are reputed to imply that the Case proposed is Impossible. And so indeed it is, as to the first and strict notion of what is proposed. For it is not possible that any Number (Negative or Affirmative) Multiplied into it- self can produce (for instance) -4. Since that Like Signs (whether + or -) will produce +; and there- fore not -4. But it is also Impossible that any Quantity (though not a Supposed Square) can be Negative. Since that it is not possible that any Magnitude can be Less than Nothing or any Number Fewer than None. Yet is not that Supposition(of Negative Quantities,) either Unuseful or Absurd; when rightly understood. And though, as to the bare Algebraick Notation, it import a Quantity less than nothing. Yet, when it comes to a Physical Application, it denotes as Real a Quantity as if the Sign were +; but to be interpreted in a contrary sense." (John Wallis, "Treatise of Algebra", 1685)

"Where, by the way, we may observe a great difference between the proportion of Infinite to Finite, and, of Finite to Nothing. For 1/∞, that which is a part infinitely small, may, by infinite Multiplication, equal the whole: But 0/1 , that which is Nothing can by no Multiplication become equal to Something." (John Wallis, "Treatise of Algebra", 1685)

"These Exponents they call Logarithms, which are Artificial Numbers, so answering to the Natural Numbers, as that the addition and Subtraction of these, answers to the Multiplication and Division of the Natural Numbers. By this means, (the Tables being once made) the Work of Multiplication and Division is performed by Addition and Subtraction; and consequently that of Squaring and Cubing, by Duplication and Triplication; and that of Extracting the Square and Cubic Root, by Bisection and Trisection; and the like in the higher Powers." (John Wallis, "Of Logarithms, Their Invention and Use", 1685)

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