15 July 2019

Gilbert K Chesterton - Collected Quotes

"Logic, then, is not necessarily an instrument for finding truth; on the contrary, truth is necessarily an instrument for using logic - for using it, that is, for the discovery of further truth and for the profit of humanity. Briefly, you can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it." (Gilbert K Chesterton, Daily News, 1905)

"There is no great harm in the theorist who makes up a new theory to fit a new event. But the theorist who starts with a false theory and then sees everything as making it come true is the most dangerous enemy of human reason." (Gilbert K Chesterton, "The Flying Inn", 1914)

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another." (Gilbert K Chesterton)

"Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason. Poets do not go mad […] mathematicians go mad." (Gilbert K Chesterton)

"Science boasts of the distance of its stars; of the terrific remoteness of the things of which it has to speak. But poetry and religion always insist upon the proximity, the almost menacing closeness of the things with which they are concerned." (Gilbert K Chesterton)

"The chief object of education is not to learn but to unlearn."  (Gilbert K Chesterton)

"The difference between the poet and the mathematician is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens while the mathematician tries to get the heavens into his head." (Gilbert K Chesterton)

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