29 November 2019

Gregory Chaitin - Collected Quotes

"The message is that mathematics is quasi-empirical, that mathematics is not the same as physics, not an empirical science, but I think it's more akin to an empirical science than mathematicians would like to admit." (Gregory Chaitin, [interview] 2000)

"And although mathematical ideas and thought are constantly evolving, you will also see that the most basic fundamental problems never go away. Many of these problems go back to the ancient Greeks, and maybe even to ancient Sumer, although we may never know for sure. The fundamental philosophical questions like the continuous versus the discrete or the limits of knowledge are never definitively solved. Each generation formulates its own answer, strong personalities briefly impose their views, but the feeling of satisfaction is always temporary, and then the process continues, it continues forever." (Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005)

"And the map of our mathematical knowledge resembles a highway running through the desert or a dangerous jungle; if you stray off the road, you’ll be hopelessly lost and die! In other words, the current map of mathematics reflects what our tools are currently able to handle, not what is really out there. Mathematicians don’t like to talk about what they don’t know, they like to talk about the questions that current technique, current mathematical technology, is capable of handling."  (Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005)

"Mathematical facts are not isolated, they are woven into a vast spider's web of interconnections." (Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005)

"Mathematical truth is not totally objective. If a mathematical statement is false, there will be no proofs, but if it is true, there will be an endless variety of proofs, not just one! Proofs are not impersonal, they express the personality of their creator/discoverer just as much as literary efforts do. If something important is true, there will be many reasons that it is true, many proofs of that fact. [...] each proof will emphasize different aspects of the problem, each proof will lead in a different direction. Each one will have different corollaries, different generalizations. [...] the world of mathematical truth has infinite complexity […]" (Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005) 

"[...] the view that math provides absolute certainty and is static and perfect while physics is tentative and constantly evolving is a false dichotomy. Math is actually not that different from physics. Both are attempts of the human mind to organize, to make sense, of human experience; in the case of physics, experience in the laboratory, in the physical world, and in the case of math, experience in the computer, in the mental mindscape of pure mathematics.
And mathematics is far from static and perfect; it is constantly evolving, constantly changing, constantly morphing itself into new forms. New concepts are constantly transforming math and creating new fields, new viewpoints, new emphasis, and new questions to answer. And mathematicians do in fact utilize unproved new principles suggested by computational experience, just as a physicist would."
(Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005)

"To survive, mathematical ideas must be beautiful, they must be seductive, and they must be illuminating, they must help us to understand, they must inspire us. […] Part of that beauty, an essential part, is the clarity and sharpness that the mathematical way of thinking about things promotes and achieves. Yes, there are also mystic and poetic ways of relating to the world, and to create a new math theory, or to discover new mathematics, you have to feel comfortable with vague, unformed, embryonic ideas, even as you try to sharpen them."  (Gregory Chaitin, "Meta Math: The Quest for Omega", 2005)

"Mathematics is not placid, static and eternal. […] Most mathematicians are happy to make use of those axioms in their proofs, although others do not, exploring instead so-called intuitionist logic or constructivist mathematics. Mathematics is not a single monolithic structure of absolute truth!" (Gregory J Chaitin, "A century of controversy over the foundations of mathematics", 2000)

"In a way, math isn't the art of answering mathematical questions, it is the art of asking the right questions, the questions that give you insight, the ones that lead you in interesting directions, the ones that connect with lots of other interesting questions - the ones with beautiful answers." (Gregory Chaitin)

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