03 August 2019

Stanislaw M Ulam - Collected Quotes

“Mathematics is a self-contained microcosm, but it also has the potentiality of mirroring and modeling all the processes of thought and perhaps all of science. It has always had, and continues to an ever increasing degree to have, great usefulness. One could even go so far as to say that mathematics was necessary for man's conquest of nature and for the development of the human race through the shaping of its modes of thinking.” (Mark Kac & Stanislaw M Ulam, “Mathematics and Logic”, 1968)

"[…] the distinction between rigorous thinking and more vague ‘imaginings’; even in mathematics itself, all is not a question of rigor, but rather, at the start, of reasoned intuition and imagination, and, also, repeated guessing. After all, most thinking is a synthesis or juxtaposition of advances along a line of syllogisms - perhaps in a continuous and persistent ‘forward'’ movement, with searching, so to speak ‘sideways’, in directions which are not necessarily present from the very beginning and which I describe as ‘sending out exploratory patrols’ and trying alternative routes." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"Even the simplest calculation in the purest mathematics can have terrible consequences. Without the invention of the infinitesimal calculus most of our technology would have been impossible." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"In many cases, mathematics is an escape from reality. The mathematician finds his own monastic niche and happiness in pursuits that are disconnected from external affairs. Some practice it as if using a drug. Chess sometimes plays a similar role. In their unhappiness over the events of this world, some immerse themselves in a kind of self-sufficiency in mathematics." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"Mathematics may be a way of developing physically, that is anatomically, new connections in the brain." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"The esthetic side of mathematics has been of overwhelming importance throughout its growth. It is not so much whether a theorem is useful that matters, but how elegant it is." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"What exactly is mathematics? Many have tried but nobody has really succeeded in defining mathematics; it is always something else." (Stanislaw M Ulam, "Adventures of a Mathematician", 1976)

"Do not lose your faith. A mighty fortress is our mathematics. Mathematics will rise to the challenge, as it always has." (Stanislaw M Ulam)

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