30 June 2019

Leonhard Euler - Collected Quotes

"[…] such numbers, which by their natures are impossible, are ordinarily called imaginary or fanciful numbers, because they exist only in the imagination." (Leonhard Euler, 1732)

"The branch of geometry that deals with magnitudes has been zealously studied throughout the past, but there is another branch that has been almost unknown up to now; Leibniz spoke of it first, calling it the ‘geometry of position’ (geometria situs). This branch of geometry deals with relations dependent on position; it does not take magnitudes into considerations, nor does it involve calculation with quantities. But as yet no satisfactory definition has been given of the problems that belong to this geometry of position or of the method to be used in solving them." (Leonhard Euler, 1735)

"In addition to that branch of geometry which is concerned with magnitudes, and which has always received the greatest attention, there is another branch, previously almost unknown, which Leibniz first mentioned, calling it the geometry of position. This branch is concerned only with the determination of position and its properties; it does not involve measurements, nor calculations made with them. It has not yet been satisfactorily determined what kind of problems are relevant to this geometry of position, or what methods should be used in solving them. Hence, when a problem was recently mentioned, which seemed geometrical but was so constructed that it did not require the measurement of distances, nor did calculation help at all, I had no doubt that it was concerned with the geometry of position, especially as its solution involved only position, and no calculation was of any use." (Leonhard Euler,"Solution of a problem relative to the geometry of position", 1735)

"For since the fabric of the universe is most perfect and the work of a most wise Creator, nothing at all takes place in the universe in which some rule of maximum or minimum does not appear." (Leonhard Euler, "De Curvis Elasticis", 1744)

"I have finally discovered the true solution: in the same way that to one sine there correspond an infinite number of different angles I have found that it is the same with logarithms, and each number has an infinity of different logarithms, all of them imaginary unless the number is real and positive; there is only one logarithm which is real, and we regard it as its unique logarithm." (Leonhard Euler, [letter to Cramer] 1746)

"A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities. […] Functions are divided into algebraic and transcendental. The former are those made up from only algebraic operations, the latter are those which involve transcendental operations."(Leonhard Euler, "Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite", 1748)

"Often I have considered the fact that most of the difficulties which block the progress of students trying to learn analysis stem from this: that although they understand little of ordinary algebra, still they attempt this more subtle art. From this it follows not only that they remain on the fringes, but in addition they entertain strange ideas about the concept of the infinite, which they must try to use." (Leonhard Euler, "Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite", 1748)

"Those quantities that depend on others in this way, namely, those that undergo a change when others change, are called functions of these quantities. This definition applies rather widely and includes all ways in which one quantity could be determined by another." (Leonhard Euler, "Foundations of differential calculus, with applications to finite analysis and series", 1755)

"We must distinguish carefully the ratios that our ears really perceive from those that the sounds expressed as numbers include." (Leonhard Euler, "Conjecture into the reasons for some dissonances generally heard in music", 1760)

"In order to know the curvature of a curve, the determination of the radius of the osculating circle furnishes us the best measure, where for each point of the curve we find a circle whose curvature is precisely the same. However, when one looks for the curvature of a surface, the question is very equivocal and not at all susceptible to an absolute response, as in the case above. There are only spherical surfaces where one would be able to measure the curvature, assuming the curvature of the sphere is the curvature of its great circles, and whose radius could be considered the appropriate measure. But for other surfaces one doesn’t know even how to compare a surface with a sphere, as when one can always compare the curvature of a curve with that of a circle. The reason is evident, since at each point of a surface there are an infinite number of different curvatures. One has to only consider a cylinder, where along the directions parallel to the axis, there is no curvature, whereas in the directions perpendicular to the axis, which are circles, the curvatures are all the same, and all other oblique sections to the axis give a particular curvature. It’s the same for all other surfaces, where it can happen that in one direction the curvature is convex, and in another it is concave, as in those resembling a saddle." (Leonhard Euler, "Recherches sur la courbure des surfaces", 1767)

"All such expressions as √-1, √-2, etc., are consequently impossible or imaginary numbers, since they represent roots of negative quantities; and of such numbers we may truly assert that they are neither nothing, nor greater than nothing, nor less than nothing, which necessarily constitutes them imaginary or impossible." (Leonhard Euler, "Algebra" , 1770)

"First, everything will be said to be a magnitude, which is capable of increase or diminution, or to which something may be added or subtracted […] mathematics is nothing more than the science of magnitudes, which finds methods by which they can be measured." (Leonhard Euler, "Algebra" , 1770)

"I take the word 'mapping' in the widest possible sense; any point of the spherical surface is represented on the plane by any desired rule, so that every point of the sphere corresponds to a specified point in the plane, and inversely." (Leonhard Euler, "On the representation of Spherical Surfaces onto the Plane", 1777)

"The difference of two square numbers is always a product, and divisible both by the sum and by the difference of the roots of those two squares; consequently the difference of two squares can never be a prime number." (Leonhard Euler, "Elements of Algebra", 1810)

"Originally assuming the concept of the absolute integers, it extended its domain step by step; integers were supplemented by fractions, rational numbers by irrational numbers, positive numbers by negative numbers, and real numbers by imaginary numbers. This advance, however, occurred initially with a fearfully hesitant step. The first algebraists preferred to call negative roots of equations false roots, and it is precisely these where the problem to which they refer was always termed in such a way as to ensure that the nature of the quantity sought did not admit any opposite." (Carl F Gauss, "Theoria residuorum biquadraticum. Commentatio secunda. [Selbstanzeige]", Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen 23 (4), 1831)

"Every syllogism, then, consists of three propositions; the two first of which are called the premises and the third the conclusion. Now, the advantage of the all these [valid] forms to direct our reasoning is this, that if the premises are both true, the conclusion infallibly is so.
This is likewise the only method of discovering unknown truths. Every truth must always be the conclusion of a syllogism, whose premises are indubitably true." (Leonhard Euler, "Letters of Euler on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy Addressed to a German Princess" Vol. 1, 1833)

"[…] nothing takes place in the world whose meaning is not that of some maximum or minimum." (Leonhard Euler)

"[…] we should take great care not to accept as true such properties of the numbers which we have discovered by observation and which are supported by induction alone. Indeed, we should use such a discovery as an opportunity to investigate more exactly the properties discovered and to prove or disprove them; in both cases we may learn something useful." (Leonhard Euler)

"Although to penetrate into the intimate mysteries of nature and hence to learn the true causes of phenomena is not allowed to us, nevertheless it can happen that a certain fictive hypothesis may suffice for explaining many phenomena." (Leonhard Euler)

"Mathematicians have tried in vain to this day to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers, and we have reason to believe that it is a mystery into which the mind will never penetrate." (Leonhard Euler)

"Since the divine plan is the most perfect thing there is, there can be no doubt that all actions in the world can be determined by the calculus of minima and maxima from the corresponding causes." (Leonhard Euler)

"Some facts can be seen more clearly by example than by proof." (Leonard Euler)

"The properties of the numbers known today have been mostly discovered by observation, and discovered long before their truth has been confirmed by rigid demonstrations. There are even many properties of the numbers with which we are well acquainted, but which we are not yet able to prove; only observations have led us to their knowledge. Hence we see that in the theory of numbers, which is still very imperfect, we can place our highest hopes in observations." (Leonhard Euler)

"There must be a double method for solving mechanical problems: one is the direct method founded on the laws of equilibrium or of motion; but the other one is by knowing which formula must provide a maximum or a minimum. The former way proceeds by efficient causes: both ways lead to the same solution, and it is such a harmony which convinces us of the truth of the solution, even if each method has to be separately founded on indubitable principles. But is often very difficult to discover the formula which must be a maximum or minimum, and by which the quantity of action is represented." (Leonhard Euler, "Specimen de usu observationum in mathesi pura", Novi Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae 6, 1756/57)

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