
"Statics is the science of the equilibrium of forces. In general, force or power is the cause, whatever it may be, which induces or tends to impart motion to the body to which it is applied. The force or power must be measured by the quantity of motion produced or to be produced. In the state of equilibrium, the force has no apparent action. It produces only a tendency for motion in the body it is applied to. But it must be measured by the effect it would produce if it were not impeded. By taking any force or its effect as unity, the relation of every other force is only a ratio, a mathematical quantity, which can be represented by some numbers or lines. It is in this fashion that forces must be treated in mechanics." (Joseph-Louis de Lagrange, "Mechanique Analytique", 1788)

"The analytical equations, unknown to the ancients, which Descartes first introduced into the study of curves and surfaces, are not restricted to the properties of figures, and to those properties which are the object of rational mechanics; they apply to all phenomena in general. There cannot be a language more universal and more simple, more free from errors and obscurities, that is to say, better adapted to express the invariable relations of nature." (Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier, "The Analytical Theory of Heat", 1822)

"It must ever be remembered that the true positive spirit first came forth from the pure sources of mathematical science; and it is only the mind that has imbibed it there, and which has been face to face with the lucid truths of geometry and mechanics, that can bring into full action its natural positivity, and apply it in bringing the most complex studies into the reality of demonstration. No other discipline can fitly prepare the intellectual organ." (Auguste Comte, “Course of Positive Philosophy”, 1830)

"Any progress in the theory of partial differential equations must also bring about a progress in Mechanics." (Carl G J Jacobi, "Vorlesungen über Dynamik" ["Lectures on Dynamics"], 1843)

“The ideas which these sciences, Geometry, Theoretical Arithmetic and Algebra involve extend to all objects and changes which we observe in the external world; and hence the consideration of mathematical relations forms a large portion of many of the sciences which treat of the phenomena and laws of external nature, as Astronomy, Optics, and Mechanics. Such sciences are hence often termed Mixed Mathematics, the relations of space and number being, in these branches of knowledge, combined with principles collected from special observation; while Geometry, Algebra, and the like subjects, which involve no result of experience, are called Pure Mathematics.” (Whewell, William, “The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences” , 1858) 

"Purely mechanical phenomena do not exist […] are abstractions, made, either intentionally or from necessity, for facilitating our comprehension of things. The science of mechanics does not comprise the foundations, no, nor even a part of the world, but only an aspect of it." (Ernst Mach, "The Science of Mechanics", 1883)

"That branch of physics which is at once the oldest and the simplest and which is therefore treated as introductory to other departments of this science, is concerned with the motions and equilibrium of masses. It bears the name of mechanics." (Ernst Mach, "The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development", 1893)

"All physicists agree that the problem of physics consists in tracing the phenomena of nature back to the simple laws of mechanics.” (Heinrich Hertz, "The Principles of Mechanics Presented in a New Form", 1894)

"In this sense the fundamental ideas of mechanics, together with the principles connecting them, represent the simplest image which physics can produce of things in the sensible world and the processes which occur in it. By varying the choice of the propositions which we take as fundamental, we can give various representations of the principles of mechanics. Hence we can thus obtain various images of things; and these images we can test and compare with each other in respect of permissibility, correctness, and appropriateness." (Heinrich Hertz, "The Principles of Mechanics Presented in a New Form", 1894)

"In Newton's system of mechanics […] there is an absolute space and an absolute time. In Einstein's theory time and space are interwoven, and the way in which they are interwoven depends on the observer. Instead of three plus one we have four dimensions." (Willem de Sitter, "Relativity and Modern Theories of the Universe", Kosmos, 1932)

"A system such as classical mechanics may be 'scientific' to any degree you like; but those who uphold it dogmatically - believing, perhaps, that it is their business to defend such a successful system against criticism as long as it is not conclusively disproved - are adopting the very reverse of that critical attitude which in my view is the proper one for the scientist." (Karl R Popper, "The Logic of Scientific Discovery", 1934)

“Probability is a mathematical discipline with aims akin to those, for example, of geometry or analytical mechanics. In each field we must carefully distinguish three aspects of the theory: (a) the formal logical content, (b) the intuitive background, (c) the applications. The character, and the charm, of the whole structure cannot be appreciated without considering all three aspects in their proper relation.” (William Feller, “An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications”, 1957)

“No branch of number theory is more saturated with mystery than the study of prime numbers: those exasperating, unruly integers that refuse to be divided evenly by any integers except themselves and 1. Some problems concerning primes are so simple that a child can understand them and yet so deep and far from solved that many mathematicians now suspect they have no solution. Perhaps they are 'undecideable'. Perhaps number theory, like quantum mechanics, has its own uncertainty principle that makes it necessary, in certain areas, to abandon exactness for probabilistic formulations." (Martin Gardner, "The remarkable lore of the prime numbers", Scientific American, 1964)

You should call it entropy, for two reasons. In the first place your uncertainty function has been used in statistical mechanics under that name, so it already has a name. In the second place, and more important, no one really knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage." (John von Neumann) [Suggesting to Claude Shannon a name for his new uncertainty function, see Scientific American Vol. 225 (3), 1971]

"Prediction of the future is possible only in systems that have stable parameters like celestial mechanics. The only reason why prediction is so successful in celestial mechanics is that the evolution of the solar system has ground to a halt in what is essentially a dynamic equilibrium with stable parameters. Evolutionary systems, however, by their very nature have unstable parameters. They are disequilibrium systems and in such systems our power of prediction, though not zero, is very limited because of the unpredictability of the parameters themselves. If, of course, it were possible to predict the change in the parameters, then there would be other parameters which were unchanged, but the search for ultimately stable parameters in evolutionary systems is futile, for they probably do not exist… Social systems have Heisenberg principles all over the place, for we cannot predict the future without changing it." (Kenneth E Boulding, Evolutionary Economics, 1981)

"The ‘eyes of the mind’ must be able to see in the phase space of mechanics, in the space of elementary events of probability theory, in the curved four-dimensional space-time of general relativity, in the complex infinite dimensional projective space of quantum theory. To comprehend what is visible to the ‘actual eyes’, we must understand that it is only the projection of an infinite dimensional world on the retina." (Yuri I Manin, "Mathematics and Physics", 1981)

"Probability plays a central role in many fields, from quantum mechanics to information theory, and even older fields use probability now that the presence of 'noise' is officially admitted. The newer aspects of many fields start with the admission of uncertainty." (Richard W Hamming, "Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics", 1985)

"Science, and physics in particular, has developed out of the Newtonian paradigm of mechanics. In this world view, every phenomenon we observe can be reduced to a collection of atoms or particles, whose movement is governed by the deterministic laws of nature. Everything that exists now has already existed in some different arrangement in the past, and will continue to exist so in the future. In such a philosophy, there seems to be no place for novelty or creativity." (Francis Heylighen, "The science of self-organization and adaptivity", 2001)

"Statistical mechanics is the science of predicting the observable properties of a many-body system by studying the statistics of the behaviour of its individual constituents, be they atoms, molecules, photons etc. It provides the link between macroscopic and microscopic states. […] classical thermodynamics. This is a subject dealing with the very large. It describes the world that we all see in our daily lives, knows nothing about atoms and molecules and other very small particles, but instead treats the universe as if it were made up of large-scale continua. […] quantum mechanics. This is the other end of the spectrum from thermodynamics; it deals with the very small. It recognises that the universe is made up of particles: atoms, electrons, protons and so on. One of the key features of quantum mechanics, however, is that particle behaviour is not precisely determined (if it were, it would be possible to compute, at least in principle, all past and future behaviour of particles, such as might be expected in a classical view). Instead, the behaviour is described through the language of probabilities." (A Mike Glazer & Justin S Wark, "Statistical Mechanics: A survival guide", 2001) 

"Mechanics is the paradise of mathematical science, because by means of it one comes to the fruits of mathematics." (Leonardo da Vinci)

"There is in mathematics, so to speak, only what we have placed there, only the clearest ideas that the human mind can form of magnitude, compared with one another and combined in an infinity of different ways, while Nature could well have used in the construction of the universe some mechanics that escapes us entirely." (Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle)

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