20 October 2019

Gheorghe Ţiţeica - Collected Quotes

"At difficult times like this, the only salvation is an enthusiasm for science and elevated thinking, and from all sciences, mathematics, through its precise problems, through its rigorous proofs, gives the most important and immediate rewarding and serves then as a solid foundation for any other theoretical or applied profession." (Gheorghe Ţiţeica, "Gazeta Matematica", ["Mathematical Gazette"] XXXVI, 1916)

"Born at the same time with the Greek art, the mathematics kept in its canvas, in its intimate structure, a certain affinity with art. It comes to the same harmony in Euclid’s geometry as in the ancient temples. It is the same silence, the same balance in demonstrating a theorem as in the admirable columns of the Acropolis." (Gheorghe Ţiţeica)

"Mathematics is a way to express the natural laws, it is the simplest and the most appropriate mode to describe a general law or the flow of a phenomenon, it is the most perfect language for narrating a natural phenomenon." (Gheorghe Ţiţeica)

"The slyness, cunning, lie and how many other abilities that are employed, sometimes successfully, unfortunately even with very high success, in the everyday life, have no place in the mathematical proof." (Gheorghe Ţiţeica, "Mathematics and Art")

"The world of mathematics is an ideal world, governed by a crystal-like order and beauty."  (Gheorghe Ţiţeica, "Mathematics and Art")

"There exists, among mathematicians, a deep-seated and strong belief which sustains them in their abstract studies, namely that none of their problems can remain without any answer." (Gheorghe Ţiţeica)

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