13 February 2023

On Attractors III

"Very often a strange attractor is a fractal object, whose geometric structure is invariant under the time evolution maps."  (David Ruelle, "Chaotic Evolution and Strange Attractors: The statistical analysis of time series for deterministic nonlinear systems", 1989)

"First, strange attractors look strange: they are not smooth curves or surfaces but have 'non-integer dimension' - or, as Benoit Mandelbrot puts it, they are fractal objects. Next, and more importantly, the motion on a strange attractor has sensitive dependence on initial condition. Finally, while strange attractors have only finite dimension, the time-frequency analysis reveals a continuum of frequencies." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"What is an attractor? It is the set on which the point P, representing the system of interest, is moving at large times (i.e., after so-called transients have died out). For this definition to make sense it is important that the external forces acting on the system be time independent (otherwise we could get the point P to move in any way we like). It is also important that we consider dissipative systems (viscous fluids dissipate energy by self-friction). Dissipation is the reason why transients die out. Dissipation is the reason why, in the infinite-dimensional space representing the system, only a small set (the attractor) is really interesting." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"What we now call chaos is a time evolution with sensitive dependence on initial condition. The motion on a strange attractor is thus chaotic. One also speaks of deterministic noise when the irregular oscillations that are observed appear noisy, but the mechanism that produces them is deterministic." (David Ruelle, "Chance and Chaos", 1991)

"The key to making discontinuity emerge from smoothness is the observation that the overall behavior of both static and dynamical systems is governed by what's happening near the critical points. These are the points at which the gradient of the function vanishes. Away from the critical points, the Implicit Function Theorem tells us that the behavior is boring and predictable, linear, in fact. So it's only at the critical points that the system has the possibility of breaking out of this mold to enter a new mode of operation. It's at the critical points that we have the opportunity to effect dramatic shifts in the system's behavior by 'nudging' lightly the system dynamics, one type of nudge leading to a limit cycle, another to a stable equilibrium, and yet a third type resulting in the system's moving into the domain of a 'strange attractor'. It's by these nudges in the equations of motion that the germ of the idea of discontinuity from smoothness blossoms forth into the modern theory of singularities, catastrophes and bifurcations, wherein we see how to make discontinuous outputs emerge from smooth inputs." (John L Casti, "Reality Rules: Picturing the world in mathematics", 1992)

"An attractor can be seen as a box of space in which movement could take place or not. When an object, represented by a point, enters the space, the point does not leave, unless a strong enough force is applied to pull it out. An attractor, like a magnet, has an effective range in which it can draw in objects, known as its basin. Some attractors are stronger than others, and stronger attractors have a wider basin. [...] A repellor is also a box of space, but it has the opposite effect on traveling points. Any point that gets too close to it is deflected away from the epicenter. It does not matter where the traveling point goes, so long as it goes away. Thus repellors characterize an unstable pattern of behavior." (Stephen J Guastello & Larry S Liebovitch, "Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity" [in "Chaos and Complexity in Psychology"], 2009)

"An attractor is regarded as a stable structure because all the points within it follow the same rules of motion. There are four principal types of attractors: the fixed point, the limit cycle, toroidal attractors, and chaotic attractors. Each type reflects a distinctly different type of movement that occurs within it. Repellors and saddles are closely related structures that are not structurally stable." (Stephen J Guastello & Larry S Liebovitch, "Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity" [in "Chaos and Complexity in Psychology"], 2009)

"In many nonlinear systems, however, small changes of certain parameters may produce Dramatic changes in the basic characteristics of the phase portrait. Attractors may disappear, or change into one another, or new attractors may suddenly appear. Such systems are said to be structurally unstable, and the critical points of instability are called 'bifurcation points', because they are points in the system’s evolution where a fork suddenly appears and the system branches off in a new direction. Mathematically, bifurcation points mark sudden changes in the system’s phase portrait. Physically, they correspond to points of instability at which the system changes abruptly and new forms of order suddenly appear." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

"It is evident that chaotic behavior, in the new scientific sense of the term, is very different from random, erratic motion. With the help of strange attractors a distinction can be made between mere randomness, or 'noise', and chaos. Chaotic behavior is deterministic and patterned, and strange attractors allow us to transform the seemingly random data into distinct visible shapes." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

"The impossibility of predicting which point in phase space the trajectory of the Lorenz attractor will pass through at a certain time, even though the system is governed by deterministic equations, is a common feature of all chaotic systems. However, this does not mean that chaos theory is not capable of any predictions. We can still make very accurate predictions, but they concern the qualitative features of the system’s behavior rather than the precise values of its variables at a particular time. The new mathematics thus represents the shift from quantity to quality that is characteristic of systems thinking in general. Whereas conventional mathematics deals with quantities and formulas, nonlinear dynamics deals with qualities and patterns." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

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