29 September 2024

On Arithmetic (1850 - 1874)

"[Algebra] has for its object the resolution of equations; taking this expression in its full logical meaning, which signifies the transformation of implicit functions into equivalent explicit ones. In the same way arithmetic may be defined as destined to the determination of the values of functions. […] We will briefly say that Algebra is the Calculus of functions, and Arithmetic is the Calculus of Values." (Auguste Comte, "Philosophy of Mathematics", 1851)

"For what is the theory of determinants? It is an algebra upon algebra; a calculus which enables us to combine and foretell the results of algebraical operations, in the same way as algebra itself enable us to dispense with the performance of the special operations of arithmetic. All analysis must ultimately clothe itself under this form." (James J Sylvester, "On the Relation Between the Minor Determinants of Linearly Equivalent", [in "The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester" Vol. I)  1851)

"That arithmetic is the basest of all mental activities is proved by the fact that it is the only one that can be accomplished by means of a machine." (Arthur Schopenhauer, "Psychological Observations" [in  "Parerga and Paralipomena"] 1851)

"The ideas which these sciences, Geometry, Theoretical Arithmetic and Algebra involve extend to all objects and changes which we observe in the external world; and hence the consideration of mathematical relations forms a large portion of many of the sciences which treat of the phenomena and laws of external nature, as Astronomy, Optics, and Mechanics. Such sciences are hence often termed Mixed Mathematics, the relations of space and number being, in these branches of knowledge, combined with principles collected from special observation; while Geometry, Algebra, and the like subjects, which involve no result of experience, are called Pure Mathematics." (William Whewell, "The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences" , 1858)

"These sciences, Geometry, Theoretical Arithmetic and Algebra, have no principles besides definitions and axioms, and no process of proof but deduction; this process, however, assuming a most remarkable character; and exhibiting a combination of simplicity and complexity, of rigour and generality, quite unparalleled in other subjects." (William Whewell, "The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences", 1858)

"It is better to teach the child arithmetic and Latin grammar than rhetoric and moral philosophy, because they require exactitude of performance it is made certain that the lesson is mastered, and that power of performance is worth more than knowledge." (Ralph W Emerson, "Lecture on Education", 1853)

"Let him [the author] be permitted also in all humility to add ... that in consequence of the large arrears of algebraical and arithmetical speculations waiting in his mind their turn to be called into outward existence, he is driven to the alternative of leaving the fruits of his meditations to perish (as has been the fate of too many foregone theories, the still-born progeny of his brain, now forever resolved back again into the primordial matter of thought), or venturing to produce from time to time such imperfect sketches as the present, calculated to evoke the mental co-operation of his readers, in whom the algebraical instinct has been to some extent developed, rather than to satisfy the strict demands of rigorously systematic exposition." (James J Sylvester, Philosophic Magazine, 1863) 

"Arithmetic, like the sea, is an undulation without any possible end." (Victor Hugo, "The Toilers of the Sea", 1866)

"[Arithmetic] is another of the great master-keys of life. With it the astronomer opens the depths of the heavens; the engineer, the gates of the mountains; the navigator, the pathways of the deep. The skillful arrangement, the rapid handling of figures, is a perfect magician’s wand." (Edward Everett, "Orations and Speeches", 1868)

"We do not listen with the best regard to the verses of a man who is only a poet, nor to his problems if he is only an algebraist; but if a man is at once acquainted with the geometric foundation of things and with their festal splendor, his poetry is exact and his arithmetic music." (Ralph W Emerson, "Society and Solitude", 1870)

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