22 November 2018

On Approximation (1925-1949)

"Science does not aim at establishing immutable truths and eternal dogmas; its aim is to approach the truth by successive approximations, without claiming that at any stage final and complete accuracy has been achieved." (Bertrand Russell, "The ABC of Relativity", 1925)

"The scientist is a practical man and his are practical aims. He does not seek the ultimate but the proximate. He does not speak of the last analysis but rather of the next approximation. […] On the whole, he is satisfied with his work, for while science may never be wholly right it certainly is never wholly wrong; and it seems to be improving from decade to decade." (Gilbert N Lewis, "The Anatomy of Science", 1926)

"The different premises will possibly allow equally good explanations with respect to the imprecise nature of our sensory perception, because the sensory perception is, in fact, not concerned with issues of precision mathematics but of approximation mathematics." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"The mistake from which todays’ science suffers is that the theoreticians are concerned too unilaterally with precision mathematics, while the practitioners use a sort of approximate mathematics, without being in touch with precision mathematics through which they could reach a real approximation mathematics." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"The weak point in all such reflections is that they depend on an arbitrary preference of certain ideas and concepts of precision mathematics, while observations in nature always have only limited precision and can be related in very different manners to topics of precision mathematics. It is more generally questionable whether we should be looking for the essence of a correct explanation of nature on the basis of precision mathematics, and whether we could ever go beyond a skillful use of approximation mathematics." (Felix Klein, "Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint" Vol III: "Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics", 1928)

"Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of approximation. When a man tells you that he knows the exact truth about anything, you are safe in inferring that he is an inexact man." (Bertrand Russell, "The Scientific Outlook", 1931)

"Is the density anywhere near that corresponding to the static universe, or is it so small that we can consider the empty universe as a good approximation?" (Willem de Sitter, "Kosmos", 1932)

"The unsolved problems of Nature have a distinctive fascination, though they still far outnumber those which have even approximately been resolved."(Henry N Russell, "The Solar System and Its Origin", 1935)

"The method of successive approximations is often applied to proving existence of solutions to various classes of functional equations; moreover, the proof of convergence of these approximations leans on the fact that the equation under study may be majorised by another equation of a simple kind. Similar proofs may be encountered in the theory of infinitely many simultaneous linear equations and in the theory of integral and differential equations. Consideration of semiordered spaces and operations between them enables us to easily develop a complete theory of such functional equations in abstract form." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "On one class of functional equations", 1936)

"[…] reality is a system, completely ordered and fully intelligible, with which thought in its advance is more and more identifying itself. We may look at the growth of knowledge […] as an attempt by our mind to return to union with things as they are in their ordered wholeness. […] and if we take this view, our notion of truth is marked out for us. Truth is the approximation of thought to reality […] Its measure is the distance thought has travelled […] toward that intelligible system […] The degree of truth of a particular proposition is to be judged in the first instance by its coherence with experience as a whole, ultimately by its coherence with that further whole, all comprehensive and fully articulated, in which thought can come to rest." (Brand Blanshard, "The Nature of Thought" Vol. II, 1939)

"Nature does not consist entirely, or even largely, of problems designed by a Grand Examiner to come out neatly in finite terms, and whatever subject we tackle the first need is to overcome timidity about approximating." (Sir Harold Jeffreys & Bertha S Jeffreys, "Methods of Mathematical Physics", 1946)

"I think that it is a relatively good approximation to truth - which is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations - that mathematical ideas originate in empirics. But, once they are conceived, the subject begins to live a peculiar life of its own and is […] governed by almost entirely aesthetical motivations. In other words, at a great distance from its empirical source, or after much ‘abstract’ inbreeding, a mathematical subject is in danger of degeneration. Whenever this stage is reached the only remedy seems to me to be the rejuvenating return to the source: the reinjection of more or less directly empirical ideas." (John von Neumann,  "The Mathematician", The Works of the Mind Vol. I (1), 1947)

"The principle of bounded rationality [is] the capacity of the human mind for formulating and solving complex problems is very small compared with the size of the problems whose solution is required for objectively rational behavior in the real world - or even for a reasonable approximation to such objective rationality." (Herbert A Simon, "Administrative Behavior", 1947)

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