"From the mental models that people have, they can define the world around them. They can relate and share ideas with others as a way of improving their lives. […] Looking at the bigger picture, mental models not only help people in understanding how the world works, but it also draws people to comprehend their position in it." (Adam Feel, "Mental Models", 2019)
Quotes and Resources Related to Mathematics, (Mathematical) Sciences and Mathematicians
31 May 2020
Mental Models XLVIII
"From the mental models that people have, they can define the world around them. They can relate and share ideas with others as a way of improving their lives. […] Looking at the bigger picture, mental models not only help people in understanding how the world works, but it also draws people to comprehend their position in it." (Adam Feel, "Mental Models", 2019)
Jay W Forrester - Collected Quotes
"Negative feedback is the form normally encountered in the control of physical systems. Yet, positive feedback dominates in the growth and decline patterns of social systems." (Jay W Forrester, "Modeling the Dynamic Processes of Corporate Growth", 1964)
"Our social systems are highly nonlinear. It seems likely that such nonlinearities, coupled with the unstable tendencies caused by amplifications and time delays, create the characteristic modes of behavior […]" (Jay W Forrester, "Modeling the Dynamic Processes of Corporate Growth", 1964)
"[The engineer] must identify the significant and critical problems, but in his education, problems have been predetermined and assigned. He must develop the judgment to know what solutions to problems are possible, but in school the problems encountered are known to have answers." (Jay W Forrester, "Engineering Education and Engineering Practice in the Year 2000", 1967)
"Formulating a model of a system should start from the question 'Where is the boundary, that encompasses the smallest number of components, within which the dynamic behavior under study is generated?'" (Jay W Forrester, "Principles of Systems", 1968)
"[…] complex systems are counterintuitive. That is, they give indications that suggest corrective action which will often be ineffective or even adverse in its results." (Jay W Forrester, "Urban Dynamics", 1969)
"Nonlinear coupling allows one feedback loop to dominate the system for a time and then cause this dominance to shift to another part of the system where behavior is so different that the two seem unrelated." (Jay W. Forrester, "Urban Dynamics", 1969)
"In complex systems cause and effect are often not closely related in either time or space. The structure of a complex system is not a simple feedback loop where one system state dominates the behavior. The complex system has a multiplicity of interacting feedback loops. Its internal rates of flow are controlled by nonlinear relationships. The complex system is of high order, meaning that there are many system states (or levels). It usually contains positive-feedback loops describing growth processes as well as negative, goal-seeking loops. In the complex system the cause of a difficulty may lie far back in time from the symptoms, or in a completely different and remote part of the system. In fact, causes are usually found, not in prior events, but in the structure and policies of the system." (Jay Forrester, "Urban dynamics", 1969)
"The structure of a complex system is not a simple feedback loop where one system state dominates the behavior. The complex system has a multiplicity of interacting feedback loops. Its internal rates of flow are controlled by non‐linear relationships. The complex system is of high order, meaning that there are many system states (or levels). It usually contains positive‐feedback loops describing growth processes as well as negative, goal‐seeking loops." (Jay F Forrester, "Urban Dynamics", 1969)
"To model the dynamic behavior of a system, four hierarchies of structure should be recognized: closed boundary around the system; feedback loops as the basic structural elements within the boundary; level variables representing accumulations within the feedback loops; rate variables representing activity within the feedback loops." (Jay W Forrester, "Urban Dynamics", 1969)
"Each of us uses models constantly. Every person in his private life and in his business life instinctively uses models for decision making. The mental image of the world around you which you carry in your head is a model. […] A mental image is a model. All our decisions are taken on the basis of models." (Jay W Forrester, "Counter-Intuitive Behaviour of Social Systems", Technological Review 73, 1971)
"Mental models are fuzzy, incomplete, and imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within a single individual, mental models change with time, even during the flow of a single conversation. The human mind assembles a few relationships to fit the context of a discussion. As debate shifts, so do the mental models. Even when only a single topic is being discussed, each participant in a conversation employs a different mental model to interpret the subject. Fundamental assumptions differ but are never brought into the open. […] A mental model may be correct in structure and assumptions but, even so, the human mind - either individually or as a group consensus - is apt to draw the wrong implications for the future." (Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behaviour of Social Systems", Technology Review, 1971)
"A model for simulating dynamic system behavior requires formal policy descriptions to specify how individual decisions are to be made. Flows of information are continuously converted into decisions and actions. No plea about the inadequacy of our understanding of the decision-making processes can excuse us from estimating decision-making criteria. To omit a decision point is to deny its presence - a mistake of far greater magnitude than any errors in our best estimate of the process." (Jay W Forrester, "Policies, decisions and information sources for modeling", 1994)
"First, social systems are inherently insensitive to most policy changes that people choose in an effort to alter the behavior of systems. In fact, social systems draw attention to the very points at which an attempt to intervene will fail. Human intuition develops from exposure to simple systems. In simple systems, the cause of a trouble is close in both time and space to symptoms of the trouble. If one touches a hot stove, the burn occurs here and now; the cause is obvious. However, in complex dynamic systems, causes are often far removed in both time and space from the symptoms. True causes may lie far back in time and arise from an entirely different part of the system from when and where the symptoms occur. However, the complex system can mislead in devious ways by presenting an apparent cause that meets the expectations derived from simple systems."(Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems", 1995)
"Second, social systems seem to have a few sensitive influence points through which behavior can be changed. These high-influence points are not where most people expect. Furthermore, when a high-influence policy is identified, the chances are great that a person guided by intuition and judgment will alter the system in the wrong direction." (Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems", 1995)
"System dynamics models are not derived statistically from time-series data. Instead, they are statements about system structure and the policies that guide decisions. Models contain the assumptions being made about a system. A model is only as good as the expertise which lies behind its formulation. A good computer model is distinguished from a poor one by the degree to which it captures the essence of a system that it represents. Many other kinds of mathematical models are limited because they will not accept the multiple-feedback-loop and nonlinear nature of real systems."
"Third, social systems exhibit a conflict between short-term and long-term consequences of a policy change. A policy that produces improvement in the short run is usually one that degrades a system in the long run. Likewise, policies that produce long-run improvement may initially depress behavior of a system. This is especially treacherous. The short run is more visible and more compelling. Short-run pressures speak loudly for immediate attention. However, sequences of actions all aimed at short-run improvement can eventually burden a system with long-run depressants so severe that even heroic short-run measures no longer suffice. Many problems being faced today are the cumulative result of short-run measures taken in prior decades." (Jay W Forrester, "Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems", 1995)
"Complex systems defy intuitive solutions. Even a third-order, linear differential equation is unsolvable by inspection. Yet, important situations in management, economics, medicine, and social behavior usually lose reality if simplified to less than fifth-order nonlinear dynamic systems. Attempts to deal with nonlinear dynamic systems using ordinary processes of description and debate lead to internal inconsistencies. Underlying assumptions may have been left unclear and contradictory, and mental models are often logically incomplete. Resulting behavior is likely to be contrary to that implied by the assumptions being made about' underlying system structure and governing policies." (Jay W. Forrester, "Modeling for What Purpose?", The Systems Thinker Vol. 24 (2), 2013)
are present in everything we do. One does not have a family or corporation in
one's head. Instead, one has observations about those systems. Such
observations and assumptions constitute mental models, which are then used as
the basis for action. System dynamics models have little impact unless they
change the way people perceive a situation. They must relate to and improve
mental models if they are to fill an effective role." (Jay W. Forrester,
"Modeling for What Purpose?", The Systems Thinker Vol. 24 (2), 2013)
"System dynamics models have little impact unless they change the way people perceive a situation. A model must help to organize information in a more understandable way. A model should link the past to the present by showing how present conditions arose, and extend the present into persuasive alternative futures under a variety of scenarios determined by policy alternatives. In other words, a system dynamics model, if it is to be effective, must communicate with and modify the prior mental models. Only people's beliefs - that is, their mental models - will determine action. Computer models must relate to and improve mental models if the computer models are to fill an effective role." (Jay W. Forrester, "Modeling for What Purpose?", The Systems Thinker Vol. 24 (2), 2013)
29 May 2020
James R Thompson - Collected Quotes
"Among the advantages of a simulation approach is principally that it enables us to eliminate time-consuming and artificial approximation theoretic activities and to spend our time in more useful pursuits. More importantly, simulation will enable us to deal with problems that are so complex in their 'closed form' manifestation that they are presently attacked only in ad hoc fashion." (James R Thompson, "Empirical Model Building", 1989)
26 May 2020
Hermann G Grassmann - Collected Quotes
"Few will deny that even in the first scientific instruction in mathematics the most rigorous method is to be given preference over all others. Especially will every teacher prefer a consistent proof to one which is based on fallacies or proceeds in a vicious circle, indeed it will be morally impossible for the teacher to present a proof of the latter kind consciously and thus in a sense deceive his pupils. Notwithstanding these objectionable so-called proofs, so far as the foundation and the development of the system is concerned, predominate in our textbooks to the present time. Perhaps it will be answered, that rigorous proof is found too difficult for the pupil’s power of comprehension. Should this be anywhere the case, - which would only indicate some defect in the plan or treatment of the whole, - the only remedy would be to merely state the theorem in a historic way, and forego a proof with the frank confession that no proof has been found which could be comprehended by the pupil; a remedy which is ever doubtful and should only be applied in the case of extreme necessity. But this remedy is to be preferred to a proof which is no proof, and is therefore either wholly unintelligible to the pupil, or deceives him with an appearance of knowledge which opens the door to all superficiality and lack of scientific method." (Hermann G Grassmann, "Stücke aus dem Lehrbuche der Arithmetik", 1861)
25 May 2020
Donella H Meadows - Collected Quotes
24 May 2020
Frank Wilczek - Collected Quotes
"In physics, your solution should convince a reasonable person. In math, you have to convince a person who's trying to make trouble. Ultimately, in physics, you're hoping to convince Nature. And I've found Nature to be pretty reasonable." (Frank Wilczek, Fantastic Realities: 49 Mind Journeys and a Trip to Stockholm, 2006)
15 May 2020
Averroes - Collected Quotes
"If teleological study of the world is philosophy, and if the Law commands such a study, then the Law commands philosophy." (Averroes, "The Decisive Treatise", 1178)
"The double meaning has been given to suit people's diverse intelligence. The apparent contradictions are meant to stimulate the learned to deeper study." (Averroes, "The Decisive Treatise", 1178)
"To master this instrument the religious thinker must make a preliminary study of logic, just as the lawyer must study legal reasoning. This is no more heretical in the one case than in the other." (Averroes, "The Decisive Treatise", 1178)
"The necessary connexion of movement and time is real and time is something the soul constructs in movement." (Averroes)
Giuseppe Peano - Collected Quotes
2. The successor of any number is another number.
3. There are no two numbers with the same successor.
4. Zero is not the successor of a number.
5. Every property of zero, which belongs to the successor of every number with this property, belongs to all numbers." (Giuseppe Peano)
Misquoted: Jacque Hadamard on Complex Numbers
"The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain."
"It has been written that the shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one."
"The natural development of this work soon led the geometers in their studies to embrace imaginary as well as real values of the variable. The theory of Taylor series, that of elliptic functions, the vast field of Cauchy analysis, caused a burst of productivity derived from this generalization. It came to appear that, between two truths of the real domain, the easiest and shortest path quite often passes through the complex domain."
"At the beginning I would ask anyone who wants to introduce a new function in analysis to clarify whether he intends to confine it to real magnitudes (real values of the argument) and regard the imaginary values as just vestigial - or whether he subscribes to my fundamental proposition that in the realm of magnitudes the imaginary ones a+b√−1 = a+bi have to be regarded as enjoying equal rights with the real ones. We are not talking about practical utility here; rather analysis is, to my mind, a self-sufficient science. It would lose immeasurably in beauty and symmetry from the rejection of any fictive magnitudes. At each stage truths, which otherwise are quite generally valid, would have to be encumbered with all sorts of qualifications." (Carl F Gauss, [letter to Bessel] 1811)"The origin and the immediate purpose for the introduction of complex number into mathematics is the theory of creating simpler dependency laws (slope laws) between complex magnitudes by expressing these laws through numerical operations. And, if we give these dependency laws an expanded range by assigning complex values to the variable magnitudes, on which the dependency laws are based, then what makes its appearance is a harmony and regularity which is especially indirect and lasting." (Bernhard Riemann, "Grundlagen für eine allgemeine Theorie der Funktionen einer veränderlichen complexen Grösse", 1851)"The conception of the inconceivable [imaginary], this measurement of what not only does not, but cannot exist, is one of the finest achievements of the human intellect. No one can deny that such imaginings are indeed imaginary. But they lead to results grander than any which flow from the imagination of the poet. The imaginary calculus is one of the master keys to physical science. These realms of the inconceivable afford in many places our only mode of passage to the domains of positive knowledge. Light itself lay in darkness until this imaginary calculus threw light upon light. And in all modern researches into electricity, magnetism, and heat, and other subtile physical inquiries, these are the most powerful instruments." (Thomas Hill, “The Imagination in Mathematics”, North American Review Vol. 85, 1857)
14 May 2020
Mathematics vs Philosophy II
Mathematics vs Philosophy I
"As in Mathematicks, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition." (Sir Isaac Newton, "Opticks", 1704)
"There is nothing more pleasant for man than the certainty of knowledge; whoever has once tasted of it is repelled by everything in which he perceives nothing but uncertainty. This is why the mathematicians who always deal with certain knowledge have been repelled by philosophy and other things, and have found nothing more pleasant than to spend their time with lines and letters. (Christian Wolff, 1741)
"It has long been a complaint against mathematicians that they are hard to convince: but it is a far greater disqualification both for philosophy, and for the affairs of life, to be too easily convinced; to have too low a standard of proof. The only sound intellects are those which, in the first instance, set their standards of proof high. Practice in concrete affairs soon teaches them to make the necessary abatement: but they retain the consciousness, without which there is no sound practical reasoning, that in accepting inferior evidence because there is no better to be had, they do not by that acceptance raise it to completeness." (John S Mill, "An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy", 1865)
"The most distinct and beautiful statement of any truth [in science] must take at last the mathematical form. We might so simplify the rules of moral philosophy, as well as of arithmetic, that one formula would express them both." (Henry D Thoreau, "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers", 1873)
"[…] all mathematical cognition has this pecularity: that it must first exhibit its concept in intuitional form. […] Without this, mathematics cannot take a single step. Its judgements are therefore always intuitional, whereas philosophy must make do with discursive judgements from mere concepts. It may illustrate its judgements by means of a visual form, but it can never derive them from such a form." (Immanuel Kant)
"In the end mathematics is but simple philosophy, and philosophy, higher mathematics in general." (Friederich von Hardenberg [Novalis])
John Stillwell - Collected Quotes
"The worst aspect of the term 'complex' - one that condemns it to eventual extinction in my opinion - is that it is also applied to structures called 'simple'. Mathematics uses the word 'simple' as a technical term for objects that cannot be 'simplified'. Prime numbers are the kind of thing that might be called 'simple' (though in their case it is not usually done) because they cannot be written as products of smaller numbers. At any rate, some of the 'simple' structures are built on the complex numbers, so mathematicians are obliged to speak of such things as 'complex simple Lie groups'. This is an embarrassment in a subject that prides itself on consistency, and surely either the word 'simple' or the word 'complex' has to go." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)
On Complex Numbers XIV
11 May 2020
Marcus Aurelius - Collected Quotes
"The other reason is that what happens to the individual is a cause of well-being in what directs the world - of its well-being, its fulfillment, or its very existence, even. Because the whole is damaged if you cut away anything - anything at all - from its continuity and its coherence. Not only its parts, but its purposes. And that's what you're doing when you complain: hacking and destroying." (Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations", cca. 121–180 AD)
03 May 2020
Science vs Religion IV
"Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind." (Clive Bell, "Art", 1913)
"The truths of religion are unprovable; the facts of science are unproved." (Gilbert K Chesterton, "Christian Science", 1920)
"Like the great temples of some religions, mathematics may be viewed only from the outside by those uninitiated into its mysteries. (Andrew M Gleason, "Evolution of an Active Mathematical Theory", Science Vol. 145 (3631), 1964)
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." (Albert Einstein, "Out of My Later Years", 1937)
"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later such a religion will emerge." (Carl Sagan, "Pale Blue Dot: a Vision of the Human Future in Space", 1994)
"Humans may crave absolute certainty; they may aspire to it; they may pretend, as partisans of certain religions do, to have attained it. But the history of science - by far the most successful claim to knowledge accessible to humans - teaches that the most we can hope for is successive improvement in our understanding, learning from our mistakes, an asymptotic approach to the Universe, but with the proviso that absolute certainty will always elude us. We will always be mired in error. The most each generation can hope for is to reduce the error bars a little, and to add to the body of data to which error bars apply." (Carl Sagan, "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark", 1995)
"Does there truly exist an insuperable contradiction between religion and science? Can religion be superseded by science? The answers to these questions have, for centuries, given rise to considerable dispute and, indeed, bitter fighting. Yet, in my own mind there can be no doubt that in both cases a dispassionate consideration can only lead to a negative answer. What complicates the solution, however, is the fact that while most people readily agree on what is meant by ‘science,’ they are likely to differ on the meaning of ‘religion’." (Albert Einstein)
"From religion comes a man's purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped." (Sir William Bragg)
"He who posseses science and art, has religion; he who possesses neither science nor art, let him get religion." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Mathematics vs Religion I
"Like the great temples of some religions, mathematics may be viewed only from the outside by those uninitiated into its mysteries." (Andrew M Gleason, "Evolution of an Active Mathematical Theory", Science Vol. 145 (3631), 1964)
"The laws of nature 'discovered' by science are merely mathematical or mechanical models that describe how nature behaves, not why, nor what nature 'actually' is. Science strives to find representations that accurately describe nature, not absolute truths. This fact distinguishes science from religion." (George O Abell, "Exploration of the Universe", 1969)
"In many ways, the mathematical quest to understand infinity parallels mystical attempts to understand God. Both religions and mathematics attempt to express the relationships between humans, the universe, and infinity. Both have arcane symbols and rituals, and impenetrable language. Both exercise the deep recesses of our mind and stimulate our imagination. Mathematicians, like priests, seek ‘ideal’, immutable, nonmaterial truths and then often try to apply theses truth in the real world." (Clifford A Pickover, "The Loom of God: Mathematical Tapestries at the Edge of Time", 1997)
"Zero is powerful because it is infinity’s twin. They are equal and opposite, yin and yang. They are equally paradoxical and troubling. The biggest questions in science and religion are about nothingness and eternity, the void and the infinite, zero and infinity. The clashes over zero were the battles that shook the foundations of philosophy, of science, of mathematics, and of religion. Underneath every revolution lay a zero - and an infinity." (Charles Seife, "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea", 2000)
"Mathematics is the life supreme. The life of the gods is mathematics. All divine messengers are mathematicians. Pure mathematics is religion. Its attainment requires a theophany." (Friederich von Hardenberg [Novalis])
"‘Tis of singular use, rightly to understand, and carefully to distinguish from hypotheses or mere suppositions, the true and certain consequences of experimental and mathematical philosophy; which do, with wonderful strength and advantage, to all such as are capable of apprehending them, confirm, establish, and vindicate against all objections, those great and fundamental truths of natural religion, which the wisdom of providence has at the same time universally implanted, in some degree, in the minds of persons even of the meanest capacities, not qualified to examine demonstrative proofs." (Samuel Clarke)
Science vs Religion III
"The history of thought should warn us against concluding that because the scientific theory of the world is the best that has yet to be formulated, it is necessarily complete and final. We must remember that at bottom the generalizations of science, or, in common parlance, the laws of nature are merely hypotheses devised to explain that ever-shifting phantasmagoria of thought which we dignify with the high-sounding names of the world and the universe. In the last analysis, magic, religion, and science are nothing but theories of thought." (Sir James G Frazer, "The Golden Bough", 1890)
"Both religion and natural science require a belief in God for their activities, to the former He is the starting point, and to the latter the goal of every thought process. To the former He is the foundation, to the latter, the crown of the edifice of every generalized world view." (Max Planck, "Religion and Natural Science", 1937)
"All men seek to be enlightened. Religion is but the most ancient and honorable way in which men have striven to make sense out of God's universe. Scientists seek the lawfulness of events. It is the task of Religion to fit man into this lawfulness." (Frank Herbert, "Dune", 1965)
"Both religion and science must preserve their autonomy and their distinctiveness. Religion is not founded on science nor is science an extension of religion. Each should possess its own principles, its pattern of procedures, its diversities of interpretation and its own conclusions." (Pope John Paul II, [Letter to Father George V Coyne], 1988)
"Religion is the antithesis of science; science is competent to illuminate all the deep questions of existence, and does so in a manner that makes full use of, and respects the human intellect. I see neither need nor sign of any future reconciliation." (Peter W Atkins, "Religion - The Antithesis to Science", 1997)
"As knowledge advances, science ceases to scoff at religion; and religion ceases to frown on science. The hour of mockery by the one, and of reproof by the other, is passing away. Henceforth, they will dwell together in unity and goodwill. They will mutually illustrate the wisdom, power, and grace of God. Science will adorn and enrich religion; and religion will ennoble and sanctify science." (Oliver W Holmes)
"Science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine." (Nikola Tesla)
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." (Albert Einstein)
"When confronted with the order and beauty of the universe and the strange coincidences of nature, it's very tempting to take the leap of faith from science into religion. I am sure many physicists want to. I only wish they would admit it." (Tony Rothman)
Science vs Religion II
"Religion and science are the two conjugated faces of phases of one and the same act of complete knowledge - the only one which can embrace the past and future of evolution so as to contemplate, measure and fulfill them." (Pierre T de Chardin, "The Phenomenon of Man", 1959)
"Science, philosophy and religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole." (Pierre T de Chardin, "The Phenomenon of Man", 1959)
"Scientists seek the lawfulness of events. It is the task of Religion to fit man into this lawfulness." (Frank Herbert, "Dune", 1965)
"The laws of nature 'discovered' by science are merely mathematical or mechanical models that describe how nature behaves, not why, nor what nature 'actually' is. Science strives to find representations that accurately describe nature, not absolute truths. This fact distinguishes science from religion." (George O Abell, "Exploration of the Universe", 1969)
"The mystery of sound is mysticism; the harmony of life is religion. The knowledge of vibrations is metaphysics, the analysis of atoms is science, and their harmonious grouping is art. The rhythm of form is poetry, and the rhythm of sound is music. This shows that music is the art of arts and the science of all sciences; and it contains the fountain of all knowledge within itself." (Inayat Khan, "The Mysticism of Sound and Music", 1996)
"To look at the development of physics since Newton is to observe a struggle to define the limits of science. Part of this process has been the intrusion of scientific methods and ideas into domains that have traditionally been the province of metaphysics or religion. In this conflict, Hawking’s phrase ‘to know the Mind of God’ is just one example of a border infringement. But by playing the God card, Hawking has cleverly fanned the flames of his own publicity, appealing directly to the popular allure of the scientist-as-priest." (Peter Coles, "Hawking and the Mind of God", 2000)
"Zero is powerful because it is infinity’s twin. They are equal and opposite, yin and yang. They are equally paradoxical and troubling. The biggest questions in science and religion are about nothingness and eternity, the void and the infinite, zero and infinity. The clashes over zero were the battles that shook the foundations of philosophy, of science, of mathematics, and of religion. Underneath every revolution lay a zero - and an infinity." (Charles Seife, "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea", 2000)
"Religion claims to help us understand things about the universe, but, unlike science has no way to test or verify its claims. Both science and religion compete to understand reality, but only science has the method to verify its findings, while religion merely buttresses emotional and epistemic commitments made in advance, commitments impervious to evidence." (Jerry Coyne, 2015)
"Much of the history of science, like the history of religion, is a history of struggles driven by power and money. And yet, this is not the whole story. Genuine saints occasionally play an important role, both in religion and science. For many scientists, the reward for being a scientist is not the power and the money but the chance of catching a glimpse of the transcendent beauty of nature." (Freeman J Dyson)
Science vs Religion I
"A mere inference or theory must give way to a truth revealed; but a scientific truth must be maintained, however contradictory it may appear to the most cherished doctrines of religion." (David Brewster, "More Worlds Than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian", 1856)
"Without poetry our science will appear incomplete, and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry." (Matthew Arnold, "The Study of Poetry", 1880)
"Science boasts of the distance of its stars; of the terrific remoteness of the things of which it has to speak. But poetry and religion always insist upon the proximity, the almost menacing closeness of the things with which they are concerned." (Gilbert K Chesterton, 'A Glimpse of My Country', 1909)
"For a long time it has been known that the first systems of representations with which men have pictured to themselves the world and themselves were of religious origin. There is no religion that is not a cosmology at the same time that it is a speculation upon divine things. If philosophy and the sciences were born of religion, it is because religion began by taking the place of the sciences and philosophy." (Émile Durkheim, "The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life", 1912)
"The mysteries of religion are of a different order from those of science; they are parts of an arbitrary system of man’s own creation; they contradict our reason and our experience, while the mysteries of science are revealed by our reason, and transcend our experience." (John Burroughs, "Scientific Faith", The Atlantic Monthly, 1915)
"Progress in truth - truth of science and truth of religion - is mainly a progress in the framing of concepts, in discarding artificial abstractions or partial metaphors, and in evolving notions which strike more deeply into the root of reality." (Alfred N Whitehead, "Religion in the Making", 1926)
"It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal simply to the sum of its various parts." (Max Planck, "The Philosophy of Physics", 1936)
"Since science’s competence extends to observable and measurable phenomena, not to the inner being of things, and to the means, not to the ends of human life, it would be nonsense to expect that the progress of science will provide men with a new type of metaphysics, ethics, or religion."
(Jacques Maritain, "Science and Ontology", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Vol. 5, 1944)
"Science always goes abreast with the just elevation of the man, keeping step with religion and metaphysics; or, the state of science is an index of our self-knowledge." (Ralph W Emerson)
02 May 2020
Walter F Buckley - Collected Quotes
"A viewpoint that gets at the heart of sociology because it sees the sociocultural system in terms of information and communication nets [...]" (Walter F Buckley, "Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"Adaptive system - whether on the biological, psychological, or sociocultural level - must manifest (1) some degree of 'plasticity' and 'irritability' vis-a-vis its environment such that it carries on a constant interchange with acting on and reacting to it; (2) some source or mechanism for variety, to act as a potential pool of adaptive variability to meet the problem of mapping new or more detailed variety and constraints in a changeable environment; (3) a set of selective criteria or mechanisms against which the 'variety pool' may be sifted into those variations in the organization or system that more closely map the environment and those that do not; and (4) an arrangement for preserving and/or propagating these 'successful' mappings." (Walter F Buckley," Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"In essence, the process model typically views society as a complex, multifaceted, fluid interplay of widely varying degrees and intentions and intensities of association and dissociation. The "structure" is abstract construct, not something distinct from the ongoing interactive process but rather a temporary, accommodative representation of it at any one time." (Walter F Buckley," Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"[...] 'information' is not a substance or concrete entity but rather a relationship between sets or ensembles of structured variety." (Walter F Buckley, "Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"Only a modern systems approach promises to get the full complexity of the interacting phenomena - to see not only the causes acting on the phenomena under study, the possible consequences of the phenomena and the possible mutual interactions of some of these factors, but also to see the total emergent processes as a function of possible positive and/or negative feedbacks mediated by the selective decisions, or 'choices', of the individuals and groups directly involved." (Walter F Buckley, "Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"[The equilibrium model describes systems] which, in moving to an equilibrium point, typically lose organization, and then tend to hold that minimum level within relatively narrow conditions of disturbance." (Walter F Buckley, "Sociology and modern systems theory", 1967)
"We have argued at some length in another place that the mechanical equilibrium model and the organismic homeostasis models of society that have underlain most modern sociological theory have outlived their usefulness." (Walter F Buckley, "Society as a complex adaptive system", 1968)
"The notion of system we are interested in may be described generally as a complex of elements or components directly or indirectly related in a network of interrelationships of various kinds, such that it constitutes a dynamic whole with emergent properties." (Walter F. Buckley, "Society: A Complex Adaptive System - Essays in Social Theory", 1998)
Nicomachus of Gerasa - Collected Quotes
"There exists an elegant and sure method of generating these numbers, which does not leave out any perfect numbers and which does not include any that are not; and which is done in the following way. First set out in order the powers of two in a line, starting from unity, and proceeding as far as you wish: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096; and then they must be totalled each time there is a new term, and at each totaling examine the result, if you find that it is prime and non-composite, you must multiply it by the quantity of the last term that you added to the line, and the product will always be perfect. If, otherwise, it is composite and not prime, do not multiply it, but add on the next term, and again examine the result, and if it is composite leave it aside, without multiplying it, and add on the next term. If, on the other hand, it is prime, and non-composite, you must multiply it by the last term taken for its composition, and the number that results will be perfect, and so on as far as infinity." (Nicomachus of Gerasa,"Introductio Arithmetica", cca. 100 AD)
On Numbers: Perfect Numbers II
“The Perfect numbers are also like the virtues, few in number; whilst the other two classes are like the vices - numerous, inordinate and indefinite.” (W Wynn Westcott, “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues”, 1911)
“The theory of numbers is particularly liable to the accusation that some of its problems are the wrong sort of questions to ask. I do not myself think the danger is serious; either a reasonable amount of concentration leads to new ideas or methods of obvious interest, or else one just leaves the problem alone. ‘Perfect numbers’ certainly never did any good, but then they never did any particular harm.” (John E Littlewood, “A Mathematician’s Miscellany”, 1953)
”Maybe some simple combination of a dozen or so primes in fact yield an odd perfect number!” (Stan Wagon, “The evidence: perfect numbers”, Mathematical Intelligencer 7(2), 1985)
”Yet, I believe the problem stands like a unconquerable fortress. For all that is known, it would be almost by luck that an odd perfect number would be found. On the other hand, nothing that has been proved is promising to show that odd perfect numbers do not exist. New ideas are required.” (Paulo Ribenboim, “The New Book of Prime Number Records”, 1996)
“We should not leave unmentioned the principal numbers […] those which are called ‘perfect numbers’. These have parts which are neither larger nor smaller than the number itself, such as the number six, whose parts, three, two, and one, add up to exactly the same sum as the number itself. For the same reason twenty-eight, four hundred ninety-six, and eight thousand one hundred twenty-eight are called perfect numbers.” (Stanley J Bezuszka & Margaret J Kenney, ”Even perfect numbers”, Math. Teacher 90, 1997)
”Throughout both ancient and modern history the feverish hunt for perfect numbers became a religion.” (Clifford A Pickover, “Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning”, 2001)
"One would be hard put to find a set of whole numbers with a more fascinating history and more elegant properties surrounded by greater depths of mystery - and more totally useless - than the perfect numbers." (Martin Gardner)
Resources:Wikipedia (2018) List of perfect numbers [Online] Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_perfect_numbers
On Optimization I
"The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times...