14 May 2020

John Stillwell - Collected Quotes

"Apparent Impossibilities that Are New Truths […] irrational numbers, imaginary numbers, points at infinity, curved space, ideals, and various types of infinity. These ideas seem impossible at first because our intuition cannot grasp them, but they can be captured with the help of mathematical symbolism, which is a kind of technological extension of our senses." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)
"Double periodicity is more interesting than single periodicity, because it is more varied. There is really only one periodic line, since all circles are the same up to a scale factor. However, there are infinitely many doubly periodic planes, even if we ignore scale. This is because the angle between the two periodic axes can vary, and so can the ratio of period lengths. The general picture of a doubly periodic plane is given by a lattice in the plane of complex numbers: a set of points of the form mA + nB, where A and B are nonzero complex numbers in different directions from O, and m and n run through all the integers. A and B are said to generate the lattice because it consists of all their sums and differences. […] The shape of the lattice of points mA + nB can therefore be represented by the complex number A/B. It is not hard to see that any nonzero complex number represents a lattice shape, so in some sense there is whole plane of lattice shapes. Even more interesting: the plane of lattice shapes is a periodic plane, because different numbers represent the same lattice." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"In fact, complex numbers are not much more complicated than reals, and many structures built on the complex numbers actually have simpler behavior than the corresponding structures built on the real numbers." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)
"It is impossible for √-1 to be a real number, since its square is negative. This implies that √-1 is neither greater nor less than zero, so we cannot see √-1 on the real line. However, √-1 behaves like a number with respect to + and x. This prompts us to look elsewhere for it, and indeed we find it on another line (the imaginary axis) perpendicular to the real line." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the impossible: the surprising truths of mathematics", 2006)

"Mathematical language is littered with pejorative and mystical terms - such as irrational, imaginary, surd, transcendental - that were once used to ridicule supposedly impossible objects. And these are just terms applied to numbers. Geometry also has many concepts that seem impossible to most people, such as the fourth dimension, finite universes, and curved space - yet geometers (and physicists) cannot do without them. Thus there is no doubt that  mathematics flirts with the impossible, and seems to make progress by doing so." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"Since the ellipse is a closed curve it has a total length, λ say, and therefore f(l + λ) = f(l). The elliptic function f is periodic, with 'period' λ, just as the sine function is periodic with period 2π. However, as Gauss discovered in 1797, elliptic functions are even more interesting than this: they have a second, complex period. This discovery completely changed the face of calculus, by showing that some functions should be viewed as functions on the plane of complex numbers. And just as periodic functions on the line can be regarded as functions on a periodic line - that is, on the circle - elliptic functions can be regarded as functions on a doubly periodic plane - that is, on a 2-torus." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the impossible: the surpnsing truths of mathematics", 2006) 

"The worst aspect of the term 'complex' - one that condemns it to eventual extinction in my opinion - is that it is also applied to structures called 'simple'. Mathematics uses the word 'simple' as a technical term for objects that cannot be 'simplified'. Prime numbers are the kind of thing that might be called 'simple' (though in their case it is not usually done) because they cannot be written as products of smaller numbers. At any rate, some of the 'simple' structures are built on the complex numbers, so mathematicians are obliged to speak of such things as 'complex simple Lie groups'. This is an embarrassment in a subject that prides itself on consistency, and surely either the word 'simple' or the word 'complex' has to go." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)
"There are many ways to use unique prime factorization, and it is rightly regarded as a powerful idea in number theory. In fact, it is more powerful than Euclid could have imagined. There are complex numbers that behave like 'integers' and 'primes', and unique prime factorization holds for them as well. Complex integers were first used around 1770 by Euler, who found they have almost magical powers to unlock secrets of ordinary integers. For example, by using numbers of the form a + b -2. where a and b are integers, he was able to prove a claim of Fermat that 27 is the only cube that exceeds a square by 2. Euler's results were correct, but partly by good luck. He did not really understand complex 'primes' and their behavior." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"When real numbers are used as coordinates, the number of coordinates is the dimension of the geometry. This is why we call the plane two-dimensional and space three-dimensional. However, one can also expect complex numbers to be useful, knowing their geometric properties […] What is remarkable is that complex numbers are if anything more appropriate for spherical and hyperbolic geometry than for Euclidean geometry. With hindsight, it is even possible to see hyperbolic geometry in properties of complex numbers that were studied as early as 1800, long before hyperbolic geometry was discussed by anyone." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"Today, most mathematicians have embraced the axiom of choice because of the order and simplicity it brings to mathematics in general. For example, the theorems that every vector space has a basis and every field has an algebraic closure hold only by virtue of the axiom of choice. Likewise, for the theorem that every sequentially continuous function is continuous. However, there are special places where the axiom of choice actually brings disorder. One is the theory of measure." (John Stillwell, "Roads to Infinity: The mathematics of truth and proof", 2010) 

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