27 October 2021

Charles F Kettering - Collected Quotes

"We have reason not to be afraid of the machine, for there is always constructive change, the enemy of machines, making them change to fit new conditions." (Charles F Kettering, "Quotation Marks: Against Technocracy", [New York Times] 1933)

"As long as we try and patiently do our best to solve the problem, although we may not get the answer we are looking for, we always get something - even if it is only the valuable experience." (Charles F Kettering, "Short Stories of Science and Invention: A Collection of Radio Talks", 1954)

"In picking that problem be sure to analyze it carefully to see that it is worth the effort. It takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one." (Charles F Kettering, 1955)

"A problem is not solved in a laboratory. It is solved in some fellow's head. All the apparatus is for is to get his head turned around so that he can see the thing right." (Charles F Kettering)

"A problem thoroughly understood is always fairly simple. Found your opinions on facts, not prejudices. We know too many things that are not true." (Charles F Kettering)

"An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously." (Charles F Kettering)

"It is the 'follow through' that makes the great difference between ultimate success and failure, because it is so easy to stop." (Charles F Kettering)

"Learn how to fail intelligently, for failing is one of the greatest arts in the world." (Charles F Kettering)

"No one should pick a problem, or make a resolution, unless he realizes that the ultimate value of it will offset the inevitable discomfort and trouble that always goes along with the accomplishment of anything worthwhile. So, let us not waste our time and effort on some trivial thing." (Charles F Kettering)

"The opportunities of man are limited only by his imagination. But so few have imagination that there are ten thousand fiddlers to one composer." (Charles F Kettering)

"Virtually nothing comes out right the first time. Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement." (Charles F Kettering)

"We have only begun to knock a few chips from the great quarry of knowledge that has been given us to dig out and use. We know almost nothing about everything. That is why, with all conviction, I say that the future is boundless." (Charles F Kettering)

"Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier." (Charles F Kettering)

"You must take the problem as it is, and let it be what it wants to be." (Charles F Kettering)

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