06 August 2022

On Symmetry XI

"The investigation of the symmetries of a given mathematical structure has always yielded the most powerful results. Symmetries are maps which preserve certain properties." (Emil Artin, "Geometric Algebra", 1957)

"Whereas the continuous symmetries always lead to conservation laws in classical mechanics, a discrete symmetry does not. With the introduction of quantum mechanics, however, this difference between the discrete and continuous symmetries disappears. The law of right-left symmetry then leads also to a conservation law: the conservation of parity." (Chen-Ning Yang, "The Law of Parity Conservation and Other Symmetry Laws of Physics", [Nobel lecture] 1957)

"A physical system is said to possess a symmetry if one can make a change in the system such that, after the change, the system is exactly the same as it was before. We call the change we are making to the system a symmetry operation or a symmetry transformation. If a system stays the same when we do a transformation to it, we say that the system is invariant under the transformation." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"So, a scientist's definition of symmetry would be something like this: symmetry is an invariance of an object or system to a transformation. The invariance is the sameness or constancy of the system in form, appearance, composition, arrangement, and so on, and a transformation is the abstract action we apply to the system that takes it from one state into another, equivalent, one. There are often numerous transformations we can apply on a given system that take it into an equivalent state." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"Symmetry is ubiquitous. Symmetry has myriad incarnations in the innumerable patterns designed by nature. It is a key element, often the central or defining theme, in art, music, dance, poetry, or architecture. Symmetry permeates all of science, occupying a prominent place in chemistry, biology, physiology, and astronomy. Symmetry pervades the inner world of the structure of matter, the outer world of the cosmos, and the abstract world of mathematics itself. The basic laws of physics, the most fundamental statements we can make about nature, are founded upon symmetry." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"The symmetries that we sense and observe in the world around us affirm the notion of the existence of a perfect order and harmony underlying everything in the universe. Through symmetry we sense an apparent logic at work in the universe, external to, yet resonant with, our own minds. [...] Symmetry gives wings to our creativity. It provides organizing principles for our artistic impulses and our thinking, and it is a source of hypotheses that we can make to understand the physical world." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"A symmetry of some mathematical structure is a transformation of that structure, of a specified kind, that leaves specified properties of the structure unchanged." (Ian Stewart, "Symmetry: A Very Short Introduction", 2013)

"A system governed by a deterministic theory can only evolve along a single trajectory - namely, that dictated by its laws and initial conditions; all other trajectories are excluded. Symmetry principles, on the other hand, fit the freedom-inducing model. Rather than distinguishing what is excluded from what is bound to happen, these principles distinguish what is excluded from what is possible. In other words, although they place restrictions on what is possible, they do not usually determine a single trajectory." (Yemima Ben-Menahem, "Causation in Science", 2018)

"Symmetries are transformations that keep certain parameters (properties, equations, and so on) invariant, that is, the parameters they refer to are conserved under these transformations. It is to be expected, therefore, that the identification of conserved quantities is inseparable from the identification of fundamental symmetries in the laws of nature. Symmetries single out 'privileged' operations, conservation laws single out 'privileged' quantities or properties that correspond to these operations. Yet the specific connections between a particular symmetry and the invariance it entails are far from obvious. For instance, the isotropy of space (the indistinguishability of its directions) is intuitive enough, but the conservation of angular momentum based on that symmetry, and indeed, the concept of angular momentum, are far less intuitive." (Yemima Ben-Menahem, "Causation in Science", 2018)

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