25 December 2021

Geometrical Figures V: Spheres

"Two equal spheres are comprehended by one and the same cylinder, and two unequal spheres by one and the same cone which has its vertex in the direction of the lesser sphere; and the straight line drawn through the centres of the spheres is at right angles to each of the circles in which the surface of the cylinder, or of the cone, touches the spheres." (Aristarchus of Samos, "On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon", cca. 250 BC)

"In order to know the curvature of a curve, the determination of the radius of the osculating circle furnishes us the best measure, where for each point of the curve we find a circle whose curvature is precisely the same. However, when one looks for the curvature of a surface, the question is very equivocal and not at all susceptible to an absolute response, as in the case above. There are only spherical surfaces where one would be able to measure the curvature, assuming the curvature of the sphere is the curvature of its great circles, and whose radius could be considered the appropriate measure. But for other surfaces one doesn’t know even how to compare a surface with a sphere, as when one can always compare the curvature of a curve with that of a circle. The reason is evident, since at each point of a surface there are an infinite number of different curvatures. One has to only consider a cylinder, where along the directions parallel to the axis, there is no curvature, whereas in the directions perpendicular to the axis, which are circles, the curvatures are all the same, and all other oblique sections to the axis give a particular curvature. It’s the same for all other surfaces, where it can happen that in one direction the curvature is convex, and in another it is concave, as in those resembling a saddle." (Leonhard Euler, "Recherches sur la courbure des surfaces", 1767)

"I take the word 'mapping' in the widest possible sense; any point of the spherical surface is represented on the plane by any desired rule, so that every point of the sphere corresponds to a specified point in the plane, and inversely." (Leonhard Euler, "On the representation of Spherical Surfaces onto the Plane", 1777)

"In the extension of space-construction to the infinitely great, we must distinguish between unboundedness and infinite extent; the former belongs to the extent relations, the latter to the measure-relations. That space is an unbounded threefold manifoldness, is an assumption which is developed by every conception of the outer world; according to which every instant the region of real perception is completed and the possible positions of a sought object are constructed, and which by these applications is forever confirming itself. The unboundedness of space possesses in this way a greater empirical certainty than any external experience. But its infinite extent by no means follows from this; on the other hand if we assume independence of bodies from position, and therefore ascribe to space constant curvature, it must necessarily be finite provided this curvature has ever so small a positive value. If we prolong all the geodesies starting in a given surface-element, we should obtain an unbounded surface of constant curvature, i.e., a surface which in a flat manifoldness of three dimensions would take the form of a sphere, and consequently be finite." (Bernhard Riemann, "On the hypotheses which lie at the foundation of geometry", 1854)

"[...]  the illustration of a space of constant positive measure of curvature by the familiar example of the sphere is somewhat misleading.  Owing to the fact that on the sphere the geodesic lines (great circles) issuing from any point all meet again in another definite point, antipodal, so to speak, to the original point, the existence of such an antipodal point has sometimes been regarded as a necessary consequence of the assumption of a constant positive curvature. The projective theory of non-Euclidean space shows immediately that the existence of an antipodal point, though compatible with the nature of an elliptic space, is not necessary, but that two geodesic lines in such a space may intersect in one point if at all." (Felix Klein, "The Most Recent Researches in Non-Euclidian Geometry", [lecture] 1893)

"Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light. Our eyes are made to see forms in light; light and shade reveal these forms; cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders or pyramids are the great primary forms which light reveals to advantage; the image of these is distinct and tangible within us without ambiguity. It is for this reason that these are beautiful forms, the most beautiful forms. Everybody is agreed to that, the child, the savage and the metaphysician." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Towards a New Architecture", 1923)

"Rational mechanics is mathematics, just as geometry is mathematics. […] Mechanics cannot, any more than geometry, exhaust the properties of the physical universe. […] Mechanics presumes geometry and hence is more special; since it attributes to a sphere additional properties beyond its purely geometric ones, the mechanics of spheres is not only more complicated and detailed but also, on the grounds of pure logic, necessarily less widely applicable than geometry. This, again, is no reproach; geometry is not despised because it is less widely applicable than topology. A more complicated theory, such as mechanics, is less likely to apply to any given case; when it does apply, it predicts more than any broader, less specific theory." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"In our times, geometers are still exploring those new Wonder-lands, partly for the sake of their applications to cosmology and other branches of science but much more for the sheer joy of passing through the looking glass into a land where the familiar lines, planes, triangles, circles, and spheres are seen to behave in strange but precisely determined ways." (Harold S M Coxeter, "Non-Euclidean Geometry", 1969)

"The space of our universe is the hypersurface of a vast expanding hypersphere." (Rudy Rucker, "The Sex Sphere", 1983)

"Topology is that branch of mathematics which is interested in the forms of things aside from their size and shape. Two things are said to be topologically equivalent if one can be deformed smoothly into the other without sticking, cutting, or puncturing it in any way. Thus an egg is equivalent to a sphere." (John D Barrow, "Theories of Everything: The Quest for Ultimate Explanation", 1991)

"The digits of pi beyond the first few decimal places are of no practical or scientific value. Four decimal places are sufficient for the design of the finest engines; ten decimal places are sufficient to obtain the circumference of the earth within a fraction of an inch if the earth were a smooth sphere" (Petr Beckmann, "A History of Pi", 1976)

"Geometry is the study of form and shape. Our first encounter with it usually involves such figures as triangles, squares, and circles, or solids such as the cube, the cylinder, and the sphere. These objects all have finite dimensions of length, area, and volume - as do most of the objects around us. At first thought, then, the notion of infinity seems quite removed from ordinary geometry. That this is not so can already be seen from the simplest of all geometric figures - the straight line. A line stretches to infinity in both directions, and we may think of it as a means to go 'far out' in a one-dimensional world." (Eli Maor, "To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the Infinite", 1987)

"Topology is a geometry in which all lengths, angles, and areas can be distorted at will. Thus a triangle can be continuously transformed into a rectangle, the rectangle into a square, the square into a circle, and so on. Similarly, a cube can be transformed into a cylinder, the cylinder into a cone, the cone into a sphere. Because of these continuous transformations, topology is known popularly as 'rubber sheet geometry'. All figures that can be transformed into each other by continuous bending, stretching, and twisting are called 'topologically equivalent'." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

"The true traditional doughnut has the topology of a sphere. It is a matter of taste whether one regards this as having separate internal and external surfaces. The important point is that the inner space should be filled with good raspberry jam. This is also a matter of taste." (Peter B Fellgett)

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