22 January 2023

Geometrical Figures XII: On Angle Trisection

"But if now a simple, that is, a linear equation, is multiplied by a quadratic, a cubic equation will result, which will have real roots if the quadratic is possible, or two imaginary roots and only one real one if the quadratic is impossible. […] How can it be, that a real quantity, a root of the proposed equation, is expressed by the intervention of an imaginary? For this is the remarkable thing, that, as calculation shows, such an imaginary quantity is only observed to enter those cubic equations that have no imaginary root, all their roots being real or possible, as has been shown by trisection of an angle, by Albert Girard and others. […] This difficulty has been too much for all writers on algebra up to the present, and they have all said they that in this case Cardano’s rules fail." (Gottfried W Leibniz, cca. 1675)

"Even though these are called imaginary, they continue to be useful and even necessary in expressing real magnitudes analytically. For example, it is impossible to express the analytic value of a straight line necessary to trisect a given angle without the aid of imaginaries. Just so it is impossible to establish our calculus of transcendent curves without using differences which are on the point of vanishing, and at last taking the incomparably small in place of the quantity to which we can assign smaller values to infinity." (Gottfried W Leibniz, [letter to Varignon], 1702)

"What distinguishes the straight line and circle more than anything else, and properly separates them for the purpose of elementary geometry? Their self-similarity. Every inch of a straight line coincides with every other inch, and of a circle with every other of the same circle. Where, then, did Euclid fail? In not introducing the third curve, which has the same property - the screw. The right line, the circle, the screw - the representations of translation, rotation, and the two combined - ought to have been the instruments of geometry. With a screw we should never have heard of the impossibility of trisecting an angle, squaring the circle, etc." (Augustus De Morgan, [From Letter to William R Hamilton] 1852) 

"The mathematician of to-day admits that he can neither square the circle, duplicate the cube or trisect the angle. May not our mechanicians, in like manner, be ultimately forced to admit that aerial flight is one of that great class of problems with which men can never cope. [...] I do not claim that this is a necessary conclusion from any past experience. But I do think that success must await progress of a different kind from that of invention." (Simon Newcomb, "Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science", 1906)

"Every Scientific Society still receives from time to time communications from the circle squarer and the trisector of angles, who often make amusing attempts to disguise the real character of their essays. The solutions propounded by such persons usually involve some misunderstanding as to the nature of the conditions under which the problems are to be solved, and ignore the difference between an approximate construction and the solution of the ideal problem." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the circle", 1913)

[Mathematician:] "A scientist who can figure out anything except such simple things as squaring the circle and trisecting an angle." (Evan Esar, "Esar's Comic Dictionary", 1943)

"Then there's the inner beauty of mathematics, which should not be underrated. Math done 'for its own sake' can be exquisitely beautiful and elegant. Not the 'sums' we all do at school; as individuals those are mostly ugly and formless, although the general principles that govern them have their own kind of beauty. It's the ideas, the generalities, the sudden flashes of insight, the realization that trying to trisect an angle with straightedge and compass is like trying to prove that 3 is an even number, that it makes perfect sense that you can't construct a regular seven-sided polygon but you can construct one with seventeen sides, that there is no way to untie an overhand knot, and why some infinities are bigger than others whereas some that ought to be bigger are actually equal [...]" (Ian Stewart, "Letters to a Young Mathematician", 2006)

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