22 January 2023

On Similarity: Self-Similarity

"What distinguishes the straight line and circle more than anything else, and properly separates them for the purpose of elementary geometry? Their self-similarity. Every inch of a straight line coincides with every other inch, and of a circle with every other of the same circle. Where, then, did Euclid fail? In not introducing the third curve, which has the same property - the screw. The right line, the circle, the screw - the representations of translation, rotation, and the two combined - ought to have been the instruments of geometry. With a screw we should never have heard of the impossibility of trisecting an angle, squaring the circle, etc." (Augustus De Morgan, [From Letter to William R Hamilton] 1852)

"All physical objects that are 'self-similar' have limited self-similarity -just as there are no perfectly periodic functions, in the mathematical sense, in the real world: most oscillations have a beginning and an end (with the possible exception of our universe, if it is closed and begins a new life cycle after every 'big crunch' […]. Nevertheless, self-similarity is a useful  abstraction, just as periodicity is one of the most useful concepts in the sciences, any finite extent notwithstanding." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"[…] power laws, with integer or fractional exponents, are one of the most fertile fields and abundant sources of self-similarity." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"The only prerequisite for a self-similar law to prevail in a given size range is the absence of an inherent size scale." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"The unifying concept underlying fractals, chaos, and power laws is self-similarity. Self-similarity, or invariance against changes in scale or size, is an attribute of many laws of nature and innumerable phenomena in the world around us. Self-similarity is, in fact, one of the decisive symmetries that shape our universe and our efforts to comprehend it." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"[…] the world is not complete chaos. Strange attractors often do have structure: like the Sierpinski gasket, they are self-similar or approximately so. And they have fractal dimensions that hold important clues for our attempts to understand chaotic systems such as the weather." (Manfred Schroeder, "Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws Minutes from an Infinite Paradise", 1990)

"The term chaos is used in a specific sense where it is an inherently random pattern of behaviour generated by fixed inputs into deterministic (that is fixed) rules (relationships). The rules take the form of non-linear feedback loops. Although the specific path followed by the behaviour so generated is random and hence unpredictable in the long-term, it always has an underlying pattern to it, a 'hidden' pattern, a global pattern or rhythm. That pattern is self-similarity, that is a constant degree of variation, consistent variability, regular irregularity, or more precisely, a constant fractal dimension. Chaos is therefore order (a pattern) within disorder (random behaviour)." (Ralph D Stacey, "The Chaos Frontier: Creative Strategic Control for Business", 1991)

"Chaos demonstrates that deterministic causes can have random effects […] There's a similar surprise regarding symmetry: symmetric causes can have asymmetric effects. […] This paradox, that symmetry can get lost between cause and effect, is called symmetry-breaking. […] From the smallest scales to the largest, many of nature's patterns are a result of broken symmetry; […]" (Ian Stewart & Martin Golubitsky, "Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?", 1992)

"Chaos appears in both dissipative and conservative systems, but there is a difference in its structure in the two types of systems. Conservative systems have no attractors. Initial conditions can give rise to periodic, quasiperiodic, or chaotic motion, but the chaotic motion, unlike that associated with dissipative systems, is not self-similar. In other words, if you magnify it, it does not give smaller copies of itself. A system that does exhibit self-similarity is called fractal. [...] The chaotic orbits in conservative systems are not fractal; they visit all regions of certain small sections of the phase space, and completely avoid other regions. If you magnify a region of the space, it is not self-similar." (Barry R Parker, "Chaos in the Cosmos: The stunning complexity of the universe", 1996)

"What is renormalization? First of all, if scaling is present we can go to smaller scales and get exactly the same result. In a sense we are looking at the system with a microscope of increasing power. If you take the limit of such a process you get a stability that is not otherwise present. In short, in the renormalized system, the self-similarity is exact, not approximate as it usually is. So renormalization gives stability and exactness." (Barry R Parker, "Chaos in the Cosmos: The stunning complexity of the universe", 1996)

"The self-similarity of fractal structures implies that there is some redundancy because of the repetition of details at all scales. Even though some of these structures may appear to teeter on the edge of randomness, they actually represent complex systems at the interface of order and disorder."  (Edward Beltrami, "What is Random?: Chaos and Order in Mathematics and Life", 1999)

"Laws of complexity hold universally across hierarchical scales (scalar, self-similarity) and are not influenced by the detailed behavior of constituent parts." (Jamshid Gharajedaghi, "Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity A Platform for Designing Business Architecture" 3rd Ed., 2011)

"Fractals' simultaneous chaos and order, self-similarity, fractal dimension and tendency to scalability distinguish them from any other mathematically drawable figures previously conceived." (Mehrdad Garousi, "The Postmodern Beauty of Fractals", Leonardo Vol. 45 (1), 2012)

"The concept of bifurcation, present in the context of non-linear dynamic systems and theory of chaos, refers to the transition between two dynamic modalities qualitatively distinct; both of them are exhibited by the same dynamic system, and the transition (bifurcation) is promoted by the change in value of a relevant numeric parameter of such system. Such parameter is named 'bifurcation parameter', and in highly non-linear dynamic systems, its change can produce a large number of bifurcations between distinct dynamic modalities, with self-similarity and fractal structure. In many of these systems, we have a cascade of numberless bifurcations, culminating with the production of chaotic dynamics." (Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandez, "Chaotic Neural Networks", Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2009)

"In the telephone system a century ago, messages dispersed across the network in a pattern that mathematicians associate with randomness. But in the last decade, the flow of bits has become statistically more similar to the patterns found in self-organized systems. For one thing, the global network exhibits self-similarity, also known as a fractal pattern. We see this kind of fractal pattern in the way the jagged outline of tree branches look similar no matter whether we look at them up close or far away. Today messages disperse through the global telecommunications system in the fractal pattern of self-organization." (Kevin Kelly, "What Technology Wants", 2010)

"Geometric pattern repeated at progressively smaller scales, where each iteration is about a reproduction of the image to produce completely irregular shapes and surfaces that can not be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are generally self-similar (each section looks at all) and are not subordinated to a specific scale. They are used especially in the digital modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature." (Mauro Chiarella, "Folds and Refolds: Space Generation, Shapes, and Complex Components", 2016)

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