History of Mathematics

"In most sciences, one generation tears down what another has built and what one has established another undoes. In mathematics alone, each generation adds a new story to the old structure" (Hermann Hankel, "Die Entwicklung der Mathematik in den letzten Jahrhunderten, 1884)

"I am sure that no subject loses more than mathematics by any attempt to dissociate it from its history." (James W L Glaisher, [opening address] 1890)

"The history of mathematics is important […] as a valuable contribution to the history of civilisation. Human progress is closely identified with scientific thought. Mathematical and physical researches are a reliable record of intellectual progress. The history of mathematics is one of the large windows through which the philosophic eye looks into past ages and traces the line of intellectual development." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematics", 1893)

"The history of mathematics may be instructive as well as agreeable; it may not only remind us of what we have, but may also teach us to increase our store." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematics", 1893)

 "The whole history of the development of mathematics has been a history of the destruction of old definitions, old hobbies, old idols." (David E Smith, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 1, No 1, 1894)

"The true method of foreseeing the future of mathematics is to study its history and its actual state." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Method", 1908)

"The history of mathematics is the mirror of civilization." (Lancelot Hogben, "Mathematics for the Million", 1917)

"[…] a history of mathematics is largely a history of discoveries which no longer exist as separate items, but are merged into some more modern generalization, these discoveries have not been forgotten or made valueless. They are not dead, but transmuted." (John W N Sullivan, "The History of Mathematics in Europe", 1925)

"Even now there is a very wavering grasp of the true position of mathematics as an element in the history of thought. I will not go so far as to say that to construct a history of thought without profound study of the mathematical ideas of successive epochs is like omitting Hamlet from the play which is named after him." (Alfred N Whitehead, "Mathematics as an Element in the History of Thought" in "Science and the Modern World", 1925)

"This history constitutes a mirror of past and present conditions in mathematics which can be made to bear on the notational problems now confronting mathematics. The successes and failures of the past will contribute to a more speedy solution of notational problems of the present time." (Florian Cajori, "A History of Mathematical Notations", 1928)

"In the history of mathematics, the ‘how’ always preceded the ‘why’, the technique of the subject preceded its philosophy." (Tobias Dantzig, "Number: The Language of Science", 1930)

"Mathematicians study their problems on account of their intrinsic interest, and develop their theories on account of their beauty. History shows that some of these mathematical theories which were developed without any chance of immediate use later on found very important applications." (Karl Menger, "What is calculus of variations and what are its applications?", The Scientific Monthly 45, 1937)

"There are no absolutes [...] in mathematics or in its history." (Eric Temple Bell, The Development of Mathematics, 1940)

"It is a curious fact in the history of mathematics that discoveries of the greatest importance were made simultaneously by different men of genius. The classical example is the […] development of the infinitesimal calculus by Newton and Leibniz. Another case is the development of vector calculus in Grassmann's Ausdehnungslehre and Hamilton's Calculus of Quaternions. In the same way we find analytic geometry simultaneously developed by Fermat and Descartes." (Julian L Coolidge, "A History of Geometrical Methods", 1940)

"Unfortunately, the mechanical way in which calculus sometimes is taught fails to present the subject as the outcome of a dramatic intellectual struggle which has lasted for twenty-five hundred years or more, which is deeply rooted in many phases of human endeavors and which will continue as long as man strives to understand himself as well as nature. Teachers, students, and scholars who really want to comprehend the forces and appearances of science must have some understanding of the present aspect of knowledge as a result of historical evolution." (Richard Curand [forward to Carl B Boyer’s "The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development", 1949])

"All followers of the axiomatic method and most mathematicians think that there is some such thing as an absolute ‘mathematical rigor’ which has to be satisfied by any deduction if it is to be valid. The history of mathematics shows that this is not the case, that, on the contrary, every generation is surpassed in rigor again and again by its successors." (Richard von Mises, "Positivism: A Study in Human Understanding", 1951)

"The history of mathematics shows that the introduction of better and better symbolism and operations has made a commonplace of processes that would have been impossible with the unimproved techniques." (Morris Kline, "Mathematics in Western culture", 1953)

"The study of the history of mathematics shows clearly enough that after each period of research and extension there follows a period of review and synthesis during which more general methods are evolved and the foundation of mathematics consolidated." (Gustave Choquet, "What is Modern Mathematics", 1963)

"It is paradoxical that while mathematics has the reputation of being the one subject that brooks no contradictions, in reality it has a long history of successful living with contradictions. This is best seen in the extensions of the notion of number that have been made over a period of 2500 years. From limited sets of integers, to infinite sets of integers, to fractions, negative numbers, irrational numbers, complex numbers, transfinite numbers, each extension, in its way, overcame a contradictory set of demands." (Philip J Davis, "The Mathematics of Matrices", 1965)

"The history of arithmetic and algebra illustrates one of the striking and curious features of the history of mathematics. Ideas that seem remarkably simple once explained were thousands of years in the making." (Morris Kline, "Mathematics for the Nonmathematician", 1967)

"Mathematics is a vast adventure of ideas; its history reflects some of the noblest thoughts of countless generations." (Dirk J Struik, "A Concise History of Mathematics", 1967)

"Students enjoy […] and gain in their understanding of today's mathematics through analyzing older and alternative approaches." (Lucas N H Bunt, Phillip S Jones & Jack D Bedient, "The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics", 1976)

"Under the present dominance of formalism, one is tempted to paraphrase Kant: the history of mathematics, lacking the guidance of philosophy, has become blind, while the philosophy of mathematics, turning its back on the most intriguing phenomena in the of mathematics, has become empty." (Imre Lakatos, "Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery", 1976)

"Although the study of the history of mathematics has an intrinsic appeal of its own, its chief raison d'être is surely the illumination of mathematics itself." (Charles H Edwards Jr, "The Historical Development of the Calculus", 1979)

"There is a real role here for the history of mathematics - and the history of number in particular - for history emphasizes the diversity of approaches and methods which are possible and frees us from the straightjacket of contemporary fashions in mathematics education. It is, at the same time, both interesting and stimulating in its own right." (Graham Flegg, "Numbers: Their History and Meaning", 1983)

"Mathematical research should be as broad and as original as possible, with very long range-goals. We expect history to repeat itself: we expect that the most profound and useful future applications of mathematics cannot be predicted today, since they will arise from mathematics yet to be discovered." (Arthur Jaffe, "Ordering the universe: the role of mathematics", SIAM Review Vol 26. No 4, 1984)

"[…] how completely inadequate it is to limit the history of mathematics to the history of what has been formalized and made rigorous. The unrigorous and the contradictory play important parts in this history." (Philip J Davis & Rueben Hersh, "The Mathematical Experience", 1985)

"We who are heirs to three recent centuries of scientific development can hardly imagine a state of mind in which many mathematical objects were regarded as symbols of spiritual truths or episodes in sacred history. Yet, unless we make this effort of imagination, a fraction of the history of mathematics is incomprehensible." (Philip J Davis & Rueben Hersh, "The Mathematical Experience", 1985)

"Like anything else, mathematics is created within the context of history […]" (William Dunham, "Journey Through Genius", 1990)

"One of the lessons that the history of mathematics clearly teaches us is that the search for solutions to unsolved problems, whether solvable or unsolvable, invariably leads to important discoveries along the way. (Carl B Boyer & Uta C Merzbach, "A History of Mathematics", 1991)

"The main duty of the historian of mathematics, as well as his fondest privilege, is to explain the humanity of mathematics, to illustrate its greatness, beauty and dignity, and to describe how the incessant efforts and accumulated genius of many generations have built up that magnificent monument, the object of our most legitimate pride as men, and of our wonder, humility, and thankfulness, as individuals. The study of the history of mathematics will not make better mathematicians but gentler ones, it will enrich their minds, mellow their hearts, and bring out their finer qualities." (George Sarton, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 4, 1995)

"One would have to have completely forgotten the history of science so as to not remember that the desire to know nature has had the most constant and the happiest influence on the development of mathematics." (Henri Poincaré)

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