11 January 2025

Jacques Ozanam - Collected Quotes

"Although the Mathematicks according to its Etymology, signifies only Discipline, yet it merits the Name of Science better than any other, because its Principles are self-evident, and independent on any sensible Experience, and its Propositions demonstrated beyond all possible Doubt or Opposition. Youth were anciently instructed herein before Philosophy, on which Account Aristotle called it the Science of Children. This was taught them not only to raise and excite their Genius, but also as a fit preparative to the Study of Nature; and it was upon this Account that the Divine Plato inscribed on his School... that none wholly ignorant of Geometry should be admitted there." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"By Science is understood a Knowledge acquired by, or founded on clear and self evident Principles, whence it follows that the Mathematicks may truly be stiled such." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"Mathematicks therefore is a Science which teaches or contemplates whatever is capable of Measure or Number as such. When it relates to Number, it is called Arithmetick; but when to measure, as Length, Breadth, Depth, Degrees of Velocity in Motion, Intenseness or Remissness of Sounds, Augmentation or Diminution of Quality, etc. it is called Geometry." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"The Essential Parts of the Simple or Pure Mathematicks are Arithmetick and Geometry, which mutually assist one another, and are independent on any other Sciences, except perhaps on Artificial Logick: But doubtless Natural Logick may be sufficient to a Man of Sense. The other parts are chiefly Physical Subjects explained by the Principles of Arithmetics or Geometry." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702)

"The Usefulness of the Mathematicks in General, and of some Parts of them in Particular, in the common Affairs of Humane Life, has rendered some competent Knowledge of them very necessary to a great Part of Mankind, and very convenient to all the Rest that are any way conversant beyond the Limits of their own particular callings." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"There are two general Methods made use of in the Mathematicks, viz. Synthesis and Analysis, which we shall explain, after having acquainted the Reader, that the Method we make use of to resolve a Mathematical Problem, is called Zetetick; and that that Method which determines when, and by what way, and how many different ways a Problem may be resolved, is called Poristick. But in treating of Methods, we will first premise, that in general, a Method is the Art of disposing a Train of Arguments or Consequences in a right Order, either to discover the Truth of a Theorem, which we would find out, or to demonstrate it to others, when found." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"To be perfectly ignorant in all the Terms of them is only tolerable in those, who think their Tongues of as little Use to them, as generally their Understandings are. Those whom Necessity has obliged to get their Bread by Manual Industry, where some Degree of Art is required to go along with it, and who have had some Insight into these Studies, have very often found Advantages from them sufficient to reward the Pains they were at in acquiring them. And whatever may have been imputed (how justly I'm not now to determine) to some other Studies, under the Notion of Insignificancy and Loss of Time ; yet these, I believe, never caused Repentance in any, except it was for their Remissness in the Prosecution of them." (Jacques Ozanam, "A Mathematical Dictionary: Or; A Compendious Explication of All Mathematical Terms", 1702) 

"Arithmetic and geometry, according to Plato, are the two wings of the mathematician. The object indeed of all mathematical questions, is to determine the ratios of numbers, or of magnitudes ; and it may even be said, to continue the comparison of the ancient philosopher, that arithmetic is the mathematician's right wing; for it is an incontestable truth, that geometrical determinations would, for the most part, present nothing satisfactory to the mind, if the ratios thus determined could not be reduced to numerical ratios. This justifies the common practice, which we shall here follow, of beginning with arithmetic." (Jacques Ozanam et al, "Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy", 1803)

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