17 June 2023

Mark A Armstrong - Collected Quotes

"A surface is a topological space in which each point has a neighbourhood homeomorphic to the plane, ad for which any two distinct points possess disjoint neighbourhoods. […] The requirement that each point of the space should have a neighbourhood which is homeomorphic to the plane fits exactly our intuitive idea of what a surface should be. If we stand in it at some point (imagining a giant version of the surface in question) and look at the points very close to our feet we should be able to imagine that we are standing on a plane. The surface of the earth is a good example. Unless you belong to the Flat Earth Society you believe it to,be (topologically) a sphere, yet locally it looks distinctly planar. Think more carefully about this requirement: we ask that some neighbourhood of each point of our space be homeomorphic to the plane. We have then to treat this neighbourhood as a topological space in its own right. But this presents no difficulty; the neighbourhood is after all a subset of the given space and we can therefore supply it with the subspace topology." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"If our intuition can be led astray by pictures […], this suggests very strongly that we need some way of considering our spaces abstractly rather than relying on particular representatives of them in euclidean space." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"[…] in trying to prove a concrete geometrical result such as the classification theorem for surfaces, the purely topological structure of the surface (that it be locally euclidean) does not give us much leverage from which to start. On the other hand, although we can define algebraic invariants, such as the fundamental group, for topological spaces in general, they are not a great deal of use to us unless we can calculate them for a reasonably large collection of spaces. Both of these problems may be dealt with effectively by working with spaces that can be broken up into pieces which we can recognize, and which fit together nicely, the so called triangulable spaces." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"Results which allow one to classify completely a collection of objects are among the most important and aesthetically-pleasing in mathematics. The fact that they are also rather rare adds even more to their appeal." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"Showing that two spaces are homeomorphic is a geometrical problem, involving the construction of a specific homeomorphism between them. The techniques used vary with the problem. […] Attempting to prove that two spaces are not homeomorphic to one another is a problem of an entirely different nature. We cannot possibly examine each function between the two spaces individually and check that it is not a homeomorphism. Instead we look for 'topological invariants' of spaces: an invariant may be a geometrical property of the space, a number like the Euler number defined for the space, or an algebraic system such as a group or a ring constructed from the space. The important thing is that the invariant be preserved by a homeomorphism- hence its name. If we suspect that two spaces are not homeomorphic, we may be able to confirm our suspicion by computing some suitable invariant and showing that we obtain different answers." (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"This notion of each point in a space having a collection of 'neighbourhoods', the neighbourhoods leading in turn to a good definition of continuous function, is the crucial one. Notice that in defining neighbourhoods in a euclidean space we used very strongly the euclidean distance between points. In constructing an abstract space we would like to retain the concept of neighbourhood but rid ourselves of any dependence on a distance function. (A topological equivalence does not preserve distances.)" (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

"Topology has to do with those properties of a space which are left unchanged by the kind of transformation that we have called a topological equivalence or homeomorphism. But what sort of spaces interest us and what exactly do we mean by a 'space? The idea of a homeomorphism involves very strongly the notion of continuity [...]"  (Mark A Armstrong, "Basic Topology", 1979)

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