20 June 2023

On Coordinates I

"Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused through the countless number of possible exceptions. […] A curve is the totality of points, whose coordinates are functions of a parameter which may be differentiated as often as may be required." (Felix Klein, "Elementar Mathematik vom hoheren Standpunkte aus" Vol. 2, 1909)

"The power of differential calculus is that it linearizes all problems by going back to the 'infinitesimally small', but this process can be used only on smooth manifolds. Thus our distinction between the two senses of rotation on a smooth manifold rests on the fact that a continuously differentiable coordinate transformation leaving the origin fixed can be approximated by a linear transformation at О and one separates the (nondegenerate) homogeneous linear transformations into positive and negative according to the sign of their determinants. Also the invariance of the dimension for a smooth manifold follows simply from the fact that a linear substitution which has an inverse preserves the number of variables." (Hermann Weyl, "The Concept of a Riemann Surface", 1913)

"From a pessimistic viewpoint, it can be stated that there is no good general way of structuring a system. However, from an optimistic point of view one can say that a number of good ways of structuring systems exist and that some are better than others for any particular system. In this and the following sections, there will be a presentation of a number of structuring approaches that have merit and have been employed successfully, including functional structuring, equipment structuring, and use of various coordinate systems." (Harold Chestnut, "Systems Engineering Tools", 1965)

"A manifold can be given by specifying the coordinate ranges of an atlas, the images in those coordinate ranges of the overlapping parts of the coordinate domains, and the coordinate transformations for each of those overlapping domains. When a manifold is specified in this way, a rather tricky condition on the specifications is needed to give the Hausdorff property, but otherwise the topology can be defined completely by simply requiring the coordinate maps to be homeomorphisms." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"A manifold, roughly, is a topological space in which some neighborhood of each point admits a coordinate system, consisting of real coordinate functions on the points of the neighborhood, which determine the position of points and the topology of that neighborhood; that is, the space is locally cartesian. Moreover, the passage from one coordinate system to another is smooth in the overlapping region, so that the meaning of 'differentiable' curve, function, or map is consistent when referred to either system." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"A system may be specified in either of two ways. In the first, which we shall call a state description, sets of abstract inputs, outputs and states are given, together with the action of the inputs on the states and the assignments of outputs to states. In the second, which we shall call a coordinate description, certain input, output and state variables are given, together with a system of dynamical equations describing the relations among the variables as functions of time. Modern mathematical system theory is formulated in terms of state descriptions, whereas the classical formulation is typically a coordinate description, for example a system of differential equations." (E S Bainbridge, "The Fundamental Duality of System Theory", 1975)

"For the mathematician, the physical way of thinking is merely the starting point in a process of abstraction or idealization. Instead of being a dot on a piece of paper or a particle of dust suspended in space, a point becomes, in the mathematician's ideal way of thinking, a set of numbers or coordinates. In applied mathematics we must go much further with this process because the physical problems under consideration are more complex. We first view a phenomenon in the physical way, of course, but we must then go through a process of idealization to arrive at a more abstract representation of the phenomenon which will be amenable to mathematical analysis." (Peter Lancaster, "Mathematics: Models of the Real World", 1976)

"Determination of transition functions makes it possible to restore the whole manifold if individual charts and coordinate maps are already given. Glueing functions may belong to different functional classes,which makes it possible to specify within a certain class of topological manifolds more narrow classes of smooth, analytic, etc. manifolds." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"Geometry and topology most often deal with geometrical figures, objects realized as a set of points in a Euclidean space (maybe of many dimensions). It is useful to view these objects not as rigid (solid) bodies, but as figures that admit continuous deformation preserving some qualitative properties of the object. Recall that the mapping of one object onto another is called continuous if it can be determined by means of continuous functions in a Cartesian coordinate system in space. The mapping of one figure onto another is called homeomorphism if it is continuous and one-to-one, i.e. establishes a one-to-one correspondence between points of both figures." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"The acceptance of complex numbers into the realm of algebra had an impact on analysis as well. The great success of the differential and integral calculus raised the possibility of extending it to functions of complex variables. Formally, we can extend Euler's definition of a function to complex variables without changing a single word; we merely allow the constants and variables to assume complex values. But from a geometric point of view, such a function cannot be plotted as a graph in a two-dimensional coordinate system because each of the variables now requires for its representation a two-dimensional coordinate system, that is, a plane. To interpret such a function geometrically, we must think of it as a mapping, or transformation, from one plane to another." (Eli Maor, "e: The Story of a Number", 1994) 

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