01 March 2020

On Principles IV: On Equifinality

"Of course, we must be careful about what has to be ‘known’ and ‘judged’ and ‘willed’. This problem seems rather easy to answer in the light of morphological restitutions Here the end to be attained is the normal organisation ; that ‘means’ towards this end are known and found may seem very strange, but it is a fact; and it in a fact also, in the case of what we have called ‘equifinal regulations’, that different means leading to one and the same final state may be known and adopted." (Hans Driesch, "The Science and Philosophy of the Organism", 1908)

"Analysis shows that closed systems cannot behave equifinally. This is the reason why equifinality is found in inanimate nature only in exceptional cases. However, in open systems, which are exchanging materials with the environment, in so far as they attain a steady state, the latter is independent of the initial conditions, or is equifinal.[...] Steady state systems show equifinality, in sharp contrast to closed systems in equilibrium where the final state depends on the components given at the beginning of the process." (Ludwig von Bertalanffy, "The Theory of Open Systems in Physics and Biology", Science Vol. 111, 1950)

"Two qualifications of this observation are in order, First, it is by no means true that every ‘open system’ is able to exhibit equifinality. ‘Equifinality’ as a property of all open systems has never been rigorously defined. If one assumes a rigorous definition in terms of a unique steady state, then, of course, this is realizable only on paper […]" (Joseph M Yoffey, "Homeostatic Mechanisms", 1958)

"Open systems, in contrast to closed systems, exhibit a principle of equifinality, that is, a tendency to achieve a final state independent of initial conditions. In other words, open systems tend to 'resist' perturbations that take them away from some steady state. They can exhibit homeostasis." (Anatol Rapaport, "The Uses of Mathematical Isomorphism in General System Theory", 1972)

"Every system of whatever size must maintain its own structure and must deal with a dynamic environment, i.e., the system must strike a proper balance between stability and change. The cybernetic mechanisms for stability (i.e., homeostasis, negative feedback, autopoiesis, equifinality) and change (i.e., positive feedback, algedonodes, self-organization) are found in all viable systems." (Barry Clemson, "Cybernetics: A New Management Tool", 1984)

"Particular landforms or surface morphologies may be generated, in some cases, by several different processes, sets of environmental controls, or developmental histories. This convergence to similar forms despite variations in processes and controls is called equifinality." (Jonathan Phillips, "Simplexity and the Reinvention of Equifinality", Geographical Analysis Vol. 29 (1), 1997)

"Equifinality is the principle which states that morphology alone cannot be used to reconstruct the mode of origin of a landform on the grounds that identical landforms can be produced by a number of alternative processes, process assemblages or process histories. Different processes may lead to an apparent similarity in the forms produced. For example, sea-level change, tectonic uplift, climatic change, change in source of sediment or water or change in storage may all lead to river incision and a convergence of form." (Olav Slaymaker, "Equifinality", 2004)

"Principle of Equifinality: If a steady state is reached in an open system, it is independent of the initial conditions, and determined only by the system parameters, i.e. rates of reaction and transport." (Kevin Adams & Charles Keating, "Systems of systems engineering", 2012)

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