28 November 2020

On Complex Numbers XV

"The theory of which we have just given an overview may be considered from a point of view apt to set aside the obscure in what it presents, and which seems to be the primary aim, namely: to establish new notions on imaginary quantities. Indeed, putting to one side the question of whether these notions are true or false, we may restrict ourselves to viewing this theory as a means of research, to adopt the lines in direction only as signs of the real or imaginary quantities, and to see, in the usage to which we have put them, only the simple employment of a particular notation. For that, it suffices to start by demonstrating, through the first theorems of trigonometry, the rules of multiplication and addition given above; the applications will follow, and all that will remain is to examine the question of didactics. And if the employment of this notation were to be advantageous? And if it were to open up shorter and easier paths to demonstrate certain truths? That is what fact alone can decide." (Jean-Robert Argand, "Essai sur une manière de représenter les quantités imaginaires, dans les constructions géométriques", Annales Tome IV, 1813) 

"The true meaning of √-1 reveals itself vividly before my soul, but it will be very difficult to express it in words, which can give only an image suspended in the air." (Carl F Gauss, [Letter to Peter Hanson] 1825)

"Mathematics is a study which, when we start from its most familiar portions, may be pursued in either of two opposite directions. The more familiar direction is constructive, towards gradually increasing complexity: from integers to fractions, real numbers, complex numbers; from addition and multiplication to differentiation and integration, and on to higher mathematics. The other direction, which is less familiar, proceeds, by analyzing, to greater and greater abstractness and logical simplicity." (Bertrand Russell, "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy", 1919)

"[…] the words real and imaginary are picturesque relics of an age when the nature of complex numbers was not properly understood." (Harold S M Coxeter, "The Real Projective Plane" 3rd Ed, 1993)

"The dictum that everything that people do is 'cultural' licenses the idea that every cultural critic can meaningfully analyze even the most intricate accomplishments of art and science. [...] It is distinctly weird to listen to pronouncements on the nature of mathematics from the lips of someone who cannot tell you what a complex number is!" (Norman Levitt, "The Flight from Science and Reason", Science, 1996)

"At this stage you might be thinking that there is no justification for calling something of the form a+bi a number, even if you are prepared to countenance i = √-1 in the first place. But remember, it is not what numbers are that matters, but how they behave. Provided the complex numbers have a workable and useful (either in mathematics itself or possibly in a wider context) arithmetic, possibly forming a field, then they have as much right to be called 'numbers' as do any others." (Keith Devlin, "Mathematics: The New Golden Age", 1998)

"In fact the complex numbers form a field. [...] So however strange you may feel the very notion of a complex number to be, it does turn out to provide a 'normal' type of arithmetic. In fact it gives you a tremendous bonus not available with any of the other number systems. [...] The fundamental theorem of algebra is just one of several reasons why the complex-number system is such a 'nice' one. Another important reason is that the field of complex numbers supports the development of a powerful differential calculus, leading to the rich theory of functions of a complex variable." (Keith Devlin, "Mathematics: The New Golden Age", 1998)

"The whole apparatus of the calculus takes on an entirely different form when developed for the complex numbers." (Keith Devlin, "Mathematics: The New Golden Age", 1998)

"[…] because imaginary time is at right angles to real time, it behaves like a fourth spatial direction. It can therefore have a much richer range of possibilities than the railroad track of ordinary real time, which can only have a beginning or an end or go around in circles. It is in this imaginary sense that time has a shape." (Stephen W Hawking, "The Universe in a Nutshell", 2001)

"To describe how quantum theory shapes time and space, it is helpful to introduce the idea of imaginary time. Imaginary time sounds like something from science fiction, but it is a well-defined mathematical concept: time measured in what are called imaginary numbers. […] Imaginary numbers can then be represented as corresponding to positions on a vertical line: zero is again in the middle, positive imaginary numbers plotted upward, and negative imaginary numbers plotted downward. Thus imaginary numbers can be thought of as a new kind of number at right angles to ordinary real numbers. Because they are a mathematical construct, they don't need a physical realization […]" (Stephen W Hawking, "The Universe in a Nutshell", 2001)

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