28 February 2021

Tipping Point I

"For any given population of susceptibles, there is some critical combination of contact frequency, infectivity, and disease duration just great enough for the positive loop to dominate the negative loops. That threshold is known as the tipping point. Below the tipping point, the system is stable: if the disease is introduced into the community, there may be a few new cases, but on average, people will recover faster than new cases are generated. Negative feedback dominates and the population is resistant to an epidemic. Past the tipping point, the positive loop dominates .The system is unstable and once a disease arrives, it can spread like wildfire that is, by positive feedback-limited only by the depletion of the susceptible population." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world", 2000)

"If the contact rate, infectivity, and duration of infection are small enough, the system is below the tipping point and stable. Such a situation is known as herd immunity because the arrival of an infected individual does not produce an epidemic (though a few unlucky individuals may come in contact with any infectious arrivals and contract the disease, the group as a community is protected). However, changes in the contact rate, infectivity, or duration of illness can push a system past the tipping point." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world", 2000)

"The existence of the tipping point means it is theoretically possible to completely eradicate a disease. Eradication does not require a perfect vaccine and universal immunization but only the weaker condition that the reproduction rate of the disease fall and remain below one so that new cases arise at a lower rate than old cases are resolved." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world. ", 2000)

"The sharp boundary between an epidemic and stability defined by the tipping point in the deterministic models becomes a probability distribution characterizing the chance an epidemic will occur for any given average rates of interaction, infectivity, and recovery. Likewise, the SI and SIR models assume a homogeneous and well-mixed population, while in reality it is often important to represent subpopulations and the spatial diffusion of an epidemic." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world", 2000)

"In the real world, advertising is expensive and does not persist indefinitely. The marketing plan for most new products includes a certain amount for a kickoff ad campaign and other initial marketing efforts. If the product is successful, further advertising can be supported out of the revenues the product generates. If, however, the product does not take off, the marketing budget is soon exhausted and external sources of adoption fall. Advertising is not exogenous, as in the Bass model, but is part of the feedback structure of the system. There is a tipping point for ideas and new products no less than for diseases." (John D Sterman, "Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world", 2000)

"The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire." (Malcolm T Gladwell, "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference", 2000)

"This possibility of sudden change is at the center of the idea of the Tipping Point and might well be the hardest of all to accept. [...] The Tipping Point is the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." (Malcolm T Gladwell, "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference", 2000)

"But in mathematics there is a kind of threshold effect, an intellectual tipping point. If a student can just get over the first few humps, negotiate the notational peculiarities of the subject, and grasp that the best way to make progress is to understand the ideas, not just learn them by rote, he or she can sail off merrily down the highway, heading for ever more abstruse and challenging ideas, while an only slightly duller student gets stuck at the geometry of isosceles triangles." (Ian Stewart, "Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry", 2007)

"The product that first gets over its own tipping point attracts many consumers and this may make the competing product less attractive. Being the first to reach this tipping point is very important - more important than being the 'best' in an abstract sense." (David Easley & Jon Kleinberg, "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World", 2010)

"Stochastic variability and tipping points in the catch are two different dynamical phenomena. Yet they are both compatible with real-world data [...]" (John D W Morecroft, "Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics: A Feedback Systems Approach", 2015)

23 February 2021

Carl G J Jacobi - Collected Quotes

"Any progress in the theory of partial differential equations must also bring about a progress in Mechanics." (Carl G J Jacobi, "Vorlesungen über Dynamik" ["Lectures on Dynamics"], 1843)

"Wherever Mathematics is mixed up with anything, which is outside its field, you will find attempts to demonstrate these merely conventional propositions a priori, and it will be your task to find out the false deduction in each case." (Carl G J Jacobi, "Vorlesungen über analytische Mechanik" ["Lectures on Analytical Mechanics"], 1847/48)

"Dirichlet alone, not I, nor Cauchy, nor Gauss knows what a completely rigorous mathematical proof is. Rather we learn it first from him. When Gauss says that he has proved something, it is very clear; when Cauchy says it, one can wager as much pro as con; when Dirichlet says it, it is certain."(Carl G J Jacobi)

"God ever arithmetizes." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"It is true that Fourier had the opinion that the principal object of mathematics was public use and the explanation of natural phenomena; but a philosopher like him ought to know that the sole object of the science is the honor of the human spirit and that under this view a problem of [the theory of] numbers is worth as much as a problem on the system of the world." (Carl G J Jacobi [letter to Legendre])

"Mathematics exists solely for the honour of the human mind." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"Mathematics is slow of growth and only reaches the truth by long and devious paths, that the way to its discovery must be prepared for long beforehand, and that then the truth will make its long-deferred appearance as if impelled by some divine necessity." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"Mathematics is the science of what is clear by itself." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"One should always generalize." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"The God that reigns in Olympus is Number Eternal." (Carl G J Jacobi)

"[...] the sole object of science is the honor of the human spirit and that under this view a problem of numbers is worth as much as a problem on the system of the world." (Carl G J Jacobi [letter to Legendre])

Ralph D Stacey - Collected Quotes

"The term chaos is used in a specific sense where it is an inherently random pattern of behaviour generated by fixed inputs into deterministic (that is fixed) rules (relationships). The rules take the form of non-linear feedback loops. Although the specific path followed by the behaviour so generated is random and hence unpredictable in the long-term, it always has an underlying pattern to it, a 'hidden' pattern, a global pattern or rhythm. That pattern is self-similarity, that is a constant degree of variation, consistent variability, regular irregularity, or more precisely, a constant fractal dimension. Chaos is therefore order (a pattern) within disorder (random behaviour)." (Ralph D Stacey, "The Chaos Frontier: Creative Strategic Control for Business", 1991)

"In a linear world of equilibrium and predictability, the sparse research into an evidence base for management prescriptions and the confused findings it produces would be a sign of incompetence; it would not make much sense. Nevertheless, if organizations are actually patterns of nonlinear interaction between people; if small changes could produce widespread major consequences; if local interaction produces emergent global pattern; then it will not be possible to provide a reliable evidence base. In such a world, it makes no sense to conduct studies looking for simple causal relationships between an action and an outcome. I suggest that the story of the last few years strongly indicates that human action is nonlinear, that time and place matter a great deal, and that since this precludes simple evidence bases we do need to rethink the nature of organizations and the roles of managers and leaders in them." (Ralph D Stacey, "Complexity and Organizational Reality", 2000)

"The model [of reality] takes on a life of its own, in which its future is under perpetual construction through the micro interactions of the diverse entities comprising it. The "final" form toward which it moves is not given in the model itself, nor is it being chosen from outside the model. The forms continually emerge in an unpredictable way as the system moves into the unknown. However, there is nothing mysterious or esoteric about this. What emerges does so because of the transformative cause of the process of the micro interactions, the fluctuations themselves." (Ralph D Stacey et al, "Complexity and Management: Fad or Radical Challenge to Systems Thinking?", 2000)

"The central proposition in [realistic thinking] is that human actions and interactions are processes, not systems, and the coherent patterning of those processes becomes what it becomes because of their intrinsic capacity, the intrinsic capacity of interaction and relationship, to form coherence. That emergent form is radically unpredictable, but it emerges in a controlled or patterned way because of the characteristic of relationship itself, creation and destruction in conditions at the edge of chaos." (Ralph D Stacey et al, "Complexity and Management: Fad or Radical Challenge to Systems Thinking?", 2000)

"Organizations are not systems but the ongoing patterning of interactions between people. Patterns of human interaction produce further patterns of interaction, not some thing outside of the interaction. We call this perspective complex responsive processes of relating." (Ralph D Stacey, "Experiencing Emergence in Organizations", 2005)

"Systems are wholes consisting of parts interacting with each other in a self-generating, self-organising way and it is in this interaction that both parts and whole emerge without prior design." (Ralph D Stacey, "Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics", 2007)

"The system is highly sensitive to some small changes and blows them up into major alterations in weather patterns. This is popularly known as the butterfly effect in that it is possible for a butterfly to flap its wings in São Paolo, so making a tiny change to air pressure there, and for this tiny change to escalate up into a hurricane over Miami. You would have to measure the flapping of every butterfly’s wings around the earth with infinite precision in order to be able to make long-term forecasts. The tiniest error made in these measurements could produce spurious forecasts. However, short-term forecasts are possible because it takes time for tiny differences to escalate."  (Ralph D Stacey, "Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics: The Challenge of Complexity" 5th Ed. , 2007)

"Organizations are not systems but the ongoing patterning of interactions between people. Patterns of human interaction produce further patterns of interaction, not some thing outside of the interaction. We call this perspective complex responsive processes of relating." (Ralph Stacey)

George B Dantzig - Collected Quotes

 "All such problems can be formulated as mathematical programming problems. Naturally, we can propose many sophisticated algorithms and a theory but the final test of a theory is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it." (George B Dantzig, "Linear Programming and Extensions", 1963)

"If the system exhibits a structure which can be represented by a mathematical equivalent, called a mathematical model, and if the objective can be also so quantified, then some computational method may be evolved for choosing the best schedule of actions among alternatives. Such use of mathematical models is termed mathematical programming." (George B Dantzig, "Linear Programming and Extensions", 1963)

"Linear programming is viewed as a revolutionary development giving man the ability to state general objectives and to find, by means of the simplex method, optimal policy decisions for a broad class of practical decision problems of great complexity. In the real world, planning tends to be ad hoc because of the many special-interest groups with their multiple objectives." (George B Dantzig, "Mathematical Programming: The state of the art", 1983)

"Linear programming and its generalization, mathematical programming, can be viewed as part of a great revolutionary development that has given mankind the ability to state general goals and lay out a path of detailed decisions to be taken in order to 'best' achieve these goals when faced with practical situations of great complexity. The tools for accomplishing this are the models that formulate real-world problems in detailed mathematical terms, the algorithms that solve the models, and the software that execute the algorithms on computers based on the mathematical theory."  (George B Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, "Linear Programming" Vol I, 1997)

"Linear programming is concerned with the maximization or minimization of a linear objective function in many variables subject to linear equality and inequality constraints."  (George B Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, "Linear Programming" Vol I, 1997)

"Mathematical programming (or optimization theory) is that branch of mathematics dealing with techniques for maximizing or minimizing an objective function subject to linear, nonlinear, and integer constraints on the variables."  (George B Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, "Linear Programming" Vol I, 1997)

"Models of the real world are not always easy to formulate because of the richness, variety, and ambiguity that exists in the real world or because of our ambiguous understanding of it." (George B Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, "Linear Programming" Vol I, 1997)

"The linear programming problem is to determine the values of the variables of the system that (a) are nonnegative or satisfy certain bounds, (b) satisfy a system  of linear constraints, and (c) minimize or maximize a linear form in the variables called an objective." (George B Dantzig & Mukund N Thapa, "Linear Programming" Vol I, 1997)

22 February 2021

Steven H Strogatz - Collected Quotes

"An equilibrium is defined to be stable if all sufficiently small disturbances away from it damp out in time. Thus stable equilibria are represented geometrically by stable fixed points. Conversely, unstable equilibria, in which disturbances grow in time, are represented by unstable fixed points." (Steven H Strogatz, "Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, 1994)

"[…] chaos and fractals are part of an even grander subject known as dynamics. This is the subject that deals with change, with systems that evolve in time. Whether the system in question settles down to equilibrium, keeps repeating in cycles, or does something more complicated, it is dynamics that we use to analyze the behavior." (Steven H Strogatz, "Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, 1994)

"The qualitative structure of the flow can change as parameters are varied. In particular, fixed points can be created or destroyed, or their stability can change. These qualitative changes in the dynamics are called bifurcations , and the parameter values at which they occur are called bifurcation points." (Steven H Strogatz, "Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, 1994)

"Why are nonlinear systems so much harder to analyze than linear ones? The essential difference is that linear systems can be broken down into parts. Then each part can be solved separately and finally recombined to get the answer. This idea allows a fantastic simplification of complex problems, and underlies such methods as normal modes, Laplace transforms, superposition arguments, and Fourier analysis. In this sense, a linear system is precisely equal to the sum of its parts." (Steven H Strogatz, "Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, 1994)

"A depressing corollary of the butterfly effect (or so it was widely believed) was that two chaotic systems could never synchronize with each other. Even if you took great pains to start them the same way, there would always be some infinitesimal difference in their initial states. Normally that small discrepancy would remain small for a long time, but in a chaotic system, the error cascades and feeds on itself so swiftly that the systems diverge almost immediately, destroying the synchronization. Unfortunately, it seemed, two of the most vibrant branches of nonlinear science - chaos and sync - could never be married. They were fundamentally incompatible." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"[…] all human beings - professional mathematicians included - are easily muddled when it comes to estimating the probabilities of rare events. Even figuring out the right question to ask can be confusing." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Although the shape of chaos is nightmarish, its voice is oddly soothing. When played through a loudspeaker, chaos sounds like white noise, like the soft static that helps insomniacs fall asleep." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"At an anatomical level - the level of pure, abstract connectivity - we seem to have stumbled upon a universal pattern of complexity. Disparate networks show the same three tendencies: short chains, high clustering, and scale-free link distributions. The coincidences are eerie, and baffling to interpret." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Average path length reflects the global structure; it depends on the way the entire network is connected, and cannot be inferred from any local measurement. Clustering reflects the local structure; it depends only on the interconnectedness of a typical neighborhood, the inbreeding among nodes tied to a common center. Roughly speaking, path length measures how big the network is. Clustering measures how incestuous it is." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"But linearity is often an approximation to a more complicated reality. Most systems behave linearly only when they are close to equilibrium, and only when we don't push them too hard." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"By its very nature, the mathematical study of networks transcends the usual boundaries between disciplines. Network theory is concerned with the relationships between individuals, the patterns of interactions. The precise nature of the individuals is downplayed, or even suppressed, in hopes of uncovering deeper laws. A network theorist will look at any system of interlinked components and see an abstract pattern of dots connected by lines. It's the pattern that matters, the architecture of relationships, not the identities of the dots themselves. Viewed from these lofty heights, many networks, seemingly unrelated, begin to look the same." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Chaos theory revealed that simple nonlinear systems could behave in extremely complicated ways, and showed us how to understand them with pictures instead of equations. Complexity theory taught us that many simple units interacting according to simple rules could generate unexpected order. But where complexity theory has largely failed is in explaining where the order comes from, in a deep mathematical sense, and in tying the theory to real phenomena in a convincing way. For these reasons, it has had little impact on the thinking of most mathematicians and scientists." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"[…] equilibrium means nothing changes; stability means slight disturbances die out." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"From a purely mathematical perspective, a power law signifies nothing in particular - it's just one of many possible kinds of algebraic relationship. But when a physicist sees a power law, his eyes light up. For power laws hint that a system may be organizing itself. They arise at phase transitions, when a system is poised at the brink, teetering between order and chaos. They arise in fractals, when an arbitrarily small piece of a complex shape is a microcosm of the whole. They arise in the statistics of natural hazards - avalanches and earthquakes, floods and forest fires - whose sizes fluctuate so erratically from one event to the next that the average cannot adequately stand in for the distribution as a whole." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"In colloquial usage, chaos means a state of total disorder. In its technical sense, however, chaos refers to a state that only appears random, but is actually generated by nonrandom laws. As such, it occupies an unfamiliar middle ground between order and disorder. It looks erratic superficially, yet it contains cryptic patterns and is governed by rigid rules. It's predictable in the short run but unpredictable in the long run. And it never repeats itself: Its behavior is nonperiodic." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Just as a circle is the shape of periodicity, a strange attractor is the shape of chaos. It lives in an abstract mathematical space called state space, whose axes represent all the different variables in a physical system." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Like regular networks, random ones are seductive idealizations. Theorists find them beguiling, not because of their verisimilitude, but because they're the easiest ones to analyze. [...] Random networks are small and poorly clustered; regular ones are big and highly clustered." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"One of the most wonderful things about curiosity-driven research - aside from the pleasure it brings - is that it often has unexpected spin-offs." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Scientists have long been baffled by the existence of spontaneous order in the universe. The laws of thermodynamics seem to dictate the opposite, that nature should inexorably degenerate to - ward a state of greater disorder, greater entropy." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Structure always affects function. The structure of social networks affects the spread of information and disease; the structure of the power grid affects the stability of power transmission. The same must be true for species in an ecosystem, companies in the global marketplace, cascades of enzyme reactions in living cells. The layout of the web must profoundly shape its dynamics." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"The best case that can be made for human sync to the environment (outside of circadian entrainment) has to do with the possibility that electrical rhythms in our brains can be influenced by external signals." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"The butterfly effect came to be the most familiar icon of the new science, and appropriately so, for it is the signature of chaos. […] The idea is that in a chaotic system, small disturbances grow exponentially fast, rendering long-term prediction impossible." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"The nonlinear dynamics of systems with that many variables is still beyond us. Even with the help of supercomputers, the collective behavior of gigantic systems of oscillators remains a forbidding terra incognita." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"[...] the transition to a small world is essentially undetectable at a local level. If you were living through the morph, nothing about your immediate neighborhood would tell you that the world had become small." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"The uncertainty principle expresses a seesaw relationship between the fluctuations of certain pairs of variables, such as an electron's position and its speed. Anything that lowers the uncertainty of one must necessarily raise the uncertainty of the other; you can't push both down at the same time. For example, the more tightly you confine an electron, the more wildly it thrashes. By lowering the position end of the seesaw, you force the velocity end to lift up. On the other hand, if you try to constrain the electron's velocity instead, its position becomes fuzzier and fuzzier; the electron can turn up almost anywhere.(Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"These, then, are the defining features of chaos: erratic, seemingly random behavior in an otherwise deterministic system; predictability in the short run, because of the deterministic laws; and unpredictability in the long run, because of the butterfly effect." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"This synergistic character of nonlinear systems is precisely what makes them so difficult to analyze. They can't be taken apart. The whole system has to be examined all at once, as a coherent entity. As we've seen earlier, this necessity for global thinking is the greatest challenge in understanding how large systems of oscillators can spontaneously synchronize themselves. More generally, all problems about self-organization are fundamentally nonlinear. So the study of sync has always been entwined with the study of nonlinearity." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"[…] topology, the study of continuous shape, a kind of generalized geometry where rigidity is replaced by elasticity. It's as if everything is made of rubber. Shapes can be continuously deformed, bent, or twisted, but not cut - that's never allowed. A square is topologically equivalent to a circle, because you can round off the corners. On the other hand, a circle is different from a figure eight, because there's no way to get rid of the crossing point without resorting to scissors. In that sense, topology is ideal for sorting shapes into broad classes, based on their pure connectivity." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Unanticipated forms of collective behavior emerge that are not obvious from the properties of the individuals themselves. All the models are extremely simplified, of course, but that's the point. If even their idealized behavior can surprise us, we may find clues about what to expect in the real thing. […] the collective dynamics of a crowd can be exquisitely sensitive to its composition, which may be one reason why mobs are so unpredictable."thinking

"We’re accustomed to  in terms of centralized control, clear chains of command, the straightforward logic of cause and effect. But in huge, interconnected systems, where every player ultimately affects every other, our standard ways of thinking fall apart. Simple pictures and verbal arguments are too feeble, too myopic." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"When you’re trying to prove something, it helps to know it’s true. That gives you the confidence you need to keep searching for a rigorous proof." (Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order", 2003)

"Change is most sluggish at the extremes precisely because the derivative is zero there." (Steven Strogatz, "The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Mathematics, from One to Infinity", 2012)

"In mathematics, our freedom lies in the questions we ask - and in how we pursue them - but not in the answers awaiting us." (Steven Strogatz, "The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Mathematics, from One to Infinity", 2012)

"Proofs can cause dizziness or excessive drowsiness. Side effects of prolonged exposure may include night sweats, panic attacks, and, in rare cases, euphoria. Ask your doctor if proofs are right for you." (Steven Strogatz, "The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Mathematics, from One to Infinity", 2012)

"[...] things that seem hopelessly random and unpredictable when viewed in isolation often turn out to be lawful and predictable when viewed in aggregate." (Steven Strogatz, "The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Mathematics, from One to Infinity", 2012)

"A limit cycle is an isolated closed trajectory. Isolated means that neighboring trajectories are not closed; they spiral either toward or away from the limit cycle. If all neighboring trajectories approach the limit cycle, we say the limit cycle is stable or attracting. Otherwise the limit cycle is unstable, or in exceptional cases, half-stable. Stable limit cycles are very important scientifically - they model systems that exhibit self-sustained oscillations. In other words, these systems oscillate even in the absence of external periodic forcing." (Steven H Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering", 2015)

"An equilibrium is defined to be stable if all sufficiently small disturbances away from it damp out in time. Thus stable equilibria are represented geometrically by stable fixed points. Conversely, unstable equilibria, in which disturbances grow in time, are represented by unstable fixed points." (Steven H Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering", 2015)

"[…] chaos and fractals are part of an even grander subject known as dynamics. This is the subject that deals with change, with systems that evolve in time. Whether the system in question settles down to equilibrium, keeps repeating in cycles, or does something more complicated, it is dynamics that we use to analyze the behavior." (Steven H Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering", 2015)

"The qualitative structure of the flow can change as parameters are varied. In particular, fixed points can be created or destroyed, or their stability can change. These qualitative changes in the dynamics are called bifurcations, and the parameter values at which they occur are called bifurcation points. Bifurcations are important scientifically - they provide models of transitions and instabilities as some control parameter is varied." (Steven H Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering", 2015)

"[…] what exactly do we mean by a bifurcation? The usual definition involves the concept of 'topological equivalence': if the phase portrait changes its topological structure as a parameter is varied, we say that a bifurcation has occurred. Examples include changes in the number or stability of fixed points, closed orbits, or saddle connections as a parameter is varied." (Steven H Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering", 2015)

"Why do mathematicians care so much about π? Is it some kind of weird circle fixation? Hardly. The beauty of π, in part, is that it puts infinity within reach. Even young children get this. The digits of π never end and never show a pattern. They go on forever, seemingly at random - except that they can’t possibly be random, because they embody the order inherent in a perfect circle. This tension between order and randomness is one of the most tantalizing aspects of π." (Steven Strogatz, "Why π Matters" 2015)

"Although base e is uniquely distinguished, other exponential functions obey a similar principle of growth. The only difference is that the rate of exponential growth is proportional to the function’s current level, not strictly equal to it. Still, that proportionality is sufficient to generate the explosiveness we associate with exponential growth." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"An infinitesimal is a hazy thing. It is supposed to be the tiniest number you can possibly imagine that isn’t actually zero. More succinctly, an infinitesimal is smaller than everything but greater than nothing. Even more paradoxically, infinitesimals come in different sizes. An infinitesimal part of an infinitesimal is incomparably smaller still. We could call it a second-order infinitesimal." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Because of its intimate connection to the backward problem, the area problem is not just about area. It’s not just about shape or the relationship between distance and speed or anything that narrow. It’s completely general. From a modern perspective, the area problem is about predicting the relationship between anything that changes at a changing rate and how much that thing builds up over time." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Because of the geometry of a circle, there’s always a quarter-cycle off set between any sine wave and the wave derived from it as its derivative, its rate of change. In this analogy, the point’s direction of travel is like its rate of change. It determines where the point will go next and hence how it changes its location. Moreover, this compass heading of the arrow itself rotates in a circular fashion at a constant speed as the point goes around the circle, so the compass heading of the arrow follows a sine-wave pattern in time. And since the compass heading is like the rate of change, voilà! The rate of change follows a sine-wave pattern too." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Calculus succeeds by breaking complicated problems down into simpler parts. That strategy, of course, is not unique to calculus. All good problem-solvers know that hard problems become easier when they’re split into chunks. The truly radical and distinctive move of calculus is that it takes this divide-and-conquer strategy to its utmost extreme - all the way out to infinity." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Chaotic systems are finicky. A little change in how they’re started can make a big difference in where they end up. That’s because small changes in their initial conditions get magnified exponentially fast. Any tiny error or disturbance snowballs so rapidly that in the long term, the system becomes unpredictable. Chaotic systems are not random - they’re deterministic and hence predictable in the short run - but in the long run, they’re so sensitive to tiny disturbances that they look effectively random in many respects." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Generally speaking, things can change in one of three ways: they can go up, they can go down, or they can go up and down. In other words, they can grow, decay, or fluctuate. Different functions are suitable for different occasions." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"In analysis, one solves a problem by starting at the end, as if the answer had already been obtained, and then works back wishfully toward the beginning, hoping to find a path to the given assumptions. [….] Synthesis goes in the other direction. It starts with the givens, and then, by stabbing in the dark, trying things, you are somehow supposed to move forward to a solution, step by logical step, and eventually arrive at the desired result. Synthesis tends to be much harder than analysis because you don’t ever know how you’re going to get to the solution until you do." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"In mathematical modeling, as in all of science, we always have to make choices about what to stress and what to ignore. The art of abstraction lies in knowing what is essential and what is minutia, what is signal and what is noise, what is trend and what is wiggle. It’s an art because such choices always involve an element of danger; they come close to wishful thinking and intellectual dishonesty." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"In mathematics, pendulums stimulated the development of calculus through the riddles they posed. In physics and engineering, pendulums became paradigms of oscillation. […] In some cases, the connections between pendulums and other phenomena are so exact that the same equations can be recycled without change. Only the symbols need to be reinterpreted; the syntax stays the same. It’s as if nature keeps returning to the same motif again and again, a pendular repetition of a pendular theme. For example, the equations for the swinging of a pendulum carry over without change to those for the spinning of generators that produce alternating current and send it to our homes and offices. In honor of that pedigree, electrical engineers refer to their generator equations as swing equations." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"If real numbers are not real, why do mathematicians love them so much? And why are schoolchildren forced to learn about them? Because calculus needs them. From the beginning, calculus has stubbornly insisted that everything - space and time, matter and energy, all objects that ever have been or will be - should be regarded as continuous. Accordingly, everything can and should be quantified by real numbers. In this idealized, imaginary world, we pretend that everything can be split finer and finer without end. The whole theory of calculus is built on that assumption. Without it, we couldn’t compute limits, and without limits, calculus would come to a clanking halt." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Mathematically, circles embody change without change. A point moving around the circumference of a circle changes direction without ever changing its distance from a center. It’s a minimal form of change, a way to change and curve in the slightest way possible. And, of course, circles are symmetrical. If you rotate a circle about its center, it looks unchanged. That rotational symmetry may be why circles are so ubiquitous. Whenever some aspect of nature doesn’t care about direction, circles are bound to appear. Consider what happens when a raindrop hits a puddle: tiny ripples expand outward from the point of impact. Because they spread equally fast in all directions and because they started at a single point, the ripples have to be circles. Symmetry demands it." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Mathematicians don’t come up with the proofs first. First comes intuition. Rigor comes later. This essential role of in- tuition and imagination is often left out of high-school geometry courses, but it is essential to all creative mathematics." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Nonlinearity is responsible for the richness in the world, for its beauty and complexity and, often, its inscrutability. […] When a system is nonlinear, its behavior can be impossible to forecast with formulas, even though that behavior is completely determined. In other words, determinism does not imply predictability. […] Chaotic systems can be predicted perfectly well up to a time known as the predictability horizon. Before that, the determinism of the system makes it predictable." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"On a linear system like a scale, the whole is equal to the sum of the parts. That’s the first key property of linearity. The second is that causes are proportional to effects. […] These two properties - the proportionality between cause and effect, and the equality of the whole to the sum of the parts - are the essence of what it means to be linear. […] The great advantage of linearity is that it allows for reductionist thinking. To solve a linear problem, we can break it down to its simplest parts, solve each part separately, and put the parts back together to get the answer." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Pi is fundamentally a child of calculus. It is defined as the unattainable limit of a never-ending process. But unlike a sequence of polygons steadfastly approaching a circle or a hapless walker stepping halfway to a wall, there is no end in sight for pi, no limit we can ever know. And yet pi exists. There it is, defined so crisply as the ratio of two lengths we can see right before us, the circumference of a circle and its diameter. That ratio defines pi, pinpoints it as clearly as can be, and yet the number itself slips through our fingers." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"So there is a lot to be said for following one’s curiosity in mathematics. It often has scientific and practical payoff s that can’t be foreseen. It also gives mathematicians great pleasure for its own sake and reveals hidden connections between different parts of mathematics." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Somewhere in the dark recesses of prehistory, somebody realized that numbers never end. And with that thought, infinity was born. It’s the numerical counterpart of something deep in our psyches, in our nightmares of bottomless pits, and in our hopes for eternal life. Infinity lies at the heart of so many of our dreams and fears and unanswerable questions: How big is the universe? How long is forever? How powerful is God? In every branch of human thought, from religion and philosophy to science and mathematics, infinity has befuddled the world’s finest minds for thousands of years."(Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"[…] the derivative of a sine wave is another sine wave, shifted by a quarter cycle. That’s a remarkable property. It’s not true of other kinds of waves. Typically, when we take the derivative of a curve of any kind, that curve will become distorted by being differentiated. It won’t have the same shape before and after. Being differentiated is a traumatic experience for most curves. But not for a sine wave. After its derivative is taken, it dusts itself of f and appears unfazed, as sinusoidal as ever. The only injury it suffers - and it isn’t even an injury, really - is that the sine wave shifts in time. It peaks a quarter of a cycle earlier than it used to." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"The great advantage of infinitesimals in general and differentials in particular is that they make calculations easier. They provide shortcuts. They free the mind for more imaginative thought, just as algebra did for geometry in an earlier era. […] The only thing wrong with infinitesimals is that they don’t exist, at least not within the system of real numbers." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"The important point about e is that an exponential function with this base grows at a rate precisely equal to the function itself. Let me say that again. The rate of growth of ex is ex itself. This marvelous property simplifies all calculations about exponential functions when they are expressed in base e. No other base enjoys this simplicity. Whether we are working with derivatives, integrals, differential equations, or any of the other tools of calculus, exponential functions expressed in base e are always the cleanest, most elegant, and most beautiful." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"The reason why integration is so much harder than differentiation has to do with the distinction between local and global. Local problems are easy. Global problems are hard. Differentiation is a local operation. [...] when we are calculating a derivative, it’s like we’re looking under a microscope. We zoom in on a curve or a function, repeatedly magnifying the field of view. As we zoom in on that little local patch, the curve appears to become less and less curved. […] Integration is a global operation. Instead of a microscope, we are now using a telescope. We are trying to peer far of f into the distance - or far ahead into the future, although in that case we need a crystal ball. Naturally, these problems are a lot harder. All the intervening events matter and cannot be discarded. Or so it would seem." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"There’s something so paradoxical about pi. On the one hand, it represents order, as embodied by the shape of a circle, long held to be a symbol of perfection and eternity. On the other hand, pi is unruly, disheveled in appearance, its digits obeying no obvious rule, or at least none that we can perceive. Pi is elusive and mysterious, forever beyond reach. Its mix of order and disorder is what makes it so bewitching." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"Thus, calculus proceeds in two phases: cutting and rebuilding. In mathematical terms, the cutting process always involves infinitely fine subtraction, which is used to quantify the differences between the parts. Accordingly, this half of the subject is called differential calculus. The reassembly process always involves infinite addition, which integrates the parts back into the original whole. This half of the subject is called integral calculus." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"To shed light on any continuous shape, object, motion, process, or phenomenon - no matter how wild and complicated it may appear - reimagine it as an infinite series of simpler parts, analyze those, and then add the results back together to make sense of the original whole." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"We feel we are discovering mathematics. The results are there, waiting for us. They have been inherent in the figures all along. We are not inventing them. […] we are discovering facts that already exist, that are inherent in the objects we study. Although we have creative freedom to invent the objects themselves - to create idealizations like perfect spheres and circles and cylinders - once we do, they take on lives of their own." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"[…] when a curve does look increasingly straight when we zoom in on it sufficiently at any point, that curve is said to be smooth. […] In modern calculus, however, we have learned how to cope with curves that are not smooth. The inconveniences and pathologies of non-smooth curves sometimes arise in applications due to sudden jumps or other discontinuities in the behavior of a physical system." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"With a linear growth of errors, improving the measurements could always keep pace with the desire for longer prediction. But when errors grow exponentially fast, a system is said to have sensitive dependence on its initial conditions. Then long-term prediction becomes impossible. This is the philosophically disturbing message of chaos." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

"With its yin and yang binaries, pi is like all of calculus in miniature. Pi is a portal between the round and the straight, a single number yet infinitely complex, a balance of order and chaos. Calculus, for its part, uses the infinite to study the finite, the unlimited to study the limited, and the straight to study the curved. The Infinity Principle is the key to unlocking the mystery of curves, and it arose here first, in the mystery of pi." (Steven H Strogatz, "Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus - The Most Important Discovery in Mathematics", 2019)

21 February 2021

On Axioms (1900-1909)

"If geometry is to serve as a model for the treatment of physical axioms, we shall try first by a small number of axioms to include as large a class as possible of physical phenomena, and then by adjoining new axioms to arrive gradually at the more special theories. […] The mathematician will have also to take account not only of those theories coming near to reality, but also, as in geometry, of all logically possible theories. We must be always alert to obtain a complete survey of all conclusions derivable from the system of axioms assumed." (David Hilbert, 1900)

"When we are engaged in investigating the foundations of a science, we must set up a system of axioms which contains an exact and complete description of the relations subsisting between the elementary ideas of that science. The axioms so set up are at the same time the definitions of those elementary ideas; and no statement within the realm of the science... is held to be correct unless it can be derived from axioms by means of a finite number of logical steps. Upon closer consideration the question arises: Whether, in any way, certain statements of single axioms depend upon one another, and whether the axioms may not therefore contain certain parts in common, which must be isolated if one wishes to arrive at a system of axioms that shall be altogether independent of one another." (David Hilbert, "Mathematische Probleme", Gŏttinger Nachrichten, 1900)

"No theorem can be new unless a new axiom intervenes in its demonstration; reasoning can only give us immediately evident truths borrowed from direct intuition; it would only be an intermediary parasite." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"Syllogistic reasoning remains incapable of adding anything to the data that are given it; the data are reduced to axioms, and that is all we should find in the conclusions." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"Like almost every subject of human interest, this one [mathematics] is just as easy or as difficult as we choose to make it. A lifetime may be spent by a philosopher in discussing the truth of the simplest axiom. The simplest fact as to our existence may fill us with such wonder that our minds will remain overwhelmed with wonder all the time." (John Perry, "Teaching of Mathematics", 1902)

"No theorem can be new unless a new axiom intervenes in its demonstration; reasoning can only give us immediately evident truths borrowed from direct intuition; it would only be an intermediary parasite." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1902)

"The requisites for the axioms are various. They should be simple, in the sense that each axiom should enumerate one and only one statement. The total number of axioms should be few. A set of axioms must be consistent, that is to say, it must not be possible to deduce the contradictory of any axiom from the other axioms. According to the logical 'Law of Contradiction,' a set of entities cannot satisfy inconsistent axioms. Thus the existence theorem for a set of axioms proves their consistency. Seemingly this is the only possible method of proof of consistency." (Alfred N Whitehead, "The axioms of projective geometry, 1906) 

"Every definition implies an axiom, since it asserts the existence of the object defined. The definition then will not be justified, from the purely logical point of view, until we have proved that it involves no contradiction either in its terms or with the truths previously admitted." (Henri Poincaré," Science and Method", 1908)

"It has been argued that mathematics is not or, at least, not exclusively an end in itself; after all it should also be applied to reality. But how can this be done if mathematics consisted of definitions and analytic theorems deduced from them and we did not know whether these are valid in reality or not. One can argue here that of course one first has to convince oneself whether the axioms of a theory are valid in the area of reality to which the theory should be applied. In any case, such a statement requires a procedure which is outside logic." (Ernst Zermelo, "Mathematische Logik - Vorlesungen gehalten von Prof. Dr. E. Zermelo zu Göttingen im S. S", 1908)

"It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover. [...] Every definition implies an axiom, since it asserts the existence of the object defined. The definition then will not be justified, from the purely logical point of view, until we have proved that it involves no contradiction either in its terms or with the truths previously admitted." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Method", 1908)

"I do in no wise share this view [that the axioms are arbitrary propositions which we assume wholly at will, and that in like manner the fundamental conceptions are in the end only arbitrary symbols with which we operate] but consider it the death of all science: in my judgment the axioms of geometry are not arbitrary, but reasonable propositions which generally have the origin in space intuition and whose separate content and sequence is controlled by reasons of expediency." (Felix Klein, "Elementarmathematik vom hoheren Standpunkte aus", 1909)

Maurice Allais - Collected Quotes

"All science is based on models, and every scientific model comprises three distinct stages: statement of well-defined hypotheses; deduction of all the consequences of these hypotheses, and nothing but these consequences; confrontation of these consequences with observed data." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"However, mathematics is not and cannot be anything more than a tool, and all my work rests on the conviction that, in its use, the only two really fruitful stages in the scientific approach are, firstly, a thorough examination of the initial hypotheses; and secondly, a discussion of the meaning and empirical relevance of the results obtained. What remains is but tautological calculation, which is of interest only to the mathematician, and the mathematical rigour of the reasoning can never justify a theory based on postulates if these postulates do not correspond to the true nature of the observed phenomena." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"My approach has never been to start from theories to arrive at facts, but on the contrary, to try to bring out from the facts the explanatory thread without which they appear incomprehensible and elude effective action." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"The mathematical theories generally called 'mathematical theories of chance' actually ignore chance, uncertainty and probability. The models they consider are purely deterministic, and the quantities they study are, in the final analysis, no more than the mathematical frequencies of particular configurations, among all equally possible configurations, the calculation of which is based on combinatorial analysis. In reality, no axiomatic definition of chance is conceivable." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"The model and the theory it represents must be accepted, at least temporarily, or rejected, depending on the agreement or disagreement between observed data and the hypotheses and implications of the model. When neither the hypotheses nor the implications of a theory can be confronted with the real world, that theory is devoid of any scientific interest. Mere logical, even mathematical, deduction remains worthless in terms of the understanding of reality if it is not closely linked to that reality." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"The use of even the most sophisticated forms of mathematics can never be considered as a guarantee of quality. Mathematics is, and can only be, a means of expression and reasoning. The real substance on which the economist works remains economic and social. Indeed, one must avoid the development of a complex mathematical apparatus whenever it is not strictly indispensable. Genuine progress never consists in a purely formal exposition, but always in the discovery of the guiding ideas which underlie any proof. It is these basic ideas which must be explicitly stated and discussed." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"The submission to observed or experimental data is the golden rule which dominates any scientific discipline. Any theory whatever, if it is not verified by empirical evidence, has no scientific value and should be rejected. This is true, for example, of the contemporary theories of general economic equilibrium." (Maurice Allais, "An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science", [Noble lecture] 1988)

"Submission to the experimental data is the golden rule that dominates any scientific discipline." (Maurice Allais, [speech] 1993)

"A theory is only as good as its assumptions. If the premises are false, the theory has no real scientific value. The only scientific criterion for judging the validity of a scientific theory is a confrontation with the data of experience." (Maurice Allais, "L'anisotropie de l'espace", 1997)

"Any author who uses mathematics should always express in ordinary language the meaning of the assumptions he admits, as well as the significance of the results obtained. The more abstract his theory, the more imperative this obligation. In fact, mathematics are and can only be a tool to explore reality. In this exploration, mathematics do not constitute an end in itself, they are and can only be a means." (Maurice Allais, "La formation scientifique" 1997)

"Too many theorists have a tendency to ignore facts that contradict their convictions." (Maurice Allais, "L'anisotropie de l'espace", 1997)

20 February 2021

On Economics II (Systems I)

"An economic system is not a linear system, and [...] this fact stands in the way of the determination of the parameters of the system by methods that presume linearity, and [...] it introduces great difficulties in the extrapolation from past behaviour for purposes of prediction. [...] Actual economic systems are constantly subjected to change and disturbances, which would result in irregularity." (Arnold Tustin, "The Mechanism of Economic System", 1953)

"The striking parallel between the economic models that are currently under discussion and some engineering systems suggests the hope that in some way the rapid progress in the development of the theory and practice of automatic control in the world of engineering may contribute to the solution of the economic problems." (Arnold Tustin "The Mechanism of Economic Systems", 1953) 

"The ability to work with systems of general equilibrium is perhaps one of the most important skills of the economist - a skill which he shares with many other scientists, but in which he has perhaps a certain comparative advantage." (Kenneth Boulding, "The Skills of the Economist", Journal of Political Economy 67 (1), 1959)

"The treatment of the economy as a single system, to be controlled toward a consistent goal, allowed the efficient systematization of enormous information material, its deep analysis for valid decision-making. It is interesting that many inferences remain valid even in cases when this consistent goal could not be formulated, either for the reason that it was not quite clear or for the reason that it was made up of multiple goals, each of which to be taken into account." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture] 1975)

"The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological–social–psychological–economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent, intractable global problems arise directly from this mismatch." (Donella Meadows, "Whole Earth Models and Systems", 1982)

"In nonlinear systems - and the economy is most certainly nonlinear - chaos theory tells you that the slightest uncertainty in your knowledge of the initial conditions will often grow inexorably. After a while, your predictions are nonsense." (M Mitchell Waldrop, "Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos", 1992)

"A major clash between economics and ecology derives from the fact that nature is cyclical, whereas our industrial systems are linear. Our businesses take resources, transform them into products plus waste, and sell the products to consumers, who discard more waste […]" (Fritjof Capra, "The Web of Life", 1996)

"The diversity of networks in business and the economy is mindboggling. There are policy networks, ownership networks, collaboration networks, organizational networks, network marketing-you name it. It would be impossible to integrate these diverse interactions into a single all-encompassing web. Yet no matter what organizational level we look at, the same robust and universal laws that govern nature's webs seem to greet us. The challenge is for economic and network research alike to put these laws into practice."  (Albert-László Barabási, "Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life", 2002)

"The butterfly effect demonstrates that complex dynamical systems are highly responsive and interconnected webs of feedback loops. It reminds us that we live in a highly interconnected world. Thus our actions within an organization can lead to a range of unpredicted responses and unexpected outcomes. This seriously calls into doubt the wisdom of believing that a major organizational change intervention will necessarily achieve its pre-planned and highly desired outcomes. Small changes in the social, technological, political, ecological or economic conditions can have major implications over time for organizations, communities, societies and even nations." (Elizabeth McMillan, "Complexity, Management and the Dynamics of Change: Challenges for practice", 2008)

"Standard economists don't seem to understand exponential growth. Ecological economics recognizes that the economy, like any other subsystem on the planet, cannot grow forever. And if you think of an organism as an analogy, organisms grow for a period and then they stop growing. They can still continue to improve and develop, but without physically growing, because if organisms did that you’d end up with nine-billion-ton hamsters." (Robert Costanza, "What is Ecological economics", 2010)

On Economics VI (Equilibrium I)

"The general theory of economic equilibrium was strengthened and made effective as an organon of thought by two powerful subsidiary conceptions - the Margin and Substitution. The notion of the Margin was extended beyond Utility to describe the equilibrium point in given conditions of any economic factor which can be regarded as capable of small variations about a given value, or in its functional relation to a given value." (John M Keynes, "Essays In Biography", 1933)

"Perhaps as important is the relation between the existence of solutions to a competitive equilibrium and the problems of normative or welfare economics." (Kenneth J Arrow & Gerard Debreu. "Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy", Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1954)

"[Equilibrium] is a notion which can be employed usefully in varying degrees of looseness. It is an absolutely indispensable part of the toolbag of the economist and one which he can often contribute usefully to other sciences which are occasionally apt to get lost in the trackless exfoliations of purely dynamic systems." (Kenneth Boulding, The Skills of the Economist", Journal of Political Economy 67 (1), 1959)

"The ability to work with systems of general equilibrium is perhaps one of the most important skills of the economist - a skill which he shares with many other scientists, but in which he has perhaps a certain comparative advantage." (Kenneth Boulding, "The Skills of the Economist", Journal of Political Economy 67 (1), 1959)

"An economy may be in equilibrium from a short-period point of view and yet contain within itself incompatibilities that are soon going to knock it out of equilibrium." (Joan Robinson, "Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth", 1965)

"We know, in other words, the general conditions in which what we call, somewhat misleadingly, an equilibrium will establish itself: but we never know what the particular prices or wages are which would exist if the market were to bring about such an equilibrium." (Friedrich Hayek, "Unemployment and monetary policy: government as generator of the ‘business cycle’", 1979)

"Economic theory is devoted to the study of equilibrium positions. The concept of equilibrium is very useful. It allows us to focus on the final outcome rather than the process that leads up to it. But the concept is also very deceptive. It has the aura of something empirical: since the adjustment process is supposed to lead to an equilibrium, an equilibrium position seems somehow implicit in our observations. That is not true. Equilibrium itself has rarely been observed in real life - market prices have a notorious habit of fluctuating." (George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance: Reading the Mind of the Market", 1987)

"The concept of a general equilibrium has no relevance to the real world (in other words, classical economics is an exercise in futility)." (George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance: Reading the Mind of the Market", 1987)

"Financial markets are supposed to swing like a pendulum: They may fluctuate wildly in response to exogenous shocks, but eventually they are supposed to come to rest at an equilibrium point and that point is supposed to be the same irrespective of the interim fluctuations." (George Soros, "The Crisis of Global Capitalism", 1998)

"Stock market bubbles don't grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality - but reality as distorted by a misconception. Under normal conditions misconceptions are self-correcting, and the markets tend toward some kind of equilibrium. Occasionally, a misconception is reinforced by a trend prevailing in reality, and that is when a boom-bust process gets under way. Eventually the gap between reality and its false interpretation becomes unsustainable, and the bubble bursts." (George Soros, [interview] 2004)

On Economics V (Ecology I)

"[…] for as all organic beings are striving, it may be said, to seize on each place in the economy of nature, if any one species does not become modified and improved in a corresponding degree with its competitors, it will soon be exterminated." (Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species", 1859)

"By ecology we mean the body of knowledge concerning the economy of nature - the investigation of the total relations of the animal both to its inorganic and to its organic environment; including, above all, its friendly and inimical relations with those animals and plants with which it comes directly or indirectly into contact - in a word, ecology is the study of all those complex interrelations referred to by Darwin as the conditions of the struggle for existence." (Ernst Haeckel, [lecture] 1869)

"The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological–social–psychological–economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent, intractable global problems arise directly from this mismatch." (Donella Meadows,"Whole Earth Models and Systems", 1982)

"Ecological Economics studies the ecology of humans and the economy of nature, the web of interconnections uniting the economic subsystem to the global ecosystem of which it is a part." (Robert Costanza, "Ecological Economics: the science and management of sustainability", 1992)

"When the study of the household (ecology) and the management of the household (economics) can be merged, and when ethics can be extended to include environmental as well as human values, then we can be optimistic about the future of humankind. Accordingly, bringing together these three 'E's' is the ultimate holism and the great challenge for our future." (Eugene Odum," Ecology and our endangered life-support systems", 1993)

"Economics emphasizes competition, expansion, and domination; ecology emphasizes cooperation, conservation, and partnership. (Fritjof Capra, "The Web of Life", 1996)

"A major clash between economics and ecology derives from the fact that nature is cyclical, whereas our industrial systems are linear. Our businesses take resources, transform them into products plus waste, and sell the products to consumers, who discard more waste […]" (Fritjof Capra, "The Web of Life", 1996)

"The answers to the human problems of ecology are to be found in economy. And the answers to the problems of economy are to be found in culture and character. To fail to see this is to go on dividing the world falsely between guilty producers and innocent consumers." (Wendell Berry, "What Are People For?: Essays", 2010)

"Economists don't seem to have noticed that the economy sits entirely within the ecology." (Carl Safina, "The View from Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World", 2011)

On Economics I (Models I)

"Economics is a science of thinking in terms of models joined to the art of choosing models which are relevant to the contemporary world. It is compelled to be this, because, unlike the typical natural science, the material to which it is applied is, in too many respects, not homogeneous through time. The object of a model is to segregate the semi-permanent or relatively constant factors from those which are transitory or fluctuating so as to develop a logical way of thinking about the latter, and of understanding the time sequences to which they give rise in particular cases." (John M Keynes, [letter to Roy Harrod] 1938)

"The striking parallel between the economic models that are currently under discussion and some engineering systems suggests the hope that in some way the rapid progress in the development of the theory and practice of automatic control in the world of engineering may contribute to the solution of the economic problems." (Arnold Tustin "The Mechanism of Economic Systems", 1953) 

"The construction of an economic model, or of any model or theory for that matter (or the writing of a novel, a short story, or a play) consists of snatching from the enormous and complex mass of facts called reality, a few simple, easily-managed key points which, when put together in some cunning way, become for certain purposes a substitute for reality itself." (Evsey Domar, "Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth", 1957)

"One of the most important skills of the economist, therefore, is that of simplification of the model." (Kenneth Boulding, "The Skills of the Economist", Journal of Political Economy 67 (1), 1959)

"In many parts of the economy, stabilizing forces appear not to operate. Instead, positive feedback magnifies the effects of small economic shifts; the economic models that describe such effects differ vastly from the conventional ones. Diminishing returns imply a single equilibrium point for the economy, but positive feedback - increasing returns - makes for many possible equilibrium points. There is no guarantee that the particular economic outcome selected from among the many alternatives will be the 'best' one." (W Brian Arthur, "Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy", 1994)

"What is a mathematical model? One basic answer is that it is the formulation in mathematical terms of the assumptions and their consequences believed to underlie a particular ‘real world’ problem. The aim of mathematical modeling is the practical application of mathematics to help unravel the underlying mechanisms involved in, for example, economic, physical, biological, or other systems and processes." (John A Adam, "Mathematics in Nature", 2003)

"The long term solution to the financial crisis is to move beyond the ‘growth at all costs’ economic model to a model that recognizes the real costs and benefits of growth." (Robert Costanza, "Toward a New Sustainable Economy", 2008)

"Real economic efficiency implies including all resources that affect sustainable human well-being in the allocation system, not just marketed goods and services. Our current market allocation system excludes most non-marketed natural and social capital assets and services that are critical contributors to human well-being. The current economic model ignores this and therefore does not achieve real economic efficiency. A new, sustainable ecological economic model would measure and include the contributions of natural and social capital and could better approximate real economic efficiency." (Robert Costanza, "Toward a New Sustainable Economy", 2008)

"Economists also use models to learn about the world, but instead of being made of plastic, they are most often composed of diagrams and equations. Like a biology teacher’s plastic model, economic models omit many details to allow us to see what is truly important. Just as the biology teacher’s model does not include all the body’s muscles and capillaries, an economist’s model does not include every feature of the economy." (N Gregory Mankiw, "Principle of Economics" 6th ed., 2012)

"Many of the stories economists tell take the form of models - for whatever else they are, economic models are stories about how the world works." (Paul Krugman & Robin Wells, "Economics" 3rd Ed., 2013)

Leonid V Kantorovich - Collected Quotes

"The method of successive approximations is often applied to proving existence of solutions to various classes of functional equations; moreover, the proof of convergence of these approximations leans on the fact that the equation under study may be majorised by another equation of a simple kind. Similar proofs may be encountered in the theory of infinitely many simultaneous linear equations and in the theory of integral and differential equations. Consideration of semiordered spaces and operations between them enables us to easily develop a complete theory of such functional equations in abstract form." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "On one class of functional equations", 1936)

"I discovered that a whole range of problems of the most diverse character relating to the scientific organization of production (questions of the optimum distribution of the work of machines and mechanisms, the minimization of scrap, the best utilization of raw materials and local materials, fuel, transportation, and so on) lead to the formulation of a single group of mathematical problems (extremal problems). These problems are not directly comparable to problems considered in mathematical analysis. It is more correct to say that they are formally similar, and even turn out to be formally very simple, but the process of solving them with which one is faced [i. e., by mathematical analysis] is practically completely unusable, since it requires the solution of tens of thousands or even millions of systems of equations for completion." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematical Methods of Organizing and Planning Production", Management Science 6(4), 1960)

"A solution of newly appearing economic problems, and in particular those connected with the scientific-technical revolution often cannot be based on existing methods but needs new ideas and approaches. Such one is the problem of the protection of nature. The problem of economic valuation of technical innovations efficiency and rates of their spreading cannot be solved only by the long-term estimation of direct outcomes and results without accounting peculiarities of new industrial technology, its total contribution to technical progress." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture]1975)

"In our time mathematics has penetrated into economics so solidly, widely and variously, and the chosen theme is connected with such a variety of facts and problems that it brings us to cite the words of Kozma Prutkov which are very popular in our country: 'One can not embrace the unembraceable'. The appropriateness of this wise sentence is not diminished by the fact that the great thinker is only a pen-name." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture]1975) [lead paragraph]

"In planning the idea of decentralization must be connected with routines of linking plans of rather autonomous parts of the whole system. Here one can use a conditional separation of the system by means of fixing values of flows and parameters transmitted from one part to another. One can use an idea of sequential recomputation of the parameters, which was successfully developed by many authors for the scheme of Dantzig-Wolfe and for aggregative linear models." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives," 1975)

"In spite of its universality and good precision the linear model is very elementary in its means which are mainly those of linear algebra, so even people with very modest mathematical training can understand and master it. The last is very important for a creative and non-routine use of the analytical means which are given by the model." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives," 1975)

"The hard thing in a model realization is to receive and often to construct necessary data which in many cases have considerable errors and sometimes are completely absent, since none needed them previously. Difficulties of principle lie in the future prediction data and in the estimation of industry development variants." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture] 1975)

"The treatment of the economy as a single system, to be controlled toward a consistent goal, allowed the efficient systematization of enormous information material, its deep analysis for valid decision-making. It is interesting that many inferences remain valid even in cases when this consistent goal could not be formulated, either for the reason that it was not quite clear or for the reason that it was made up of multiple goals, each of which to be taken into account." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture] 1975)

"The accounting methods based on mathematical models, the use of computers for computations and information data processing make up only one part of the control mechanism, another part is the control structure." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives", [Nobel lecture]1975)

"One aspect of reality was temporarily omitted in the development of the theory of function spaces. Of great importance is the relation of comparison between practical objects, alongside algebraic and other relations between them." (Leonid V Kantorovich, "Functional analysis: Basic Ideas)", Siberian Mathematical Journal 28 (1), 1987)

Bas C van Fraassen - Collected Quotes

"A map is a graphical representation of geographical or astronomical features, but this may range from a sketch of a subway system, to an interactive, zoomable, or animated map on a computer which constantly changes in front of the eyes."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"A map is designed to help one get around in the landscape it depicts. [...]"  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"A model often contains much that does not correspond to any observable feature in the domain. Then, from an empiricist point of view, the model’s structure must be taken to reveal structure in the observable phenomena, while the rest of the model must be serving that purpose indirectly. It may be practically as well as theoretically useful to think of the phenomena as embedded in a larger - and largely unobservable - structure."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"A scale model represents, and yields information about what it is a model of, by selective resemblance. [...] Scale models can be produced for the sheer aesthetic pleasure of it, but more typically they serve in studies meant to design the very things of which they are meant to be the scaled down versions."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"A science presents us with representations of the phenomena through artifacts, both abstract, such as theories and mathematical models, and concrete such as graphs, tables, charts, and ‘table-top’ models. These representations do not form a haphazard compilation though any unity, in the range of representations made available, is visible mainly at the more abstract levels."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"An algebra is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of elements and a collection of operators on those elements - though the term is variously defined in different contexts in mathematics, so as to narrow the meaning (e.g. an algebra is a vector space with a bilinear multiplication operation)."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"[...] construction of a data model is precisely the selective relevant depiction of the phenomena by the user of the theory required for the possibility of representation of the phenomenon."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"For unqualified adequacy of the theory, what is required is that the surface models of phenomena fit properly with or into the theoretical models. The surface models will provide probability functions for events that are classified as outcomes in situations classified as measurements of given observables."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"In maps we have scale models of terrain, but projected onto a plane, thus producing occlusion of a sort not inherent to three-dimensional imaging. Maps do not usually have an obvious perspective; but we see perspectivity when, for example, the curvature of the earth makes marginal distortion inevitable as a result of this projection that lowers the dimensionality. A map too is the product of a measuring procedure, but they bring to light a much more important point about ‘point of view’, essentially independent of these limitations in cartography. The point extends to all varieties of modeling, but is made salient by the sense in which use enters the concept of ‘map’ from the beginning. A map is not only an object used to represent features of a terrain, it is an object for the use of the industrial designer, the navigator, and most of all the traveler, to plan and direct action. This brings us to an aspect of scientific representation not touched on so far, though implicit in the discussion of perspective, crucial to its overall understanding: its indexicality."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"The general concept of a map is not so different from that of a model, though the one is extrapolated from a graph with spatial similarity to certain features of a landscape, and the other from a table-top contraption."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

'Model' is a metaphor, whose base is the simply constructed table-top model."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"Scale modeling displays the characteristics of picturing, by relying on selective resemblance to achieve its aim, but in a way that is subject to inevitable occlusion or distortion."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"Scientific theories represent how things are, doing so mainly by presenting a range of models as candidate representations of the phenomena. [...] A theory provides, in essence, a set of models. The 'in essence' signals much that must be delicately expanded and qualified; [...] These models - the theoretical models - are provided in the first instance to fit observed and observable phenomena. Since the description of these phenomena is in practice already by means of models - the ‘data models’ or ‘surface models’, we can put the requirement as follows: the data or surface models must ideally be isomorphically embeddable in theoretical models."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"The activity of representation is successful in that case only if the recipients are able to receive that information through their ‘viewing’ of the representation. [...] In science the original creation of a model may have been a purely theoretical activity, but eventually it provides input for an application, where conditional predictions made on the basis of that model feed into planning and action."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"The observable phenomenon makes its appearance to us first of all in the outcome of a specific measurement, or large set of such measurements - or at slight remove, in a data model constructed from these individual outcomes, or at a slightly further remove yet, in the surface model constructed by extrapolating the patterns in the data model to something finer than our instruments can register."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"The physical sciences give us representations of nature, and scientific representation is in general three-faceted. From a purely foundational point of view, the theoretical models that depict the ‘underlying reality’ are the main thing. But some elements or substructures of those models are meant to represent the observable phenomena - the empirical substructures."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"Theories represent the phenomena just in case their models, in some sense, 'share the same structure' with those phenomena - that, in slogan form, is what is called the semantic view of theories. [...] Embedding, that means displaying an isomorphism to selected parts of those models. Here is the argument to present the first challenge. For a phenomenon to be embeddable in a model, that means that it is isomorphic to a part of that model. So the two, the phenomenon and the relevant model part must have the same structure. Therefore, the phenomenon must have a structure, and this shared structure is obviously not itself a physical, concrete individual - so what is implied here is something of the order of realism about universals."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

"[...] when a theoretical model is said to represent certain phenomena, there is indeed reference to a matching, namely between parts of the theoretical models and the relevant data models - both of them abstract entities. Note now, the crucial word in this sentence: the punch comes in the word 'relevant'. There is nothing in an abstract structure itself that can determine that it is the relevant data model, to be matched by the theory. A particular data model is relevant because it was constructed on the basis of results gathered in a certain way, selected by specific criteria of relevance, on certain occasions, in a practical experimental or observational setting, designed for that purpose."  (Bas C van Fraassen, "Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective", 2008)

18 February 2021

Edward Witten - Collected Quotes

"Discovery of supersymmetry would be one of the real milestones in physics, made even more exciting by its close links to still more ambitious theoretical ideas. Indeed, supersymmetry is one of the basic requirements of 'string theory', which is the framework in which theoretical physicists have had some success in unifying gravity with the rest of the elementary particle forces. Discovery of supersymmetry would would certainly give string theory an enormous boost." (Edward Witten, [preface to (Gordon Kane, "Supersymmetry: Unveiling the Ultimate Laws of Nature", 2000) 1999)

"In string theory, to understand the nature of the Big Bang, or the quantum fate of a black hole, or the nature of the vacuum state that determines the properties of the elementary particles, requires information beyond perturbation theory [...] Perturbation theory is not everything. It is just the way the [string] theory was discovered." (Edward Witten, "The Past and Future of String Theory", 2003)

"Replacing particles by strings is a naive-sounding step, from which many other things follow. In fact, replacing Feynman graphs by Riemann surfaces has numerous consequences: 1. It eliminates the infinities from the theory. [...] 2. It greatly reduces the number of possible theories. [...] 3. It gives the first hint that string theory will change our notions of spacetime." (Edward Witten, "The Past and Future of String Theory", 2003)

"To put it differently, global symmetry is a property of a system, but gauge symmetry in general is a property of a description of a system. What we really learn from the centrality of gauge symmetry in modern physics is that physics is described by subtle laws that are 'geometrical'. 
This concept is hard to define, but what it means in practice is that the laws of Nature are subtle in a way that defies efforts to make them explicit without making choices. The difficulty of making these laws explicit in a natural and non-redundant way is the reason for 'gauge symmetry'." (Edward Witten, "Symmetry and Emergence", 2018)

"We can see the relation between gauge symmetry and global symmetry in another way if we imagine whether physics as we know it could one day be derived from something much deeper – maybe unimaginably deeper than we now have. Maybe the spacetime we experience and the particles and fields in it are all 'emergent' from something much deeper." (Edward Witten, "Symmetry and Emergence", 2018)

"The equations that really work in describing nature with the most generality and the greatest simplicity are very elegant and subtle." (Edward Witten)

"Topology is the property of something that doesn't change when you bend it or stretch it as long as you don't break anything." (Edward Witten)

"Even though it is, properly speaking, a postprediction, in the sense that the experiment was made before the theory, the fact that gravity is a consequence of string theory, to me, is one of the greatest theoretical insights ever." (Edward Witten)

"I would expect that a proper elucidation of what string theory really is all about would involve a revolution in our concepts of the basic laws of physics - similar in scope to any that occurred in the past. (Edward Witten [interview])

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