18 February 2021

Edward Witten - Collected Quotes

"Discovery of supersymmetry would be one of the real milestones in physics, made even more exciting by its close links to still more ambitious theoretical ideas. Indeed, supersymmetry is one of the basic requirements of 'string theory', which is the framework in which theoretical physicists have had some success in unifying gravity with the rest of the elementary particle forces. Discovery of supersymmetry would would certainly give string theory an enormous boost." (Edward Witten, [preface to (Gordon Kane, "Supersymmetry: Unveiling the Ultimate Laws of Nature", 2000) 1999)

"In string theory, to understand the nature of the Big Bang, or the quantum fate of a black hole, or the nature of the vacuum state that determines the properties of the elementary particles, requires information beyond perturbation theory [...] Perturbation theory is not everything. It is just the way the [string] theory was discovered." (Edward Witten, "The Past and Future of String Theory", 2003)

"Replacing particles by strings is a naive-sounding step, from which many other things follow. In fact, replacing Feynman graphs by Riemann surfaces has numerous consequences: 1. It eliminates the infinities from the theory. [...] 2. It greatly reduces the number of possible theories. [...] 3. It gives the first hint that string theory will change our notions of spacetime." (Edward Witten, "The Past and Future of String Theory", 2003)

"To put it differently, global symmetry is a property of a system, but gauge symmetry in general is a property of a description of a system. What we really learn from the centrality of gauge symmetry in modern physics is that physics is described by subtle laws that are 'geometrical'. 
This concept is hard to define, but what it means in practice is that the laws of Nature are subtle in a way that defies efforts to make them explicit without making choices. The difficulty of making these laws explicit in a natural and non-redundant way is the reason for 'gauge symmetry'." (Edward Witten, "Symmetry and Emergence", 2018)

"We can see the relation between gauge symmetry and global symmetry in another way if we imagine whether physics as we know it could one day be derived from something much deeper – maybe unimaginably deeper than we now have. Maybe the spacetime we experience and the particles and fields in it are all 'emergent' from something much deeper." (Edward Witten, "Symmetry and Emergence", 2018)

"The equations that really work in describing nature with the most generality and the greatest simplicity are very elegant and subtle." (Edward Witten)

"Topology is the property of something that doesn't change when you bend it or stretch it as long as you don't break anything." (Edward Witten)

"Even though it is, properly speaking, a postprediction, in the sense that the experiment was made before the theory, the fact that gravity is a consequence of string theory, to me, is one of the greatest theoretical insights ever." (Edward Witten)

"I would expect that a proper elucidation of what string theory really is all about would involve a revolution in our concepts of the basic laws of physics - similar in scope to any that occurred in the past. (Edward Witten [interview])

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