10 February 2021

On Complex Numbers XIX (Euler's Formula II)

"The equation e^πi+1 = 0 is true only by virtue of a large number of profound connections across many fields. It is true because of what it means! And it means what it means because of all those metaphors and blends in the conceptual system of a mathematician who understands what it means. To show why such an equation is true for conceptual reasons is to give what we have called an idea analysis of the equation." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"The equation e^πi =-1 says that the function w= e^z, when applied to the complex number πi as input, yields the real number -1 as the output, the value of w. In the complex plane, πi is the point [0,π) - π on the i-axis. The function w=e^z maps that point, which is in the z-plane, onto the point (-1, 0) - that is, -1 on the x-axis-in the w-plane. […] But its meaning is not given by the values computed for the function w=e^z. Its meaning is conceptual, not numerical. The importance of  e^πi =-1 lies in what it tells us about how various branches of mathematics are related to one another - how algebra is related to geometry, geometry to trigonometry, calculus to trigonometry, and how the arithmetic of complex numbers relates to all of them." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"The significance of e^πi+1 = 0 is thus a conceptual significance. What is important is not just the numerical values of e, π, i, 1, and 0 but their conceptual meaning. After all, e, π, i, 1, and 0 are not just numbers like any other numbers. Unlike, say, 192,563,947.9853294867, these numbers have conceptual meanings in a system of common, important nonmathematical concepts, like change, acceleration, recurrence, and self-regulation.

They are not mere numbers; they are the arithmetizations of concepts. When they are placed in a formula, the formula incorporates the ideas the function expresses as well as the set of pairs of complex numbers it mathematically determines by virtue of those ideas." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"We will now turn to e^πi+1 = 0. Our approach will be there as it was here. e^πi+1 = 0 uses the conceptual structure of all the cases we have discussed so far - trigonometry, the exponentials, and the complex numbers. Moreover, it puts together all that conceptual structure. In other words, all those metaphors and blends are simultaneously activated and jointly give rise to inferences that they would not give rise to separately. Our job is to see how e^πi+1 = 0 is a precise consequence that arises when the conceptual structure of these three domains is combined to form a single conceptual blend." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"[…] the equation’s five seemingly unrelated numbers (e, i, π, 1, and 0) fit neatly together in the formula like contiguous puzzle pieces. One might think that a cosmic carpenter had jig-sawed them one day and mischievously left them conjoined on Euler’s desk as a tantalizing hint of the unfathomable connectedness of things.[…] when the three enigmatic numbers are combined in this form, e^iπ, they react together to carve out a wormhole that spirals through the infinite depths of number space to emerge smack dab in the heartland of integers." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Thus, while feelings may be the essence of subjectivity, they are by no means part of our weaker nature - the valences they automatically generate are integral to our thought processes and without them we’d simply be lost. In particular, we’d have no sense of beauty at all, much less be able to feel (there’s that word again) that we’re in the presence of beauty when contemplating a work such as Euler’s formula. After all, e^iπ + 1 = 0 can give people limbic-triggered goosebumps when they first peer with understanding into its depths." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Today, Euler’s formula is a tool as basic to electrical engineers and physicists as the spatula is to short-order cooks. It’s arguable that the formula’s ability to simplify the design and analysis of circuits contributed to the accelerating pace of electrical innovation during the twentieth century." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"[…] when the three enigmatic numbers are combined in this form, e^iπ, they react together to carve out a wormhole that spirals through the infinite depths of number space to emerge smack dab in the heartland of integers." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Euler’s formula - although deceptively simple - is actually staggeringly conceptually difficult to apprehend in its full glory, which is why so many mathematicians and scientists have failed to see its extraordinary scope, range, and ontology, so powerful and extensive as to render it the master equation of existence, from which the whole of mathematics and science can be derived, including general relativity, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces! It’s not called the God Equation for nothing. It is much more mysterious than any theistic God ever proposed." (Thomas Stark, "God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics", 2018)

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