02 February 2021

On Deduction (1925-1949)

"The discovery that all mathematics follows inevitably from a small collection of fundamental laws is one which immeasurably enhances the intellectual beauty of the whole; to those who have been oppressed by the fragmentary and incomplete nature of most existing chains of deduction this discovery comes with all the overwhelming force of a revelation; like a palace emerging from the autumn mist as the traveler ascends an Italian hill-side, the stately stories of the mathematical edifice appear in their due order and proportion, with a new perfection in every part." (Bertrand A W Russell, "Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays", 1925)

"There is a tradition of opposition between adherents of induction and of deduction. In my view it would be just as sensible for the two ends of a worm to quarrel." (Alfred N Whitehead, "The Aims of Education & Other Essays", 1929)

"If an explanation is so vague in its inherent nature, or so unskillfully molded in its formulation, that specific deductions subject to empirical verification or refutation can not be based upon it, then it can never serve as a working hypothesis. A hypothesis with which one can not work is not a working hypothesis." (Douglas W Johnson, "Role of Analysis in Scientific Investigation", Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1933)

"Our reasonings grasp at straws for premises and float on gossamers for deductions." (Alfred N Whitehead, "Adventures of Ideas", 1933)

"Mathematics is the science of number and space. It starts from a group of self-evident truths and by infallible deduction arrives at incontestable conclusions […] the facts of mathematics are absolute, unalterable, and eternal truths." (E Russell Stabler, "An Interpretation and Comparison of Three Schools of Thought in the Foundations of Mathematics", The Mathematics Teacher, Vol 26, 1935)

"Given any domain of thought in which the fundamental objective is a knowledge that transcends mere induction or mere empiricism, it seems quite inevitable that its processes should be made to conform closely to the pattern of a system free of ambiguous terms, symbols, operations, deductions; a system whose implications and assumptions are unique and consistent; a system whose logic confounds not the necessary with the sufficient where these are distinct; a system whose materials are abstract elements interpretable as reality or unreality in any forms whatsoever provided only that these forms mirror a thought that is pure. To such a system is universally given the name Mathematics." (Samuel T Sanders, "Mathematics", National Mathematics Magazine, 1937)

"[...] when the pioneer in science sends for the groping feelers of his thoughts, he must have a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by an artistically creative imagination. Nevertheless, the worth of a new idea is invariably determined, not by the degree of its intuitiveness - which, incidentally, is to a major extent a matter of experience and habit - but by the scope and accuracy of the individual laws to the discovery of which it eventually leads. (Max Planck, The Meaning and Limits of Exact Science, Science Vol. 110 (2857), 1949)

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