08 February 2021

On Imagination (1800-1849)

"The philosopher who is really useful to the cause of science, is he who, uniting to a fertile imagination, a rigid severity in investigation and observation, is at once tormented by the desire of ascertaining the cause of the phenomena, and by the fear of deceiving himself in that which he assigns." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "System of the World" Vol. 2, 1809)

"When the eye or the imagination is struck with an uncommon work, the next transition of an active mind is to the means by which it was performed." (Samuel Johnson, 1810)

"The imagination […] that reconciling and mediatory power, which incorporating the reason in images of the sense and organizing (as it were) the flux of the senses by the permanence and self-circling energies of the reason, gives birth to a system of symbols, harmonious in themselves, and consubstantial with the truths of which they are the conductors." (Samuel T Coleridge, "The Statesman's Manual", 1816)

"It seems to be like taking the pieces of a dissected map out of its box. We first look at one part, and then at another, then join and dove-tail them; and when the successive acts of attention have been completed, there is a retrogressive effort of mind to behold it as a whole. The poet should paint to the imagination, not to the fancy; and I know no happier case to exemplify the distinction between these two faculties." (Samuel T Coleridge," Biographia Literaria", 1817)

"Whilst chemical pursuits exalt the understanding, they do not depress the imagination or weaken genuine feeling; whilst they give the mind habits of accuracy, by obliging it to attend to facts, they likewise extend its analogies; and, though conversant with the minute forms of things, they have for their ultimate end the great and magnificent objects of nature." (Sir Humphry Davy, "Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher", 1830)

"No occupation is more worthy of an intelligent and enlightened mind, than the study of Nature and natural objects; and whether we labour to investigate the structure and function of the human system, whether we direct our attention to the classification and habits of the animal kingdom, or prosecute our researches in the more pleasing and varied field of vegetable life, we shall constantly find some new object to attract our attention, some fresh beauties to excite our imagination, and some previously undiscovered source of gratification and delight." (Sir Joseph Paxton, "A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Dahlia", 1838)

"But a thousand unconnected observations have no more value, as a demonstrative proof, than a single one. If we do not succeed in discovering causes by our researches, we have no right to create them by the imagination; we must not allow mere fancy to proceed beyond the bounds of our knowledge."(Justus von Liebig, "The Lancet", 1844)

"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led." (Edgar A Poe, "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe", 1849)

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