14 March 2022

On Numbers: Irrationals

"It is told that those who first brought out the irrationals from concealment into the open perished in a shipwreck, to a man. For the unutterable and the formless must needs be concealed. And those who uncovered and touched this image of life were instantaneously destroyed and shall remain forever exposed to the play of the eternal waves." (Proclus Lycaeus, cca 5th century)

"For this evil I have found a remedy and obtained a method, by which without experimentation the roots of such binomials can be extracted, imaginaries being no hindrance, and not only in the case of cubics but also in higher equations. This invention rests upon a certain peculiarity which I will explain later. Now I will add certain rules derived from the consideration of irrationals (although no mention is made of irrationals), by which a rational root can easily be extracted from them." (Gottfried W Leibniz, cca. 1675)

"From the irrationals are born the impossible or imaginary quantities whose nature is very strange but whose usefulness is not to be despised." (Gottfried W Leibniz, "Specimen novum analyses pro Scientia infinity circa summas et quadraturas", 1700)

"It is probable that the number π is not even contained among the algebraical irrationalities, i.e., that it cannot be a root of an algebraical equation with a finite number of terms, whose coefficients are rational. But it seems to be very difficult to prove this strictly." (Adrien-Marie Legendre, "Elements de geometrie", 1794)

"Our general arithmetic, so far surpassing in extent the geometry of the ancients, is entirely the creation of modern times. Starting originally from the notion of absolute integers, it has gradually enlarged its domain. To integers have been added fractions, to rational quantities the irrational, to positive the negative .and to the real the imaginary. This advance, however, has always been made at first with timorous and hesitating step. The early algebraists called the negative roots of equations false roots, and these are indeed so when the problem to which they relate has been stated in such a form that the character of the quantity sought allows of no opposite. But just as in general arithmetic no one would hesitate to admit fractions, although there are so many countable things where a fraction has no meaning, so we ought not to deny to, negative numbers the rights accorded to positive simply because innumerable things allow no opposite. The reality of negative numbers is sufficiently justified since in innumerable other cases they find an adequate substratum. This has long been admitted, but the imaginary quantities - formerly and occasionally now, though improperly, called impossible-as opposed to real quantities are still rather tolerated than fully naturalized, and appear more like an empty play upon symbols to which a thinkable substratum is denied unhesitatingly by those who would not depreciate the rich contribution which this play upon symbols has made to the treasure of the relations of real quantities." (Carl F Gauss, "Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum, Commentatio secunda", Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 1831)

"Just as negative and fractional rational numbers are formed by a new creation, and as the laws of operating with these numbers must and can be reduced to the laws of operating with positive integers, so we must endeavor completely to define irrational numbers by means of the rational numbers alone. The question only remains how to do this." (Richard Dedekind, "On Continuity and Irrational Numbers", 1872)

"Judged by the only standards which are admissible in a pure doctrine of numbers i is imaginary in the same sense as the negative, the fraction, and the irrational, but in no other sense; all are alike mere symbols devised for the sake of representing the results of operations even when these results are not numbers (positive integers)." (Henry B Fine, "The Number-System of Algebra", 1890)

"Strictly speaking, the theory of numbers has nothing to do with negative, or fractional, or irrational quantities, as such. No theorem which cannot be expressed without reference to these notions is purely arithmetical: and no proof of an arithmetical theorem, can be considered finally satisfactory if it intrinsically depends upon extraneous analytical theories."  (George B Mathews, "Theory of Numbers", 1892)

"I do not say that the notion of infinity should be banished; I only call attention to its exceptional nature, and this so far as I can see, is due to the part which zero plays in it, and we must never forget that like the irrational it represents a function which possesses a definite character but can never be executed to the finish If we bear in mind the imaginary nature of these functions, their oddities will not disturb us, but if we misunderstand their origin and significance we are confronted by impossibilities." (Paul Carus, "The Nature of Logical and Mathematical Thought"; Monist Vol 20, 1910)

"The number was first studied in respect of its rationality or irrationality, and it was shown to be really irrational. When the discovery was made of the fundamental distinction between algebraic and transcendental numbers, i. e. between those numbers which can be, and those numbers which cannot be, roots of an algebraical equation with rational coefficients, the question arose to which of these categories the number π belongs. It was finally established by a method which involved the use of some of the most modern of analytical investigation that the number π was transcendental. When this result was combined with the results of a critical investigation of the possibilities of a Euclidean determination, the inferences could be made that the number π, being transcendental, does not admit of a construction either by a Euclidean determination, or even by a determination in which the use of other algebraic curves besides the straight line and the circle are permitted." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the Circle", 1913)

"In particular, in introducing new numbers, mathematics is only obliged to give definitions of them, by which such a definiteness and, circumstances permitting, such a relation to the older numbers are conferred upon them that in given cases they can definitely be distinguished from one another. As soon as a number satisfies all these conditions, it can and must be regarded as existent and real in mathematics. Here I perceive the reason why one has to regard the rational, irrational, and complex numbers as being just as thoroughly existent as the finite positive integers." (Georg Cantor, "Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers", 1915)

"Complex numbers, though capable of a geometrical interpretation, are not demanded by geometry in the same imperative way in which irrationals are demanded. A 'complex' number means a number involving the square root of a negative number, whether integral, fractional, or real. Since the square of a negative number is positive, a number whose square is to be negative has to be a new sort of number." (Bertrand Russell," Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy", 1919)

"What does it matter whether π is rational or irrational? A mathematician faced with [this] question is in much the same position as a composer of music being questioned by someone with no ear for music. Why do you select some sets of notes and have them repeated by musicians, and reject others as worthless? It is difficult to answer except to say that there are harmonies in these things which we find that we can enjoy. It is true of course that some mathematics is useful. [...] But the so-called pure mathematicians do not do mathematics for such [practical applications]. It can be of no practical used to know that π is irrational, but if we can know it would surely be intolerable not to know. (Edward C Titchmarsh, "Mathematics for the General Reader", 1948)

"It is paradoxical that while mathematics has the reputation of being the one subject that brooks no contradictions, in reality it has a long history of successful living with contradictions. This is best seen in the extensions of the notion of number that have been made over a period of 2500 years. From limited sets of integers, to infinite sets of integers, to fractions, negative numbers, irrational numbers, complex numbers, transfinite numbers, each extension, in its way, overcame a contradictory set of demands." (Philip J Davis, "The Mathematics of Matrices", 1965)

"In contrast to the irrational numbers, whose discovery arose from a mundane problem in geometry, the first transcendental numbers were created specifically for the purpose of demonstrating that such numbers exist; in a sense they were 'artificial' numbers. But once this goal was achieved, attention turned to some more commonplace numbers, specifically π and e." (Eli Maor, "e: The Story of a Number", 1994)

"The discovery of complex numbers was the last in a sequence of discoveries that gradually filled in the set of all numbers, starting with the positive integers (finger counting) and then expanding to include the positive rationals and irrational reals, negatives, and then finally the complex." (Paul J Nahin, "An Imaginary Tale: The History of √-1", 1998)

"Apparent Impossibilities that Are New Truths […] irrational numbers, imaginary numbers, points at infinity, curved space, ideals, and various types of infinity. These ideas seem impossible at first because our intuition cannot grasp them, but they can be captured with the help of mathematical symbolism, which is a kind of technological extension of our senses." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"Mathematical language is littered with pejorative and mystical terms - such as irrational, imaginary, surd, transcendental - that were once used to ridicule supposedly impossible objects. And these are just terms applied to numbers. Geometry also has many concepts that seem impossible to most people, such as the fourth dimension, finite universes, and curved space - yet geometers (and physicists) cannot do without them. Thus there is no doubt that  mathematics flirts with the impossible, and seems to make progress by doing so." (John Stillwell, "Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics", 2006)

"The words 'imaginary' and 'complex' again demonstrate how difficult it is to make a major change in conceptual systems - a difficulty that we already encountered with negative numbers, fractions, zero, and irrational numbers. The word 'imaginary' tells us that these numbers are unreal from the perspective of someone grounded in the real number system." (William Byers, "Deep Thinking: What Mathematics Can Teach Us About the Mind", 2015)

"Clearly e is different from child-safe numbers such as four or 10, which wouldn’t dream of inducing sudden loss of cranial integrity. But this wantonness isn’t peculiar to e. In fact, the number line is chock full of numbers, like e, whose decimal representations are effectively infinite. They’re called irrational numbers." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Ever since the discovery of irrational numbers fractured the Greek belief that all numbers were proportions, mathematicians have sorted numbers into categories and hunted for numbers that defied existing categories." (David Perkins, "φ, π, e & i", 2017)

"It just so happens that π can be characterised precisely without any reference to decimals, because it is simply the ratio of any circle’s circumference to its diameter. Likewise can be characterised as the positive number which squares to 2. However, most irrational numbers can’t be characterised in this way." (Eugenia Cheng, "Beyond Infinity: An Expedition to the Outer Limits of Mathematics", 2017)

"Since it’s impossible to express an irrational number such as π as a fraction, the quest for a fraction equal to π could never be successful. Ancient mathematicians didn’t know that, however. As noted above, it wasn’t until the eighteenth century that the irrationality of π was demonstrated. Their labors weren’t in vain, though. While enthusiastically pursuing their fundamentally doomed enterprise, they developed a lot of interesting mathematics as well as impressively accurate approximations of π." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"The reason we need irrational numbers in the first place is to fill in the 'gaps' that are doomed to be in between all the rational numbers." (Eugenia Cheng, "Beyond Infinity: An Expedition to the Outer Limits of Mathematics", 2017)

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