09 May 2019

On Proofs (2000 - 2009)

"It is through proof that human mathematicians transcend the limitations of their humanity. Proofs link human mathematicians to truths of the universe. In the romance, proofs are discoveries of those truths." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being, 2000)

"What does a rigorous proof consist of? The word ‘proof’ has a different meaning in different intellectual pursuits. A ‘proof’ in biology might consist of experimental data confirming a certain hypothesis; a ‘proof’ in sociology or psychology might consist of the results of a survey. What is common to all forms of proof is that they are arguments that convince experienced practitioners of the given field. So too for mathematical proofs. Such proofs are, ultimately, convincing arguments that show that the desired conclusions follow logically from the given hypotheses." (Ethan Bloch, "Proofs and Fundamentals", 2000)

"A felicitous but unproved conjecture may be of much more consequence for mathematics than the proof of many a respectable theorem." (Atle Selberg, 2001)

"By common consensus in the mathematical world, a good proof displays three essential characteristics: a good proof is (1) convincing, (2) surveyable, and (3) formalizable. The first requirement means simply that most mathematicians believe it when they see it. […] Most mathematicians and philosophers of mathematics demand more than mere plausibility, or even belief. A proof must be able to be understood, studied, communicated, and verified by rational analysis. In short, it must be surveyable. Finally, formalizability means we can always find a suitable formal system in which an informal proof can be embedded and fleshed out into a formal proof." (John L Casti, "Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time", 2001)

"Generally speaking, there are three grades of proof in mathematics. The first, or highest quality type of proof, is one that incorporates why and how the result is true, not simply that it is so. […] Second-grade proofs content themselves with showing that their   conclusion is true, by relying on the law of the excluded middle. Thus, they assume that the conclusion they want to demonstrate is false and then derive a contradiction from this assumption. In polite company, these are often termed 'nonconstructive proofs', since they lack the how and why. […] Finally, there is the third order, or lowest grade, of proof. In these situations, the idea of proof degenerates into mere verification, in which a (usually) large number of cases are considered separately and verified, one by one, very often by a computer." (John L Casti, "Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time", 2001)

"Somehow mathematicians seem to long for more than just results from their proofs; they want insight." (John L Casti, "Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time", 2001)

"That a proof must be convincing is part of the anthropology of mathematics, providing the key to understanding mathematics as a human activity. We invoke the logic of mathematics when we demand that every informal proof be capable of being formalized within the confines of a definite formal system. Finally, the epistemology of mathematics comes into play with the requirement that a proof be surveyable. We can't really say that we have created a genuine piece of knowledge unless it can be examined and verified by others; there are no private truths in mathematics." (John L Casti, "Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time", 2001)

"Where we find certainty and truth in mathematics we also find beauty. Great mathematics is characterized by its aesthetics. Mathematicians delight in the elegance, economy of means, and logical inevitability of proof. It is as if the great mathematical truths can be no other way. This light of logic is also reflected back to us in the underlying structures of the physical world through the mathematics of theoretical physics." (F David Peat, "From Certainty to Uncertainty", 2002)

"Proofs should be as short, transparent, elegant, and insightful as possible." (Burkard Polster, "Q.E.D.: Beauty in Mathematical Proof", 2004)

"The concept of proof perhaps marks the true beginning of mathematics as the art of deduction rather than just numerological observation, the point at which mathematical alchemy gave way to mathematical chemistry." (Marcus du Sautoy, "The Music of the Primes", 2004)

"There is a strong parallel between mountain climbing and mathematics research. When first attempts on a summit are made, the struggle is to find any route. Once on the top, other possible routes up may be discerned and sometimes a safer or shorter route can be chosen for the descent or for subsequent ascents. In mathematics the challenge is finding a proof in the first place. Once found, almost any competent mathematician can usually find an alternative often much better and shorter proof. At least in mountaineering we know that the mountain is there and that, if we can find a way up and reach the summit, we shall triumph. In mathematics we do not always know that there is a result, or if the proposition is only a figment of the imagination, let alone whether a proof can be found." (Kathleen Ollerenshaw, "To talk of many things: An autobiography", 2004)

"Mathematicians attempt to justify their claims by proofs. The quest for cast iron rational arguments is the driving force of pure mathematics. Chains of correct deduction from what is known or assumed, lead the mathematician to a conclusion which then enters the established mathematical storehouse." (Tony Crilly, "50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know", 2007)

 "The ever-present rigorous proof is both a science and an art." (Edward B. Burger, Zero To Infinity: A History of Numbers", 2007)

"Popular accounts of mathematics often stress the discipline’s obsession with certainty, with proof. And mathematicians often tell jokes poking fun at their own insistence on precision. However, the quest for precision is far more than an end in itself. Precision allows one to reason sensibly about objects outside of ordinary experience. It is a tool for exploring possibility: about what might be, as well as what is." (Donal O’Shea, "The Poincaré Conjecture", 2007)

"Mathematicians, then, do not just care about proving theorems: they care about proving interesting, deep, fruitful theorems, by means of elegant, ingenious, explanatory, memorable, or even amusing proofs. If we wish to understand more about the character of mathematical knowledge, we ought to investigate these kinds of evaluative claims made by mathematicians." (Mary Leng ["Mathematical Knowledge", Ed. by Mary Leng, Alexander Paseau and Michael Potter], 2007)

"Why are proofs so important? Suppose our task were to construct a building. We would start with the foundations. In our case these are the axioms or definitions - everything else is built upon them. Each theorem or proposition represents a new level of knowledge and must be firmly anchored to the previous level. We attach the new level to the previous one using a proof. So the theorems and propositions are the new heights of knowledge we achieve, while the proofs are essential as they are the mortar which attaches them to the level below. Without proofs the structure would collapse." (Sidney A Morris, "Topology without Tears", 2007)

"In mathematics, it’s the limitations of a reasoned argument with the tools you have available, and with magic it’s to use your tools and sleight of hand to bring about a certain effect without the audience knowing what you’re doing. [...]When you’re inventing a trick, it’s always possible to have an elephant walk on stage, and while the elephant is in front of you, sneak something under your coat, but that’s not a good trick. Similarly with mathematical proof, it is always possible to bring out the big guns, but then you lose elegance, or your conclusions aren’t very different from your hypotheses, and it’s not a very interesting theorem." (Persi Diaconis, 2008)

"As students, we learned mathematics from textbooks. In textbooks, mathematics is presented in a rigorous and logical way: definition, theorem, proof, example. But it is not discovered that way. It took many years for a mathematical subject to be understood well enough that a cohesive textbook could be written. Mathematics is created through slow, incremental progress, large leaps, missteps, corrections, and connections." (Richard S Richeson, "Eulers Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the birth of Topology", 2008)

"[…] proof is the key ingredient of the emotional side of mathematics; proof is the ultimate explanation of why something is true, and a good proof often has a powerful emotional impact, boosting confidence and encouraging further questions ‘why’." (Alexandre V Borovik, "Mathematics under the Microscope: Notes on Cognitive Aspects of Mathematical Practice", 2009)

"The reasoning of the mathematician and that of the scientist are similar to a point. Both make conjectures often prompted by particular observations. Both advance tentative generalizations and look for supporting evidence of their validity. Both consider specific implications of their generalizations and put those implications to the test. Both attempt to understand their generalizations in the sense of finding explanations for them in terms of concepts with which they are already familiar. Both notice fragmentary regularities and - through a process that may include false starts and blind alleys - attempt to put the scattered details together into what appears to be a meaningful whole. At some point, however, the mathematician’s quest and that of the scientist diverge. For scientists, observation is the highest authority, whereas what mathematicians seek ultimately for their conjectures is deductive proof." (Raymond S Nickerson, "Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures and Proofs", 2009)

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