29 January 2022

Beyond the History of Mathematics IV

"[…] we are far from having exhausted all the applications of analysis to geometry, and instead of believing that we have approached the end where these sciences must stop because they  have reached the limit of the forces of the human spirit, we ought to avow rather we are only at the first steps of an immense career. These new [practical] applications, independently of the utility which they may have in themselves, are necessary to the progress of analysis in general; they give birth to questions which one would not think to propose; they demand that one create new methods. Technical processes are the children of need; one can say the same for the methods of the most abstract sciences. But we owe the latter to the needs of a more noble kind, the need to discover the new truths or to know better the laws of nature." (Nicolas de Condorcet, 1781)

"It would be difficult and rash to analyze the chances which the future offers to the advancement of mathematics; in almost all its branches one is blocked by insurmountable difficulties; perfection of detail seems to be the only thing which remains to be done. All of these difficulties appear to announce that the power of our analysis is practically exhausted." (Jean B J Delambre, "Rapport historique sur le progres des sciences mathematiques depuis 1789 et leur etat actuel, 1808)

"The progress of mathematics has been most erratic, and [...] intuition has played a predominant role in it. [...] It was the function of intuition to create new forms; it was the acknowledged right of logic to accept or reject these new forms, in whose birth it had no part. [...] the children had to live, so while waiting for logic to sanctify their existence, they throve and multiplied." (Tobias Dantzig, "Number: The Language of Science", 1930)

"The constructions of the mathematical mind are at the same time free and necessary. The individual mathematician feels free to define his notions and set up his axioms as he pleases. But the question is will he get his fellow-mathematician interested in the constructs of his imagination. We cannot help the feeling that certain mathematical structures which have evolved through the combined efforts of the mathematical community bear the stamp of a necessity not affected by the accidents of their historical birth. Everybody who looks at the spectacle of modern algebra will be struck by this complementarity of freedom and necessity." (Hermann Weyl, "A Half-Century of Mathematics", The American Mathematical Monthly, 1951)

“There is a real role here for the history of mathematics - and the history of number in particular - for history emphasizes the diversity of approaches and methods which are possible and frees us from the straightjacket of contemporary fashions in mathematics education. It is, at the same time, both interesting and stimulating in its own right.” (Graham Flegg, “Numbers: Their History and Meaning”, 1983)

"[…] calling upon the needs of rigor to explain the development of mathematics constitutes a circular argument. In actual fact, new standards of rigor are formed when the old criteria no longer permit an adequate response to questions that arise in mathematical practice or to problems that are in a certain sense external to mathematics. When these are treated mathematically, they compel changes in the theoretical framework of mathematics. It is thus not by chance that mathematical physics and applied mathematics have generally been formidable stimuli to the development of pure mathematics." (Umberto Bottazzini, "The Higher Calculus: A History of Real and Complex Analysis from Euler to Weierstrass", 1986)

"The main duty of the historian of mathematics, as well as his fondest privilege, is to explain the humanity of mathematics, to illustrate its greatness, beauty and dignity, and to describe how the incessant efforts and accumulated genius of many generations have built up that magnificent monument, the object of our most legitimate pride as men, and of our wonder, humility, and thankfulness, as individuals. The study of the history of mathematics will not make better mathematicians but gentler ones, it will enrich their minds, mellow their hearts, and bring out their finer qualities." (George Sarton, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 4, 1995)

"Experience has taught most mathematicians that much that looks solid and satisfactory to one mathematical generation stands a fair chance of dissolving into cobwebs under the steadier scrutiny of the next." (Eric T Bell)

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