18 January 2022

Nature's Architecture

"Whoever surveys the curious fabric of the universe can never imagine, that so noble a structure should be fram’d for no other use, than barely for mankind to live and breathe in. It was certainly the design of the great Architect, that his creatures should afford not only necessaries and accommodations to our animal part, but also instructions to our intellectual." (Sir Thomas P Blount, "A Natural History", 1693)

"Nature builds up by her refined and invisible architecture, with a delicacy eluding our conception, yet with a symmetry and beauty which we are never weary of admiring." (Sir John F W Herschel, "The Cabinet of Natural Philosophy", 1831)

"[…] the lifeless symmetry of architecture, however beautiful the design and proportion, no man would be so mad as to put in competition with the animated charms of nature." (Fanny Burney, "Evelina", 1909)

"The pleasure derived from the discovery of some secret of Nature unknown before except to the architect of the universe surpasses all the rewards the world can give." (Richard Gregory, "Discovery: or, The Spirit and Service of Science", 1916)

"Architecture is the first manifestation of man creating his own universe, creating it in the image of nature, submitting to the laws of nature, the laws which govern our own nature, our universe. The laws of gravity, of statics and of dynamics, impose themselves by a reductio ad absurdum: everything must hold together or it will collapse." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Towards a New Architecture", 1923)

"As the complexity of the structure of matter became revealed through research, its basic simplicity, unity, and dependability became equally evident. So we now see ourselves in a world governed by natural laws instead of by capricious deities and devils. This does not necessarily mean that God has been ruled out of the picture, but it does mean that the architect and engineer of the universe is a far different type of being from the gods assumed by the ancients, and that man lives and dies in a world of logical system and orderly performance." (Karl T Compton, cca. 1930–1949)

"[…] the universe is not a rigid and inimitable edifice where independent matter is housed in independent space and time; it is an amorphous continuum, without any fixed architecture, plastic and variable, constantly subject to change and distortion. Wherever there is matter and motion, the continuum is disturbed. Just as a fi sh swimming in the sea agitates the water around it, so a star, a comet, or a galaxy distorts the geometry of the spacetime through which it moves." (Lincoln Barnett, "The Universe and Dr. Einstein", 1948)

"Nature builds up her refined and invisible architecture, with a delicacy eluding our conception, yet with a symmetry and beauty which we are never weary of admiring." (John Herschel)

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