29 August 2021

On Continuity XV (Thought)

"As infinite kinds of almost identical images arise continually from the innumerable atoms and flow out to us from the gods, so we should take the keenest pleasure in turning and bending our mind and reason to grasp these images, in order to understand the nature of these blessed and eternal beings." (Marcus TulliusCicero, "De Natura Deorum" ["On the Nature of the Gods"], 45 BC)

"But mathematics, certainly, does not play the smallest part in the charm and movement of the mind produced by music. Rather is it only the indispensable condition (conditio sine qua non) of that proportion of the combining as well as changing impressions which makes it possible to grasp them all in one and prevent them from destroying one another, and to let them, rather, conspire towards the production of a continuous movement and quickening of the mind by affections that are in unison with it, and thus towards a serene self-enjoyment." (Immanuel Kant, "The Critique of Judgment", 1790)

"Induction, analogy, hypotheses founded upon facts and rectified continually by new observations, a happy tact given by nature and strengthened by numerous comparisons of its indications with experience, such are the principal means for arriving at truth." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities", 1814)

"But how can we avoid the use of human language? The [....] symbol. Only by using a symbolic language not yet usurped by those vague ideas of space, time, continuity which have their origin in intuition and tend to obscure pure reason - only thus may we hope to build mathematics on the solid foundation of logic." (Tobias Dantzig, "Number: The Language of Science", 1930)

"In this way things, external objects, are assimilated to more or less ordered motor schemas, and in this continuous assimilation of objects the child's own activity is the starting point of play. Not only this, but when to pure movement are added language and imagination, the assimilation is strengthened, and wherever the mind feels no actual need for accommodating itself to reality, its natural tendency will be to distort the objects that surround it in accordance with its desires or its fantasy, in short to use them for its satisfaction. Such is the intellectual egocentrism that characterizes the earliest form of child thought." (Jean Piaget, "The Moral Judgment of the Child", 1932)

"Although we can never devise a pictorial representation which shall be both true to nature and intelligible to our minds, we may still be able to make partial aspects of the truth comprehensible through pictorial representations or parables. As the whole truth does not admit of intelligible representation, every such pictorial representation or parable must fail somewhere. The physicist of the last generation was continually making pictorial representations and parables, and also making the mistake of treating the half-truths of pictorial representations and parables as literal truths." (James H Jeans, "Physics and Philosophy" 3rd Ed., 1943)

On Continuity V (Numbers)

"Number is the bond of the eternal continuance of things." (Plato)

"The Infinite is often confounded with the Indefinite, but the two conceptions are diametrically opposed. Instead of being a quantity with unassigned yet assignable limits, the Infinite is not a quantity at all, since it neither admits of augmentation nor diminution, having no assignable limits; it is the operation of continuously withdrawing any limits that may have been assigned: the endless addition of new quantities to the old: the flux of continuity. The Infinite is no more a quantity than Zero is a quantity. If Zero is the sign of a vanished quantity, the Infinite is a sign of that continuity of Existence which has been ideally divided into discrete parts in the affixing of limits." (George H. Lewes, "Problems of Life and Mind", 1873)

"Arithmetic does not present to us that feeling of continuity which is such a precious guide; each whole number is separate from the next of its kind and has in a sense individuality; each in a manner is an exception and that is why general theorems are rare in the theory of numbers; and that is why those theorems which may exist are more hidden and longer escape those who are searching for them." (Henri Poincaré, "Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution", 1909)

"The mathematical theory of continuity is based, not on intuition, but on the logically developed theories of number and sets of points." (Carl B Boyer, "The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development", 1959) 

"An essential difference between continuity and differentiability is whether numbers are involved or not. The concept of continuity is characterized by the qualitative property that nearby objects are mapped to nearby objects. However, the concept of differentiation is obtained by using the ratio of infinitesimal increments. Therefore, we see that differentiability essentially involves numbers." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"When we study the concept of continuity by itself, numbers are not necessary as long as you are dealing with objects which have the property of 'nearness'. Therefore, if we can introduce the notion of 'nearness' detached from numbers from a purely abstract point of view, then we can discuss topics related to continuity based upon this notion. This approach enables us to become familiar with the science we call mathematics." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

On Continuity III (Sets)

"Things [...] are some of them continuous [...] which are properly and peculiarly called 'magnitudes'; others are discontinuous, in a side-by-side arrangement, and, as it were, in heaps, which are called 'multitudes,' a flock, for instance, a people, a heap, a chorus, and the like. Wisdom, then, must be considered to be the knowledge of these two forms. Since, however, all multitude and magnitude are by their own nature of necessity infinite - for multitude starts from a definite root and never ceases increasing; and magnitude, when division beginning with a limited whole is carried on, cannot bring the dividing process to an end [...] and since sciences are always sciences of limited things, and never of infinites, it is accordingly evident that a science dealing with magnitude [...] or with multitude [...] could never be formulated. […] A science, however, would arise to deal with something separated from each of them, with quantity, set off from multitude, and size, set off from magnitude." (Nicomachus, cca. 100 AD)

"Well, since paradoxes are at hand, let us see how it might be demonstrated that in a finite continuous extension it is not impossible for infinitely many voids to be found." (Galileo Galilei, "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems", 1632)

"The above comparison of the domain R of rational numbers with a straight line has led to the recognition of the existence of gaps, of a certain incompleteness or discontinuity of the former, while we ascribe to the straight line completeness, absence of gaps, or continuity. In what then does this continuity consist? Everything must depend on the answer to this question, and only through it shall we obtain a scientific basis for the investigation of all continuous domains." (Richard Dedekind,"Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahle", 1872) 

"It seems clear that [set theory] violates against the essence of the continuum, which, by its very nature, cannot at all be battered into a single set of elements. Not the relationship of an element to a set, but of a part to a whole ought to be taken as a basis for the analysis of a continuum." (Hermann Weyl, "Riemanns geometrische Ideen, ihre Auswirkungen und ihre Verknüpfung mit der Gruppentheorie", 1925)

"But, despite their remoteness from sense experience, we do have something like a perception of the objects of set theory, as is seen from the fact that the axioms force themselves upon us as being true. I don't see any reason why we should have less confidence in this kind of perception, i.e., in mathematical intuition, than in sense perception, which induces us to build up physical theories and to expect that future sense perception will agree with them and, moreover, to believe that a question not decidable now has meaning and may be decided in future." (Kurt Gödel, "What is Cantor’s Continuum problem?", American Mathematical Monthly 54, 1947)

"Topology begins where sets are implemented with some cohesive properties enabling one to define continuity." (Solomon Lefschetz, "Introduction to Topology", 1949)

"A fuzzy set is a class of objects with a continuum of grades of membership. Such a set is characterized by a membership (characteristic) function which assigns to each object a grade of membership ranging between zero and one. The notions of inclusion, union, intersection, complement, relation, convexity, etc., are extended to such sets, and various properties of these notions in the context of fuzzy sets are established. In particular, a separation theorem for convex fuzzy sets is proved without requiring that the fuzzy sets be disjoint." (Lotfi A Zadeh, "Fuzzy Sets", 1965)

"In abstract mathematics, special attention is given to particular properties of numbers. Then those properties are taken in a very pure (and primitive) form. Those properties in pure form are then assigned to a given set. Therefore, by studying in details the internal mathematical structure of a set, we should be able to clarify the meaning of original properties of the objects. Likewise, in set theory, numbers disappear and only the concept of sets and characteristic properties of sets remain." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"In view of the developments of abstract mathematics, the first thing mathematicians studied was how to extract the property of 'nearness' from the set of numbers. If the property of nearness could be extracted using a few axioms, and if it was possible to associate the extracted property with a set, then the resulting set would provide an abstract scene to study 'nearness'." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"Today, most mathematicians have embraced the axiom of choice because of the order and simplicity it brings to mathematics in general. For example, the theorems that every vector space has a basis and every field has an algebraic closure hold only by virtue of the axiom of choice. Likewise, for the theorem that every sequentially continuous function is continuous. However, there are special places where the axiom of choice actually brings disorder. One is the theory of measure." (John Stillwell, "Roads to Infinity: The mathematics of truth and proof", 2010) 

28 August 2021

On Invariance (2000-2009)

"A physical system is said to possess a symmetry if one can make a change in the system such that, after the change, the system is exactly the same as it was before. We call the change we are making to the system a symmetry operation or a symmetry transformation. If a system stays the same when we do a transformation to it, we say that the system is invariant under the transformation." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"So, a scientist's definition of symmetry would be something like this: symmetry is an invariance of an object or system to a transformation. The invariance is the sameness or constancy of the system in form, appearance, composition, arrangement, and so on, and a transformation is the abstract action we apply to the system that takes it from one state into another, equivalent, one. There are often numerous transformations we can apply on a given system that take it into an equivalent state." (Leon M Lederman & Christopher T Hill, "Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe", 2004)

"Quantum physics, in particular particle and string theory, has proven to be a remarkable fruitful source of inspiration for new topological invariants of knots and manifolds. With hindsight this should perhaps not come as a complete surprise. Roughly one can say that quantum theory takes a geometric object (a manifold, a knot, a map) and associates to it a (complex) number, that represents the probability amplitude for a certain physical process represented by the object." (Robbert Dijkgraaf, "Mathematical Structures", 2005)

"Numerical invariants and invariant properties enable us to distinguish certain topological spaces. We can go further and associate with a topological space a set having an algebraic structure. The fundamental group is the most basic of such possibilities. It not only provides a useful invariant for topological spaces, but the algebraic operation of multiplication defined for this group reflects the global structure of the space." (Robert Messer & Philip Straffin, "Topology Now!", 2006)

"Each of the most basic physical laws that we know corresponds to some invariance, which in turn is equivalent to a collection of changes which form a symmetry group. […] whilst leaving some underlying theme unchanged. […] for example, the conservation of energy is equivalent to the invariance of the laws of motion with respect to translations backwards or forwards in time […] the conservation of linear momentum is equivalent to the invariance of the laws of motion with respect to the position of your laboratory in space, and the conservation of angular momentum to an invariance with respect to directional orientation… discovery of conservation laws indicated that Nature possessed built-in sustaining principles which prevented the world from just ceasing to be." (John D Barrow, "New Theories of Everything", 2007)

"The concept of symmetry (invariance) with its rigorous mathematical formulation and generalization has guided us to know the most fundamental of physical laws. Symmetry as a concept has helped mankind not only to define ‘beauty’ but also to express the ‘truth’. Physical laws tries to quantify the truth that appears to be ‘transient’ at the level of phenomena but symmetry promotes that truth to the level of ‘eternity’." (Vladimir G Ivancevic & Tijana T Ivancevic,"Quantum Leap", 2008)

"Mathematical symmetries and invariants underlie nearly all physical laws in nature, suggesting that the search for many natural laws is inseparably a search for conserved quantities and invariant equations [...]" (Michael Schmidt & Hod Lipson, "Distilling Free-Form Natural Laws from Experimental Data", Science, Vol 324 (5923), 2009)

"The concept of symmetry is used widely in physics. If the laws that determine relations between physical magnitudes and a change of these magnitudes in the course of time do not vary at the definite operations (transformations), they say, that these laws have symmetry (or they are invariant) with respect to the given transformations. For example, the law of gravitation is valid for any points of space, that is, this law is in variant with respect to the system of coordinates." (Alexey Stakhov et al, "The Mathematics of Harmony", 2009)

Out of Context: On Cybernetics (Definitions)

"Cybernetics is a word invented to define a new field in science. It combines under one heading the study of what in a human context is sometimes loosely described as thinking and in engineering is known as control and communication. In other words, cybernetics attempts to find the common elements in the functioning of automatic machines and of the human nervous system, and to develop a theory which will cover the entire field of control and communication in machines and in living organisms." (Norbert Wiener, "Cybernetics", 1948)

"Cybernetics is similar in its relation to the actual machine. It takes as its subject-matter the domain of 'all possible machines', and is only secondarily interested if informed that some of them have not yet been made, either by Man or by Nature."(W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"[Cybernetics is] the art of ensuring the efficacy of action." (Louis Couffignal, 1958)

"Cybernetics is the science of the process of transmission, processing and storage of information." (Sergei Sobolew, Woprosy Psychology, 1958)

"Cybernetics is the general science of communication. But to refer to communication is consciously or otherwise to refer to distinguishable states of information inputs and outputs and /or to information being processed within some relatively isolated system." (Henryk Greniewski, "Cybernetics without Mathematics", 1960)

"Cybernetics is concerned primarily with the construction of theories and models in science, without making a hard and fast distinction between the physical and the biological sciences." (Frank H George, "The Brain As A Computer", 1962)

"Cybernetics is the science or the art of manipulating defensible metaphors; showing how they may be constructed and what can be inferred as a result of their existence." (Gordon Pask, "The Cybernetics of Human Performance and Learning", 1966)

"For cybernetics is an interdisciplinary science, owing as much to biology as to physics, as much to the study of the brain as to the study of computers, and owing also a great deal to the formal languages of science for providing tools with which the behaviour of all these systems can be objectively described." (A Stafford Beer, 1966)

"Cybernetics is a homogenous and coherent scientific complex, a science resulting from the blending of at least two sciences - psychology and technology; it is a general and integrative science, a crossroads of sciences, involving both animal and car psychology. It is not just a discipline, circumscribed in a narrow and strictly defined field, but a complex of disciplines born of psychology and centered on it, branched out as branches of a tree in its stem. It is a stepwise synthesis, a suite of multiple, often reciprocal, modeling; syntheses and modeling in which, as a priority, and as a great importance, the modeling of psychology on the technique and then the modeling of the technique on psychology. Cybernetics is an intellectual symphony, a symphony of ideas and sciences." (Stefan Odobleja, 1978)

"Cybernetics is concerned with scientific investigation of systemic processes of a highly varied nature, including such phenomena as regulation, information processing, information storage, adaptation, self-organization, self-reproduction, and strategic behavior." (Fritz B Simon et al, "Language of Family Therapy: A Systemic Vocabulary and Source Book", 1985)

"It seems that cybernetics is many different things to many different people. But this is because of the richness of its conceptual base; and I believe that this is very good, otherwise cybernetics would become a somewhat boring exercise. However, all of those perspectives arise from one central theme; that of circularity." (Heinz von Foerster, "Ethics and Second-Order Cybernetics", 1991)

"Cybernetics is a science of purposeful behavior. It helps us explain behavior as the continuous action of someone (or thing) in the process, as we see it, of maintaining certain conditions near a goal state, or purpose." (Jeff Dooley, "Thoughts on the Question: What is Cybernetics", 1995)

"Cybernetics is the science of effective organization, of control and communication in animals and machines. It is the art of steersmanship, of regulation and stability." (Chris Lucas, "Cybernetics and Stochastic Systems", 1999)

"The science of cybernetics is not about thermostats or machines; that characterization is a caricature. Cybernetics is about purposiveness, goals, information flows, decision-making control processes and feedback (properly defined) at all levels of living systems." (Peter Corning, "Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Evolution of Politics", 2005)

"Cybernetics is the study of systems and processes that interact with themselves and produce themselves from themselves." (Louis Kauffman, 2007)

"Cybernetics is the art of creating equilibrium in a world of possibilities and constraints. This is not just a romantic description, it portrays the new way of thinking quite accurately." (Ernst von Glasersfeld, "Partial Memories: Sketches from an Improbable Life", 2010)

"Cybernetics is the study of systems which can be mapped using loops (or more complicated looping structures) in the network defining the flow of information." (Alan Scrivener, "A Curriculum for Cybernetics and Systems Theory", 2012)

On Neighborhoods II

"Sciences are of a sociable disposition, and flourish best in the neighborhood of each other: nor is there any branch of learning, but may be helped and improved by assistances drawn from other arts." (William Blackstone, "Commentaries on the Laws of England" Vol. I, 1765)

"The separate atoms of a molecule are not connected all with all, or all with one, but, on the contrary, each one is connected only with one or with a few neighbouring atoms, just as in a chain link is connected with link." (Friedrich A Kekulé, "The Scientific Aims and Achievements of Chemistry", Nature 18, 1878)

"The theoretical side of physical chemistry is and will probably remain the dominant one; it is by this peculiarity that it has exerted such a great influence upon the neighboring sciences, pure and applied, and on this ground physical chemistry may be regarded as an excellent school of exact reasoning for all students of the natural sciences." (Svante Arrhenius, "Theories of Solutions", 1912)

"Theorems valid 'in the small' are those which affirm a statement about a certain neighborhood of a point without making any statement about the size of that neighborhood." (Hermann Weyl, "The Concept of a Riemann Surface", 1913)

"Space-time is curved in the neighborhood of material masses, but it is not clear whether the presence of matter causes the curvature of space-time or whether this curvature is itself responsible for the existence of matter." (Gerald J Whitrow, "The Structure of the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology", 1949)

 "A good theorem will almost always have a wide-ranging influence on later mathematics, simply by virtue of the fact that it is true. Since it is true, it must be true for some reason; and if that reason lies deep, then the uncovering of it will usually require a deeper understanding of neighboring facts and principles." (Ian Richards,"Number theory", 1978)

"Cellular automata are mathematical models for complex natural systems containing large numbers of simple identical components with local interactions. They consist of a lattice of sites, each with a finite set of possible values. The value of the sites evolve synchronously in discrete time steps according to identical rules. The value of a particular site is determined by the previous values of a neighbourhood of sites around it." (Stephen Wolfram, "Nonlinear Phenomena, Universality and complexity in cellular automata", Physica 10D, 1984)

"A characteristic of such chaotic dynamics is an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions (exponential separation of neighboring trajectories), which puts severe limitations on any forecast of the future fate of a particular trajectory. This sensitivity is known as the ‘butterfly effect’: the state of the system at time t can be entirely different even if the initial conditions are only slightly changed, i.e., by a butterfly flapping its wings." (Hans J Korsch et al, "Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC", 2008)

"A typical complex system consists of a vast number of identical copies of several generic processes, which are operating and interacting only locally or with a limited number of not necessary close neighbours. There is no global leader or controller associated to such systems and the resulting behaviour is usually very complex." (Jirí Kroc & Peter M A Sloot, "Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata", Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2009)

"The details of the shapes of the neighborhoods are not important. If the two sets of neighborhoods satisfy the equivalence criterion, then any set that is open, closed, and so on with respect to one set of neighborhoods will be open, closed, and so on with respect to the other set of neighborhoods." (John Tabak, "Beyond Geometry: A new mathematics of space and form", 2011)

On Neighborhoods I

"A state of equilibrium in a system does not mean, further, that the system is without tension. Systems can, on the contrary, also come to equilibrium in a state of tension (e.g., a spring under tension or a container with gas under pressure).The occurrence of this sort of system, however, presupposes a certain firmness of boundaries and actual segregation of the system from its environment (both of these in a functional, not a spatial, sense). If the different parts of the system are insufficiently cohesive to withstand the forces working toward displacement (i.e., if the system shows insufficient internal firmness, if it is fluid), or if the system is not segregated from its environment by sufficiently firm walls but is open to its neighboring systems, stationary tensions cannot occur. Instead, there occurs a process in the direction of the forces, which encroaches upon the neighboring regions with diffusion of energy and which goes in the direction of an equilibrium at a lower level of tension in the total region. The presupposition for the existence of a stationary state of tension is thus a certain firmness of the system in question, whether this be its own inner firmness or the firmness of its walls." (Kurt Lewin, "A Dynamic Theory of Personality", 1935)

"A common and very powerful constraint is that of continuity. It is a constraint because whereas the function that changes arbitrarily can undergo any change, the continuous function can change, at each step, only to a neighbouring value." (W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"A manifold, roughly, is a topological space in which some neighborhood of each point admits a coordinate system, consisting of real coordinate functions on the points of the neighborhood, which determine the position of points and the topology of that neighborhood; that is, the space is locally cartesian. Moreover, the passage from one coordinate system to another is smooth in the overlapping region, so that the meaning of 'differentiable' curve, function, or map is consistent when referred to either system." (Richard L Bishop & Samuel I Goldberg, "Tensor Analysis on Manifolds", 1968)

"Catastrophe theory is a local theory, telling us what a function looks like  in a small neighborhood of a critical point; it says nothing about what the function may be doing far away from the singularity. Yet most of the applications of the theory [...]  involve extrapolating these rock-solid, local results to regions that may  well be distant in time and space from the singularity." (John L Casti, "Five Golden Rules", 1995)

"Continuous functions can move freely. Graphs of continuous functions can freely branch off at any place, whereas analytic functions coinciding in some neighborhood of a point P cannot branch outside of this neighborhood. Because of this property, continuous functions can mathematically represent wildly changing wind inside a typhoon or a gentle breeze." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"Differentiability of a function can be established by examining the behavior of the function in the immediate neighborhood of a single point a in its domain. Thus, all we need is coordinates in the vicinity of the point a. From this point of view, one might say that local coordinates have more essential qualities. However, if are not looking at individual surfaces, we cannot find a more general and universal notion than smoothness." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"Similarly to the graphs of continuous functions, graphs of differentiable (smooth) functions which coincide in a neighborhood of a point P can branch off outside of the neighborhood. Because of this property, differentiable functions can represent smoothly changing natural phenomena." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"If a network is solely composed of neighborhood connections, information must traverse a large number of connections to get from place to place. In a small-world network, however, information can be transmitted between any two nodes using, typically, only a small number of connections. In fact, just a small percentage of random, long-distance connections is required to induce such connectivity. This type of network behavior allows the generation of 'six degrees of separation' type results, whereby any agent can connect to any other agent in the system via a path consisting of only a few intermediate nodes." (John H Miller & Scott E Page, "Complex Adaptive Systems", 2007)

"Cellular Automata (CA) are discrete, spatially explicit extended dynamic systems composed of adjacent cells characterized by an internal state whose value belongs to a finite set. The updating of these states is made simultaneously according to a common local transition rule involving only a neighborhood of each cell." (Ramon Alonso-Sanz, "Cellular Automata with Memory", 2009) 

"Roughly speaking, a function defined on an open set of Euclidean space is differentiable at a point if we can approximate it in a neighborhood of this point by a linear map, which is called its differential (or total derivative). This differential can be of course expressed by partial derivatives, but it is the differential and not the partial derivatives that plays the central role." (Jacques Lafontaine, "An Introduction to Differential Manifolds", 2010)

On Constraints II

 "A conceptual model is a representation of the system expertise using this formalism. An internal model is derived from the conceptual model and from a specification of the system transactions and the performance constraints." (Zbigniew W. Ras & Andrzej Skowron [Eds.], Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 10th International Symposium Vol 10, 1997)

"Whereas formal systems apply inference rules to logical variables, neural networks apply evolutive principles to numerical variables. Instead of calculating a solution, the network settles into a condition that satisfies the constraints imposed on it." (Paul Cilliers, "Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems", 1998)

"What it means for a mental model to be a structural analog is that it embodies a representation of the spatial and temporal relations among, and the causal structures connecting the events and entities depicted and whatever other information that is relevant to the problem-solving talks. […] The essential points are that a mental model can be nonlinguistic in form and the mental mechanisms are such that they can satisfy the model-building and simulative constraints necessary for the activity of mental modeling." (Nancy J Nersessian, "Model-based reasoning in conceptual change", 1999)

"To develop a Control, the designer should find aspect systems, subsystems, or constraints that will prevent the negative interferences between elements (friction) and promote positive interferences (synergy). In other words, the designer should search for ways of minimizing frictions that will result in maximization of the global satisfaction" (Carlos Gershenson, "Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems", 2007)

"[chaos theory] presents a universe that is at once deterministic and obeys the fundamental physical laws, but is capable of disorder, complexity, and unpredictability. It shows that predictability is a rare phenomenon operating only within the constraints that science has filtered out from the rich diversity of our complex world." (Ziauddin Sardar & Iwona Abrams, "Introducing Chaos: A Graphic Guide", 2008)

"Cybernetics is the art of creating equilibrium in a world of possibilities and constraints. This is not just a romantic description, it portrays the new way of thinking quite accurately. Cybernetics differs from the traditional scientific procedure, because it does not try to explain phenomena by searching for their causes, but rather by specifying the constraints that determine the direction of their development." (Ernst von Glasersfeld, "Partial Memories: Sketches from an Improbable Life", 2010)

"Optimization is more than finding the best simulation results. It is itself a complex and evolving field that, subject to certain information constraints, allows data scientists, statisticians, engineers, and traders alike to perform reality checks on modeling results." (Chris Conlan, "Automated Trading with R: Quantitative Research and Platform Development", 2016)

"Exponentially growing systems are prevalent in nature, spanning all scales from biochemical reaction networks in single cells to food webs of ecosystems. How exponential growth emerges in nonlinear systems is mathematically unclear. […] The emergence of exponential growth from a multivariable nonlinear network is not mathematically intuitive. This indicates that the network structure and the flux functions of the modeled system must be subjected to constraints to result in long-term exponential dynamics." (Wei-Hsiang Lin et al, "Origin of exponential growth in nonlinear reaction networks", PNAS 117 (45), 2020)

On Constraints I

"A common and very powerful constraint is that of continuity. It is a constraint because whereas the function that changes arbitrarily can undergo any change, the continuous function can change, at each step, only to a neighbouring value." (W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"A most important concept […] is that of constraint. It is a relation between two sets, and occurs when the variety that exists under one condition is less than the variety that exists under another. [...] Constraints are of high importance in cybernetics […] because when a constraint exists advantage can usually be taken of it." (W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"[…] as every law of nature implies the existence of an invariant, it follows that every law of nature is a constraint. […] Science looks for laws; it is therefore much concerned with looking for constraints. […] the world around us is extremely rich in constraints. We are so familiar with them that we take most of them for granted, and are often not even aware that they exist. […] A world without constraints would be totally chaotic." (W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"[...] the existence of any invariant over a set of phenomena implies a constraint, for its existence implies that the full range of variety does not occur. The general theory of invariants is thus a part of the theory of constraints. Further, as every law of nature implies the existence of an invariant, it follows that every law of nature is a constraint." (W Ross Ashby, "An Introduction to Cybernetics", 1956)

"Formulating consists of determining the system inputs, outputs, requirements, objectives, constraints. Structuring the system provides one or more methods of organizing the solution, the method of operation, the selection of parts, and the nature of their performance requirements. It is evident that the processes of formulating a system and structuring it are strongly related." (Harold Chestnut, "Systems Engineering Tools", 1965)

"In general, we can say that the larger the system becomes, the more the parts interact, the more difficult it is to understand environmental constraints, the more obscure becomes the problem of what resources should be made available, and deepest of all, the more difficult becomes the problem of the legitimate values of the system."  (C West Churchman, "The Systems Approach", 1968)

"A physical theory must accept some actual data as inputs and must be able to generate from them another set of possible data (the output) in such a way that both input and output match the assumptions of the theory - laws, constraints, etc. This concept of matching involves relevance: thus boundary conditions are relevant only to field-like theories such as hydrodynamics and quantum mechanics. But matching is more than relevance: it is also logical compatibility." (Mario Bunge, "Philosophy of Physics", 1973)

"Physics is like that. It is important that the models we construct allow us to draw the right conclusions about the behaviour of the phenomena and their causes. But it is not essential that the models accurately describe everything that actually happens; and in general it will not be possible for them to do so, and for much the same reasons. The requirements of the theory constrain what can be literally represented. This does not mean that the right lessons cannot be drawn. Adjustments are made where literal correctness does not matter very much in order to get the correct effects where we want them; and very often, as in the staging example, one distortion is put right by another. That is why it often seems misleading to say that a particular aspect of a model is false to reality: given the other constraints that is just the way to restore the representation." (Nancy Cartwright, "How the Laws of Physics Lie", 1983)

"Indeed, except for the very simplest physical systems, virtually everything and everybody in the world is caught up in a vast, nonlinear web of incentives and constraints and connections. The slightest change in one place causes tremors everywhere else. We can't help but disturb the universe, as T.S. Eliot almost said. The whole is almost always equal to a good deal more than the sum of its parts. And the mathematical expression of that property - to the extent that such systems can be described by mathematics at all - is a nonlinear equation: one whose graph is curvy." (M Mitchell Waldrop, "Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos", 1992)

"Many of the basic functions performed by neural networks are mirrored by human abilities. These include making distinctions between items (classification), dividing similar things into groups (clustering), associating two or more things (associative memory), learning to predict outcomes based on examples (modeling), being able to predict into the future (time-series forecasting), and finally juggling multiple goals and coming up with a good- enough solution (constraint satisfaction)." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996) 

23 August 2021

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret - Collected Quotes

"Architecture is the first manifestation of man creating his own universe, creating it in the image of nature, submitting to the laws of nature, the laws which govern our own nature, our universe." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Towards a New Architecture", 1923)

"Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light. Our eyes are made to see forms in light; light and shade reveal these forms; cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders or pyramids are the great primary forms which light reveals to advantage; the image of these is distinct and tangible within us without ambiguity. It is for this reason that these are beautiful forms, the most beautiful forms. Everybody is agreed to that, the child, the savage and the metaphysician." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Towards a New Architecture", 1923)

"The Engineer, inspired by the law of Economy and governed by mathematical calculation, puts us in accord with universal law. He achieves harmony." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], Towards a New Architecture, 1923)

"There is one profession and one only, namely architecture, in which progress is not considered necessary, where laziness is enthroned, and in which the reference is always to yesterday." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], Towards a New Architecture, 1923)

"Working by calculations, engineers employ geometrical forms, satisfying our eyes by their geometry and our understanding of their mathematics; their work is one the direct line of good art." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], Towards a New Architecture, 1923)

"To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], Precisions on the present state of architecture and city planning", 1930)

"Mathematics is not a question of calculation perforce but rather the presence of royalty: a law of infinite resonance, consonance and order." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Architecture and the Mathematical Spirit", 1962)

"The mathematical phenomenon always develops out of simple arithmetic, so useful in everyday life, out of numbers, those weapons of the gods; the gods are there, behind the wall, at play with numbers." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier])

Out of Context: On Architecture (Definitions)

"Architecture is frozen music." (Friedrich Schelling, "Philosophie der Kunst", cca 1805)

"[...] architecture is a kind of oratory in forms, sometimes persuading or even flattering, sometimes simply commanding." (Friedrich Nietzsche, "Twilight of the Idols", 1889)

"Architecture is geometry made visible in the same sense that music is number made audible." (Claude F Bragdon, "The Beautiful Necessity: Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture", 1910)

"Architecture is the first manifestation of man creating his own universe, creating it in the image of nature, submitting to the laws of nature, the laws which govern our own nature, our universe." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], Towards a New Architecture, 1923)

"Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light." (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret [Le Corbusier], "Towards a New Architecture", 1923)

"Architecture is preeminently the art of significant forms in space - that is, forms significant of their functions." (Claude Bragdon, "Wake Up and Dream", Outlook, 1931)

"Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul." (Ernest Dimnet, "What We Live By", 1932)

"Among the planets of the arts, architecture is the dark side of the moon." (Bruno Zevi, "Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture", 1951)

"Architecture [...] is like a great hollowed-out sculpture which man enters and apprehends by moving about within it." (Bruno Zevi, "Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture", 1951)

"Architecture is not art alone, it is not merely a reflection of conceptions of life or a portrait of systems of living. Architecture is environment, the stage on which our lives unfold." (Bruno Zevi, "Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture", 1951)

"Architecture is the art of how to waste space." (Philip Johnson, "Ideas and Men" New York Times, 1964)

"Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and the spaces between them." (Robert J Piper, "Opportunities in an Architecture Career", 1970)

"Architecture is defined as the art and science of creating buildings." (Derek Hitchins, "Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering and Management", 2003)

"Architecture is akin to music in that both should be based on the symmetry of mathematics." (Frank L Wright)

"Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods and men, to put man into possession of his own earth." (Frank L Wright)

Out of Context: On Observation (Definitions)

"[...] observation is the mind's support in reasoning [...]" (Claude Bernard, "An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine", 1865)

"Observation is a passive science, experimentation an active science." (Claude Bernard, "An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine", 1865)

"Observation is a putting together of several results of sensation which are or are supposed to be connected with each other according to the law of causality, so that some represent causes and others their effects." (Thorvald N Thiele, "Theory of Observations", 1903)

"For the truth of the conclusions of physical science, observation is the supreme Court of Appeal." (Sir Arthur Eddington, "The Philosophy of Physical Science", 1939)

"[…] observation is not enough, and it seems to me that in science, as in the arts, there is very little worth having that does not require the exercise of intuition as well as of intelligence, the use of imagination as well as of information." (Kathleen Lonsdale, "Facts About Crystals", American Scientist Vol. 39 (4), 1951)

"Scientific observation is always a viewing of things through the refracting medium of a symbol system, and technological praxis is always handling of things in ways that some symbol system has dictated. Education in science and technology is essentially education on the symbol level." (Aldous L Huxley, "Essay", Daedalus, 1962)

"Innocent, unbiased observation is a myth." (Sir Peter B Medawar, Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought, 1969)

"All perceiving is also thinking, all reasoning is also intuition, all observation is also invention." (Rudolf Arnheim, "Entropy and Art: An Essay on Disorder and Order", 1974)

"For scientists, observation is the highest authority [...]." (Raymond S Nickerson, "Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures and Proofs", 2009)

Out of Context: Experiment is... (Definitions)

"Experiment is fundamentally only induced observation." (Claude Bernard, "An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine", 1865)

"Observation, then, is what shows facts; experiment is what teaches about facts and gives experience in relation to anything." (Claude Bernard, "An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine", 1865)

"Experiment is the sole source of truth. It alone can teach us something new; it alone can give us certainty." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1902)

"An experiment is an observation that can be repeated, isolated and varied." (Edward B Titchener, "A Text-Book of Psychology", 1909)

"Experiments are like cross-questioning a witness who will tell the truth but not the whole truth." (Alan Gregg, "The Furtherance of Medical Research", 1941)

"An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature’s answer." (Max Plank, "The Meaning and Limits of Exact Science", Science, 1949)

"Experimenters are the shocktroops of science." (Max Planck, "Scientific Autobiography, and Other Papers", 1949)

"An experiment is a question which man asks of nature; one result of the observation is an answer which nature yields to man." (Ferdinand Gonseth, "The Primeval Atom", 1950)

"Experiment is the sole judge of scientific ‘truth’." (Richard Feynman, "Six Easy Pieces", 1994)

"One good experiment is worth a thousand models […]; but one good model can make a thousand experiments unnecessary." (David Lloyd & Evgenii I Volkov, "The Ultradian Clock: Timekeeping for Intracelular Dynamics"  2013)

"An Experiment, like every other event which takes place, is a natural phenomenon; but in a Scientific Experiment the circumstances are so arranged that the relations between a particular set of phenomena may be studied to the best advantage." (James C Maxwell)

Mental Models LXIV

"The final truth about phenomena resides in the mathematical description of it; so long as there is no imperfection in this, our knowledge is complete. We go beyond the mathematical formula at our own risk; we may find a [nonmathematical] model or picture that helps us to understand it, but we have no right to expect this, and our failure to find such a model or picture need not indicate that either our reasoning or our knowledge is at fault." (James Jeans, "The Mysterious Universe", 1930)

"People build practical, useful mental models all of the time. Seldom do they resort to writing a complex set of mathematical equations or use other formal methods. Rather, most people build models relating inputs and outputs based on the examples they have seen in their everyday life. These models can be rather trivial, such as knowing that when there are dark clouds in the sky and the wind starts picking up that a storm is probably on the way. Or they can be more complex, like a stock trader who watches plots of leading economic indicators to know when to buy or sell. The ability to make accurate predictions from complex examples involving many variables is a great asset." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"[A mental model] is a relatively enduring and accessible, but limited, internal conceptual representation of an external system (historical, existing, or projected) [italics in original] whose structure is analogous to the perceived structure of that system." (James K Doyle & David N Ford, "Mental models concepts revisited: Some clarifications and a reply to Lane", System Dynamics Review 15 (4), 1999)

"An internal model corresponds to a specific concrete situation in the external world and allows us to reason about the external situation. To do so you used information about the problem presented in the problem statement. The process of understanding, then, refers to constructing an initial mental representation of what the problem is, based on the information in the problem statement about the goal, the initial state, what you are not allowed to do, and what operator to apply, as well as your own personal past experience." (S Ian Robertson, "Problem Solving", 2001)

"Giving people new mental tools to represent aspects of the world around them meant that they could now externalize and objectify that world. Proceeding in this way they could treat the world as external to themselves and as something to be contemplated within the imagination. The world now became an object to be manipulated within the theater of the mind, rather than an external tangible reality. This also meant that people could gain increasing control over the world around them, yet always at the expense of a loss of direct involvement. The more we objectify the world, the more we are in danger of losing touch with that sense of immediacy felt by active participants in nature." (F David Peat, "From Certainty to Uncertainty", 2002)

"It’s true that to be a great chess player you must have a good memory, but it is much harder to explain what, exactly, we are remembering. Patterns? Numbers? Mental pictures of the board and pieces? The answer seems to be 'all of the above'." (Garry Kasparov, "How Life Imitates Chess", 2007)

"In the classical deterministic scenario, a model consists of a few variables and physical constants. The relational structure of the model is conceptualized by the scientist via intuition gained from thinking about the physical world. Intuition means that the scientist has some mental construct regarding the interactions beyond positing a skeletal mathematical system he believes is sufficiently rich to capture the interactions and then depending upon data to infer the relational structure and estimate a large number of parameters." (Edward R Dougherty, "The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge: From certainty to uncertainty", 2016) 

"Like all models, people’s mental models are an abstraction of reality. They may be complete and correct, or they may have gaps or inconsistencies that are consequential to effective decision making and action. A mental model is usually less complex than the real-world phenomenon involved and tends to lag in context or time and so can easily become out of date. In many cases, people may lack conscious, well-formed mental models on issues that they have not thoroughly considered in the past. This may be challenging for decision-makers as people’s responses may seem unpredictable or irrational." (Matthew D Wood, An Introduction to Mental Modeling, [in "Mental Modeling Approach: Risk Management Application Case Studies"], 2017)

"Mental Modeling enables discovery of people’s mental models in a structured, rigorous, respectful manner. Mental Modeling has been recognized as one of the premier methods for informing the development of strategies and communications that precisely address people’s current thinking, judgment, decision making, and behavior on complex issues , including risk issues. Broadly, Mental Modeling works from the “inside out,” starting with an in-depth understanding of people’s mental models, and then using that insight to develop focused strategies and communication that builds on where people are at in their thinking today, reinforcing what they know about a topic and addressing critical gaps. Broadly stated, the goal is to help people make well-informed decisions and take appropriate actions on the topic at hand." (Matthew D Wood, An Introduction to Mental Modeling, [in "Mental Modeling Approach: Risk Management Application Case Studies"], 2017)

"In signs, one sees an advantage for discovery that is greatest when they express the exact nature of a thing briefly and, as it were, picture it; then indeed, the labor of thought is wonderfully diminished” (Gottfried W Leibniz)

22 August 2021

On Classification II: Data Science

"Statistics is the fundamental and most important part of inductive logic. It is both an art and a science, and it deals with the collection, the tabulation, the analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative measurements. It is concerned with the classifying and determining of actual attributes as well as the making of estimates and the testing of various hypotheses by which probable, or expected, values are obtained. It is one of the means of carrying on scientific research in order to ascertain the laws of behavior of things - be they animate or inanimate. Statistics is the technique of the Scientific Method." (Bruce D Greenschields & Frank M Weida, "Statistics with Applications to Highway Traffic Analyses", 1952)

"It might be reasonable to expect that the more we know about any set of statistics, the greater the confidence we would have in using them, since we would know in which directions they were defective; and that the less we know about a set of figures, the more timid and hesitant we would be in using them. But, in fact, it is the exact opposite which is normally the case; in this field, as in many others, knowledge leads to caution and hesitation, it is ignorance that gives confidence and boldness. For knowledge about any set of statistics reveals the possibility of error at every stage of the statistical process; the difficulty of getting complete coverage in the returns, the difficulty of framing answers precisely and unequivocally, doubts about the reliability of the answers, arbitrary decisions about classification, the roughness of some of the estimates that are made before publishing the final results. Knowledge of all this, and much else, in detail, about any set of figures makes one hesitant and cautious, perhaps even timid, in using them." (Ely Devons, "Essays in Economics", 1961)

"Ultimately, discovery and invention are both problems of classification, and classification is fundamentally a problem of finding sameness. When we classify, we seek to group things that have a common structure or exhibit a common behavior." (Grady Booch, "Object-oriented design: With Applications", 1991)

"Many of the basic functions performed by neural networks are mirrored by human abilities. These include making distinctions between items (classification), dividing similar things into groups (clustering), associating two or more things (associative memory), learning to predict outcomes based on examples (modeling), being able to predict into the future (time-series forecasting), and finally juggling multiple goals and coming up with a good- enough solution (constraint satisfaction)." (Joseph P Bigus,"Data Mining with Neural Networks: Solving business problems from application development to decision support", 1996)

"We build models to increase productivity, under the justified assumption that it's cheaper to manipulate the model than the real thing. Models then enable cheaper exploration and reasoning about some universe of discourse. One important application of models is to understand a real, abstract, or hypothetical problem domain that a computer system will reflect. This is done by abstraction, classification, and generalization of subject-matter entities into an appropriate set of classes and their behavior." (Stephen J Mellor, "Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture", 2002)

"The subject of computational complexity theory is focused on classifying problems by how hard they are. […] (1) P problems are those that can be solved by a Turing machine (TM) (deterministic) in polynomial time. (‘P’ stands for polynomial). P problems form a class of problems that can be solved efficiently. (2) NP problems are those that can be solved by non-deterministic TM in polynomial time. A problem is in NP if you can quickly (in polynomial time) test whether a solution is correct (without worrying about how hard it might be to find the solution). NP problems are a class of problems that cannot be solved efficiently. NP does not stand for 'non-polynomial'. There are many complexity classes that are much harder than NP. (3) Undecidable problems: For some problems, we can prove that there is no algorithm that always solves them, no matter how much time or space is allowed." (K V N Sunitha & N Kalyani, "Formal Languages and Automata Theory", 2015)

"The power of deep learning models comes from their ability to classify or predict nonlinear data using a modest number of parallel nonlinear steps4. A deep learning model learns the input data features hierarchy all the way from raw data input to the actual classification of the data. Each layer extracts features from the output of the previous layer." (N D Lewis, "Deep Learning Made Easy with R: A Gentle Introduction for Data Science", 2016)

"Decision trees are important for a few reasons. First, they can both classify and regress. It requires literally one line of code to switch between the two models just described, from a classification to a regression. Second, they are able to determine and share the feature importance of a given training set." (Russell Jurney, "Agile Data Science 2.0: Building Full-Stack Data Analytics Applications with Spark", 2017)

"There are other problems with Big Data. In any large data set, there are bound to be inconsistencies, misclassifications, missing data - in other words, errors, blunders, and possibly lies. These problems with individual items occur in any data set, but they are often hidden in a large mass of numbers even when these numbers are generated out of computer interactions." (David S Salsburg, "Errors, Blunders, and Lies: How to Tell the Difference", 2017)

Out of Context: the Aim of Science

"The aim of every science is foresight. For the laws of established observation of phenomena are generally employed to foresee their succession. All men, however little advanced make true predictions, which are always based on the same principle, the knowledge of the future from the past." (Auguste Compte, "Plan des travaux scientifiques nécessaires pour réorganiser la société", 1822)

"The aim of natural science is to obtain connections among phenomena. Theories, however, are like withered leaves, which drop off after having enabled the organism of science to breathe for a time." (Ernst Mach, "Die Geschichte und die Wurzel des Satzes von der Erhaltung der Arbeit", 1871)

"The aim of ‘science’ is to attain conceptions so adequate and exact that we shall never need to change them." (William James, "The Principles of Psychology", 1890)

"The aim of science is always to reduce complexity to simplicity." (William James, "The Principles of Psychology", 1890)

"The aim of science is not things themselves, as the dogmatists in their simplicity imagine, but the relation between things.  (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1905)

"The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts." (Alfred N Whitehead, "The Concept of Nature", 1919)

"Science does not aim at establishing immutable truths and eternal dogmas; its aim is to approach the truth by successive approximations, without claiming that at any stage final and complete accuracy has been achieved." (Bertrand Russell, "The ABC of Relativity", 1925)

"Science aims at constructing a world which shall be symbolic of the world of commonplace experience." (Sir Arthur S Eddington, "The Nature of the Physical World", 1928)

"[…] the grand aim of all science […] is to cover the greatest possible number of empirical facts by logical deductions from the smallest possible number of hypotheses or axioms." (Albert Einstein, 1954)

"The true aim of science is to discover a simple theory which is necessary and sufficient to cover the facts, when they have been purified of traditional prejudices." (Lancelot L Whyte, "Accent on Form", 1954)

"Science aims at the discovery, verification, and organization of fact and information [...] engineering is fundamentally committed to the translation of scientific facts and information to concrete machines, structures, materials, processes, and the like that can be used by men." (Eric A Walker, "Engineers and/or Scientists", Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 51, 1961)

"For Science in its totality, the ultimate goal is the creation of a monistic system in which - on the symbolic level and in terms of the inferred components of invisibility and intangibly fine structure - the world’s enormous multiplicity is reduced to something like unity, and the endless successions of unique events of a great many different kinds get tidied and simplified into a single rational order. Whether this goal will ever be reached remains to be seen. Meanwhile we have the various sciences, each with its own system coordinating concepts, its own criterion of explanation." (Aldous Huxley, "Literature and Science", 1963)

"The aim of science is to apprehend this purely intelligible world as a thing in itself, an object which is what it is independently of all thinking, and thus antithetical to the sensible world." (Robin G Collingwood, "Essays in the Philosophy of Art", 1964)

"The goal of science is to make sense of the diversity of Nature." (John D Barrow, "Theories of Everything: The Quest for Ultimate Explanation", 1991)

"It [science] has as its highest principle and most coveted aim the solution of the problem to condense all natural phenomena which have been observed and are still to be observed into one simple principle, that allows the computation of past and more especially of future processes from present ones." (Max Planck)

"The aim of every science is foresight (prevoyance). For the laws of established observation of phenomena are generally employed to foresee their succession. All men, however little advanced make true predictions, which are always based on the same principle, the knowledge of the future from the past." (Auguste Compte)

"The sole aim of science is the honor of the human mind, and from this point of view a question about numbers is as important as a question about the system of the world." (Carl Gustav Jacobi)

21 August 2021

Out of Context: On Scientists (Definitions)

"The scientist is a lover of truth for the very love of truth itself, wherever it may lead." (Luther Burbank, "Why I Am An Infidel", 1926)

"The scientist is a practical man and his are practical aims. He does not seek the ultimate but the proximate. He does not speak of the last analysis but rather of the next approximation. […] On the whole, he is satisfied with his work, for while science may never be wholly right it certainly is never wholly wrong; and it seems to be improving from decade to decade." (Gilbert N Lewis, "The Anatomy of Science", 1926)

"[...] scientists are not a select few intelligent enough to think in terms of 'broad sweeping theoretical laws and principles'. Instead, scientists are people specifically trained to build models that incorporate theoretical assumptions and empirical evidence." (Peter Imhof, Science Vol. 287, 1935–1936)

"A good scientist is a person with original ideas." (Freeman Dyson, "Disturbing the Universe", 1979)

"Scientists are generally reluctant to accept the existence of a phenomenon when they do not know how to explain it. On the other hand, they will often accept a theory that is especially plausible before there exists any data to support it.” (Richard Morris, 1983) 

"A scientist is a person who knows more and more about less and less, until he knows everything about nothing." (John M Ziman, "Knowing Everything about Nothing: Specialization and Change in Scientific Careers", 1987)

"A scientist is no more a collector and classifier of facts than a historian is a man who complies and classifies a chronology of the dates of great battles and major discoveries." (Sir Peter B Medawar, "Aristotle to Zoos: A Philosophical Dictionary of Biology", 1983)

"It seems that scientists are often attracted to beautiful theories in the way that insects are attracted to flowers - not by logical deduction, but by something like a sense of smell." (Steven Weinberg, "Physics Today", 2005)

"The best scientists aren't the ones who know the most data; they're the ones who know what they're looking for." (Noam Chomsky, [Guardian] 2005)

"Under normal conditions the research scientist is not an innovator but a solver of puzzles, and the puzzles upon which he concentrates are just those which he believes can be both stated and solved within the existing scientific tradition." (Thomas S Kuhn, "The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change", 2011)

"Great scientists are virtuosi of the art of discovering the meaning of what otherwise might seem barren observations." (Theodosius Dobzhansky)

"Scientists are not dependent on the ideas of a single man, but on the combined wisdom of thousands of men, all thinking of the same problem, and each doing his little bit to add to the great structure of knowledge which is gradually being erected." (Ernest Rutherford)

"The scientist is not content to stop at the obvious." (Charles H Mayo)

Out of Context: On Information (Definitions)

"Information is a set of marks that have meaning." (Edmund C Berkeley & Lawrence Wainwright, Computers: Their Operation and Applications", 1956)

"Information is carried by physical entities, such as books or sound waves or brains, but it is not itself material. Information in a living system is a feature of the order and arrangement of its parts, which arrangement provides the signs that constitute a ‘code’ or ‘language’." (John Z Young, "Programs of the Brain", 1978)

"Information is recorded in vast interconnecting networks. Each idea or image has hundreds, perhaps thousands, of associations and is connected to numerous other points in the mental network." (Peter Russell, "The Brain Book: Know Your Own Mind and How to Use it", 1979)

"Neither noise nor information is predictable." (Ray Kurzweil, "The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence", 1999)

"Most of the information is fuzzy and linguistic in form." (Timothy J Ross & W Jerry Parkinson, "Fuzzy Set Theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Systems", 2002)

"Information is assimilated to the slots of a mental model in the form of ‘frames’ which are understood here as ‘chunks’ of knowledge with a well-defined meaning anchored in a given body of shared knowledge." (Jürgen Renn, "Before the Riemann Tensor: The Emergence of Einstein’s Double Strategy", "The Universe of General Relativity" Ed. by A.J. Kox & Jean Eisenstaedt, 2005)

"One advantage of the use of fuzzy models is the fact that their complexity can be gradually increased as more information is gathered. This increase in complexity can be done automatically or manually by a careful commission of the new operating point." (Jairo Espinosa et al, "Fuzzy Logic, Identification and Predictive Control", 2005)

"In a physical system, information is the opposite of entropy, as it involves uncommon and highly correlated configurations that are difficult to arrive at." (César A Hidalgo, "Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies", 2015)

Edmund C Berkeley - Collected Quotes

"A machine can handle information; it can calculate, conclude, and choose; it can perform reasonable operations with information. A machine. therefore, can think." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"Another scientific problem to which new machinery for handling information applies is the problem of understanding human beings and their behavior. This increased understanding may lead to much wiser dealing with human behavior." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"As everyone knows, it is not always easy to think. By thinking, we mean computing, reasoning, and other handling of information. By information we mean collections of ideas - physically, collections of marks that have meaning. By handling information, we mean proceeding logically from some ideas to other ideas - physically, changing from some marks to other marks in ways that have meaning." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"For at least two centuries, solving differential equations to answer physical problems has been a main job for mathematicians. Mathematics is supposed to be logical, and perhaps you would think this would be easy. But mathematicians have been unable to solve a great many differential equations; only here and there, as if by accident, could they solve one. So they often wished for better methods in order to make the job easier." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"From a narrow point of view, a machine that only thinks produces only information. It takes in information in one state, and it puts out information in another state. From this viewpoint, information in itself is harmless; it is just an arrangement of marks; and accordingly, a machine that thinks is harmless, and no control is necessary." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"Now when we speak of a machine that thinks, or a mechanical  brain, what do we mean? Essentially, a mechanical brain is a machine that handles information, transfers information automatically from one part of the machine to another, and has a flexible control over the sequence of its operations. No human being is needed around such a machine to pick up a physical piece of information produced in one part of the machine, personally move it to another part of the machine, and there put it in again. Nor is any human being needed to give the machine instructions from minute to minute. Instead, we can write out the whole program to solve a problem, translate the program into machine language, and put the program into the machine." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"One of the operations of algebra that is important for a mechanical brain is approximation, the problem of getting close to the right value of a number. [...] Another important operation of algebra is interpolation, the problem of putting values smoothly in between other values."  (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"Probably the foremost problem which machines that think can solve is automatic control over all sorts of other machines. This involves controlling a machine that is running so that it will do the right thing at the right time in response to information." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"Programming - the way to give instructions to machines [...] (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"The amount of human effort needed to handle information correctly depends very much on the properties of the physical equipment expressing the information, although the laws of correct reasoning are independent of the equipment." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"These machines are similar to what a brain would be if it were made of hardware and wire instead of flesh and nerves. It is therefore natural to call these machines mechanical brains. Also, since their powers are like those of a giant, we may call them giant brains." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"Understanding an idea is basically a standard process. First, we find the name of the idea, a word or phrase that identifies it. Then, we collect true statements about the idea. Finally, we practice using them. The more true statements we have gathered, and the more practice we have had in applying them, the more we understand the idea." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"We can even imagine what new machinery for handling information may some day become: a small pocket instrument that we carry around with us, talking to it whenever we need to, and either storing information in it or receiving information from it." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Giant Brains or Machines that Think", 1949)

"A computer is a person or machine that is able to take in information (problems and data), perform reasonable operations on the iformation, and put out answers. A computer is identified by the fact that it (or he) handles information reasonably." (Edmund C Berkeley & Lawrence Wainwright, Computers: Their Operation and Applications", 1956)

"Information is a set of marks that have meaning. Physically, the set of marks is a set of physical objects or a set of arrangements of some physical equipment. Then, out of this set, a selection is made in order to communicate, to convey meaning. For meaning to exist, there has to be a society of at least two persons or machines, a society that requires communication, that desires to convey meaning. By convention, the society establishes the meaning of the marks." (Edmund C Berkeley & Lawrence Wainwright, Computers: Their Operation and Applications", 1956)

"The precision of a number is the degree of exactness with which it is stated, while the accuracy of a number is the degree of exactness with which it is known or observed. The precision of a quantity is reported by the number of significant figures in it." (Edmund C Berkeley & Lawrence Wainwright, Computers: Their Operation and Applications", 1956)

"The moment you have worked out an answer, start checking it - it probably isn't right." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Right Answers: A Short Guide for Obtaining Them", Computers and Automation, Vol. 18 (10), 1969)

"The World is more complicated than most of our theories make it out to be." (Edmund C Berkeley, "Right Answers: A Short Guide for Obtaining Them", Computers and Automation, Vol. 18 (10), 1969)

"There is no substitute for honest, thorough, scientific effort to get correct data (no matter how much it clashes with preconceived ideas). There is no substitute for actually reaching a correct chain of reasoning. Poor data and good reasoning give poor results. Good data and poor reasoning give poor results. Poor data and poor reasoning give rotten results." (Edmund C Berkeley, Computers and Automation, 1969)

"Most problems have either many answers or no answer. Only a few problems have one answer." (Edmund Berkeley, Computers and Automation, 1970)

John M Ziman - Collected Quotes

"Many philosophers have now sadly come to the conclusion that there is no ultimate procedure which will wring the last drops of uncertainty from what scientists call their knowledge." (John M Ziman, "Public Knowledge: An Essay Concerning the Social Dimension of Science", 1968)

"Although the best and most famous scientific discoveries seem to open whole new windows of the mind, a typical scientific paper has never pretended to be more than another piece in a large jig-saw not significant in itself but as an element in a grander scheme. This technique, of soliciting many modest contributions to the vast store of human knowledge, has been the secret of western science since the seventeenth century, for it achieves a corporate collective power that is far greater than any one individual can exert. Primary scientific papers are not meant to be final statements of indisputable truths; each is merely a tiny tentative step forward, through the jungle of ignorance." (John M Zimer, Vol. 224, 1969)

"It is not enough to observe, experiment, theorize, calculate and communicate; we must also argue, criticize, debate, expound, summarize, and otherwise transform the information that we have obtained individually into reliable, well established, public knowledge." (John M Ziman, "Information, Communication, Knowledge", Nature Vol. 224 (5217), 1969)

"The sooner we all face up to the fact that theory and practice are indissoluble, and that there is no contradiction between the qualities of usefulness and beauty, the better." (John M Ziman, "Growth and Spread of Science", Nature Vol. 221 (5180), 1969)

"A significant fraction of the ordinary scientific literature in any field is concerned with essentially irrational theories put forward by a few well-established scholars who have lost touch with reality." (John M Ziman, "Some Pathologies of the Scientific Life", Nature Vol. 227, 1970)

"The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime obstacle is lack of education. [...] There is also the difficulty of making scientific discoveries interesting and exciting without completely degrading them intellectually. [...] It is a weakness of modern science that the scientist shrinks from this sort of publicity, and thus gives an impression of arrogant mystagoguery." (John M Ziman,"The Force of Knowledge: The Scientific Dimension of Society", 1976)

"Physics defines itself as the science devoted to discovering, developing and refining those aspects of reality that are amenable to mathematical analysis." (John M Ziman, "Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science", 1978)

"The most astonishing achievements of science, intellectually and practically, have been in physics, which many people take to be the ideal type of scientific knowledge. In fact, physics is a very special type of science, in which the subject matter is deliberately chosen so as to be amenable to quantitative analysis." (John M Ziman, "Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science", 1978)

"'Disorder' is not mere chaos; it implies defective order." (John M Ziman, "Models of Disorder", 1979)

"A philosopher is a person who knows less and less about more and more, until he knows nothing about everything. […] A scientist is a person who knows more and more about less and less, until he knows everything about nothing." (John M Ziman, "Knowing Everything about Nothing: Specialization and Change in Scientific Careers", 1987)

"Any research organization requires generous measures of the following: (1) Social space for personal initiative and creativity; (2) Time for ideas to grow to maturity; (3) Openness to debate and criticism; (4) Hospitality towards novelty; and (5) Respect for specialized expertise." (John M Ziman, "Prometheus Bound", 1994)

"Theoretical physicists are like pure mathematicians, in that they are often interested in the hypothetical behaviour of entirely imaginary objects, such as parallel universes, or particles traveling faster than light, whose actual existence is not being seriously proposed at all." (John M Ziman, "Real Science: What it Is, and what it Means", 2000)

20 August 2021

John D Kelleher - Collected Quotes

"A predictive model overfits the training set when at least some of the predictions it returns are based on spurious patterns present in the training data used to induce the model. Overfitting happens for a number of reasons, including sampling variance and noise in the training set. The problem of overfitting can affect any machine learning algorithm; however, the fact that decision tree induction algorithms work by recursively splitting the training data means that they have a natural tendency to segregate noisy instances and to create leaf nodes around these instances. Consequently, decision trees overfit by splitting the data on irrelevant features that only appear relevant due to noise or sampling variance in the training data. The likelihood of overfitting occurring increases as a tree gets deeper because the resulting predictions are based on smaller and smaller subsets as the dataset is partitioned after each feature test in the path." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"Decision trees are also discriminative models. Decision trees are induced by recursively partitioning the feature space into regions belonging to the different classes, and consequently they define a decision boundary by aggregating the neighboring regions belonging to the same class. Decision tree model ensembles based on bagging and boosting are also discriminative models." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"Decision trees are also considered nonparametric models. The reason for this is that when we train a decision tree from data, we do not assume a fixed set of parameters prior to training that define the tree. Instead, the tree branching and the depth of the tree are related to the complexity of the dataset it is trained on. If new instances were added to the dataset and we rebuilt the tree, it is likely that we would end up with a (potentially very) different tree." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"It is important to remember that predictive data analytics models built using machine learning techniques are tools that we can use to help make better decisions within an organization and are not an end in themselves. It is paramount that, when tasked with creating a predictive model, we fully understand the business problem that this model is being constructed to address and ensure that it does address it." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, worked examples, and case studies", 2015)

"The main advantage of decision tree models is that they are interpretable. It is relatively easy to understand the sequences of tests a decision tree carried out in order to make a prediction. This interpretability is very important in some domains. [...] Decision tree models can be used for datasets that contain both categorical and continuous descriptive features. A real advantage of the decision tree approach is that it has the ability to model the interactions between descriptive features. This arises from the fact that the tests carried out at each node in the tree are performed in the context of the results of the tests on the other descriptive features that were tested at the preceding nodes on the path from the root. Consequently, if there is an interaction effect between two or more descriptive features, a decision tree can model this."  (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"There are two kinds of mistakes that an inappropriate inductive bias can lead to: underfitting and overfitting. Underfitting occurs when the prediction model selected by the algorithm is too simplistic to represent the underlying relationship in the dataset between the descriptive features and the target feature. Overfitting, by contrast, occurs when the prediction model selected by the algorithm is so complex that the model fits to the dataset too closely and becomes sensitive to noise in the data."(John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"Tree pruning identifies and removes subtrees within a decision tree that are likely to be due to noise and sample variance in the training set used to induce it. In cases where a subtree is deemed to be overfitting, pruning the subtree means replacing the subtree with a leaf node that makes a prediction based on the majority target feature level (or average target feature value) of the dataset created by merging the instances from all the leaf nodes in the subtree. Obviously, pruning will result in decision trees being created that are not consistent with the training set used to build them. In general, however, we are more interested in creating prediction models that generalize well to new data rather than that are strictly consistent with training data, so it is common to sacrifice consistency for generalization capacity." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"When datasets are small, a parametric model may perform well because the strong assumptions made by the model - if correct - can help the model to avoid overfitting. However, as the size of the dataset grows, particularly if the decision boundary between the classes is very complex, it may make more sense to allow the data to inform the predictions more directly. Obviously the computational costs associated with nonparametric models and large datasets cannot be ignored. However, support vector machines are an example of a nonparametric model that, to a large extent, avoids this problem. As such, support vector machines are often a good choice in complex domains with lots of data." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies", 2015)

"When we find data quality issues due to valid data during data exploration, we should note these issues in a data quality plan for potential handling later in the project. The most common issues in this regard are missing values and outliers, which are both examples of noise in the data." (John D Kelleher et al, "Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, worked examples, and case studies", 2015)

"A neural network consists of a set of neurons that are connected together. A neuron takes a set of numeric values as input and maps them to a single output value. At its core, a neuron is simply a multi-input linear-regression function. The only significant difference between the two is that in a neuron the output of the multi-input linear-regression function is passed through another function that is called the activation function." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"Data scientists should have some domain expertise. Most data science projects begin with a real-world, domain-specific problem and the need to design a data-driven solution to this problem. As a result, it is important for a data scientist to have enough domain expertise that they understand the problem, why it is important, an dhow a data science solution to the problem might fit into an organization’s processes. This domain expertise guides the data scientist as she works toward identifying an optimized solution." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"One of the biggest myths is the belief that data science is an autonomous process that we can let loose on our data to find the answers to our problems. In reality, data science requires skilled human oversight throughout the different stages of the process. [...] The second big myth of data science is that every data science project needs big data and needs to use deep learning. In general, having more data helps, but having the right data is the more important requirement. [...] A third data science myth is that modern data science software is easy to use, and so data science is easy to do. [...] The last myth about data science [...] is the belief that data science pays for itself quickly. The truth of this belief depends on the context of the organization. Adopting data science can require significant investment in terms of developing data infrastructure and hiring staff with data science expertise. Furthermore, data science will not give positive results on every project." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"One of the most important skills for a data scientist is the ability to frame a real-world problem as a standard data science task." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"Presenting data in a graphical format makes it much easier to see and understand what is happening with the data. Data visualization applies to all phases of the data science process."  (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"The goal of data science is to improve decision making by basing decisions on insights extracted from large data sets. As a field of activity, data science encompasses a set of principles, problem definitions, algorithms, and processes for extracting nonobvious and useful patterns from large data sets. It is closely related to the fields of data mining and machine learning, but it is broader in scope." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"The patterns that we extract using data science are useful only if they give us insight into the problem that enables us to do something to help solve the problem." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"The promise of data science is that it provides a way to understand the world through data." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"Using data science, we can uncover the important patterns in a data set, and these patterns can reveal the important attributes in the domain. The reason why data science is used in so many domains is that it doesn’t matter what the problem domain is: if the right data are available and the problem can be clearly defined, then data science can help."  (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

"We humans are reasonably good at defining rules that check one, two, or even three attributes (also commonly referred to as features or variables), but when we go higher than three attributes, we can start to struggle to handle the interactions between them. By contrast, data science is often applied in contexts where we want to look for patterns among tens, hundreds, thousands, and, in extreme cases, millions of attributes." (John D Kelleher & Brendan Tierney, "Data Science", 2018)

16 August 2021

Bruno de Finetti - Collected Quotes

"Subjectivists should feel obligated to recognize that any opinion (so much more the initial one) is only vaguely acceptable [...] So it is important not only to know the exact answer for an exactly specified initial problem, but what happens changing in a reasonable neighborhood the assumed initial opinion." (Bruno de Finetti, "Prevision: Ses Lois Logiques, ses Sources Subjectives", Annales de l’Institute Henri Poincaré, 1937)

"An item of information which leads to the exclusion of certain of the possible outcomes causes a decrease in entropy: this decrease is called the amount of information, and, like the entropy, is measured in bits (it is, in fact, the same thing with the opposite sign: some even call it negative entropy)." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"Examples are always useful in order to give a sense of concreteness to concepts introduced in a general and abstract form." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"From the theoretical, mathematical point of view, even the fact that the evaluation of probability expresses somebody's opinion is then irrelevant. It is purely a question of studying it and saying whether it is coherent or not; i.e. whether it is free of, or affected by, intrinsic contradictions. In the same way, in the logic of certainty one ascertains the correctness of the deductions but not the accuracy of the factual data assumed as premises." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"Given any set of events whatsoever, the conditions of coherence impose no limits on the probabilities that an individual may assign, except that they must not be in contradiction amongst themselves. [...] The conditions of coherence must exclude the possibility of certain consequences whose unacceptability appears expressible and recognizable to everyone, independently of any opinions or judgments they may have regarding greater or lesser 'reasonableness' in the opinions of others.(Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974) 

"In reasoning, as in every other activity, it is, of course, easy to fall into error. In order to reduce this risk, at least to some extent, it is useful to support intuition with suitable superstructures: in this case, the superstructure is logic (or, to be precise, the logic of certainty)." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"It is precisely in investigating the connection that must hold between evaluations of probability and decision-making under conditions of uncertainty that one can arrive at criteria for probabilities, for establishing the conditions which they must satisfy, and for understanding the way in which one can, and indeed one must, 'reason about them'. It turns out, in fact, that there exist simple (and, in the last analysis, obvious) conditions, which we term conditions of coherence: any transgression of these results in decisions whose consequences are manifestly undesirable (leading to certain loss)." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974) 

"Meanwhile, for those who are not aware of it, it is necessary to mention that in the conception we follow and sustain here only subjective probabilities exist - i.e. the degree of belief in the occurrence of an event attributed by a given person at a given instant and with a given set of in information. This is in contrast to other conceptions which limit themselves to special types of cases in which they attribute meaning to 'objective probabilities' (for instance, cases of symmetry as for dice etc., 'statistical' cases of 'repeatable' events, etc.)."(Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"Prevision […] does not involve guessing anything. It does not assert - as prediction does - something that might turn out to be true or false, by transforming (over-optimistically) the uncertainty into a claimed, but worthless, certainty. It acknowledges (as should be obvious) that what is uncertain is uncertain: in so far as statements are concerned, all that can be said beyond what is said by the logic of certainty is illegitimate." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974) 

"Probability does not exist; it is a subjective description of a person’s uncertainty. We should be normative about uncertainty and not descriptive." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"Probability, too, if regarded as something endowed with some kind of objective existence, is no less a misleading misconception, an illusory attempt to exteriorize or materialize our true probabilistic beliefs." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"Specifically, it seems to me preferable to use, systematically: 'random' for that which is the object of the theory of probability […]; I will therefore say random process, not stochastic process. 'stochastic' for that which is valid 'in the sense of the calculus of probability': for instance; stochastic independence, stochastic convergence, stochastic integral; more generally, stochastic property, stochastic models, stochastic interpretation, stochastic laws; or also, stochastic matrix, stochastic distribution, etc. As for 'chance', it is perhaps better to reserve it for less technical use: in the familiar sense of'by chance', 'not for a known or imaginable reason', or (but in this case we should give notice of the fact) in the sense of, 'with equal probability' as in 'chance drawings from an urn', 'chance subdivision', and similar examples." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"The calculus of probability can say absolutely nothing about reality [...] We have to stress this point because these attempts assume many forms and are always dangerous. In one sentence: to make a mistake of this kind leaves one inevitably faced with all sorts of fallacious arguments and contradictions whenever an attempt is made to state, on the basis of probabilistic considerations, that something must occur, or that its occurrence confirms or disproves some probabilistic assumptions." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"The logic of certainty furnishes us with the range of possibility (and the possible has no gradations); probability is an additional notion that one applies within the range of possibility, thus giving rise to graduations (‘more or less’ probable) that are meaningless in the logic of uncertainty." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"The field of probability and statistics is then transformed into a Tower of Babel, in which only the most naive amateur claims to understand what he says and hears, and this because, in a language devoid of convention, the fundamental distinctions between what is certain and what is not, and between what is impossible and what is not, are abolished. Certainty and impossibility then become confused with high or low degrees of a subjective probability, which is itself denied precisely by this falsification of the language. On the contrary, the preservation of a clear, terse distinction between certainty and uncertainty, impossibility and possibility, is the unique and essential precondition for making meaningful statements (which could be either right or wrong), whereas the alternative transforms every sentence into a nonsense." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

"To make a prediction would mean (using the term in the sense we propose) to venture to try to 'guess', among the possible alternatives, the one that will occur. This is an attempt often made, not only by would-be magicians and prophets, but also by experts and such like who are inclined to precast the future in the forge of their fantasies). To make a 'prediction', therefore, would not entail leaving the domain of the logic of certainty, but simply including the statements and data which we assume ourselves capable of guessing, along with the ascertained truths and the collected data." (Bruno de Finetti, "Theory of Probability", 1974)

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