02 August 2021

On Complex Numbers XVIII

"I consider it as one of the most important steps made by Analysis in the last period, that of not being bothered any more by imaginary quantities, and to be able to submit them to calculus, in the same way as the real ones." (Joseph-Louis de Lagrange, [letter to Antonio Lorgna] 1777)

"What should one understand by ∫ ϕx · dx for x = a + bi? Obviously, if we want to start from clear concepts, we have to assume that x passes from the value for which the integral has to be 0 to x = a + bi through infinitely small increments (each of the form x = a + bi), and then to sum all the ϕx · dx. Thereby the meaning is completely determined. However, the passage can take placein infinitely many ways: Just like the realm of all real magnitudes can be conceived as an infinite straight line, so can the realm of all magnitudes, real and imaginary, be made meaningful by an infinite plane, in which every point, determined by abscissa = a and ordinate = b, represents the quantity a+bi. The continuous passage from one value of x to another a+bi then happens along a curve and is therefore possible in infinitely many ways. I claim now that after two different passages the integral ∫ ϕx · dx acquires the same value when ϕx never becomes equal to ∞ in the region enclosed by the two curves representing the two passages."(Carl F Gauss, [letter to Bessel] 1811)

"Without doubt one of the most characteristic features of mathematics in the last century is the systematic and universal use of the complex variable. Most of its great theories received invaluable aid from it, and many owe their very existence to it." (James Pierpont, "History of Mathematics in the Nineteenth Century", Congress of Arts and Sciences Vol. 1, 1905)

"There is thus a possibility that the ancient dream of philosophers to connect all Nature with the properties of whole numbers will some day be realized. To do so physics will have to develop a long way to establish the details of how the correspondence is to be made. One hint for this development seems pretty obvious, namely, the study of whole numbers in modern mathematics is inextricably bound up with the theory of functions of a complex variable, which theory we have already seen has a good chance of forming the basis of the physics of the future. The working out of this idea would lead to a connection between atomic theory and cosmology." (Paul A M Dirac, [Lecture delivered on presentation of the James Scott prize] 1939)

"The real numbers are one of the most audacious idealizations made by the human mind, but they were used happily for centuries before anybody worried about the logic behind them. Paradoxically, people worried a great deal about the next enlargement of the number system, even though it was entirely harmless. That was the introduction of square roots for negative numbers, and it led to the 'imaginary' and 'complex' numbers. A professional mathematican should never leave home without them […]" (Ian Stewart, "Nature's Numbers: The unreal reality of mathematics", 1995)

"Beyond the theory of complex numbers, there is the much greater and grander theory of the functions of a complex variable, as when the complex plane is mapped to the complex plane, complex numbers linking themselves to other complex numbers. It is here that complex differentiation and integration are defined. Every mathematician in his education studies this theory and surrenders to it completely. The experience is like first love." (David Berlinski, "Infinite Ascent: A short history of mathematics", 2005)

"Algebraic geometry uses the geometric intuition which arises from looking at varieties over the complex and real case to deduce important results in arithmetic algebraic geometry where the complex number field is replaced by the field of rational numbers or various finite number fields." (Raymond O Wells Jr, "Differential and Complex Geometry: Origins, Abstractions and Embeddings", 2017)

"The primary aspects of the theory of complex manifolds are the geometric structure itself, its topological structure, coordinate systems, etc., and holomorphic functions and mappings and their properties. Algebraic geometry over the complex number field uses polynomial and rational functions of complex variables as the primary tools, but the underlying topological structures are similar to those that appear in complex manifold theory, and the nature of singularities in both the analytic and algebraic settings is also structurally very similar." (Raymond O Wells Jr, "Differential and Complex Geometry: Origins, Abstractions and Embeddings", 2017)

"The very idea of raising a number to an imaginary power may well have seemed to most of the era’s mathematicians like asking the ghost of a late amphibian to jump up on a harpsichord and play a minuet." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Today it’s easy to see the beauty of i, thanks, among other things, to its prominence in mathematics’ most beautiful equation. Thus, it may seem strange that it was once regarded as akin to a small waddling gargoyle. Indeed, the simplicity of its definition suggests unpretentious elegance: i is just the square root of −1. But as with many definitions in mathematics, i’s is fraught with provocative implications, and the ones that made it a star in mathematics weren’t apparent until long after it first came on the scene." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

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