13 August 2021

On Parameters II

 "Prediction of the future is possible only in systems that have stable parameters like celestial mechanics. The only reason why prediction is so successful in celestial mechanics is that the evolution of the solar system has ground to a halt in what is essentially a dynamic equilibrium with stable parameters. Evolutionary systems, however, by their very nature have unstable parameters. They are disequilibrium systems and in such systems our power of prediction, though not zero, is very limited because of the unpredictability of the parameters themselves. If, of course, it were possible to predict the change in the parameters, then there would be other parameters which were unchanged, but the search for ultimately stable parameters in evolutionary systems is futile, for they probably do not exist… Social systems have Heisenberg principles all over the place, for we cannot predict the future without changing it." (Kenneth E Boulding, Evolutionary Economics, 1981)

"Mathematical model making is an art. If the model is too small, a great deal of analysis and numerical solution can be done, but the results, in general, can be meaningless. If the model is too large, neither analysis nor numerical solution can be carried out, the interpretation of the results is in any case very difficult, and there is great difficulty in obtaining the numerical values of the parameters needed for numerical results." (Richard E Bellman, "Eye of the Hurricane: An Autobiography", 1984)

"A mechanistic model has the following advantages: 1. It contributes to our scientific understanding of the phenomenon under study. 2. It usually provides a better basis for extrapolation (at least to conditions worthy of further experimental investigation if not through the entire range of all input variables). 3. It tends to be parsimonious (i.e, frugal) in the use of parameters and to provide better estimates of the response." (George E P Box, "Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces", 1987)

"Whenever parameters can be quantified, it is usually desirable to do so." (Norman R Augustine, "Augustine's Laws", 1987)

"Perhaps the most exciting implication [of CA representation of biological phenomena] is the possibility that life had its origin in the vicinity of a phase transition and that evolution reflects the process by which life has gained local control over a successively greater number of environmental parameters affecting its ability to maintain itself at a critical balance point between order and chaos." ( Chris G Langton, "Computation at the Edge of Chaos: Phase Transitions and Emergent Computation", Physica D (42), 1990)

"A conceptual model is a qualitative description of the system and includes the processes taking place in the system, the parameters chosen to describe the processes, and the spatial and temporal scales of the processes." (A Avogadro & R C Ragaini, "Technologies for Environmental Cleanup", 1993)

"Fundamental to catastrophe theory is the idea of a bifurcation. A bifurcation is an event that occurs in the evolution of a dynamic system in which the characteristic behavior of the system is transformed. This occurs when an attractor in the system changes in response to change in the value of a parameter. A catastrophe is one type of bifurcation. The broader framework within which catastrophes are located is called dynamical bifurcation theory." (Courtney Brown, "Chaos and Catastrophe Theories", 1995)

"In addition to dimensionality requirements, chaos can occur only in nonlinear situations. In multidimensional settings, this means that at least one term in one equation must be nonlinear while also involving several of the variables. With all linear models, solutions can be expressed as combinations of regular and linear periodic processes, but nonlinearities in a model allow for instabilities in such periodic solutions within certain value ranges for some of the parameters." (Courtney Brown, "Chaos and Catastrophe Theories", 1995)

"Initially, it may seem that such systems constitute a very special class of processes. And, in fact, that is indeed the case. However, nature has providentially worked things out so that a lot of processes of practical concern just happen to belong to this class - including many of the systems of classical physics like passive electrical circuits, damped vibrating springs, and bending beams. Moreover, when we observe these kinds of processes in real life, what we usually see is the system when it is at or very near to equilibrium. For these reasons catastrophe theory can be of great value in helping us understand how these kinds of systems can shift abruptly from one equilibrium state to another as various parameters, like spring constants or unemployment rates, are varied just a little bit." (John L Casti, "Five Golden Rules", 1995)

"The dimensionality and nonlinearity requirements of chaos do not guarantee its appearance. At best, these conditions allow it to occur, and even then under limited conditions relating to particular parameter values. But this does not imply that chaos is rare in the real world. Indeed, discoveries are being made constantly of either the clearly identifiable or arguably persuasive appearance of chaos. Most of these discoveries are being made with regard to physical systems, but the lack of similar discoveries involving human behavior is almost certainly due to the still developing nature of nonlinear analyses in the social sciences rather than the absence of chaos in the human setting."  (Courtney Brown, "Chaos and Catastrophe Theories", 1995)

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