06 August 2021

On Homology

"Speaking roughly, a homology theory assigns groups to topological spaces and homomorphisms to continuous maps of one space into another. To each array of spaces and maps is assigned an array of groups and homomorphisms. In this way, a homology theory is an algebraic image of topology. The domain of a homology theory is the topologist’s field of study. Its range is the field of study of the algebraist. Topological problems are converted into algebraic problems." (Samuel Eilenberg &Norman E Steenrod, "Foundations of Algebraic Topology", 1952)

"The philosophical emphasis here is: to solve a geometrical problem of a global nature, one first reduces it to a homotopy theory problem; this is in turn reduced to an algebraic problem and is solved as such. This path has historically been the most fruitful one in algebraic topology. (Brayton Gray, "Homotopy Theory", Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 64, 1975)

"The various homology and cohomology theories appear as complicated machines, the end product of which is an assignment of a graded group to a topological space, through a series of processes which look so arbitrary that one wonders why they succeed at all." (Jean Dieudonné, "A History of Algebraic and Differential Topology, 1900 - 1960", 1989)

"Homology theory introduces a new connection between invariants of manifolds. Continuing the "physical" analogy, we say that a homology theory studies the intrinsic structure of a manifold by breaking it into a system of portions arranged simply, or, more precisely, in a standard way. Then, given certain rules for glueing the portions together, the theory obtains the whole manifold. The main problem consists in proving the resultant geometric quantities that are independent of the decomposition and glueing (i.e., proving the topological invariance of the characteristics)." (Michael IMonastyrsky, "Topology of Gauge Fields and Condensed Matter", 1993)

"Homology theory studies properties of manifolds by decomposing them into simpler parts. The structure of these parts can be investigated easily by introducing algebraic characteristics associated with these decompositions. The main difficulty lies in proving that the corresponding characteristics of the decomposition, in fact, do not depend on the particular choice of the decomposition but are rather a topological invariant of the manifold itself." (Michael I Monastyrsky, "Riemann, Topology, and Physics", 1999)

"Although it is not difficult to count the holes in a real pretzel in your hand, prior to eating it, when a surface pops out of an abstract mathematical construction it can be very difficult to figure out its properties, such as how many holes it has. The cohomology groups can help us to do so." (Avner Ash & Robert Gross, "Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the hidden patterns of numbers", 2006)

"At first, topology can seem like an unusually imprecise branch of mathematics. It’s the study of squishy play-dough shapes capable of bending, stretching and compressing without limit. But topologists do have some restrictions: They cannot create or destroy holes within shapes. […] While this might seem like a far cry from the rigors of algebra, a powerful idea called homology helps mathematicians connect these two worlds. […] homology infers an object’s holes from its boundaries, a more precise mathematical concept. To study the holes in an object, mathematicians only need information about its boundaries." (Kelsey Houston-Edwards, "How Mathematicians Use Homology to Make Sense of Topology", Quanta Magazine, 2021)

"Homology translates this world of vague shapes into the rigorous world of algebra, a branch of mathematics that studies particular numerical structures and symmetries. Mathematicians study the properties of these algebraic structures in a field known as homological algebra. From the algebra they indirectly learn information about the original topological shape of the data. Homology comes in many varieties, all of which connect with algebra." (Kelsey Houston-Edwards, "How Mathematicians Use Homology to Make Sense of Topology", Quanta Magazine, 2021)

"Mathematicians extract a shape’s homology from its chain complex, which provides structured data about the shape’s component parts and their boundaries - exactly what you need to describe holes in every dimension. […] The definition of homology is rigid enough that a computer can use it to find and count holes, which helps establish the rigor typically required in mathematics. It also allows researchers to use homology for an increasingly popular pursuit: analyzing data." (Kelsey Houston-Edwards, "How Mathematicians Use Homology to Make Sense of Topology", Quanta Magazine, 2021)

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