23 September 2023

Graphics III: Topology

"After all the progress I have made in these matters, I am still not happy with Algebra, because it provides neither the shortest ways nor the most beautiful constructions of Geometry. This is why when it comes to that, I think that we need another analysis which is properly geometric or linear, which expresses to us directly situm, in the same way as algebra expresses magnitudinem. And I think that I have the tools for that, and that we might represent figures and even engines and motion in character, in the same way as algebra represents numbers in magnitude." (Gottfried W Leibniz, [letter to Christiaan Huygens] 1679)

"I found the elements of a new characteristic, completely different from Algebra and which will have great advantages for the exact and natural mental representation, although without figures, of everything that depends on the imagination. Algebra is nothing but the characteristic of undetermined numbers or magnitudes. But it does not directly express the place, angles and motions, from which it follows that it is often difficult to reduce, in a computation, what is in a figure, and that it is even more difficult to find geometrical proofs and constructions which are enough practical even when the Algebraic calculus is all done." (Gottfried W Leibniz, [letter to Christiaan Huygens] 1679)

"The use of figures is, above all, then, for the purpose of making known certain relations between the objects that we study, and these relations are those which occupy the branch of geometry that we have called Analysis Situs [that is, topology], and which describes the relative situation of points and lines on surfaces, without consideration of their magnitude." (Henri Poincaré, "Analysis Situs", Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique 1, 1895)

“In topology we are concerned with geometrical facts that do not even involve the concepts of a straight line or plane but only the continuous connectiveness between points of a figure.” (David Hilbert, “Geometry and Imagination”, 1952)

"[…] topology, a science that studies the properties of geometric figures that do not change under continuous transformations." (Yakov Khurgin, "Did You Say Mathematics?", 1974)

"[…] under plane transformations, like those encountered in the arbitrary stretching of a rubber sheet, certain properties of the figures involved are preserved. The mathematician has a name for them. They are called continuous transformations. This means that very close lying points pass into close lying points and a line is translated into a line under these transformations. Quite obviously, then, two intersecting lines will continue to intersect under a continuous transformation, and nonintersecting lines will not intersect; also, a figure with a hole cannot translate into a figure without a hole or into one with two holes, for that would require some kind of tearing or gluing - a disruption of the continuity." (Yakov Khurgin, "Did You Say Mathematics?", 1974)

"Every branch of geometry can be defined as the study of properties that are unaltered when a specified figure is given specified symmetry transformations. Euclidian plane geometry, for instance, concerns the study of properties that are 'invariant' when a figure is moved about on the plane, rotated, mirror reflected, or uniformly expanded and contracted. Affine geometry studies properties that are invariant when a figure is 'stretched' in a certain way. Projective geometry studies properties invariant under projection. Topology deals with properties that remain unchanged even when a figure is radically distorted in a manner similar to the deformation of a figure made of rubber." (Martin Gardner, "Aha! Insight", 1978)

"Geometry and topology most often deal with geometrical figures, objects realized as a set of points in a Euclidean space (maybe of many dimensions). It is useful to view these objects not as rigid (solid) bodies, but as figures that admit continuous deformation preserving some qualitative properties of the object. Recall that the mapping of one object onto another is called continuous if it can be determined by means of continuous functions in a Cartesian coordinate system in space. The mapping of one figure onto another is called homeomorphism if it is continuous and one-to-one, i.e. establishes a one-to-one correspondence between points of both figures." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"Roughly speaking, manifolds are geometrical objects obtained by glueing open discs (balls) like a papier-mache is glued of small paper scraps. To this end, one first prepares a clay or plastecine figure which is then covered with several sheets of paper scraps glued onto one another. After the plasticine is removed, there remains a two-dimensional surface." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"The concept of homeomorphism appears to be convenient for establishing those important properties of figures which remain unchanged under such deformations. These properties are sometimes referred to as topological, as distinguished from metrical, which are customarily associated with distances between points, angles between lines, edges of a figure, etc." (Anatolij Fomenko, "Visual Geometry and Topology", 1994)

"Topology studies those characteristics of figures which are preserved under a certain class of continuous transformations. Imagine two figures, a square and a circular disk, made of rubber. Deformations can convert the square into the disk, but without tearing the figure it is impossible to convert the disk by any deformation into an annulus. In topology, this intuitively obvious distinction is formalized." (Michael I Monastyrsky, "Riemann, Topology, and Physics", 1999)

"Two figures which can be transformed into one other by continuous deformations without cutting and pasting are called homeomorphic. […] The definition of a homeomorphism includes two conditions: continuous and one- to-one correspondence between the points of two figures. The relation between the two properties has fundamental significance for defining such a paramount concept as the dimension of space." (Michael I Monastyrsky, "Riemann, Topology, and Physics", 1999)

"Topology is a geometry in which all lengths, angles, and areas can be distorted at will. Thus a triangle can be continuously transformed into a rectangle, the rectangle into a square, the square into a circle, and so on. Similarly, a cube can be transformed into a cylinder, the cylinder into a cone, the cone into a sphere. Because of these continuous transformations, topology is known popularly as 'rubber sheet geometry'. All figures that can be transformed into each other by continuous bending, stretching, and twisting are called 'topologically equivalent'." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

"[…] topology is concerned precisely with those properties of geometric figures that do not change when the figures are transformed. Intersections of lines, for example, remain intersections, and the hole in a torus (doughnut) cannot be transformed away. Thus a doughnut may be transformed topologically into a coffee cup (the hole turning into a handle) but never into a pancake. Topology, then, is really a mathematics of relationships, of unchangeable, or 'invariant', patterns." (Fritjof Capra, "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision", 2014)

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