20 September 2021

On Computation (1980-1989)

"The computational formalism of mathematics is a thought process that is externalised to such a degree that for a time it becomes alien and is turned into a technological process. A mathematical concept is formed when this thought process, temporarily removed from its human vessel, is transplanted back into a human mold. To think […] means to calculate with critical awareness." (Yuri I. Manin, "Mathematics and Physics", 1981)

"At present, no complete account can be given - one may as well ask for an inventory of the entire products of the human imagination - and indeed such an account would be premature, since mental models are supposed to be in people's heads, and their exact constitution is an empirical question. Nevertheless, there are three immediate constraints on possible models. […] 1. The principle of computability: Mental models, and the machinery for constructing and interpreting them, are computable. […] 2. The principle of finitism: A mental model must be finite in size and cannot directly represent an infinite domain. […] 3. The principle of constructivism: A mental model is constructed from tokens arranged in a particular structure to represent a state of affairs." (Philip Johnson-Laird, "Mental Models" 1983)

"Cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems with simple construction but complex self-organizing behaviour. Evidence is presented that all one-dimensional cellular automata fall into four distinct universality classes. Characterizations of the structures generated in these classes are discussed. Three classes exhibit behaviour analogous to limit points, limit cycles and chaotic attractors. The fourth class is probably capable of universal computation, so that properties of its infinite time behaviour are undecidable." (Stephen Wolfram, "Nonlinear Phenomena, Universality and complexity in cellular automata", Physica 10D, 1984)

"The formal structure of a decision problem in any area can be put into four parts: (1) the choice of an objective function denning the relative desirability of different outcomes; (2) specification of the policy alternatives which are available to the agent, or decisionmaker, (3) specification of the model, that is, empirical relations that link the objective function, or the variables that enter into it, with the policy alternatives and possibly other variables; and (4) computational methods for choosing among the policy alternatives that one which performs best as measured by the objective function." (Kenneth Arrow, "The Economics of Information", 1984)

"Computational reducibility may well be the exception rather than the rule: Most physical questions may be answerable only through irreducible amounts of computation. Those that concern idealized limits of infinite time, volume, or numerical precision can require arbitrarily long computations, and so be formally undecidable." (Stephen Wolfram, Undecidability and intractability in theoretical physics", Physical Review Letters 54 (8), 1985)

"To experience the joy of mathematics is to realize mathematics is not some isolated subject that has little relationship to the things around us other than to frustrate us with unbalanced check books and complicated computations. Few grasp the true nature of mathematics - so entwined in our environment and in our lives." (Theoni Pappas, "The Joy of Mathematics" Discovering Mathematics All Around You", 1986)

"A mental model is a data structure, in a computational system, that represents a part of the real world or of a fictitious world. It is assumed that there can be mental models of abstract realms, such as that of mathematics, but little more will be said about them. A model-theoretic semanticist is free to think of the entities in his model as actual items in the world.[...] Mental model is an appropriate term for the mental representations that underlie everyday reasoning about the world. To understand the everyday world is to have a theory of how it works." (Alan Granham, "Mental Models as Representations of Discourse and Text", 1987)

"We distinguish diagrammatic from sentential paper-and-pencil representations of information by developing alternative models of information-processing systems that are informationally equivalent and that can be characterized as sentential or diagrammatic. Sentential representations are sequential, like the propositions in a text. Diagrammatic representations are indexed by location in a plane. Diagrammatic representations also typically display information that is only implicit in sentential representations and that therefore has to be computed, sometimes at great cost, to make it explicit for use. We then contrast the computational efficiency of these representations for solving several. illustrative problems in mathematics and physics." (Herbert A Simon, "Why a diagram is (sometimes) worth ten thousand words", 1987) 

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