31 May 2021

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Collected Quotes

"In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away [...]" (Antoine de Saint Exupéry, "Wind, Sand and Stars", 1939)

"The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Wind, Sand, and Stars", 1939)

"Life always bursts the boundaries of formulas." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Flight to Arras", 1942)

"Man is a knot, a web, a mesh into which relationships are tied. Only those relationships matter." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Flight to Arras", 1942)

"The field of consciousness is tiny. It accepts only one problem at a time. Get into a fist fight, put your mind on the strategy of the fight, and you will not feel the other fellow's punches." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Flight to Arras", 1942)

"The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince", 1943)

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but in our attitude toward them." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Wisdom of the Sands", 1948)

"Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Wisdom of the Sands", 1948)

Sophie Germain - Collected Quotes

"It appears that in everything the interest of ideas is in inverse proportion to the usefulness they have in practice. This is not surprising when we consider that the human intellect, when working for its own satisfaction, should encounter the greatest intellectual beauties rather than when guided by an external motive [...]" (Sophie Germain, [letter to Gauss] 1809)

"But by far the greatest obstacle to the progress of science and to the undertaking of new tasks and provinces therein is found in this: that men despair and think things impossible." (Sophie Germain, 1813)

"If a hypothesis contains all that is part of the problem, if it can be regarded as a true definition, it suffices to introduce this hypothesis into the calculus, in order to obtain all the analytical consequences that belong to the solution of the same problem."(Sophie Germain, 1821) 

"Let me be permitted to recall that the object of mathematics is not to investigate the causes that one can assign to natural phenomena. This science would lose both its character and credit if, renouncing the support of general well-confirmed facts, it sought within the realm of nebulous conjectures, a realm which has always been a fertile source of error for ways of satisfying the thirst fo rexplanation." (Sophie Germain, "Examen des principes qui peuvent conduire a la connaissance des lois de requilibre et du mouvement des solides elastiques", Annales de Chimie 38, 1828)

"The more one reflects, the more one acknowledges that necessity governs the world. At each new progress of science ,that which seemed contingent is recognized as being necessary. Multiple relations are established between the branches that we had thought to be separate; we observe laws where we had thought there were only accidental events. We approach more and more the unity of being […]" (Sophie Germain, "Considerations sur l’etat des sciences et lettres, aux differentes epoques de leur culture", 1833)

"Algebra is but written geometry and geometry is but figured algebra." (Sophie Germain, "Mémoire sur les Surfaces Élastiques", 1880)

"It matters little who first arrives at an idea, rather what is significant is how far that idea can go." (Sophie Germain)

"Space and time: these man proposes to measure. The one circumscribes his momentary existence, the other accompanies his successive stages in life. These two dimensions are tied together through a necessary relationship, namely, motion. When motion is constant and uniform, space is known by time and time is measured by space. Man has nothing within him that is constant and uniform; continually modified every instant. he is changing, irregular. and hardly durable enough to be a measure of duration." (Sophie Germain)

30 May 2021

On Conjecture (-1749)

"In the discovery of hidden things and the investigation of hidden causes, stronger reasons are obtained from sure experiments and demonstrated arguments than from probable conjectures and the opinions of philosophical speculators of the common sort […]" (William Gilbert, "De Magnete", 1600)

"Men are deplorably ignorant with respect to natural things, an modern philosophers, as though dreaming in the darkness, must be aroused and taught the uses of things, the dealing with things; they must be made to quit the sort of learning that comes only from books, and that rests only on vain arguments from probability and upon conjecture." (William Gilbert, "On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies and on the Great Magnet the Earth: A New Physiology, Demonstrated with many Arguments and Experiments", 1600)

"Another argument of hope may be drawn from this–that some of the inventions already known are such as before they were discovered it could hardly have entered any man's head to think of; they would have been simply set aside as impossible. For in conjecturing what may be men set before them the example of what has been, and divine of the new with an imagination preoccupied and colored by the old; which way of forming opinions is very fallacious, for streams that are drawn from the springheads of nature do not always run in the old channels." (Sir Francis Bacon, "Novum Organum", 1620)

"The art of discovering the causes of phenomena, or true hypothesis, is like the art of deciphering, in which an ingenious conjecture greatly shortens the road." (Gottfried W Leibniz, "New Essays Concerning Human Understanding", 1704 [published 1765])

"It proceeds indeed upon mathematical principles in calculating the number of the combinations of the things proposed: but by the conclusions that are obtained by it, the sagacity of the natural philosopher, the exactness of the historian, the skill and judgement of the physician, and the prudence and foresight of the politician, may be assisted; because the business of all these important professions is but to form reasonable conjectures concerning the several objects which engage their attention, and all wise conjectures are the results of a just and careful examination of the several different effects that may possibly arise from the causes that are capable of producing them." (Jacob Bernoulli, "Ars conjectandi", 1713)

"We define the art of conjecture, or stochastic art, as the art of evaluating as exactly as possible the probabilities of things, so that in our judgments and actions we can always base ourselves on what has been found to be the best, the most appropriate, the most certain, the best advised; this is the only object of the wisdom of the philosopher and the prudence of the statesman." (Jacob Bernoulli, "Ars Conjectandi", 1713)

"It may be observed of mathematicians that they only meddle with such things as are certain, passing by those that are doubtful and unknown. They profess not to know all things, neither do they affect to speak of all things. What they know to be true, and can make good by invincible arguments, that they publish and insert among their theorems. Of other things they are silent and pass no judgment at all, chusing [choosing] rather to acknowledge their ignorance, than affirm anything rashly. They affirm nothing among their arguments or assertions which is not most manifestly known and examined with utmost rigour, rejecting all probable conjectures and little witticisms. They submit nothing to authority, indulge no affection, detest subterfuges of words, and declare their sentiments, as in a Court of Judicature [Justice], without passion, without apology; knowing that their reasons, as Seneca testifies of them, are not brought to persuade, but to compel." (Isaac Barrow, "Mathematical Lectures", 1734)

On Conjecture (Unsourced)

"In the study of Nature conjecture must be entirely put aside, and vague hypothesis carefully guarded against. The study of Nature begins with facts, ascends to laws, and raises itself, as far as the limits of man’s intellect will permit, to the knowledge of causes, by the threefold means of observation, experiment and logical deduction." (Jean Baptiste-Andre Dumas)

"Indeed, when in the course of a mathematical investigation we encounter a problem or conjecture a theorem, our minds will not rest until the problem is exhaustively solved and the theorem rigorously proved; or else, until we have found the reasons which made success impossible and, hence, failure unavoidable. Thus, the proofs of the impossibility of certain solutions plays a predominant role in modern mathematics; the search for an answer to such questions has often led to the discovery of newer and more fruitful fields of endeavour." (David Hilbert)

"The conjectures of the scientific intelligence are genuine creative novelties, inherently unpredictable and not determined by the character of the scientist’s physical environment. The thinking mind is not a causal mechanism." (Anthony M Quinton)

"The only use of an hypothesis is, that it should lead to experiments; that it should be a guide to facts. In this application, conjectures are always of use. The destruction of an error hardly ever takes place without the discovery of truth. [...] Hypothesis should be considered merely an intellectual instrument of discovery, which at any time may be relinquished for a better instrument. It should never be spoken of as truth; its highest praise is verisimility. Knowledge can only be acquired by the senses; nature has an archetype in the human imagination; her empire is given only to industry and action, guided and governed by experience." (Sir Humphry Davy) 

"The purpose of life is to conjecture and prove." (Paul Erdős)

"The theory of numbers, more than any other branch of mathematics, began by being an experimental science. Its most famous theorems have all been conjectured, sometimes a hundred years or more before they were proved; and they have been suggested by the evidence of a mass of computations." (Godfrey H Hardy)

"What certainty can there be in a Philosophy which consists in as many Hypotheses as there are Phaenomena to be explained. To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age. 'Tis much better to do a little with certainty, & leave the rest for others that come after you, than to explain all things by conjecture without making sure of any thing." (Sir Isaac Newton)

On Conjecture (2000-2019)

"It is sometimes said that mathematics is not an experimental subject. This is not true! Mathematicians often use the evidence of lots of examples to help form a conjecture, and this is an experimental approach. Having formed a conjecture about what might be true, the next task is to try to prove it." (George M Phillips, "Mathematics Is Not a Spectator Sport", 2000)

"A felicitous but unproved conjecture may be of much more consequence for mathematics than the proof of many a respectable theorem." (Atle Selberg, 2001)

"Given a conjecture, the best thing is to prove it. The second best thing is to disprove it. The third best thing is to prove that it is not possible to disprove it, since it will tell you not to waste your time trying to disprove it." (Saharon Shelah, [Rutgers University Colloquium] 2001)

"Mathematicians often get bored by a problem after they have fully understood it and have given proofs of their conjectures. Sometimes they even forget the precise details of what they have done after the lapse of years, having refocused their interest in another area. The common notion of the mathematician contemplating timeless truths, thinking over the same proof again and again - Euclid looking on beauty bare - is rarely true in any static sense." (Avner Ash & Robert Gross, "Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the hidden patterns of numbers", 2006)

"Still, in the end, we find ourselves drawn to the beauty of the patterns themselves, and the amazing fact that we humans are smart enough to prove even a feeble fraction of all possible theorems about them. Often, greater than the contemplation of this beauty for the active mathematician is the excitement of the chase. Trying to discover first what patterns actually do or do not occur, then finding the correct statement of a conjecture, and finally proving it - these things are exhilarating when accomplished successfully. Like all risk-takers, mathematicians labor months or years for these moments of success." (Avner Ash & Robert Gross, "Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the hidden patterns of numbers", 2006)

"The word conjecture means 'guess'. The way it is used in mathematics is 'educated guess'." (Avner Ash & Robert Gross, "Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the hidden patterns of numbers", 2006)

"Mathematics is the art of explanation. If you deny students the opportunity to engage in this activity - to pose their own problems, to make their own conjectures and discoveries, to be wrong, to be creatively frustrated, to have an inspiration, and to cobble together their own explanations and proofs - you deny them mathematics itself." (Paul Lockhart, "A Mathematician's Lament", 2009)

"Mathematics is the music of reason. To do mathematics is to engage in an act of discovery and conjecture, intuition and inspiration; to be in a state of confusion - not because it makes no sense to you, but because you gave it sense and you still don't understand what your creation is up to; to have a break-through idea; to be frustrated as an artist; to be awed and overwhelmed by an almost painful beauty; to be alive, damn it." (Paul Lockhart, "A Mathematician's Lament", 2009)

"The reasoning of the mathematician and that of the scientist are similar to a point. Both make conjectures often prompted by particular observations. Both advance tentative generalizations and look for supporting evidence of their validity. Both consider specific implications of their generalizations and put those implications to the test. Both attempt to understand their generalizations in the sense of finding explanations for them in terms of concepts with which they are already familiar. Both notice fragmentary regularities and - through a process that may include false starts and blind alleys - attempt to put the scattered details together into what appears to be a meaningful whole. At some point, however, the mathematician’s quest and that of the scientist diverge. For scientists, observation is the highest authority, whereas what mathematicians seek ultimately for their conjectures is deductive proof." (Raymond S Nickerson, "Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures and Proofs", 2009)

"Truth in mathematics is totally dependent on pure thought, with no component of data to be added. This is unique. Associated with truth in mathematics is an absolute certainty in its validity. Why does this matter, and why does it go beyond a cultural oddity of our profession? The answer is that mathematics is deeply embedded in the reasoning used within many branches of knowledge. That reasoning often involves conjectures, assumptions, intuition. But whatever aspect has been reduced to mathematics has an absolute validity. As in other subjects search for truth, the mathematical components embedded in their search are like the boulders in the stream, providing a solid footing on which to cross from one side to the other." (James Glimm, "Reflections and Prospectives", 2009)

"Essentially, engaging in the practice of mathematics means that you are playing around, making observations and discoveries, constructing examples (as well as counterexamples), formulating conjectures, and then - the hard part - 'proving them'." (Paul Lockhart, "Measurement", 2012)

"There are thousands of apparent mathematical truths out there that we humans have discovered and believe to be true but have so far been unable to prove. They are called conjectures. A conjecture is simply a statement about mathematical reality that you believe to be true [..]" (Paul Lockhart, "Measurement", 2012)

On Conjecture (1975-1999)

"All knowledge, the sociologist could say, is conjectural and theoretical. Nothing is absolute and final. Therefore all knowledge is relative to the local situation of the thinkers who produce it: the ideas and conjectures that they are capable of producing: the problems that bother them; the interplay of assumptions and criticism in their milieu; their purposes and aims; the experiences they have and the standards and meanings they apply." (David Bloor, "Knowledge and Social Imagery", 1976)

"The essential function of a hypothesis consists in the guidance it affords to new observations and experiments, by which our conjecture is either confirmed or refuted." (Ernst Mach, "Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry", 1976)

"The verb 'to theorize' is now conjugated as follows: 'I built a model; you formulated a hypothesis; he made a conjecture.'" (John M Ziman, "Reliable Knowledge", 1978)

"All advances of scientific understanding, at every level, begin with a speculative adventure, an imaginative preconception of what might be true - a preconception that always, and necessarily, goes a little way (sometimes a long way) beyond anything which we have logical or factual authority to believe in. It is the invention of a possible world, or of a tiny fraction of that world. The conjecture is then exposed to criticism to find out whether or not that imagined world is anything like the real one. Scientific reasoning is therefore at all levels an interaction between two episodes of thought - a dialogue between two voices, the one imaginative and the other critical; a dialogue, as I have put it, between the possible and the actual, between proposal and disposal, conjecture and criticism, between what might be true and what is in fact the case." (Sir Peter B Medawar, "Pluto’s Republic: Incorporating the Art of the Soluble and Induction Intuition in Scientific Thought", 1982)

"Three shifts can be detected over time in the understanding of mathematics itself. One is a shift from completeness to incompleteness, another from certainty to conjecture, and a third from absolutism to relativity." (Leone Burton, "Femmes et Mathematiques: Y a–t–il une?",  Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, Intersection 18, 1988)

"A mathematical proof is a chain of logical deductions, all stemming from a small number of initial assumptions ('axioms') and subject to the strict rules of mathematical logic. Only such a chain of deductions can establish the validity of a mathematical law, a theorem. And unless this process has been satisfactorily carried out, no relation - regardless of how often it may have been confirmed by observation - is allowed to become a law. It may be given the status of a hypothesis or a conjecture, and all kinds of tentative results may be drawn from it, but no mathematician would ever base definitive conclusions on it. (Eli Maor, "e: The Story of a Number", 1994)

"The sequence for the understanding of mathematics may be: intuition, trial, error, speculation, conjecture, proof. The mixture and the sequence of these events differ widely in different domains, but there is general agreement that the end product is rigorous proof - which we know and can recognize, without the formal advice of the logicians. […] Intuition is glorious, but the heaven of mathematics requires much more. Physics has provided mathematics with many fine suggestions and new initiatives, but mathematics does not need to copy the style of experimental physics. Mathematics rests on proof - and proof is eternal." (Saunders Mac Lan, "Reponses to …", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 30 (2), 1994)

"The methods of science include controlled experiments, classification, pattern recognition, analysis, and deduction. In the humanities we apply analogy, metaphor, criticism, and (e)valuation. In design we devise alternatives, form patterns, synthesize, use conjecture, and model solutions." (Béla H Bánáthy, "Designing Social Systems in a Changing World", 1996)

"A proof of a mathematical theorem is a sequence of steps which leads to the desired conclusion. The rules to be followed [...] were made explicit when logic was formalized early in the this century [...] These rules can be used to disprove a putative proof by spotting logical errors; they cannot, however, be used to find the missing proof of a [...] conjecture. [...] Heuristic arguments are a common occurrence in the practice of mathematics. However... The role of heuristic arguments has not been acknowledged in the philosophy of mathematics despite the crucial role they play in mathematical discovery. [...] Our purpose is to bring out some of the features of mathematical thinking which are concealed beneath the apparent mechanics of proof." (Gian-Carlo Rota, "Indiscrete Thoughts", 1997)

"Architectural conjectures are mathematically precise assertions, as well milled as minted coins, provisionally usable in the commerce of logical arguments; less than ‘coins’ and more aptly, promissory notes to be paid in full by some future demonstration, or to be contradicted. These conjectures are expected to turn out to be true, as, of course, are all conjectures; their formulation is often away of "formally" packaging, or at least acknowledging, an otherwise shapeless body of mathematical experience that points to their truth." (Barry Mazur, "Conjecture", Synthese 111, 1997)

"The everyday usage of 'theory' is for an idea whose outcome is as yet undetermined, a conjecture, or for an idea contrary to evidence. But scientists use the word in exactly the opposite sense. [In science] 'theory' [...] refers only to a collection of hypotheses and predictions that is amenable to experimental test, preferably one that has been successfully tested. It has everything to do with the facts." (Tony Rothman & George Sudarshan, "Doubt and Certainty: The Celebrated Academy: Debates on Science, Mysticism, Reality, in General on the Knowable and Unknowable", 1998)

"A mathematician experiments, amasses information, makes a conjecture, finds out that it does not work, gets confused and then tries to recover. A good mathematician eventually does so - and proves a theorem." (Steven Krantz, "Conformal Mappings", American Scientist, 1999)

On Conjecture (1800-1899)

"In order to supply the defects of experience, we will have recourse to the probable conjectures of analogy, conclusions which we will bequeath to our posterity to be ascertained by new observations, which, if we augur rightly, will serve to establish our theory and to carry it gradually nearer to absolute certainty." (Johann H Lambert, "The System of the World", 1800)

"In all speculations on the origin, or agents that have produced the changes on this globe, it is probable that we ought to keep within the boundaries of the probable effects resulting from the regular operations of the great laws of nature which our experience and observation have brought within the sphere of our knowledge. When we overleap those limits, and suppose a total change in nature's laws, we embark on the sea of uncertainty, where one conjecture is perhaps as probable as another; for none of them can have any support, or derive any authority from the practical facts wherewith our experience has brought us acquainted." (William Maclure, "Observations on the Geology of the United States of America", 1817)

"The science of the mathematics performs more than it promises, but the science of metaphysics promises more than it performs. The study of the mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence; but the study of metaphysics begins with a torrent of tropes, and a copious current of words, yet loses itself at last in obscurity and conjecture, like the Niger in his barren deserts of sand." (Charles C Colton, "Lacon", 1820)

"We know the effects of many things, but the causes of few; experience, therefore, is a surer guide than imagination, and inquiry than conjecture." (Charles C Colton, "Lacon", 1820)

"Let me be permitted to recall that the object of mathematics is not to investigate the causes that one can assign to natural phenomena. This science would lose both its character and credit if, renouncing the support of general well-confirmed facts, it sought within the realm of nebulous conjectures, a realm which has always been a fertile source of error for ways of satisfying the thirst fo rexplanation." (Sophie Germain, "Examen des principes qui peuvent conduire a la connaissance des lois de requilibre et du mouvement des solides elastiques", Annales de Chimie 38, 1828)

"Life is not the object of Science: we see a little, very little; And what is beyond we can only conjecture." (Samuel Johnson, "Causes Which Produce Diversity of Opinion", 1840)

"The entire annals of Observation probably do not elsewhere exhibit so extraordinary a verification of any theoretical conjecture adventured on by the human spirit!" (John P Nichol, "The Planet Neptune: An Exposition and History", 1848)

"The philosophical study of nature rises above the requirements of mere delineation, and does not consist in the sterile accumulation of isolated facts. The active and inquiring spirit of man may therefore be occasionally permitted to escape from the present into the domain of the past, to conjecture that which cannot yet be clearly determined, and thus to revel amid the ancient and ever-recurring myths of geology." (Alexander von Humboldt, "Views of Nature: Or Contemplation of the Sublime Phenomena of Creation", 1850)

"The rules of scientific investigation always require us, when we enter the domains of conjecture, to adopt that hypothesis by which the greatest number of known facts and phenomena may be reconciled." (Matthew F Maury, "The Physical Geography of the Sea", 1855)

"There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." (Samuel L Clemens [Mark Twain], "Life on the Mississippi", 1883)

"I have been able to solve a few problems of mathematical physics on which the greatest mathematicians since Euler have struggled in vain. [...] But the pride I might have held in my conclusions was perceptibly lessened by the fact that I knew that the solution of these problems had almost always come to me as the gradual generalization of favorable examples, by a series of fortunate conjectures, after many errors." (Hermann von Helmholtz, 1891)

On Conjecture (1900-1949)

"It is best to prove things by actual experiment; then you know; whereas if you depend on guessing and supposing and conjecturing, you will never get educated."  (Samuel L Clemens [Mark Twain], "Eve’s Diary", 1906)

"The development of mathematics toward greater precision has led, as is well known, to the formalization of large tracts of it, so that one can prove any theorem using nothing but a few mechanical rules.[...] One might therefore conjecture that these axioms and rules of inference are sufficient to decide any mathematical question that can at all be formally expressed in these systems. It will be shown below that this is not the case, that on the contrary there are in the two systems mentioned relatively simple problems in the theory of integers that cannot be decided on the basis of the axioms." (Kurt Gödel, "On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems", 1931)

"An inference, if it is to have scientific value, must constitute a prediction concerning future data. If the inference is to be made purely with the help of the distribution theory of statistics, the experiments that constitute evidence for the inference must arise from a state of statistical control; until that state is reached, there is no universe, normal or otherwise, and the statistician’s calculations by themselves are an illusion if not a delusion. The fact is that when distribution theory is not applicable for lack of control, any inference, statistical or otherwise, is little better than a conjecture. The state of statistical control is therefore the goal of all experimentation." (William E Deming, "Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control", 1939)

"To say that mathematics in general has been reduced to logic hints at some new firming up of mathematics at its foundations. This is misleading. Set theory is less settled and more conjectural than the classical mathematical superstructure than can be founded upon it." (Willard Van Orman Quine, "Elementary Logic", 1941)

"[…] analogy [is] an important source of conjectures. In mathematics, as in the natural and physical sciences, discovery often starts from observation, analogy, and induction. These means, tastefully used in framing a plausible heuristic argument, appeal particularly to the physicist and the engineer." (George Pólya, "How to solve it", 1945) 

"Inference by analogy appears to be the most common kind of conclusion, and it is possibly the most essential kind. It yields more or less plausible conjectures which may or may not be confirmed by experience and stricter reasoning." (George Pólya, "How to Solve It", 1945)

On Conjecture (1750-1799)

"One of the most intimate of all associations in the human mind is that of cause and effect. They suggest one another with the utmost readiness upon all occasions; so that it is almost impossible to contemplate the one, without having some idea of, or forming some conjecture about the other." (Joseph Priestley, "The History and Present State of Electricity", 1767)

"It falls into this difficulty without any fault of its own. It begins with principles, which cannot be dispensed with in the field of experience, and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the same time, insured by experience. With these principles it rises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions. But it quickly discovers that, in this way, its labours must remain ever incomplete, because new questions never cease to present themselves; and thus it finds itself compelled to have recourse to principles which transcend the region of experience, while they are regarded by common sense without distrust. It thus falls into confusion and contradictions, from which it conjectures the presence of latent errors, which, however, it is unable to discover, because the principles it employs, transcending the limits of experience, cannot be tested by that criterion. The arena of these endless contests is called Metaphysic." (Immanuel Kant, "The Critique of Pure Reason", 1781)

"[...] the lofty aspirations of humanity and not delusions; they are realities. They link us to a purer order of existence, which makes us heirs of immortality. We repose order a confident and unwavering assurance that, in God’s own time, these earth-mists will be dispersed, and the dim twilight of conjecture will yield to the glorious, unclouded noonday of knowledge." (John LeConte, "The Nebular Hypothesis", The Popular Science Monthly Vol. 2, 1873)

"On the other hand, if we add observation to observation, without attempting to draw no only certain conclusions, but also conjectural views from them, we offend against the very end for which only observations ought to be made." (Friedrich W Herschel, "On the Construction of the Heavens", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Vol. LXXV, 1785)

"The mathematician pays not the least regard either to testimony or conjecture, but deduces everything by demonstrative reasoning, from his definitions and axioms. Indeed, whatever is built upon conjecture, is improperly called science; for conjecture may beget opinion, but cannot produce knowledge." (Thomas Reid, "Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man", 1785)

"Conjecture may lead you to form opinions, but it cannot produce knowledge. Natural philosophy must be built upon the phenomena of nature discovered by observation and experiment." (George Adams, "Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy" Vol. 1, 1794)

"Conjectures in philosophy are termed hypotheses or theories; and the investigation of an hypothesis founded on some slight probability, which accounts for many appearances in nature, has too often been considered as the highest attainment of a philosopher. If the hypothesis (sic) hangs well together, is embellished with a lively imagination, and serves to account for common appearances - it is considered by many, as having all the qualities that should recommend it to our belief, and all that ought to be required in a philosophical system." (George Adams, "Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy" Vol. 1, 1794)

29 May 2021

Clifford Truesdell - Collected Quotes

"Pedantry and sectarianism aside, the aim of theoretical physics is to construct mathematical models such as to enable us, from the use of knowledge gathered in a few observations, to predict by logical processes the outcomes in many other circumstances. Any logically sound theory satisfying this condition is a good theory, whether or not it be derived from 'ultimate' or 'fundamental' truth. It is as ridiculous to deride continuum physics because it is not obtained from nuclear physics as it would be to reproach it with lack of foundation in the Bible." (Clifford Truesdell & Walter Noll, "The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics", 1965)

"The task of the theorist is to bring order into the chaos of the phenomena of nature, to invent a language by which a class of these phenomena can be described efficiently and simply." (Clifford Truesdell & Walter Noll, "The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics", 1965)

"A mathematical theorem cannot be escaped by denying its truth or by forgetting it for vague, intuitive reasons that blur the edges of all rational processes. The way to escape an unpleasant theorem is to prove another one." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"As mechanics is the science of motions and forces, so thermodynamics is the science of forces and entropy. What is entropy? Heads have split for a century trying to define entropy in terms of other things. Entropy, like force, is an undefined object, and if you try to define it, you will suffer the same fate as the force definers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Either you will get something too special or you will run around in a circle." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Despite two centuries of study, the integrals of general dynamical systems remain covered with darkness. To save the classical thermostatics, the practical success of which is shown by the wide use to which it has been put, we must find a way out. That is, we must find some mathematical connection between time averages of the functions of physical interest and the corresponding simple canonical averages." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Formerly, the beginner was taught to crawl through the underbrush, never lifting his eyes to the trees; today he is often made to focus on the curvature of the universe, missing even the earth." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"In all of natural philosophy, the most deeply and repeatedly studied part, next to pure geometry, is mechanics. […] The picture of nature as a whole given us by mechanics may be compared to a black-and-white photograph: It neglects a great deal, but within its limitations, it can be highly precise. Developing sharper and more flexible black-and-white photography has not attained pictures in color or three-dimensional casts, but it serves in cases where color and thickness are irrelevant, presently impossible to get in the required precision, or distractive from the true content." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Mathematicians, on the other hand, often regard all of physics as a kind of divine revelation or trickery, where mathematical morals are irrelevant, so that if they enter this red-light district at all, it is only to get what they want as cheaply as possible before returning to the respectability of problems purely mathematical in the older sense: analysis, probability, differential geometry, etc." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Mechanics seeks to connect these three elements -body, motion, and force -in such a way as to yield good models for the behavior of the materials in nature." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Nature does not seem full of circles and triangles to the ungeometrical; rather, mastery of the theory of triangles and circles, and later of conic sections, has taught the theorist, the experimenter, the carpenter, and even the artist to find them everywhere, from the heavenly motions to the pose of a Venus." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"[..] principle of equipresence: A quantity present as an independent variable in one constitutive equation is so present in all, to the extent that its appearance is not forbidden by the general laws of Physics or rules of invariance. […] The principle of equipresence states, in effect, that no division of phenomena is to be laid down by constitutive equations." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Rational mechanics is mathematics, just as geometry is mathematics. […] Mechanics cannot, any more than geometry, exhaust the properties of the physical universe. […] Mechanics presumes geometry and hence is more special; since it attributes to a sphere additional properties beyond its purely geometric ones, the mechanics of spheres is not only more complicated and detailed but also, on the grounds of pure logic, necessarily less widely applicable than geometry. This, again, is no reproach; geometry is not despised because it is less widely applicable than topology. A more complicated theory, such as mechanics, is less likely to apply to any given case; when it does apply, it predicts more than any broader, less specific theory." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"The purpose of statistical mechanics, for phenomena of equilibrium, is to calculate time averages, and the ensemble theory is useful only as a tool enabling us to calculate time averages without knowing how to integrate the equations of motion. The ensemble theory is a mathematical device; we are wasting our time if we try to explain it by itself." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"There is nothing that can be said by mathematical symbols and relations which cannot also be said by words. The converse, however, is false. Much that can be and is said by words cannot successfully be put into equations, because it is nonsense." (Clifford A Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966) 

"Thermostatics, which even now is usually called thermodynamics, has an unfortunate history and a cancerous tradition. It arose in a chaos of metaphysical and indeed irrational controversy, the traces of which drip their poison even today. As compared with the older science of mechanics and the younger science of electromagnetism, its mathematical structure is meager. Though claims for its breadth of application are often extravagant, the examples from which its principles usually are inferred are most special, and extensive mathematical developments based on fundamental equations, such as typify mechanics and electromagnetism, are wanting. The logical standards acceptable in thermostatics fail to meet the criteria of other exact sciences [...]." (Clifford Truesdell, "Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy", 1966)

"Nothing is harder to surmount than a corpus of true but too special knowledge; to reforge the tradition of his forebears is the greatest originality a man can have." (Clifford Truesdell, The Creation and Unfolding of the Concept of Stress'' [in "Essays in the History of Mechanics"] , 1968) 

"Now a mathematician has a matchless advantage over general scientists, historians, politicians, and exponents of other professions: He can be wrong. A fortiori, he can also be right. [...] A mistake made by a mathematician, even a great one, is not a 'difference of a point of view' or 'another interpretation of the data' or a 'dictate of a conflicting ideology', it is a mistake. The greatest of all mathematicians, those who have discovered the greatest quantities of mathematical truths, are also those who have published the greatest numbers of lacunary proofs, insufficiently qualified assertions, and flat mistakes." (Clifford Truesdell, "Late Baroque Mechanics to Success, Conjecture, Error, and Failure in Newton's Principia" [in "Essays in the History of Mechanics"], 1968)

"The mistakes made by a great mathematician are of two kinds: first, trivial slips that anyone can correct, and, second, titanic failures reflecting the scale of the struggle which the great mathematician waged. Failures of this latter kind are often as important as successes, for they give rise to major discoveries by other mathematicians. One error of a great mathematician has often done more for science than a hundred impeccable little theorems proved by lesser men." (Clifford Truesdell, "Late Baroque Mechanics to Success, Conjecture, Error, and Failure in Newton's Principia" [in "Essays in the History of Mechanics"], 1968)

"Every physicist knows exactly what the first and the second law mean, but [...] no two physicists agree about them." (Clifford Truesdell)

On Randomness XVII (Mathematics)

"Comparing the rough data of our senses with that extremely complex and subtle conception which mathematicians call magnitude, we are compelled to recognise a divergence. The framework into which we wish to make everything it is one of our own construction; but we did not construct it at random, we constructed it by measurement so to speak; and that is why we can it the facts into it without altering their essential qualities." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"The definition of random in terms of a physical operation is notoriously without effect on the mathematical operations of statistical theory because so far as these mathematical operations are concerned random is purely and simply an undefined term." (Walter A Shewhart and W. Edwards "Deming, Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control", 1939)

"I suspect that even if the random walkers announced a perfect mathematic proof of randomness I would go on believing that in the long run future earnings influence present value, and that in the short run the dominant factor is the elusive Australopithecus, the temper of the crowd." (Adam Smith, "The Money Game", 1968)

"The popular image of mathematics as a collection of precise facts, linked together by well-defined logical paths, is revealed to be false. There is randomness and hence uncertainty in mathematics, just as there is in physics." (Paul Davis, "The Mind of God", 1992)

"Mathematics, far from being stymied by this situation, finds enormous value in it. The fecundity of ‘randomness’ is astounding; it is an inexhaustible source of scientific riches. Could ‘randomness’ be such a rich notion because of the inner contradiction that it contains, not despite it? The depth we sense in ‘randomness’ comes from something that lies behind any specific mathematical definition." (William Byers," How Mathematicians Think", 2007)

"The key to understanding randomness and all of mathematics is not being able to intuit the answer to every problem immediately but merely having the tools to figure out the answer." (Leonard Mlodinow, "The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives", 2008)

"The randomness which lies at the very foundations of pure mathematics of necessity permeates every human description of nature" (Joseph Ford)

Games Theory III

"But the answers provided by the theory of games are sometimes very puzzling and ambiguous. In many situations, no single course of action dominates all the others; instead, a whole set of possible solutions are all equally consistent with the postulates of rationality." (Herbert A Simon et al, "Decision Making and Problem Solving", Interfaces Vol. 17 (5), 1987)

"Allowing more than two players into the game and/or postulating payoff structures in which one player's gain does not necessarily equal the other player's loss brings us much closer to the type of games played in real life. Unfortunately, it's generally the case that the closer you get to the messiness of the real world, the farther you move from the stylized and structured world of mathematics. Game theory is no exception." (John L Casti, "Five Golden Rules", 1995)

"The Minimax Theorem applies to games in which there are just two players and for which the total payoff to both parties is zero, regardless of what actions the players choose. The advantage of these two properties is that with two players whose interests are directly opposed we have a game of pure competition, which allows us to define a clear-cut mathematical notion of rational behavior that leads to a single, unambiguous rule as to how each player should behave." (John L Casti, "Five Golden Rules", 1995)

"What's important about a saddle point is that it represents a decision by the two players that neither can improve upon by unilaterally departing from it. In short, either player can announce such a choice in advance to the other player and suffer no penalty by doing so. Consequently, the best choice for each player is at the saddle point, which is called a 'solution' to the game in pure strategies. This is because regardless of the number of times the game is played, the optimal choice for each player is to always take his or her saddle-point decision. […] the saddle point is at the same time the highest point on the payoff surface in one direction and the lowest in the other direction. Put in algebraic terms using the payoff matrix, the saddle point is where the largest of the row minima coincides with the smallest of the column maxima." (John L Casti, "Five Golden Rules", 1995)

"Chess, as a game of zero sum and total information is, theoretically, a game that can be solved. The problem is the immensity of the search tree: the total number of positions surpasses the number of atoms in our galaxy. When there are few pieces on the board, the search space is greatly reduced, and the problem becomes trivial for computers’ calculation capacity." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"Game theory proposes a method called minimization-maximization (minimax) that determines the best possibility that is available to a player by following a decision tree that minimizes the opponent’s gain and maximizes the player’s own. This important algorithm is the basis for generating algorithms for chess programs." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"The two essential components in decision making in chess are recognizing patterns stored in long-term memory (which requires an exhaustive knowledge database) and searching for a solution within the problem space. The first component uses perception and long-term memory, and the second leans mainly on the calculation of variations, which in turn has its foundations in logical reasoning." (Diego Rasskin-Gutman, "Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind", 2009)

"We can find the minimax strategy by exploiting the game’s symmetry. Roughly speaking, the minimax strategy must have the same kind of symmetry." (Ian Stewart, "Symmetry: A Very Short Introduction", 2013)

27 May 2021

On Randomness VI (Systems II)

"Systems, acting dynamically, produce (and incidentally, reproduce) their own boundaries, as structures which are complementary (necessarily so) to their motion and dynamics. They are liable, for all that, to instabilities chaos, as commonly interpreted of chaotic form, where nowadays, is remote from the random. Chaos is a peculiar situation in which the trajectories of a system, taken in the traditional sense, fail to converge as they approach their limit cycles or 'attractors' or 'equilibria'. Instead, they diverge, due to an increase, of indefinite magnitude, in amplification or gain.(Gordon Pask, "Different Kinds of Cybernetics", 1992)

"Entropy [...] is the amount of disorder or randomness present in any system. All non-living systems tend toward disorder; left alone they will eventually lose all motion and degenerate into an inert mass. When this permanent stage is reached and no events occur, maximum entropy is attained. A living system can, for a finite time, avert this unalterable process by importing energy from its environment. It is then said to create negentropy, something which is characteristic of all kinds of life." (Lars Skyttner, "General Systems Theory: Ideas and Applications", 2001)

"For the study of the topology of the interactions of a complex system it is of central importance to have proper random null models of networks, i.e., models of how a graph arises from a random process. Such models are needed for comparison with real world data. When analyzing the structure of real world networks, the null hypothesis shall always be that the link structure is due to chance alone. This null hypothesis may only be rejected if the link structure found differs significantly from an expectation value obtained from a random model. Any deviation from the random null model must be explained by non-random processes." (Jörg Reichardt, "Structure in Complex Networks", 2009)

"[...] a high degree of unpredictability is associated with erratic trajectories. This not only because they look random but mostly because infinitesimally small uncertainties on the initial state of the system grow very quickly - actually exponentially fast. In real world, this error amplification translates into our inability to predict the system behavior from the unavoidable imperfect knowledge of its initial state." (Massimo Cencini et al, "Chaos: From Simple Models to Complex Systems", 2010)

"Chaos is a phenomenon encountered in science and mathematics wherein a deterministic (rule-based) system behaves unpredictably. That is, a system which is governed by fixed, precise rules, nevertheless behaves in a way which is, for all practical purposes, unpredictable in the long run. The mathematical use of the word 'chaos' does not align well with its more common usage to indicate lawlessness or the complete absence of order. On the contrary, mathematically chaotic systems are, in a sense, perfectly ordered, despite their apparent randomness. This seems like nonsense, but it is not." (David P Feldman, "Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction", 2012)

"Systems subjected to randomness - and unpredictability - build a mechanism beyond the robust to opportunistically reinvent themselves each generation, with a continuous change of population and species." (Nassim N Taleb, "Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder", 2012)

"When some systems are stuck in a dangerous impasse, randomness and only randomness can unlock them and set them free. You can see here that absence of randomness equals guaranteed death. The idea of injecting random noise into a system to improve its functioning has been applied across fields. By a mechanism called stochastic resonance, adding random noise to the background makes you hear the sounds (say, music) with more accuracy." (Nassim N Taleb, "Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder", 2012)

"A system in which a few things interacting produce tremendously divergent behavior; deterministic chaos; it looks random but its not." (Christopher Langton)

On Creativity (Mathematics I)

"Creativity is the heart and soul of mathematics at all levels. The collection of special skills and techniques is only the raw material out of which the subject itself grows. To look at mathematics without the creative side of it, is to look at a black-and-white photograph of a Cezanne; outlines may be there, but everything that matters is missing." (Robert C Buck, "Teaching Machines and Mathematics Programs", American Mathematical Monthly 69, 1962)

"There are, roughly speaking, two kinds of mathematical creativity. One, akin to conquering a mountain peak, consists of solving a problem which has remained unsolved for a long time and has commanded the attention of many mathematicians. The other is exploring new territory." (Mark Kac, "Enigmas Of Chance", 1985)

"Music and higher mathematics share some obvious kinship. The practice of both requires a lengthy apprenticeship, talent, and no small amount of grace. Both seem to spring from some mysterious workings of the mind. Logic and system are essential for both, and yet each can reach a height of creativity beyond the merely mechanical." (Frederick Pratter, "How Music and Math Seek Truth in Beauty", Christian Science Monitor, 1995)

"Mathematics is a fascinating discipline that calls for creativity, imagination, and the mastery of rigorous standards of proof." (John Meier & Derek Smith, "Exploring Mathematics: An Engaging Introduction to Proof", 2017)

"Math is the beautiful, rich, joyful, playful, surprising, frustrating, humbling and creative art that speaks to something transcendental. It is worthy of much exploration and examination because it is intrinsically beautiful, nothing more to say. Why play the violin? Because it is beautiful! Why engage in math? Because it too is beautiful!" (James Tanton, "Thinking Mathematics")

"Mathematics is the summit of human thinking. It has all the creativity and imagination that you can find in all kinds of art, but unlike art-charlatans and all kinds of quacks will not succeed there." (Meir Shalev)

"No discovery has been made in mathematics, or anywhere else for that matter, by an effort of deductive logic; it results from the work of creative imagination which builds what seems to be truth, guided sometimes by analogies, sometimes by an esthetic ideal, but which does not hold at all on solid logical bases. Once a discovery is made, logic intervenes to act as a control; it is logic that ultimately decides whether the discovery is really true or is illusory; its role therefore, though considerable, is only secondary." (Henri Lebesgue)

"The essential feature of mathematical creativity is the exploration, under the pressure of powerful implosive forces, of difficult problems for whose validity and importance the explorer is eventually held accountable by reality." (Alfred Adler)

On Induction (1850-1874)

"The Laws of Nature are merely truths or generalized facts, in regard to matter, derived by induction from experience, observation, arid experiment. The laws of mathematical science are generalized truths derived from the consideration of Number and Space." (Charles Davies, "The Logic and Utility of Mathematics", 1850)

"However logical our induction, the end of the thread is fastened upon the assurance of faith." (Edwin H Chapin, "Characters in the Gospels: Illustrating Phases of Character at the Present Day", 1852)

"Hypotheses, treated as mere poetic fancies in one age, scouted as scientific absurdities in the next - preparatory only to their being altogether forgotten - have often, when least expected, received confirmation from indirect channels, and, at length, become finally adopted as tenets, deducible from the sober exercise of induction." (Michael Faraday, "The Subject Matter of a Course of Six Lectures on the Non-Metallic Elements", 1853)

"The principle of deduction is, that things which agree with the same thing agree with one another. The principle of induction is, that in the same circumstances and in the same substances, from the same causes the same effects will follow. The mathematical and metaphysical sciences are founded on deduction; the physical sciences rest on induction." (William Fleming, "A vocabulary of the philosophical sciences", 1857)

"The distinction of Fact and Theory is only relative. Events and phenomena, considered as particulars which may be colligated by Induction, are Facts; considered as generalities already obtained by colligation of other Facts, they are Theories." (William Whewell, "The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Founded Upon Their History" Vol. 2, 1858)

"It is possible to express the laws of thermodynamics in the form of independent principles, deduced by induction from the facts of observation and experiment, without reference to any hypothesis as to the occult molecular operations with which the sensible phenomena may be conceived to be connected; and that course will be followed in the body of the present treatise. But, in giving a brief historical sketch of the progress of thermodynamics, the progress of the hypothesis of thermic molecular motions cannot be wholly separated from that of the purely inductive theory." (William J M Rankine, "A Manual of the Steam Engine and Other Prime Movers", 1859)

"And first, it is necessary to distinguish from true inductions, certain operations which are often improperly called by that name. A true induction is a process of inference - it proceeds from the known to the  unknown; and whenever any operation contains no inference, it is not  really an induction. And yet most of the examples given in the common  works on logic, as examples of induction, are of this character." (George R Drysdale, "Logic and Utility: The tests of truth and falsehood, and of right and wrong", 1866)

"Induction and analogy are the special characteristics of modern mathematics, in which theorems have given place to theories and no truth is regarded otherwise than as a link in an infinite chain." (James J Sylvester, "A Plea for the Mathematician", Nature Vol. 1, 1870)

"[Mathematics] is that [subject] which knows nothing of observation, nothing of experiment, nothing of induction, nothing of causation." (Thomas H Huxley, "Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews", 1870)

"The Mathematician deals with two properties of objects only, number and extension, and all the inductions he wants have been formed and finished ages ago. He is now occupied with nothing but deductions and verification." (Thomas H Huxley, "Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews", 1870)

"An inductive science of nature presupposes a science of induction, and a science of induction presupposes a science of man." (Noah Porter, "The Sciences of Nature Versus the Science of Man", 1871)

"It is difficult, however, for the mind which has once recognised the analogy between the phenomena of self-induction and those of the motion of material bodies, to abandon altogether the help of this analogy, or to admit that it is entirely superficial and misleading. The fundamental dynamical idea of matter, as capable by its motion of becoming the recipient of momentum and of energy, is so interwoven with our forms of thought that, when ever we catch a glimpse of it in any part of nature, we feel that a path is before us leading, sooner or later, to the complete understanding of the subject." (James C Maxwell, "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" Vol. II, 1873)

"Experience gives us the materials of knowledge: induction digests those materials, and yields us general knowledge." (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

"I am convinced that it is impossible to expound the methods of induction in a sound manner, without resting them on the theory of probability. Perfect knowledge alone can give certainty, and in nature perfect knowledge would be infinite knowledge, which is clearly beyond our capacities. We have, therefore, to content ourselves with partial knowledge, - knowledge mingled with ignorance, producing doubt." (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

"Mathematics is a science of Observation, dealing with reals, precisely as all other sciences deal with reals. It would be easy to show that its Method is the same: that, like other sciences, having observed or discovered properties, which it classifies, generalises, co-ordinates and subordinates, it proceeds to extend discoveries by means of Hypothesis, Induction, Experiment and Deduction." (George H Lewes, "Problems of Life and Mind: The Method of Science and its Application", 1874)

"By induction we gain no certain knowledge; but by observation, and the inverse use of deductive reasoning, we estimate the probability that an event which has occurred was preceded by conditions of specified character, or that such conditions will be followed by the event. [...] I have no objection to use the words cause and causation, provided they are never allowed to lead us to imagine that our knowledge of nature can attain to certainty. [...] We can never recur too often to the truth that our knowledge of the laws and future events of the external world are only probable." (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

"Our ultimate object in induction must be to obtain the complete relation between the conditions and the effect, but this relation will generally be so complex that we can only attack it in detail." (William S Jevons, "The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method", 1874)

On Induction (-1849)

"The only possible way to conceive universal is by induction, since we come to know abstractions by induction. But unless we have sense experience, we cannot make inductions. Even though sense perception relates to particular things, scientific knowledge concerning such can only be constructed by the successive steps of sense perception, induction, and formulation of universals." (Aristotle, "Posterior Analytics", cca. 350 BC)

"The Syllogism consists of propositions, propositions consist of words, words are symbols of notions. Therefore if the notions themselves (which is the root of the matter) are confused and over-hastily abstracted from the facts, there can be no firmness in the superstructure. Our only hope therefore lies in a true induction." (Francis Bacon, "The New Organon", 1620)

"In experimental philosophy, propositions gathered from phenomena by induction should be considered either exactly or very nearly true notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses, until yet other phenomena make such propositions either more exact or liable to exceptions." (Isaac Newton, "The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", 1687)

"As in Mathematics, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition. This Analysis consists in making Experiments and Observations, and in drawing general Conclusions from them by Induction, and admitting of no Objections against the Conclusions but such as are taken from Experiments, or other certain Truths." (Sir Isaac Newton, "Opticks", 1704)

"It is often in our Power to obtain an Analogy where we cannot have an Induction." (David Hartley, "Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations", 1749)

"Especially when we investigate the general laws of Nature, induction has very great power; & there is scarcely any other method beside it for the discovery of these laws. By its assistance, even the ancient philosophers attributed to all bodies extension, figurability, mobility, & impenetrability; & to these properties, by the use of the same method of reasoning, most of the later philosophers add inertia & universal gravitation. Now, induction should take account of every single case that can possibly happen, before it can have the force of demonstration; such induction as this has no place in establishing the laws of Nature. But use is made of an induction of a less rigorous type ; in order that this kind of induction may be employed, it must be of such a nature that in all those cases particularly, which can be examined in a manner that is bound to lead to a definite conclusion as to whether or no the law in question is followed, in all of them the same result is arrived at; & that these cases are not merely a few. Moreover, in the other cases, if those which at first sight appeared to be contradictory, on further & more accurate investigation, can all of them be made to agree with the law; although, whether they can be made to agree in this way better than in any Other whatever, it is impossible to know directly anyhow. If such conditions obtain, then it must be considered that the induction is adapted to establishing the law." (Roger J Boscovich, "De Lege Continuitatis" ["On the law of continuity"], 1754)

"A discovery in mathematics, or a successful induction of facts, when once completed, cannot be too soon given to the world. But […] an hypothesis is a work of fancy, useless in science, and fit only for the amusement of a vacant hour." (Henry Brougham, Edinburgh Review 1, 1803)

"The most important questions of life are, for the most part, really only problems of probability. Strictly speaking one may even say that nearly all our knowledge is problematical; and in the small number of things which we are able to know with certainty, even in the mathematical sciences themselves, induction and analogy, the principal means for discovering truth, are based on probabilities, so that the entire system of human knowledge is connected with this theory." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "Theorie Analytique des Probabilités", 1812)

"Analysis and natural philosophy owe their most important discoveries to this fruitful means, which is called induction. Newton was indebted to it for his theorem of the binomial and the principle of universal gravity." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "Philosophical Essay on Probabilities”, 1814)

"Induction, analogy, hypotheses founded upon facts and rectified continually by new observations, a happy tact given by nature and strengthened by numerous comparisons of its indications with experience, such are the principal means for arriving at truth." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities", 1814)

"One may even say, strictly speaking, that almost all our knowledge is only probable; and in the small number of things that we are able to know with certainty, in the mathematical sciences themselves, the principal means of arriving at the truth - induction and analogy - are based on probabilities, so that the whole system of human knowledge is tied up with the theory set out in this essay." (Pierre-Simon Laplace, "Philosophical Essay on Probabilities", 1814)

"It is characteristic of higher arithmetic that many of its most beautiful theorems can be discovered by induction with the greatest of ease but have proofs that lie anywhere but near at hand and are often found only after many fruitless investigations with the aid of deep analysis and lucky combinations." (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1817)

"Such is the tendency of the human mind to speculation, that on the least idea of an analogy between a few phenomena, it leaps forward, as it were, to a cause or law, to the temporary neglect of all the rest; so that, in fact, almost all our principal inductions must be regarded as a series of ascents and descents, and of conclusions from a few cases, verified by trial on many." (Sir John Herschel, "A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy" , 1830)

"We have here spoken of the prediction of facts of the same kind as those from which our rule was collected. But the evidence in favour of our induction is of a much higher and more forcible character when it enables us to explain and determine cases of a kind different from those which were contemplated in the formation of our hypothesis. The instances in which this has occurred, indeed, impress us with a conviction that the truth of our hypothesis is certain. No accident could give rise to such an extraordinary coincidence. No false supposition could, after being adjusted to one class of phenomena, so exactly represent a different class, when the agreement was unforeseen and contemplated. That rules springing from remote and unconnected quarters should thus leap to the same point, can only arise from that being where truth resides." (William Whewell, "The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences" Vol. 2, 1840)

"There is in every step of an arithmetical or algebraical calculation a real induction, a real inference from facts to facts, and what disguises the induction is simply its comprehensive nature, and the consequent extreme generality of its language." (John S Mill, "A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive", 1843)

"The Higher Arithmetic presents us with an inexhaustible storehouse of interesting truths - of truths, too, which are not isolated but stand in the closest relation to one another, and between which, with each successive advance of the science, we continually discover new and sometimes wholly unexpected points of contact. A great part of the theories of Arithmetic derive an additional charm from the peculiarity that we easily arrive by induction at important propositions which have the stamp of simplicity upon them but the demonstration of which lies so deep as not to be discovered until after many fruitless efforts; and even then it is obtained by some tedious and artificial process while the simpler methods of proof long remain hidden from us." (Carl F Gauss, [introduction to Gotthold Eisenstein’s "Mathematische Abhandlungen"] 1847)

26 May 2021

On Randomness XXI (Statistical Tools I)

"If you take a pack of cards as it comes from the maker and shuffle it for a few minutes, all trace of the original systematic order disappears. The order will never come back however long you shuffle. Something has been done which cannot be undone, namely, the introduction of a random element in place of the arrangement." (Sir Arthur S Eddington, "The Nature of the Physical World", 1928)

"We must emphasize that such terms as 'select at random', 'choose at random', and the like, always mean that some mechanical device, such as coins, cards, dice, or tables of random numbers, is used." (Frederick Mosteller et al, "Principles of Sampling", Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 49 (265), 1954)

"It is seen that continued shuffling may reasonably be expected to produce perfect 'randomness' and to eliminate all traces of the original order. It should be noted, however, that the number of operations required for this purpose is extremely large."  (William Feller, "An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its Applications", 1950)

"The urn model is to be the expression of three postulates: (1) the constancy of a probability distribution, ensured by the solidity of the vessel, (2) the random-character of the choice, ensured by the narrowness of the mouth, which is to prevent visibility of the contents and any consciously selective choice, (3) the independence of successive choices, whenever the drawn balls are put back into the urn. Of course in abstract probability and statistics the word 'choice' can be avoided and all can be done without any reference to such a model. But as soon as the abstract theory is to be applied, random choice plays an essential role." (Hans Freudenthal, "The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences", 1961)

"Sequences of random numbers also inevitably display certain regularities. […] The trouble is, just as no real die, coin, or roulette wheel is ever likely to be perfectly fair, no numerical recipe produces truly random numbers. The mere existence of a formula suggests some sort of predictability or pattern." (Ivars Peterson, "The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari", 1998)

"Indeed a deterministic die behaves very much as if it has six attractors, the steady states corresponding to its six faces, all of whose basins are intertwined. For technical reasons that can't quite be true, but it is true that deterministic systems with intertwined basins are wonderful substitutes for dice; in fact they're super-dice, behaving even more ‘randomly’ - apparently - than ordinary dice. Super-dice are so chaotic that they are uncomputable. Even if you know the equations for the system perfectly, then given an initial state, you cannot calculate which attractor it will end up on. The tiniest error of approximation – and there will always be such an error - will change the answer completely." (Ian Stewart, "Does God Play Dice: The New Mathematics of Chaos", 2002)

"It's a bit like having a theory about coins that move in space, but only being able to measure their state by interrupting them with a table. We hypothesize that the coin may be able to revolve in space, a state that is neither ‘heads’ nor ‘tails’ but a kind of mixture. Our experimental proof is that when you stick a table in, you get heads half the time and tails the other half - randomly. This is by no means a perfect analogy with standard quantum theory - a revolving coin is not exactly in a superposition of heads and tails - but it captures some of the flavour." (Ian Stewart, "Does God Play Dice: The New Mathematics of Chaos", 2002)

"Randomness is a difficult notion for people to accept. When events come in clusters and streaks, people look for explanations and patterns. They refuse to believe that such patterns - which frequently occur in random data - could equally well be derived from tossing a coin. So it is in the stock market as well." (Didier Sornette, "Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical events in complex financial systems", 2003)

"[…] we would like to observe that the butterfly effect lies at the root of many events which we call random. The final result of throwing a dice depends on the position of the hand throwing it, on the air resistance, on the base that the die falls on, and on many other factors. The result appears random because we are not able to take into account all of these factors with sufficient accuracy. Even the tiniest bump on the table and the most imperceptible move of the wrist affect the position in which the die finally lands. It would be reasonable to assume that chaos lies at the root of all random phenomena." (Iwo Bialynicki-Birula & Iwona Bialynicka-Birula, "Modeling Reality: How Computers Mirror Life", 2004)

"There is no such thing as randomness. No one who could detect every force operating on a pair of dice would ever play dice games, because there would never be any doubt about the outcome. The randomness, such as it is, applies to our ignorance of the possible outcomes. It doesn’t apply to the outcomes themselves. They are 100% determined and are not random in the slightest. Scientists have become so confused by this that they now imagine that things really do happen randomly, i.e. for no reason at all." (Thomas Stark, "God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics", 2018)

On Randomness XIX (Chaos II)

"The chaos theory will require scientists in all fields to, develop sophisticated mathematical skills, so that they will be able to better recognize the meanings of results. Mathematics has expanded the field of fractals to help describe and explain the shapeless, asymmetrical find randomness of the natural environment." (Theoni Pappas, "More Joy of Mathematics: Exploring mathematical insights & concepts", 1991)

"Chaos demonstrates that deterministic causes can have random effects […] There's a similar surprise regarding symmetry: symmetric causes can have asymmetric effects. […] This paradox, that symmetry can get lost between cause and effect, is called symmetry-breaking. […] From the smallest scales to the largest, many of nature's patterns are a result of broken symmetry; […]" (Ian Stewart & Martin Golubitsky, "Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?", 1992)

"Systems, acting dynamically, produce (and incidentally, reproduce) their own boundaries, as structures which are complementary (necessarily so) to their motion and dynamics. They are liable, for all that, to instabilities chaos, as commonly interpreted of chaotic form, where nowadays, is remote from the random. Chaos is a peculiar situation in which the trajectories of a system, taken in the traditional sense, fail to converge as they approach their limit cycles or 'attractors' or 'equilibria'. Instead, they diverge, due to an increase, of indefinite magnitude, in amplification or gain.(Gordon Pask, "Different Kinds of Cybernetics", 1992)

"Often, we use the word random loosely to describe something that is disordered, irregular, patternless, or unpredictable. We link it with chance, probability, luck, and coincidence. However, when we examine what we mean by random in various contexts, ambiguities and uncertainties inevitably arise. Tackling the subtleties of randomness allows us to go to the root of what we can understand of the universe we inhabit and helps us to define the limits of what we can know with certainty." (Ivars Peterson, "The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari", 1998)

"Randomness, chaos, uncertainty, and chance are all a part of our lives. They reside at the ill-defined boundaries between what we know, what we can know, and what is beyond our knowing. They make life interesting." (Ivars Peterson, "The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari", 1998)

"There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself. What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can't decipher. what we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish. There is no free will. There are no variables." (Chuck Palahniuk, "Survivor", 1999)

"Heat is the energy of random chaotic motion, and entropy is the amount of hidden microscopic information." (Leonard Susskind, "The Black Hole War", 2008)

"Chaos is impatient. It's random. And above all it's selfish. It tears down everything just for the sake of change, feeding on itself in constant hunger. But Chaos can also be appealing. It tempts you to believe that nothing matters except what you want." (Rick Riordan, "The Throne of Fire", 2011)

"A system in which a few things interacting produce tremendously divergent behavior; deterministic chaos; it looks random but its not." (Chris Langton)

On Randomness XXVII (Patterns)

"To the untrained eye, randomness appears as regularity or tendency to cluster." (William Feller, "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications", 1950) 

"Randomness is a difficult notion for people to accept. When events come in clusters and streaks, people look for explanations and patterns. They refuse to believe that such patterns - which frequently occur in random data - could equally well be derived from tossing a coin. So it is in the stock market as well." (Burton G Malkiel, "A Random Walk Down Wall Street", 1989)

"Often, we use the word random loosely to describe something that is disordered, irregular, patternless, or unpredictable. We link it with chance, probability, luck, and coincidence. However, when we examine what we mean by random in various contexts, ambiguities and uncertainties inevitably arise. Tackling the subtleties of randomness allows us to go to the root of what we can understand of the universe we inhabit and helps us to define the limits of what we can know with certainty." (Ivars Peterson, "The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari", 1998)

"Sequences of random numbers also inevitably display certain regularities. […] The trouble is, just as no real die, coin, or roulette wheel is ever likely to be perfectly fair, no numerical recipe produces truly random numbers. The mere existence of a formula suggests some sort of predictability or pattern." (Ivars Peterson, "The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari", 1998)

"There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself. What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can't decipher. what we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish. There is no free will. There are no variables." (Chuck Palahniuk, "Survivor", 1999)

"Why is the human need to be in control relevant to a discussion of random patterns? Because if events are random, we are not in control, and if we are in control of events, they are not random. There is therefore a fundamental clash between our need to feel we are in control and our ability to recognize randomness. That clash is one of the principal reasons we misinterpret random events."  (Leonard Mlodinow, "The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives", 2008)

"Randomness might be defined in terms of order - its absence, that is. […] Everything we care about lies somewhere in the middle, where pattern and randomness interlace." (James Gleick, "The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood", 2011)

"Remember that even random coin flips can yield striking, even stunning, patterns that mean nothing at all. When someone shows you a pattern, no matter how impressive the person’s credentials, consider the possibility that the pattern is just a coincidence. Ask why, not what. No matter what the pattern, the question is: Why should we expect to find this pattern?" (Gary Smith, "Standard Deviations", 2014)

"We are hardwired to make sense of the world around us - to notice patterns and invent theories to explain these patterns. We underestimate how easily pat - terns can be created by inexplicable random events - by good luck and bad luck." (Gary Smith, "Standard Deviations", 2014)

25 May 2021

On Structure: Structure in Mathematics I

"The first step, whenever a practical problem is set before a mathematician, is to form the mathematical hypothesis. It is neither needful nor practical that we should take account of the details of the structure as it will exist. We have to reason about a skeleton diagram in which bearings are reduced to points, pieces to lines, etc. and [in] which it is supposed that certain relations between motions are absolutely constrained, irrespective of forces." (Charles S Peirce, "Report on Live Loads", cca. 1895)

"For thought raised on specialization the most potent objection to the possibility of a universal organizational science is precisely its universality. Is it ever possible that the same laws be applicable to the combination of astronomic worlds and those of biological cells, of living people and the waves of the ether, of scientific ideas and quanta of energy? [...] Mathematics provide a resolute and irrefutable answer: yes, it is undoubtedly possible, for such is indeed the case. Two and two homogenous separate elements amount to four such elements, be they astronomic systems or mental images, electrons or workers; numerical structures are indifferent to any element, there is no place here for specificity." (Alexander Bogdanov, "Tektology: The Universal Organizational Science" Vol. I, 1913)

"Once a statement is cast into mathematical form it may be manipulated in accordance with [mathematical] rules and every configuration of the symbols will represent facts in harmony with and dependent on those contained in the original statement. Now this comes very close to what we conceive the action of the brain structures to be in performing intellectual acts with the symbols of ordinary language. In a sense, therefore, the mathematician has been able to perfect a device through which a part of the labor of logical thought is carried on outside the central nervous system with only that supervision which is requisite to manipulate the symbols in accordance with the rules." (Horatio B Williams, "Mathematics and the Biological Sciences", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 38, 1927)

"Physics is the attempt at the conceptual construction of a model of the real world and its lawful structure." (Albert Einstein, [letter to Moritz Schlick] 1931)

"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." (Nikola Tesla, "Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World", Modern Mechanics and Inventions, 1934)

"Men of science belong to two different types - the logical and the intuitive. Science owes its progress to both forms of minds. Mathematics, although a purely logical structure, nevertheless makes use of intuition. " (Alexis Carrel, "Man the Unknown", 1935)

"Statistics is a scientific discipline concerned with collection, analysis, and interpretation of data obtained from observation or experiment. The subject has a coherent structure based on the theory of Probability and includes many different procedures which contribute to research and development throughout the whole of Science and Technology." (Egon Pearson, 1936)

On Numbers: e (Exponential)

"In contrast to the irrational numbers, whose discovery arose from a mundane problem in geometry, the first transcendental numbers were created specifically for the purpose of demonstrating that such numbers exist; in a sense they were 'artificial' numbers. But once this goal was achieved, attention turned to some more commonplace numbers, specifically π and e." (Eli Maor, "e: The Story of a Number", 1994)

"Why did he [Euler] choose the letter e? There is no consensus. According to one view, Euler chose it because it is the first letter of the word exponential. More likely, the choice came to him naturally, since the letters a, b, c, and d frequently appeared elsewhere in mathematics. It seems unlikely that Euler chose the letter because it is the initial of his own name, as occasionally has been suggested. He was an extremely modest man and often delayed publication of his own work so that a colleague or student of his would get due credit. In any event, his choice of the symbol e, like so many other symbols of his, became universally accepted." (Eli Maor, "e: The Story of a Number", 1994)

"The equation e^πi+1 = 0 is true only by virtue of a large number of profound connections across many fields. It is true because of what it means! And it means what it means because of all those metaphors and blends in the conceptual system of a mathematician who understands what it means. To show why such an equation is true for conceptual reasons is to give what we have called an idea analysis of the equation." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"The equation e^πi =-1 says that the function w= e^z, when applied to the complex number πi as input, yields the real number -1 as the output, the value of w. In the complex plane, πi is the point [0,π) - π on the i-axis. The function w=e^z maps that point, which is in the z-plane, onto the point (-1, 0) - that is, -1 on the x-axis-in the w-plane. […] But its meaning is not given by the values computed for the function w=e^z. Its meaning is conceptual, not numerical. The importance of  e^πi =-1 lies in what it tells us about how various branches of mathematics are related to one another - how algebra is related to geometry, geometry to trigonometry, calculus to trigonometry, and how the arithmetic of complex numbers relates to all of them." (George Lakoff & Rafael E Nuñez, "Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being", 2000)

"I think e^iπ+1=0 is beautiful because it is true even in the face of enormous potential constraint. The equality is precise; the left-hand side is not 'almost' or 'pretty near' or 'just about' zero, but exactly zero. That five numbers, each with vastly different origins, and each with roles in mathematics that cannot be exaggerated, should be connected by such a simple relationship, is just stunning. It is beautiful. And unlike the physics or chemistry or engineering of today, which will almost surely appear archaic to technicians of the far future, Euler's formula will still appear, to the arbitrarily advanced mathematicians ten thousand years hence, to be beautiful and stunning and untarnished by time." (Paul J Nahin, "Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills", 2006)

"At first glance, the number e, known in mathematics as Euler’s number, doesn’t seem like much. It’s about 2.7, a quantity of such modest size that it invites contempt in our age of wretched excess and relentless hype." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"But e is not to be trifled with. It’s one of math’s most versatile superheroes. To begin with, it’s uniquely valuable for mathematically representing growth or shrinkage. That alone makes it a standout. In fact, e’s usefulness for dealing with problems related to the growth of savings via compound interest is what brought about its discovery in the 1600s." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"But e’s greatest claim to fame is that when dressed up with a variable exponent,* it becomes a very special function. (See box.) This function is usually written as ex, that is e raised to the x power." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"But here’s a curious thing about modest little e that sets it apart from bombastic numbers that end in scads of zeros: no matter how long you allow the computer to crank away with ever larger numbers for n, you’ll never be able to calculate its exact numerical value. That’s because the digits to the right of e’s decimal point go on forever in a random pattern - Euler actually established this in 1737. In other words, e effectively encapsulates the infinite." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"Clearly e is different from child-safe numbers such as four or 10, which wouldn’t dream of inducing sudden loss of cranial integrity. But this wantonness isn’t peculiar to e. In fact, the number line is chock full of numbers, like e, whose decimal representations are effectively infinite. They’re called irrational numbers." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"[…] the equation’s five seemingly unrelated numbers (e, i, π, 1, and 0) fit neatly together in the formula like contiguous puzzle pieces. One might think that a cosmic carpenter had jig-sawed them one day and mischievously left them conjoined on Euler’s desk as a tantalizing hint of the unfathomable connectedness of things." (David Stipp, "A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics", 2017)

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." (Albert A Bartlett)

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Robert M Pirsig - Collected Quotes

"An experiment is a failure only when it also fails adequately to test the hypothesis in question, when the data it produces don't prove anything one way or the other." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Laws of nature are human inventions, like ghosts. Laws of logic, or mathematics are also human inventions, like ghosts. The whole blessed thing is a human invention, including the idea that it isn't a human invention." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Quality is a direct experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Technology presumes there's just one right way to do things and there never is." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"The number of rational hypotheses that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite." (Robert M. Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"The solutions all are simple - after you have arrived at them. But they're simple only when you know already what they are."(Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"The world comes to us in an endless stream of puzzle pieces that we would like to think all fit together somehow, but that in fact never do."(Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Traditional scientific method has always been at the very best 20-20 hindsight. It's good for seeing where you've been. It's good for testing the truth of what you think you know, but it can't tell you where you ought to go." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"When analytic thought, the knife, is applied to experience, something is always killed in the process." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Within a Metaphysics of Quality, science is a set of static intellectual patterns describing this reality, but the patterns are not the reality they describe." (Robert M Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", 1974)

"Data without generalization is just gossip." (Robert M Pirsig, "Lila: An Inquiry into Morals", 1991)

24 May 2021

On Fuzzy Logic IV

"Fuzzy systems are excellent tools for representing heuristic, commonsense rules. Fuzzy inference methods apply these rules to data and infer a solution. Neural networks are very efficient at learning heuristics from data. They are 'good problem solvers' when past data are available. Both fuzzy systems and neural networks are universal approximators in a sense, that is, for a given continuous objective function there will be a fuzzy system and a neural network which approximate it to any degree of accuracy." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"Fuzzy set theory [...] is primarily concerned with quantifying and reasoning using natural language in which words can have ambiguous meanings. It is widely used in a variety of fields because of its simplicity and similarity to human reasoning." (Tzung-Pei Hong et al, "Genetic-Fuzzy Data Mining Techniques", 2009)

"Fuzzy systems are rule-based expert systems based on fuzzy rules and fuzzy inference. Fuzzy rules represent in a straightforward way 'commonsense' knowledge and skills, or knowledge that is subjective, ambiguous, vague, or contradictory." (Nikola K Kasabov, "Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowledge Engineering", 1996)

"A concept which has a position of centrality in fuzzy logic is that of a fuzzy set. Informally, a fuzzy set is a class with a fuzzy boundary, implying a gradual transition from membership to nonmembership. A fuzzy set is precisiated through graduation, that is, through association with a scale of grades of membership. Thus, membership in a fuzzy set is a matter of degree. Importantly, in fuzzy logic everything is or is allowed to be graduated, that is, be a matter of degree. Furthermore, in fuzzy logic everything is or is allowed to be granulated, with a granule being a clump of attribute-values drawn together by indistinguishability, equivalence, similarity, proximity or functionality. Graduation and granulation form the core of fuzzy logic. Graduated granulation is the basis for the concept of a linguistic variable – a variable whose values are words rather than numbers. The concept of a linguistic variable is employed in almost all applications of fuzzy logic." (Lofti A Zadeh, "Fuzzy Logic", 2009)

"[Fuzzy logic p]rovides formal means for the representation of, and inference based on imprecisely specified premises and rules of inference; can be understood in different ways, basically as fuzzy logic in a narrow sense, being some type of multivalued logic, and fuzzy logic in a broad sense, being a way to formalize inference based on imprecisely specified premises and rules of inference. (Janusz Kacprzyk, "Foundations of Fuzzy Sets Theory", 2009)

"Granular computing is a general computation theory for using granules such as subsets, classes, objects, clusters, and elements of a universe to build an efficient computational model for complex applications with huge amounts of data, information, and knowledge. Granulation of an object a leads to a collection of granules, with a granule being a clump of points (objects) drawn together by indiscernibility, similarity, proximity, or functionality. In human reasoning and concept formulation, the granules and the values of their attributes are fuzzy rather than crisp. In this perspective, fuzzy information granulation may be viewed as a mode of generalization, which can be applied to any concept, method, or theory." (Salvatore Greco et al, "Granular Computing and Data Mining for Ordered Data: The Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach", 2009)

"In essence, logic is concerned with formalization of reasoning. Correspondently, fuzzy logic is concerned with formalization of fuzzy reasoning, with the understanding that precise reasoning is a special case of fuzzy reasoning." (Lofti A Zadeh, "Fuzzy Logic", 2009)

"Science deals not with reality but with models of reality. In large measure, scientific progress is driven by a quest for better models of reality. In the real world, imprecision, uncertainty and complexity have a pervasive presence. In this setting, construction of better models of reality requires a better understanding of how to deal effectively with imprecision, uncertainty and complexity. To a significant degree, development of fuzzy logic has been, and continues to be, motivated by this need." (Lofti A Zadeh, "Fuzzy Logic", 2009)

"Unlike a conventional set, in a fuzzy set, a fuzzy membership function is used to define the degree of an element belonging to the set. Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (Boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth as defined by membership functions. Fuzzy logic contributes to the machinery of granular computing." (Zhengxin Chen, "Philosophical Foundation for Granular Computing", 2009)

"Unlike the classic set theory where a set is represented as an indicator function to specify if an object belongs or not to it, a fuzzy set is an extension of a classic set where a subset is represented as a membership function to characterize the degree that an object belongs to it. The indicator function of a classic set takes value of 1 or 0, whereas the membership function of a fuzzy set takes value between 1 and 0." (Jianchao Han & Nick Cerone, Principles and Perspectives of Granular Computing, 2009) 

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