02 May 2022

On Form (1900-1924)

"Mathematicians do not study objects, but the relations between objects; to them it is a matter of indifference if these objects are replaced by others, provided that the relations do not change. Matter does not engage their attention, they are interested in form alone." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"To undertake the calculation of any probability, and even for that calculation to have any meaning at all, we must admit, as a point of departure, an hypothesis or convention which has always something arbitrary about it. In the choice of this convention we can be guided only by the principle of sufficient reason. Unfortunately, this principle is very vague and very elastic, and in the cursory examination we have just made we have seen it assume different forms. The form under which we meet it most often is the belief in continuity, a belief which it would be difficult to justify by apodeictic reasoning, but without which all science would be impossible. Finally, the problems to which the calculus of probabilities may be applied with profit are those in which the result is independent of the hypothesis made at the outset, provided only that this hypothesis satisfies the condition of continuity." (Henri Poincaré, "Science and Hypothesis", 1901)

"The new mathematics is a sort of supplement to language, affording a means of thought about form and quantity and a means of expression, more exact, compact, and ready than ordinary language. The great body of physical science, a great deal of the essential facts of financial science, and endless social and political problems are only accessible and only thinkable to those who have had a sound training in mathematical analysis, and the time may not be very remote when it will be understood that for complete initiation as an efficient citizen of the great complex world-wide States that are now developing, it is as necessary to be able to compute, to think in averages and maxima and minima, as it is now to be able to read and write." (Herbert G Wells,"Mankind in the Making", 1903)

"Consider, for instance, one of the white flakes that are obtained by salting a solution of soap. At a distance its contour may appear sharply defined, but as we draw nearer its sharpness disappears. The eye can no longer draw a tangent at any point. A line that at first sight would seem to be satisfactory appears on close scrutiny to be perpendicular or oblique. The use of a magnifying glass or microscope leaves us just as uncertain, for fresh irregularities appear every time we increase the magnification, and we never succeed in getting a sharp, smooth impression, as given, for example, by a steel ball. So, if we accept the latter as illustrating the classical form of continuity, our flake could just as logically suggest the more general notion of a continuous function without a derivative." (Jean-Baptiste Perrin, 1906)

 "By laying down the relativity postulate from the outset, sufficient means have been created for deducing henceforth the complete series of Laws of Mechanics from the principle of conservation of energy (and statements concerning the form of the energy) alone." (Hermann Minkowski, "The Fundamental Equations for Electromagnetic Processes in Moving Bodies", 1907)

"The beautiful has its place in mathematics as elsewhere. The prose of ordinary intercourse and of business correspondence might be held to be the most practical use to which language is put, but we should be poor indeed without the literature of imagination. Mathematics too has its triumphs of the Creative imagination, its beautiful theorems, its proofs and processes whose perfection of form has made them classic. He must be a 'practical' man who can see no poetry in mathematics." (Wiliam F White, "A Scrap-book of Elementary Mathematics: Notes, Recreations, Essays", 1908)

"The equations of Newton's mechanics exhibit a two-fold invariance. Their form remains unaltered, firstly, if we subject the underlying system of spatial coordinates to any arbitrary change of position ; secondly, if we change its state of motion, namely, by imparting to it any uniform translatory motion ; furthermore, the zero point of time is given no part to play. We are accustomed to look upon the axioms of geometry as finished with, when we feel ripe for the axioms of mechanics, and for that reason the two invariances are probably rarely mentioned in the same breath. Each of them by itself signifies, for the differential equations of mechanics, a certain group of transformations. The existence of the first group is looked upon as a fundamental characteristic of space. The second group is preferably treated with disdain, so that we with un-troubled minds may overcome the difficulty of never being able to decide, from physical phenomena, whether space, which is supposed to be stationary, may not be after all in a state of uniform translation. Thus the two groups, side by side, lead their lives entirely apart. Their utterly heterogeneous character may have discouraged any attempt to compound them. But it is precisely when they are compounded that the complete group, as a whole, gives us to think." (Hermann Minkowski, "Space and Time", [Address to the 80th Assembly of German Natural Scientists and Physicians] 1908)

"The fact is that the beautiful, humanly speaking, is merely form considered in its simplest aspect, in its most perfect symmetry, in its most entire harmony with our make-up." (Victor Hugo, "Cromwell", 1909)

"Perhaps the least inadequate description of the general scope of modern Pure Mathematics - I will not call it a definition - would be to say that it deals with form, in a very general sense of the term; this would include algebraic form, functional relationship, the relations of order in any ordered set of entities such as numbers, and the analysis of the peculiarities of form of groups of operations." (Ernst W Hobson, Nature Vol. 84, [address] 1910)

"Science is reduction. Mathematics is its ideal, its form par excellence, for it is in mathematics that assimilation, identification, is most perfectly realized." (Émile Boutroux, "Natural law in Science and Philosophy", 1914)

"The concept of an independent system is a pure creation of the imagination. For no material system is or can ever be perfectly isolated from the rest of the world. Nevertheless it completes the mathematician’s ‘blank form of a universe’ without which his investigations are impossible. It enables him to introduce into his geometrical space, not only masses and configurations, but also physical structure and chemical composition." (Lawrence J Henderson, "The Order of Nature: An Essay", 1917)

"We rise from the conception of form to an understanding of the forces which gave rise to it [...] in the representation of form we see a diagram of forces in equilibrium, and in the comparison of kindred forms we discern the magnitude and the direction of the forces which have sufficed to convert the one form into the other." (D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, "On Growth and Form" Vol. 2, 1917)

"The conception of lines of force was introduced by Faraday to form a mental picture of the processes going on in the electric field. To him these lines were not mere mathematical abstractions. He ascribed to them properties that gave them a real physical significance." (Hendrik van der Bijl,"The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications", 1920)

"Philosophy in its old form could exist only in the absence of engineering, but with engineering in existence and daily more active and far reaching, the old verbalistic philosophy and metaphysics have lost their reason to exist. They were no more able to understand the ‘production’ of the universe and life than they are now able to understand or grapple with 'production' as a means to provide a happier existence for humanity. They failed because their venerated method of ‘speculation’ can not produce, and its place must be taken by mathematical thinking. Mathematical reasoning is displacing metaphysical reasoning. Engineering is driving verbalistic philosophy out of existence and humanity gains decidedly thereby." (Alfred Korzybski, "Manhood of Humanity", 1921)

"The story of scientific discovery has its own epic unity - a unity of purpose and endeavour - the single torch passing from hand to hand through the centuries; and the great moments of science when, after long labour, the pioneers saw their accumulated facts falling into a significant order - sometimes in the form of a law that revolutionised the whole world of thought - have an intense human interest, and belong essentially to the creative imagination of poetry." (Alfred Noyes, "Watchers of the Sky", 1922)

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