23 February 2020

On Complex Numbers IX

"That this subject [imaginary numbers] has hitherto been surrounded by mysterious obscurity, is to be attributed largely to an ill adapted notation. If we call +1, -1, and √-1 had been called direct, inverse and lateral units, instead of positive, negative, and imaginary (or impossible) units, such an obscurity would have been out of the question." (Carl F Gauss, “Theoria residuorum biquadraticum. Commentatio secunda", Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen 23 (4), 1831)

"The employment of the uninterpretable symbol √-1 the intermediate processes of trigonometry furnishes an illustration of what has been said. I apprehend that there is no mode of explaining that application which does not covertly assume the very principle in question." (George Boole, "Laws of Thought", 1854)

"That such comparisons with non-arithmetic notions have furnished the immediate occasion for the extension of the number-concept may, in a general way, be granted (though this was certainly not the case in the introduction of complex numbers); but this surely is no sufficient ground for introducing these foreign notions into arithmetic, the science of numbers." (Richard Dedekind, "Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen", 1872)

"Judged by the only standards which are admissible in a pure doctrine of numbers i is imaginary in the same sense as the negative, the fraction, and the irrational, but in no other sense; all are alike mere symbols devised for the sake of representing the results of operations even when these results are not numbers (positive integers)." (Henry B Fine, "The Number-System of Algebra", 1890)

"The natural development of this work soon led the geometers in their studies to embrace imaginary as well as real values of the variable. The theory of Taylor series, that of elliptic functions, the vast field of Cauchy analysis, caused a burst of productivity derived from this generalization. It came to appear that, between two truths of the real domain, the easiest and shortest path quite often passes through the complex domain." (Paul Painlevé, "Analyse des travaux scientifiques", 1900) 

 "It has been written that the shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one." (Jacque Hadamard, "An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field", 1945)
[French: "On a pu écrire depuis que la voie la plus courte et la meilleure entre deux vérités du domaine réel passe souvent par le domaine imaginaire." (Jacques Hadamard, Essai sur la psychologie de l'invention dans le domaine mathématique, 1945)]

"If explaining minds seems harder than explaining songs, we should remember that sometimes enlarging problems makes them simpler! The theory of the roots of equations seemed hard for centuries within its little world of real numbers, but it suddenly seemed simple once Gauss exposed the larger world of so-called complex numbers. Similarly, music should make more sense once seen through listeners' minds." (Marvin Minsky, "Music, Mind, and Meaning", 1981)

"Imaginary numbers are not imaginary and the theory of complex numbers is no more complex than the theory of real numbers." (Mordechai Ben-Ari, "Just a Theory: Exploring the Nature of Science", 2005)

"Complex numbers seem to be fundamental for the description of the world proposed by quantum mechanics. In principle, this can be a source of puzzlement: Why do we need such abstract entities to describe real things? One way to refute this bewilderment is to stress that what we can measure is essentially real, so complex numbers are not directly related to observable quantities. A more philosophical argument is to say that real numbers are no less abstract than complex ones, the actual question is why mathematics is so effective for the description of the physical world." (Ricardo Karam, "Why are complex numbers needed in quantum mechanics? Some answers for the introductory level", American Journal of Physics Vol. 88 (1), 2020)

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