13 February 2020

On Equilibrium (1940-1949)

"One may generalize upon these processes in terms of group equilibrium. The group may be said to be in equilibrium when the interactions of its members fall into the customary pattern through which group activities are and have been organized. The pattern of interactions may undergo certain modifications without upsetting the group equilibrium, but abrupt and drastic changes destroy the equilibrium." (William F Whyte, "Street Corner Society", 1943)

"How would we express in terms of the statistical theory the marvelous faculty of a living organism, by which it delays the decay into thermodynamical equilibrium (death)? [...] the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness […] really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment." (Erwin Schrödinger, "What Is Life?", 1944)

"A well ordered society would be one where the State only had a negative action, comparable to that of a rudder: a light pressure at the right moment to counteract the first suggestion of any loss of equilibrium." (Simone Weil, "Gravity and Grace", 1947)

"The behavior of two individuals, consisting of effort which results in output, is considered to be determined by a satisfaction function which depends on remuneration (receiving part of the output) and on the effort expended. The total output of the two individuals is not additive, that is, together they produce in general more than separately. Each individual behaves in a way which he considers will maximize his satisfaction function. Conditions are deduced for a certain relative equilibrium and for the stability of this equilibrium, i.e., conditions under which it will not pay the individual to decrease his efforts. In the absence of such conditions ‘exploitation’ occurs which may or may not lead to total parasitism." (Anatol Rapoport, "Mathematical theory of motivation interactions of two individuals," The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 9, 1947)

"The general method involved may be very simply stated. In cases where the equilibrium values of our variables can be regarded as the solutions of an extremum (maximum or minimum) problem, it is often possible regardless of the number of variables involved to determine unambiguously the qualitative behavior of our solution values in respect to changes of parameters." (Paul Samuelson, "Foundations of Economic Analysis", 1947)

"The study of the conditions for change begins appropriately with an analysis of the conditions for no change, that is, for the state of equilibrium." (Kurt Lewin, "Quasi-Stationary Social Equilibria and the Problem of Permanent Change", 1947)

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