31 January 2021

Ernst W Hobson - Collected Quotes

"A great department of thought must have its own inner life, however transcendent may be the importance of its relations to the outside. No department of science, least of all one requiring so high a degree of mental concentration as Mathematics, can be developed entirely, or even mainly, with a view to applications outside its own range. The increased complexity and specialisation of all branches of knowledge makes it true in the present, however it may have been in former times, that important advances in such a department as Mathematics can be expected only from men who are interested in the subject for its own sake, and who, whilst keeping an open mind for suggestions from outside, allow their thought to range freely in those lines of advance which are indicated by the present state of their subject, untrammelled by any preoccupation as to  applications to other departments of science." (Ernst W Hobson, Nature Vol. 84, [address] 1910)

"Much of the skill of the true mathematical physicist and of the mathematical astronomer consists in the power of adapting methods and results carried out on an exact mathematical basis to obtain approximations sufficient for the purposes of physical measurements." (Ernst W Hobson, Nature Vol. 84, [address] 1910)

"Perhaps the least inadequate description of the general scope of modern Pure Mathematics - I will not call it a definition - would be to say that it deals with form, in a very general sense of the term; this would include algebraic form, functional relationship, the relations of order in any ordered set of entities such as numbers, and the analysis of the peculiarities of form of groups of operations." (Ernst W Hobson, Nature Vol. 84, [address] 1910)

"Every Scientific Society still receives from time to time communications from the circle squarer and the trisector of angles, who often make amusing attempts to disguise the real character of their essays. The solutions propounded by such persons usually involve some misunderstanding as to the nature of the conditions under which the problems are to be solved, and ignore the difference between an approximate construction and the solution of the ideal problem." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the circle", 1913)

"On the other side of the subject, Geometry is an abstract rational Science which deals with the relations of objects that are no longer physical objects, although these ideal objects, points, straight lines, circles, &c., are called by the same names by which we denote their physical counterparts. At the base of this rational Science there lies a set of definitions and postulations which specify the nature of the relations between the ideal objects with which the Science deals. These postulations and definitions were suggested by our actual spatial perceptions, but they contain an element of absolute exactness which is wanting in the rough data provided by our senses. The objects of abstract Geometry possess in absolute precision properties which are only approximately realized in the corresponding objects of physical Geometry." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the circle", 1913)

"The number was first studied in respect of its rationality or irrationality, and it was shown to be really irrational. When the discovery was made of the fundamental distinction between algebraic and transcendental numbers, i. e. between those numbers which can be, and those numbers which cannot be, roots of an algebraical equation with rational coefficients, the question arose to which of these categories the number π belongs. It was finally established by a method which involved the use of some of the most modern of analytical investigation that the number π was transcendental. When this result was combined with the results of a critical investigation of the possibilities of a Euclidean determination, the inferences could be made that the number π, being transcendental, does not admit of a construction either by a Euclidean determination, or even by a determination in which the use of other algebraic curves besides the straight line and the circle are permitted." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the Circle", 1913)

"The popularity of the problem among non-Mathematicians may seem to require some explanation. No doubt, the fact of its comparative obviousness explains in part at least its popularity; unlike many Mathematical problems, its nature can in some sense be understood by anyone; although, as we shall presently see, the very terms in which it is usually stated tend to suggest an imperfect apprehension of its precise import. The accumulated celebrity which the problem attained, as one of proverbial difficulty, makes it an irresistible attraction to men with a certain kind of mentality. An exaggerated notion of the gain which would accrue to mankind by a solution of the problem has at various times been a factor in stimulating the efforts of men with more zeal than knowledge. The man of mystical tendencies has been attracted to the problem by a vague idea that its solution would, in some dimly discerned manner, prove a key to a knowledge of the inner connections of things far beyond those with which the problem is immediately connected." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the Circle", 1913)

"The solutions propounded by the circle squarer exhibit every grade of skill, varying from the most futile attempts, in which the writers shew an utter lack of power to reason correctly, up to approximate solutions the construction of which required much ingenuity on the part of their inventor. In some cases it requires an effort of sustained attention to find out the precise point ill the demonstration at which the error occurs, or in which an approximate determination is made to do duty for a theoretically exact one." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the circle", 1913)

"The objects of abstract Geometry possess in absolute precision properties which are only approximately realized in the corresponding objects of physical Geometry." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the Circle", 1913)

"We may be thinking out a chain of reasoning in abstract Geometry, but if we draw a figure, as we usually must do in order to fix our ideas and prevent our attention from wandering owing to the difficulty of keeping a long chain of syllogisms in our minds, it is excusable if we are apt to forget that we are not in reality reasoning about the objects in the figure, but about objects which ore their idealizations, and of which the objects in the figure are only an imperfect representation. Even if we only visualize, we see the images of more or less gross physical objects, in which various qualities irrelevant for our specific purpose are not entirely absent, and which are at best only approximate images of those objects about which we are reasoning." (Ernest W Hobson, "Squaring the Circle", 1913)

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