30 January 2021

N Lazare S Carnot - Collected Quotes

"Every negative quantity standing by itself is a mere creature of the mind and [...] those which are met with in calculations are only mere algebraical forms, incapable of representing any thing real and effective." (N Lazare S Carnot, "Geometrie de Position", 1803)

"Heat can evidently be a cause of motion only by virtue of the changes of volume or of form which it produces in bodies. These changes are not caused by uniform temperature but rather by alternations of heat and cold." (N Lazare S Carnot, "Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat and on Machines Fitted to Develop Power", 1824)

"In order to consider in the most general way the principle of the production of motion by heat, it must be considered independently of any mechanism or any particular agent. It is necessary to establish principles applicable not only to steam engines but to all imaginable heat-engines, whatever the working substance and whatever the method by which it is operated." (N Lazare S Carnot, "Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat and on Machines Fitted to Develop Power", 1824)

"Machines which do not receive their motion from heat [...] can be studied even to their smallest details by the mechanical theory. [...] A similar theory is evidently needed for heat-engines. We shall have it only when the laws of Physics shall be extended enough, generalized enough, to make known beforehand all of the effects of heat acting in a determined manner on any body." (N Lazare S Carnot, "Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat and on Machines Fitted to Develop Power", 1824) 

"The production of heat alone is not sufficient to give birth to the impelling powerː it is necessary that there should also be cold; without it the heat would be useless. And in fact, if we should find about us only bodies as hot as our furnaces. [...] What should we do with it if once produced? We should not presume that we might discharge it into the atmosphere [...] the atmosphere would not receive it. It does receive it under the actual condition of things only because.. it is at a lower temperature, otherwise it [...] would be already saturated."(N Lazare S Carnot, "Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat and on Machines Fitted to Develop Power", 1824)

"The production of motion in the steam engine always occurs in circumstances which it is necessary to recognize, namely when the equilibrium of caloric is restored, or (to express this differently) when caloric passes from the body at one temperature to another body at a lower temperature." (N Lazare S Carnot, "Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu et sur les Machines Propres a Développer cette Puissance", 1824)

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