28 January 2021

On Manifolds V (Geometry III)

"Whereas the conception of space and time as a four-dimensional manifold has been very fruitful for mathematical physicists, its effect in the field of epistemology has been only to confuse the issue. Calling time the fourth dimension gives it an air of mystery. One might think that time can now be conceived as a kind of space and try in vain to add visually a fourth dimension to the three dimensions of space. It is essential to guard against such a misunderstanding of mathematical concepts. If we add time to space as a fourth dimension it does not lose any of its peculiar character as time. [...] Musical tones can be ordered according to volume and pitch and are thus brought into a two dimensional manifold. Similarly colors can be determined by the three basic colors red, green and blue… Such an ordering does not change either tones or colors; it is merely a mathematical expression of something that we have known and visualized for a long time. Our schematization of time as a fourth dimension therefore does not imply any changes in the conception of time. [...] the space of visualization is only one of many possible forms that add content to the conceptual frame. We would therefore not call the representation of the tone manifold by a plane the visual representation of the two dimensional tone manifold." (Hans Reichenbach, "The Philosophy of Space and Time", 1928)

"The sequence of numbers which grows beyond any stage already reached by passing to the next number is a manifold of possibilities open towards infinity, it remains forever in the status of creation, but is not a closed realm of things existing in themselves. That we blindly converted one into the other is the true source of our difficulties […]" (Hermann Weyl, "Mathematics and Logic", 1946)

"The first attempts to consider the behavior of so-called 'random neural nets' in a systematic way have led to a series of problems concerned with relations between the 'structure' and the 'function' of such nets. The 'structure' of a random net is not a clearly defined topological manifold such as could be used to describe a circuit with explicitly given connections. In a random neural net, one does not speak of 'this' neuron synapsing on 'that' one, but rather in terms of tendencies and probabilities associated with points or regions in the net." (Anatol Rapoport, "Cycle distributions in random nets", The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 10(3), 1948)

"The main object of study in differential geometry is, at least for the moment, the differential manifolds, structures on the manifolds (Riemannian, complex, or other), and their admissible mappings. On a manifold the coordinates are valid only locally and do not have a geometric meaning themselves." (Shiing-Shen Chern, "Differential geometry, its past and its future", 1970)

"[...] a manifold is a set M on which 'nearness' is introduced (a topological space), and this nearness can be described at each point in M by using coordinates. It also requires that in an overlapping region, where two coordinate systems intersect, the coordinate transformation is given by differentiable transition functions." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"It is commonly said that the study of manifolds is, in general, the study of the generalization of the concept of surfaces. To some extent, this is true. However, defining it that way can lead to overshadowing by 'figures' such as geometrical surfaces." (Kenji Ueno & Toshikazu Sunada, "A Mathematical Gift, III: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra", Mathematical World Vol. 23, 1996)

"One could also question whether we are looking for a single overarching mathematical structure or a combination of different complementary points of view. Does a fundamental theory of Nature have a global definition, or do we have to work with a series of local definitions, like the charts and maps of a manifold, that describe physics in various 'duality frames'. At present string theory is very much formulated in the last kind of way." (Robbert Dijkgraaf, "Mathematical Structures", 2005)

"Quantum physics, in particular particle and string theory, has proven to be a remarkable fruitful source of inspiration for new topological invariants of knots and manifolds. With hindsight this should perhaps not come as a complete surprise. Roughly one can say that quantum theory takes a geometric object (a manifold, a knot, a map) and associates to it a (complex) number, that represents the probability amplitude for a certain physical process represented by the object." (Robbert Dijkgraaf, "Mathematical Structures", 2005)

"The primary aspects of the theory of complex manifolds are the geometric structure itself, its topological structure, coordinate systems, etc., and holomorphic functions and mappings and their properties. Algebraic geometry over the complex number field uses polynomial and rational functions of complex variables as the primary tools, but the underlying topological structures are similar to those that appear in complex manifold theory, and the nature of singularities in both the analytic and algebraic settings is also structurally very similar." (Raymond O Wells Jr, "Differential and Complex Geometry: Origins, Abstractions and Embeddings", 2017)

"Therefore one has taken everywhere the opposite road, and each time one encounters manifolds of several dimensions in geometry, as in the doctrine of definite integrals in the theory of imaginary quantities, one takes spatial intuition as an aid. It is well known how one gets thus a real overview over the subject and how only thus are precisely the essential points emphasized." (Bernhard Riemann)

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