20 June 2021

On Axioms (2010-2019)

"A proof in mathematics is a compelling argument that a proposition holds without exception; a disproof requires only the demonstration of an exception. A mathematical proof does not, in general, establish the empirical truth of whatever is proved. What it establishes is that whatever is proved - usually a theorem - follows logically from the givens, or axioms." (Raymond S Nickerson, "Mathematical Reasoning", 2010)

"Another feature of Bourbaki is that it rejects intuition of any kind. Bourbaki books tend not to contain explanations, examples, or heuristics. One of the main messages of the present book is that we record mathematics for posterity in a strictly rigorous, axiomatic fashion. This is the mathematician’s version of the reproducible experiment with control used by physicists and biologists and chemists. But we learn mathematics, we discover mathematics, we create mathematics using intuition and trial and error. We draw pictures. Certainly, we try things and twist things around and bend things to try to make them work. Unfortunately, Bourbaki does not teach any part of this latter process." (Steven G Krantz, "The Proof is in the Pudding: The Changing Nature of Mathematical Proof", 2010)

"Quantum theory may be formulated using Hilbert spaces over any of the three associative normed division algebras: the real numbers, the complex numbers and the quaternions. Indeed, these three choices appear naturally in a number of axiomatic approaches. However, there are internal problems with real or quaternionic quantum theory. Here we argue that these problems can be resolved if we treat real, complex and quaternionic quantum theory as part of a unified structure. Dyson called this structure the ‘three-fold way’ […] This three-fold classification sheds light on the physics of time reversal symmetry, and it already plays an important role in particle physics." (John C Baez, "Division Algebras and Quantum Theory", 2011)

"While mathematicians now recognize that there is some freedom in the choice of the axioms one uses, not any set of statements can serve as a set of axioms. In particular, every set of axioms must be logically consistent, which is another way of saying that it should not be possible to prove a particular statement simultaneously true and false using the given set of axioms. Also, axioms should always be logically independent - that is, no axiom should be a logical consequence of the others. A statement that is a logical consequence of some of the axioms is a theorem, not an axiom." (John Tabak, "Beyond Geometry: A new mathematics of space and form", 2011)

"Mathematics is so useful because physical scientists and engineers have the good sense to largely ignore the 'religious' fanaticism of professional mathematicians, and their insistence on so-called rigor, that in many cases is misplaced and hypocritical, since it is based on "axioms" that are completely fictional, i. e. those that involve the so-called infinity." (Doron Zeilberger, "Doron Zeilberger's 126th Opinion", 2012)

"System meaning is informed by the circumstances and factors that surround the system. The contextual axiom's propositions are those which bound the system by providing guidance that enables an investigator to understand the set of external circumstances or factors that enable or constrain a particular system. The contextual axiom has three principles: (1) holism, (2) darkness, and (3) complementarity." (Patrick Hester & Kevin Adams," Systemic Thinking: Fundamentals for Understanding Problems and Messes", 2014)

"Mathematicians usually think not in terms of concrete realizations but in terms of rules that are given axiomatically. Mathematics is the art of arguing with some chosen logic and some chosen axioms. As such, it is simply one of the oldest games with symbols and words." (Alfred S Posamentier & Bernd Thaller, "Numbers: Their tales, types, and treasures", 2015)

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